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1. A group of people ... sitting at the street corner.

(was, were)

1. Day after day, Efrain ___________ for class twenty minutes late. showed up[arrived] showed off 1. 2. 3. 4. GERIATRIC old age people care Philter love potion Surge rush , move quickly Sworn testimony

Popular songs seem to ---------- in California first and then spread eastward.

catch on[popular] catch at catch up

10 Idioms of the day 1. Raining Cats and Dogs: A very loud and noisy rain storm. 2. Ring Fencing: Seperated usual judgement to guarantee protection, especially project funds. 3. Rise and Shine: Time to get out of bed and get ready for work/school. 4. Rome Was Not Built In One Day: If you want something to be completely properly, then its going to take time. 5. Rule Of Thumb: A rough estimate. 6. Run out of steam: To be completely out of energy. 7. Saved By The Bell: Saved at the last possible moment.

8. Scapegoat: Someone else who takes the blame. 9. Scot-free: To escape and not have to pay. 10. Sick As A Dog: To be very sick (with the flu or a cold). 1. Sitting Shotgun: Riding in the front passenger seat of a car. 2. Sixth Sense: A paranormal sense that allows you to communicate with the dead. 3. Skid Row: The rundown area of a city where the homeless and drug users live. 4. Smell A Rat: To detect someone in the group is betraying the others. 5. Smell Something Fishy: Detecting that something isn't right and there might be a reason for it. 6. Son of a Gun: A scamp. 7. Southpaw: Someone who is left-handed. 8. Spitting Image: The exact likeness or kind. 9. Start From Scratch: To do it all over again from the beginning. 10. The Ball Is In Your Court: It is your decision this time. 2. Twenty three skidoo: To be turned away. 5. Use Your Loaf:

Use your head. Think smart. 6. Van Gogh's ear for music: Tone deaf. 7. Variety Is The Spice Of Life: The more experiences you try the more exciting life can be. 8. Wag the Dog: A diversion away from something of greater importance.

2. 'STAUNCH Firm/loyal & SHAKY' Weak or unstable. 3. antipathy means against of something , feel strong dislike or hostility

4. May vs Might..!! If you use may and might to express uncertainty then may express something which is more probable to happen than might. May - more probable Might - less probable All ready vs Already All ready - means fully prepared Already - means previously Bring vs Take Use bring when an object is being transported towards you. Ex. Please bring meca glass of water. Use take when it is being moved away. Ex. Please take these flowers to rajesh.
5. Your success depends on your ability TO WORK HARD.
or Your success depends on your ability OF HARD WORK.

6. Conferred with [discuss] & conferred on [rights]

7. Ambitious of being something Ambitious to becoming Ambitious for something 8. my house is four times bigger than yours

My house is "four times as big as yours" 'half/twice/thrice/two times/three times/four times' etc. we use 'as+positive degree+as'

9. I feel like + (verb-ing) Here you are expressing to someone something you would enjoy doing. Here are some examples: "I "I "I "I "I "I feel feel feel feel feel feel like like like like like like taking my English class." going to the beach." playing." talking." dancing." watching TV."

By adding 'don't' or 'do not' you can change what you are saying to express something you would not enjoy or express a concern about something. Here are some examples: "I "I "I "I don't feel like doing homework." don't feel like explaining." don't feel like going to bed." do not feel comfortable talking about it."

10. I wish he HAD BEEN my teacher last year!

(you should use HAD BEEN because it talks about the past - LAST YEAR) if it were a present time wish, then this sentence would have been correct: I wish he WERE my teacher!

11. Apportionment =allotment

- distribution - allocation division

12. 'No', 'none', 'nothing' are followed by 'but'...which means 'who doesn't' 13. CHIRP twitter TIPSY dunken 14. HARRIDAN


15. Epeolatry = more minutes 16. HAPLESS = Panauti

17. 18. Caitiff - kameena hota hai 19. Sapid- Pleasant or interesting hai internet me 20. you are standing .... my foot . 1)at 2)on
IF WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A CERTAIN PLACE (at the corner , at the door , at the gate , at the end of the page ), THEN at IS USED AND IF IT IS ABOUT SURFACE (on the carpet , on the ceiling , on the wall , on the floor ), THEN on IS USED . TO IS CASE MEI TO MERE FOOT KO HI SURFACE BNA KAR KHADE HO On ans

21. i can repair the car ........ two hours . 1)in 2)within
When a work takes lower tym with maximum effort then WITHIN is used , but on the contrary when maximum time is asked for a work , then IN is used as in above sentence CAR can be repaired within two hours with maximum efforts and lowest tym period but on the contrary if someone say I WILL REPAIR CAR ...... ONE MONTH , then IN is used.

