Isc Sample Create and Use Databases Using Access2010

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Create and Use Databases using

Access 2010
(with Windows 7)
Written by Annette Thompson
Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre


Design a database according to organisation requirements taking into consideration:

Efficient input of data

Consistent display of data information
Effective output of information (queries)
Reporting and presentation of information

Functions and Features


Number of tables
Table names
Field names
Field data types
Field descriptions
Field properties including:
o Size
o Format
o Default Values
o Validation Rules
o Required
o Indexing
o Lookup Lists and Tables
o Input Masks
Primary and Foreign Keys
Column width to display data


Enforce Referential Integrity

Compact and Repair

Set on Close


Create Forms using the Auto Form and the Wizard

Add data using Forms
Find data within Forms
Filter data

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010

Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre


Create Queries using the Wizard and in Design View

Use Query features including:
o Sorting
o Show or Hide field
Use Criteria including:
o Parameter/Prompt
o Equal to and Not Equal to expressions
o And and Or expressions
o Is Null and Blank expressions
o Calculated fields
o Calculate Totals
o Group By


Create Reports using the Auto Report and the Wizard

Review the data to ensure accuracy
Export to Word

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010

Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre

Table of Contents
Use the table of contents below to navigate within this document.
Press Up or Down Arrow to locate the required topic and then place the cursor within
the line of text and then press Enter to move directly to that topic. To return to the
Table of Contents, press Alt Left Arrow, (ZoomText users will need to pass through
by pressing Alt Pause).
Introduction............................................................................................................. 11
Assistive technology versions ............................................................................... 11
Before you start ..................................................................................................... 11
How to get the best from the training manual........................................................ 11
Files used in this Training Manual ......................................................................... 12
Files used in Review Exercises ............................................................................. 12
Conventions used in practical and review exercises ............................................. 12
Time to get started ................................................................................................ 13
Chapter 1. Database Design ............................................................................... 15
What is a Database ............................................................................................... 15
Computer Databases ............................................................................................ 15
Database Terminology .......................................................................................... 16
Database Design .................................................................................................. 18
Case Study: The Get Fit Recreation Centre .......................................................... 20
Use the Database Design Sheet ........................................................................... 24
Case Study: Sporting Life Store ............................................................................ 25
Quick List Keystrokes............................................................................................ 32
Chapter 2. Whats New in Microsoft Access 2010 ............................................ 33
Start Microsoft Access .......................................................................................... 33
Whats New in Microsoft Access 2010? ................................................................ 34
Maximise the View of the Access Window ............................................................ 38
File Format ............................................................................................................ 39
Retrieve Databases .............................................................................................. 39
Pin/UnPin Databases to the Recent List ............................................................... 39
Read Only Protected View .................................................................................... 40
Quick List Keystrokes............................................................................................ 41
Chapter 3. 2010 and Compatibility Mode ........................................................... 43
Features Available in Each Mode ......................................................................... 43
Convert a Database to Access 2010 Mode ........................................................... 44
Save 2010 Mode Databases to Pre 2010 Versions .............................................. 44
Quick List Keystrokes............................................................................................ 45
Chapter 4. Help in Windows and Access........................................................... 47
Help in Windows 7 ................................................................................................ 47
Help in Microsoft Access 2010 .............................................................................. 48
Get Help for Specific Features .............................................................................. 48
Quick List Keystrokes............................................................................................ 48
Chapter 5. Open and Explore an Existing Database ........................................ 49
Open an Existing Database .................................................................................. 49
Retrieve a Previously Opened Database .............................................................. 49
Screen Layout ....................................................................................................... 50
Navigate Within a Database.................................................................................. 51

