Bcom Summary of Units

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The courses offered for the Bachelor of Commerce are listed below and unless otherwise stated, each course is one unit. Each unit shall be equivalent to 35 lecture hours. 1ST YEAR Stage 1 CUU 100 C" 100 C%% 100 C'U 100 C%" 100 C" 101 C'U 101 Stage 2 CUU 101 C%% 101 C'U 10, C%" 101 C" 10, C" 103 C'" 100 Stage 3 C%% 10, C%% 103 C'" 101 C" 10. C" 105 C'U 103 C%" 10, CMS 1 ! 2N, YEAR Stage 1 C" ,00 C" ,01 C" ,0, C%" ,00 C'" ,00 C%% ,00 C%" ,01 BUSINESS CORE UNITS #nsurance and 1is! "ana&ement 2)erations 1esearch # Technolo&$ and #nnovation "ana&ement 2r&ani3ational Behaviour 'inancial "ana&ement #ntermediate %ccountin& ## Total 4ualit$ "ana&ement BUSINESS CORE UNITS Communication !ills #ntroduction to #nformation $stems #ntroduction to %ccountin& # Business tudies (rinci)les of "ana&ement "ana&ement "athematics # Business *aw # BUSINESS CORE UNITS +evelo)ment tudies and Ethics #ntroduction to %ccountin& ## #ntroduction to "icroeconomics (rinci)les of "ar!etin& "ana&ement "athematics ## Com)uter %))lications oftware #ntroduction to Ta-ation BUSINESS CORE UNITS #ntermediate %ccountin& # #ntroduction to Cost %ccountin& Business 'inance E/Commerce #ntroduction to Business tatistics #ntroduction to "acroeconomics 0uman 1esource "ana&ement Industria" Atta#$%ent&I '( )ee*s+ Prerequisite Unit Code

C%% 100 C" 101

C%%101 C%%10, C" 103

Prerequisite Unit Code Stage 2 C%" ,0, C'U ,00 C%" ,03 C" ,03 C" ,0. C" ,05 C" ,05 Stage 3 C%" ,0. C%" ,05 C%" ,05 C'" ,01 BUSINESS CORE UNITS #ntroduction to Business trate&$ Com)an$ *aw Behavioural cience 1esearch "ethodolo&$ #nformation $stems %nal$sis and +esi&n 'inance Com)uter (ac!a&es Career "ana&ement BUSINESS CORE UNITS trate&ic "ana&ement (ro6ect "ana&ement Entre)reneurshi) and mall Business "ana&ement 'inancial (lannin& and Control C'U 101 C%" ,00 C" 105 C" 103

C%" ,0,

C'" 101 C%% 103 C%% 101 C%%101 C'" ,01 C%% 101

A##ounting O-tion 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C%% ,01/% #ntroduction to "ana&ement %ccountin& C%% ,0,/% %dvanced %ccountin& # C%% ,03/% %uditin& # Finan#e O-tion 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C'" ,0,/' 'inancial "odellin& and 'orecastin& C'" ,03/' 'inancial tatement %nal$sis C'" ,0./' #nternational 'inance Mar*eting O-tion 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C%" ,07/" (ublic 1elations C%" ,08/" "ar!etin& Communication C" ,07/" "ar!etin& 1esearch /u%an Resour#e Manage%ent O-tion 0 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C%" ,09/0 Com)ensation "ana&ement C%" ,10/0 #ndustrial afet$ and 0ealth C%" ,11/0 Trainin& and +evelo)ment CAM 212 Industria" Atta#$%ent 0II '( )ee*s+

CUU 100 C%" 101 C%" 101

C%" 10, C%" 100

Prerequisite Unit Code 3R, YEAR Stage 1 A##ounting O-tion 0 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C%% 300/% %uditin& ## C'" 300 %dvanced Ta-ation C%% 301/% 'inancial %ccountin& Theor$ C'" 301/' +evelo)ment 'inance C%% 30,/% %dvanced %ccountin& ## C" 300 2)erations 1esearch ## C%% 303/% %dvanced "ana&ement %ccountin& Finan#e O-tion 0 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C'" 30,/' "onetar$ Theor$ and (olic$ C'" 303/' (ortfolio and #nvestment %nal$sis C" 301/' %dvanced Business tatistics C'" 300 %dvanced Ta-ation C'" 301/' +evelo)ment 'inance C" 300 2)erations 1esearch ## C'" 30./' Ban!in& *aw and (ractice Mar*eting O-tion 0 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C%" 300/" (romotions "ana&ement C%" 301/" #nternational "ar!etin& C%" 30,/" Business to Business mar!etin& C%" 303/" ales "ana&ement C%" 30./" Consumer Behaviour C" 300 2)erations 1esearch ## C%" 305/" E/mar!etin& /u%an Resour#e Manage%ent O-tion 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C%" 305/0 Counsellin& in the :or! (lace C%" 307/0 *abour Economics C%" 308/0 0uman 1esource (lannin& C%" 309/0 (ersonnel %dministration C%" 310/0 *abour *aws C" 300 2)erations 1esearch ## C%" 311/0 #ndustrial 1elations "ana&ement Stage 2

C%% ,03/% C'" 100 C'" 101 C%% ,0,/% C" ,01 C%% ,01/%

C'" ,00 C" 105 C'" 100 C'" 101 C" ,01 C%" ,08/" C%" 10 C%" 101 C%" 100 C" ,01

C" ,05 C%" 10, C" ,01

A##ounting O-tion 0 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C" 30,/% %ccountin& #nformation $stems C" 303/% Com)uter %uditin& C%% 305/% %uditin& and #nvesti&ation Theor$ C" 30. 1esearch (ro6ect / , units

C" ,0. C%% ,03/% C%% 300/%

Prerequisite Unit Code E1ECTI2ES C%% 30./% )ecialised %ccountin& Techniques C%% 305/% %dvanced Cost %ccountin& Finan#e Manage%ent O-tion 0 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C'" 310/' #ssues in 'inancial "ana&ement C'" 305/' Treasur$ "ana&ement C'" 309/' 'inancial #nstitutions and "ar!ets C" 30. 1esearch (ro6ect / , units E1ECTI2ES C'" 305/' 'inancial 1is! "ana&ement C'" 307/' (ublic ector 'inance Mar*eting Manage%ent O-tion 0 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C%" 31,/" "ar!etin& Channels C%" 313/" 1elationshi) "ar!etin& C%" 31./" ervice "ar!etin& C" 30. 1esearch (ro6ect / , units E1ECTI2ES C%" 315/" (ersonal ellin& C%" 315/" "erchandisin& and 1etail "ar!etin& /u%an Resour#e Manage%ent O-tion 's-e#ia"i.ation #ore units+ C" 305/0 #ndustrial (s$cholo&$ C" 305/0 #ndustrial (s$cholo&$ Testin& and %ssessment C%" 315/0 (erformance Based "ana&ement C" 30. 1esearch (ro6ect / , units E1ECTI2ES C%% ,0,/% C%% 103

C'" 301/'

C%" 103 C%" ,07/"

C%" ,08/"

C%" ,09/0

C%" 315/0 Contem)orar$ #ssues in 0uman 1esource "ana&ement C%" 317/0 *eadershi) and Team Buildin& 3e4 CUU C" C%% C%" C'U C'"

/ / / / / /

Common Under&raduate Units Commerce "ana&ement cience Commerce %ccountin& and %uditin& Commerce %dministration and "ar!etin& Commerce 'acult$ Units Commerce 'inance and "ana&ement

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