22. 1) 'Look forward' to v1 ing

"We look forward to 'winning' the match." 2) 'used to'(habitual) v1 ing "I am 'used to' taking tea after meal." 3) 'accustomed to' v1 ing "He is 'accustomed to' drinking." 4) 'with a view to' v1 ing

23. He addressed himself __ the chairperson. (c) to

24. A cloud of dust, A column of smoke 25. Inspite of several reminders, he did not so far send any reply to my letters.
So far, yet ,already, recently are the adverbs of 'present perfect tense'

26. Several people saw the thief to snatch the jewellery

verb 'see', 'watch', 'hear' etc are normally followed by a 'bare infinitive'..but when 'the action continues for a while' we use 'gerund' 27. 1. I pleaded him with a view to convincing him of my innocence in the matter.

2. With a view to help the Thirld World countries, the IMF and the World Bank keep sending their experts to different regions of the world.
This is by-default sentence structure.... with a view to convincing, With a view to helping, With a view to becoming etc with the intention or hope of doing something 28. Comparing to the other/ states in india/ goa is the smallest geographically./ne When we compare similar things..we use 'with' after 'compare'...but when we compare dissimilar things..we use 'to' after 'compare' 29. The father/was absent/from/the school..NE Our relatives dont take article 'The' bt here 'The father' means The head of school 30. Being a strict vegetarian he depended on milk and fruit and had to cook for himself. OR HAD TO COOK FOR HIMSELF. remove AND (And = or)

31. Sleep enjoyed in the afternoon : mendicant chaff siesta (chaff --- wastage material) 32. Someone whose job is to cut men`s hair : imposter buxom barber (billu barbar = nayi) grumpy 33. The veil worn by Moslem women in public : clemency yashmak(burka)

34. A person or thing that causes trouble : contravention nuisance 35. An undergarment worn above the waist : vest cooper cruet jockey 36. Pile of wood for burning a corpse : pyre resentment 37. A symbol of disgrace : stigma jargon 38. )Liquid part of milk : feud whey 39. Horse or mule for carrying burdens : capstone sumpter (pack


40. One versed in politics : corsage state-monger

41. When 'charge' use as a 'verb' it takes 'with' after it..but when 'charge' is used as a 'noun' it takes 'of' after it..
E.g. "He faces three charges 'of' murder."(noun) "I was charged 'with' theft."(verb)

42. It is a quarter __ nine. (a) in (b) with (c) of (d) to

we say to 8:45 in this way..'its quarter 'to' nine.' if its 9:15..we must say..'its quarter past nine'

43. He is sitting __ a chair. (a) in (b) with (c) on (d) to

No specific reason dear..we normally say 'in' chair...but 'on' table..sit 'on' bed...lie 'in' bed..etc.

44. A group of merchants is called Syndicate 45. A musical instrument: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cymbal Symbol Cimbol Symbal

46. Sarika seems offended ... my remarks. A. Of B. With C. At D. By 47. Tired Of (poverty , mental) tired with (work)

48. taste of new work(experience, sensation) for painting(interesting, liking) 49. tear off (Remove) , Tear up (piece) 50. Take up Job 51. Shout in (leg ,head) shout at (When injured) 52. Neglect of duties ---neglect in doing things 53. Key of door , key to problem 54. Invest in bank , invest with 55. Inquiry with matter, inquiry of person , inquiry about things 56. Glad at news , good at 57. Fire at hit , fire on kill 58. Fill with josh , fill in form 59. Buy in mrkt, store , buy at shop

60. Absolve from sin , absolve of sin 61. part with his money Or part from his friend 62. lives on food Or live by gun (depend on, to believe on) 63. indignant with his frind at his Carelessness 64. indebted to friend for his help 65. grateful to ram for his help 66. familiar with JT to Subject 67. entrusted him with my money --- entrusted my money to him 68. disqualified from running the race(Action)----disqualified for the post of IAS 69. I differ with you form Japan 70. And if die 'by' suicide/violence/ poison.
E.g. "He died 'by' violence." And if die 'in' battle/in bed/in misery/in(harness)/in war/in accident E.g. "He died 'in' battle/'in' his bed."

Die of shame die through(neglect)

Umesh died __ a car accident. (c) in A diet of bread and water is called xerophagy.
DIE OF( some disease....cancer, cholera, aids) DIE FROM( reason like thirst, hunger...etc) DIE IN (misery, accident,war) DIE FOR( a cause) DIE BY (violence)

71. Confer the title of bharat ratna on Him----confer with you 72. Complain to the SDM against RAM about His misconduct // complained with (as a verb) 73. Compete with Ajay for a prize 74. Compare with (similar things e.g: Shakespeare is compared with kalidasa)---compared to (dissimilar things e.g: life is compared to a battle) 75. Annoyed with person At his laziness 76. Answerable to person for our conduct 77. Arrived At railways station In india

78. Appeal to the judge for his release 79. Attend to (duties , work , lessons) , Attend on (service) children attend on parents 80. Authority on subject Over (rights e.g: over the committee) 81. Blind of (physical) on eye . Blind to (mental) the fault of their child 82. Angry with you At your behavior For my remark (for a cause) i am not very good ...repairing things
'At' 'good' is followed by 'at' good at .... weak in...