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010

Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre
Navigate within a Table Datasheet View ............................................................... 52
Select Data and Records in a Table ..................................................................... 53
Close an Object .................................................................................................... 54
Open a Query ....................................................................................................... 54
Close the Database............................................................................................... 55
Exit Access ........................................................................................................... 55
Quick List Keystrokes............................................................................................ 56
Chapter 6. Create a New Database ..................................................................... 57
Create a New Database ........................................................................................ 57
Create a Table Design .......................................................................................... 58
Enter Field Details ................................................................................................. 58
Edit Field Details ................................................................................................... 61
Check and Set the Primary Key ............................................................................ 61
Save the Table Design .......................................................................................... 61
Close the Table Design View ................................................................................ 62
Open an Existing Table in Design View ................................................................ 62
Field Properties ..................................................................................................... 62
Set Field Properties............................................................................................... 65
Case Study : Sporting Life Store : Field Properties ............................................... 65
Create Another Table ............................................................................................ 69
Quick List Keystrokes............................................................................................ 69
Chapter 7. Create Relationships ........................................................................ 71
One to Many Relationship ..................................................................................... 71
Create the Relationship......................................................................................... 71
Referential Integrity ............................................................................................... 72
Cascade Updates and Deletes ............................................................................. 73
Show Table Option ............................................................................................... 75
Quick List Keystrokes............................................................................................ 75
Chapter 8. Lookup Value Lists and Tables........................................................ 77
What is a Lookup Field and Table? ....................................................................... 77
Create a Value List ............................................................................................... 79
Create a Lookup Table.......................................................................................... 81
Quick List Keystrokes............................................................................................ 86
Chapter 9. Input Masks ....................................................................................... 89
Input Masks ........................................................................................................... 89
Quick List Keystrokes............................................................................................ 91
Chapter 10.
Enter Records ................................................................................ 93
Enter Records into the One Table First ............................................................... 93
Save Records ....................................................................................................... 94
Use a Lookup Field in a Table .............................................................................. 94
Print a Table ........................................................................................................ 100
Edit Records ....................................................................................................... 100
Modify the Datasheet Layout .............................................................................. 100
Change Page Setup ............................................................................................ 103
Quick List Keystrokes.......................................................................................... 104
Chapter 11.
Create a Lookup for the Foreign Key Field ............................... 105
Understanding a Foreign Key Lookup ................................................................. 105
Delete the Relationship ....................................................................................... 105
Create the Foreign Key Lookup .......................................................................... 106
Changes to the Data ........................................................................................... 108
Create and Use Databases using Access 2010

Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre
ReCreate the Relationship .................................................................................. 109
Quick List Keystrokes.......................................................................................... 110
Chapter 12.
Maintain Data Records ................................................................ 111
Add More Records .............................................................................................. 111
Find Records ....................................................................................................... 112
Replace Data ...................................................................................................... 114
Sort Records ....................................................................................................... 115
Filter Records ...................................................................................................... 117
Delete Records ................................................................................................... 122
Quick List Keystrokes.......................................................................................... 124
Chapter 13.
Change the Database Design ..................................................... 125
Change the Table Design ................................................................................... 125
Copy the Database ............................................................................................. 125
Add Fields ........................................................................................................... 126
Change the Field Order....................................................................................... 127
Edit Field Names and Data Types ...................................................................... 127
Edit Field Properties ............................................................................................ 129
Delete a Field ...................................................................................................... 131
Quick List Keystrokes.......................................................................................... 132
Chapter 14.
Compact and Repair .................................................................... 133
What Is Compact and Repair? ............................................................................ 133
Quick List Keystrokes.......................................................................................... 135
Chapter 15.
Create and Use Forms................................................................. 137
Introduction to Forms .......................................................................................... 137
Create a Form ..................................................................................................... 137
Save a Form ....................................................................................................... 139
Review Data in a Form........................................................................................ 139
Open a Form ....................................................................................................... 140
Add New Records in a Form ............................................................................... 141
Edit Records in a Form ....................................................................................... 142
Find Records in a Form....................................................................................... 143
Find Data Using the Wildcard ............................................................................. 143
Replace Data in a Form ...................................................................................... 144
Sort Records in a Form ....................................................................................... 144
Filter Records in a Form...................................................................................... 145
Create an Auto Form based on the One Table .................................................. 146
Review Records in a Form and Subform ............................................................ 146
Add New Records in a Form and Subform.......................................................... 148
View Data Entered into Form in Underlying Table/s ........................................... 150
Create Forms Using the Wizard .......................................................................... 150
Delete Records in a Form ................................................................................... 151
Quick List Keystrokes.......................................................................................... 153
Chapter 16.
Form Wizard Background Descriptions .................................... 155
Chapter 17.
Create Queries ............................................................................. 159
Introduction to Queries ........................................................................................ 159
Create Queries Using the Wizard ....................................................................... 160
Create Queries in Design View ........................................................................... 167
Run a Query ........................................................................................................ 168
Save a Query ...................................................................................................... 169
Print a Query ....................................................................................................... 169
Create and Use Databases using Access 2010

Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre
Open and Run a Query ....................................................................................... 169
Create a Query from an Existing Query .............................................................. 170
Move a Field in a Query ...................................................................................... 170
Insert Fields into a Query .................................................................................... 171
Delete a Field in a Query .................................................................................... 172
In Class Review Exercise.................................................................................... 173
Sort Records in a Query...................................................................................... 173
Rename a Query ................................................................................................. 174
Copy a Query ...................................................................................................... 174
Delete a Query .................................................................................................... 175
Quick List Keystrokes.......................................................................................... 177
Chapter 18.
Create Queries with Criteria ....................................................... 179
Create Queries based on Two Tables................................................................. 179
Specify Criteria in a Query .................................................................................. 180
Create a Calculated Field in a Query .................................................................. 189
Edit Field Properties in a Query .......................................................................... 190
Calculate Totals .................................................................................................. 191
Calculate Totals By Group .................................................................................. 194
Edit the Dynaset Column Heading Properties ..................................................... 194
Create Calculated Queries that use Numbers or Percentages ........................... 196
Quick List Keystrokes.......................................................................................... 197
Chapter 19.
Create Reports ............................................................................. 199
Introduction to Reports ........................................................................................ 199
Create an Auto Report ........................................................................................ 200
Review a Report ................................................................................................. 201
Save a Report ..................................................................................................... 203
Close a Report .................................................................................................... 204
Open a Report .................................................................................................... 204
Print a Report ...................................................................................................... 205
Create a Report Using the Wizard ...................................................................... 205
Labels Wizard ..................................................................................................... 209
Quick List Keystrokes.......................................................................................... 212
Chapter 20.
Report Wizard Background Descriptions .................................. 213
Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 217
Where To From Here? .......................................................................................... 219
Additional Training Manuals ................................................................................ 219
For Further Information Contact: ......................................................................... 219
Skills and Knowledge Required for Assessment .............................................. 221
Design ................................................................................................................. 221
Functions and Features ...................................................................................... 221
Appendix 1: Quick List Keystrokes .................................................................... 223
Whats New in Access 2010 ................................................................................ 223
Open and Explore an Existing Database ............................................................ 223
Create a New Database ...................................................................................... 223
Create Relationships ........................................................................................... 224
Lookup Values Lists and Tables ......................................................................... 224
Input Masks ......................................................................................................... 225
Enter Records ..................................................................................................... 225
Create a Lookup for the Foreign Key Field ......................................................... 225
Maintain Data Records........................................................................................ 226
Create and Use Databases using Access 2010

Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre
Change the Database Design ............................................................................. 227
Compact and Repair ........................................................................................... 227
Create and Use Forms ........................................................................................ 228
Create Queries .................................................................................................... 229
Create Queries with Criteria ................................................................................ 229
Create Reports .................................................................................................... 230
Appendix 2 Use the Tasks Feature in Outlook 2010 .......................................... 231
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 231
Recurring Tasks .................................................................................................. 233
Quick List Keystrokes.......................................................................................... 235

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010

Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre

This chapter explains how to open and navigate within an existing database. On
completion of this chapter you should be able to:

Open a previously created database

Set the Navigation Pane
Navigate between the database objects
Open, navigate and select records within a Table
Open, navigate and close a Query
Close a database
Exit Access

Files for this chapter:

Get Fit

Open an Existing Database

To open an existing database either press Alt F then O or Control O. The Open
Database dialog box is displayed with the cursor located in the File name text box.
Either type the name of the database file or move to the folder list tree view and
locate the required file.

Practical Exercise: Open an Existing Database



Ensure Access is open

Press Alt F then O or Control O
To Locate the Get Fit database:
a. Press Alt D then type Computer and press Enter
b. Tab to the Items View List Box and locate the folder and file
c. Press Enter to open the database
Leave the Get Fit database open for the next practical exercise

End of Practical Exercise

Retrieve a Previously Opened Database

You can use the Recent list to retrieve a database you have recently worked on.

Retrieve Database using the Recent List



Press Alt F then R (File Ribbon, Recent List)

Tab to move to the List then either continue to press Tab or press Down Arrow
to locate the required file. Note you will move from the file name to the Pin
Press Enter to open the database

End of Instructions

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010

Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre

Screen Layout
Title Bar
The top line of the screen is the title bar which displays the program name.
When a database is open the name of the database is not displayed on the title bar.
When an object is open and the object window is maximised, the name of the object
is displayed on the title bar.
However JAWS will read the database name and the object name by pressing
Insert T.
The Ribbon is located directly under the Title Bar.
Navigation Pane
The Navigation Pane is situated on the left hand side of the screen. This allows you
to open the various database objects: tables, forms, queries and reports that are part
of the database. There are several ways to view the database objects in the
navigation pane. The most accessible is known as All Access Objects. This setting
must be changed for each database, it is not an Access setting.
By changing the view to All Access Objects all the tables are grouped together, then
all the queries are grouped together, then all the forms are grouped together, then all
the reports are grouped together. They are listed one under the other and it is clear
which object you are moving to as each group has the object heading.
This allows you to open the correct object as sometimes you may have a table, form
and report with the same name and if the view of the navigation pane has not been
changed then everything is grouped by the name and it is hard to identify which
object it is.

Practical Exercise: Change the Navigation Pane Setting


Ensure the Get Fit database is open

Press F6 to move to the Navigation Pane
Press Shift Tab to locate the bar that, by default, should say All Tables Button
Press Spacebar and then Down Arrow to locate Object Types
Press Enter to activate. The focus remains on the bar
Press Spacebar and then Down Arrow to locate All Access Objects
Press Enter to activate
Tab to the first table name which is located after the Table Outline Button
Expanded option and in this case is Customers
Leave the Get Fit database open for the next practical exercise

End of Practical Exercise

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010


Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre

Navigate Within a Database

To open a database object press F6 to move to the Navigation Pane then press Up
or Down Arrow to located the required object. You can open the object in either of
two views depending on the object. For Tables and Queries: design or datasheet
view. For Forms and Reports: design or form/report view.
To open the object in design view press Control Enter.
To open the object in datasheet or form/report view press Enter.
Design view allows you to change the actual design of the object. You will be using
this view for Tables and Queries. Form/report view allows you to work with the actual
data, not the design.
You can also change the view of the active object by accessing the Home Ribbon
and then the View by pressing Alt H then W and choosing the required view.

Open a Table

Practical Exercise: Open a Table


Ensure the Get Fit database is open

Press F6 to move to the Navigation Pane
Press Up or Down Arrow to locate the Customers table
Press Enter to open the table in Datasheet view
Leave the Customers table open for the next practical exercise

End of Practical Exercise

Maximise Object Window

It is also beneficial to ensure the object window is maximised.
You can check if this window is maximised by pressing Alt (Dash/Minus), if the
options of Move, Size, Minimise and Maximise are displayed then the window needs
to be Maximised by pressing X

Maximise Object Window

Press Alt (Dash/Minus) then X

Table Datasheet View

The Customers table is displayed in datasheet view. This means that the data
contained in the table is set out in columns and rows.
The columns represent the fields. For example, the column headed Surname
contains the surname of all customers. The rows represent the data relating to a
single customer, that is, the customer record.
In this database, the Customers table contains 34 records with each record showing
details for a single customer.

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010


Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre

Navigate within a Table Datasheet View

You can move around the datasheet by pressing:
Right Arrow moves to the next field to the right
Left Arrow moves to the next field to the left
Up Arrow moves to the same field in the previous record
Down Arrow moves to the same field in the next record
Home moves to the first field in the current record
End moves to the last field in the current record
Control Home moves to the first field in the first record in the table
Control End moves to the last field in the last record in the table
Control Up Arrow or Page Up moves to the same field in the first record
Control Down Arrow or Page Down moves to the same field in the last record
When you move to the various fields, the data in the field is automatically selected,
therefore, it can be copied, moved, deleted or replaced. Pressing any key, including
the Spacebar, Backspace and Delete at this point will replace the selected text with
the keystrokes you have pressed. It is important to remember this so that you do not
accidentally delete or change the data in the field.
When you press Right Arrow at the last field in a record, the focus will automatically
move to the first field in the next record. Similarly, when you press Left Arrow at the
first field in a record, the focus will move to the last field in the previous record.

Practical Exercise: Navigate within a Table Datasheet View


Ensure the Get Fit database is open and the Customers table is displayed
Press Right Arrow to move through the first record fields and continue to the
second record
Press Left Arrow to move back through the fields in the second record and
then to the first record
Press Control End to move to the last field in the last record
Press Home to move to the first field in the last record
Press End to move back to the last field in the last record
Press Control Home to move to the first field in the first record
Press Right Arrow until the focus is located in the Surname field
Press Page Down to move to the Surname field in the last record
Press Right Arrow to locate the Telephone field in the current record
Press Page Up to move to the Telephone field in the first record
Leave the Customers table open for the next practical exercise

End of Practical Exercise

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010


Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre

Select Data and Records in a Table

You may need to copy or move data in fields or whole records. You need to first
select the required fields or records. To select data press:
Tab to select the data in a field
Shift Up, Down, Right or Left Arrow to extend the selection in the required
direction to select data in several fields.
Shift Spacebar to select a record (a row)
Shift Down Arrow to extend the selection to multiple consecutive records
Control Spacebar to select all data in a specific field (a column)
Control A to select all records in a table
To cancel the selection, press any Arrow.

Practical Exercise: Select Data and Records in a Table


Ensure the Get Fit database is open and the Customers table is displayed
Press Control Home to move to the first field in the first record
Press Shift Spacebar to select the record
Cancel the selection
Move to the record for Customer ID 10, Mr Baker
Move across to the Address field
Press Shift Right Arrow three times to extend the selection to Suburb,
Postcode and Telephone
Cancel the selection
Move to the Surname field for Customer ID 10
Press Shift Down Arrow five times to select the next five surnames
Cancel the selection
Move to the Postcode field for Customer ID 10
Press Control Spacebar to select the whole column or field of data
Cancel the selection
Press Control A to select all records
Cancel the selection
Leave the Customers table open for the next practical exercise

End of Practical Exercise

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010


Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre

Close an Object
To close any database object: table, query, form or report, and leave the database
open press Control F4.
It is good database practice to close one object before opening another. This allows
the database to save each object before another is opened. Therefore if one object,
for example a query, is reliant on a table, if the table is closed and therefore saved,
the query can perform its task when opened.

Practical Exercise: Close an Object

Ensure the Get Fit database is open and the Customers table is displayed
Press Control F4
Leave the Get Fit database open for the next practical exercise


End of Practical Exercise

Open a Query
Queries are objects which use data contained in the tables to:

limit the fields displayed

sort records into a required order
filter records to display only those which meet certain criteria

Queries will be explained in detail in a later chapter.

To open a Query use the Navigation Pane to locate the required query and press
Enter to open in datasheet view.
In the Get Fit database a query has been created to display names of customers, the
event for which they have booked, the fee for the event and whether the fee has
been paid. The query is named Fees.

Practical Exercise: Open a Query


Ensure the Get Fit database is open

Ensure you are in the Navigation Pane, if required press F6
Press Up or Down Arrow to locate the Query named Fees and press Enter
Leave the Fees Query open for the next practical exercise

End of Practical Exercise

The Query Datasheet View

The query datasheet has exactly the same layout as the table datasheet. It displays
the records in rows and the fields in columns. The Fees query displays information
from two tables. The Surname, First Name, and Fee Paid fields are from the
Customers table. The Description and Fee fields are from the Events table.

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010


Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre

Navigate the Query Datasheet

You navigate in the query datasheet using the same techniques as the table

Practical Exercise: Navigate the Query Datasheet

Ensure the Get Fit database is open and the Fees query is displayed
Press Control Home to ensure the focus is in the Surname field in the first
Press Down Arrow to locate the surname Jarvis
Press End to move to the Fee paid field and check if Larry Jarvis has paid his
Press Home to move to the Surname field
Use the same technique to find out if Bonnie Taylor and Jodie Chance have
paid their fees
Close the Fees query
Leave the Get Fit database open for the next practical exercise


End of Practical Exercise

Close the Database

To close the database and leave Access open press Alt F then C

Practical Exercise: Close the Database

Ensure the Get Fit database is open
Press Alt F then C
Leave Microsoft Access open for the next practical exercise


End of Practical Exercise

Exit Access
To exit Microsoft Access press Alt F4.

Practical Exercise: Exit Access


Ensure Access is open

Press Alt F4

End of Practical Exercise

This is the end of this chapter. You should now be able to:

Open a previously created database

Set the Navigation Pane
Navigate between the database objects
Open, navigate and select records within a Table
Open, navigate and close a Query
Close a database

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010


Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre

Exit Access

Complete Review Exercises 4 and 5 are which are located in the Review
Exercise folder.

Quick List Keystrokes

Maximise Object Window

Alt Dash/Minus then X

Navigation Pane Setup

F6 then Shift Tab to label bar, then Spacebar and

choose Object Types and Enter, then Spacebar and
choose All Access Objects and Enter

Open Objects


Close Objects

Control F4

Close Database

Alt F then C

Exit Access

Alt F4

This is the end of the quick list for this chapter.

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010


Association for the Blind of WA Guide Dogs WA

Industry Skills Centre


Additional training manuals available from our online shop at under the Educational Resources link are:

Windows 7

Operate a Personal Computer with Windows 7

Internet Explorer

Browse and Search the Net with Internet Explorer 8

Beginners Microsoft Office

Word 2010 Basics

Email using Outlook 2010

These titles are also available for Microsoft Office 2007

Advanced Microsoft Office

Write, Design and Produce Business Documents using Word 2010

Organise Schedules using Outlook 2010
Design and Produce Spreadsheets using Excel 2010
Create and Use Databases using Access 2010
Create PowerPoint Presentations using 2010

These titles are also available for Microsoft Office 2007

For Further Information Contact:

Association for the Blind of WA
Industry Skills Centre
61 Kitchener Avenue
Victoria Park WA 6100
Telephone: 08 9311 8202

Create and Use Databases using Access 2010


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