83. if you are coming tomorrow /(A) let me know at what time/(B) i can expect you/(C) no error(D)
at what time i SHOULD expect you

84. (a)It ought to be her,/(b)to whom you tell/(c)your secrets,/ (d) not me./(e) No error
It ought to be SHE

A group of policemen(a) posse 1. 85. I shall meet __ you again. (a) to (b) with (c) in (d) 'x'

86. a) In spite of / b) good publicity / c) only few people / d) attended the meeting /
Dear, 'only' is followed by 'a few' rather than only 'few'

87. Don't depend on / Mohan for he will / always lets you down / no error
Bhupii,this one is right..but in the given sentence the auxiliary 'will' is used hence the 'infinitive' form of the verb 'Let' should be used na.. Else LOVE ALWAYS LETS YOU DOWN

88. She sounded very sadly after the death of her pet/ NE

She sounded very SAD after the death of her pet.

89. I refused to consider/ him as an honest boy/ as he had cheated many people/ NE
Drop 'as' after 'consider him' coz verb 'consider' doesn't take 'as' after it.

90. The English/defeated/French/in the battle of Waterloo./no error (remove in) 91. A Group of flies is a ... (A) Flock (B) Swarm ( C ) Gaggle (D) Nest

Man does not live by ...... alone. A. food B. bread C. meals D. diet Phrasal Verbs 1. call back - return a phone call 2. call for -require 3. call in - communicate by phone; consult a specialist 4. call off - cancel 5. call out - read names aloud; order workers to strike 6. call on - request somebody to do something 7. call up - reach by phone; summon for military services


3. 4. 5.

OTHER and ANOTHER These words refer to something different, remaining, or additional. They are placed before the noun . Another is used with singular nouns. Other is used with singular or plural.

E.g. There are other jobs you could try. Where's the other packet of cereals? Is there any other bread? Have another cup of tea.

'assure' and 'ensure' To assure someone means to remove doubt or reassure them, while ensure means to make certain that something happens. E.g. I assured him that you would be there, so please ensure that you get to the meeting on time.


Roshni always goes to __ . A. office B. the office To make mincemeat (A) Copy the apperance of somebody (B) Take care of something (C) Refute utterly (D) Have the same opinion Merry as a cricket (A) To enjoy a game of cricket (B) To be carefree (C) To dance and sing (D) To be good at sport



10. Take exception to

(A) Different (B) To take with difficulty (C) Object to (D) Diffucult
11. To bait the hook to suit the fish

(A) To prepare a box to pack the fish (B) To do things to please others (C) To look at things from other person's point of view (D) To catch fish by providing suitable food
12. To put two and two together.

(A) To bear the brunt of (B) To conclude from obvious fact

(C) To put off (D) To put on a false appearance

13. He is sick __fever.


14. I __ him for five years.

(a) knew (b) known (c) has known (d) have known
15. He __ just gone out.

(a) had (b) has (c) had been (d) has been
16. I was brought ....... in the North

up down off
17. Just, yet, still, already

These words are often used with the present perfect tense although yet, still and already can all be used with other tenses. Just Just is usually used only with the present perfect tense and it means a short time ago. e.g. 1. Ive just seen Susan coming out of the cinema. 2. Mikes just called. Can you ring him back please? 3. Have you just taken my pen? Where has it gone? In the present perfect, just comes between the auxiliary verb (have) and the past participle. Yet Yet is used to talk about something which is expected to happen. It means at any time up to now. It is used in questions and negatives. e.g. 1. Have you finished your homework yet? 2. The speaker expects that the homework will be finished. 3. I havent finished it yet. Ill do it after dinner. Yet usually comes at the end of the sentence.

Still Still is used to talk about something that hasnt finished especially when we expected it to finish earlier. e.g. 1. Ive been waiting for over an hour and the bus still hasnt come. 2. You promised to give me that report yesterday and you still havent finished it. Still usually comes in mid-position Still is often used with other tenses as well as the present perfect. e.g. 1. Ive still got all those letters you sent me. 2. Are you still working in the bookshop? Already Already is used to say that something has happened early or earlier than it might have happened. e.g. 1. Ive already spent my salary and its two weeks before pay day. 2. The trains already left! What are we going to do? Already usually comes in mid-position.
18. Sometime, Some time, Sometimes

1. The adverb sometime (one word) means at an indefinite or unstated time in the future." 2. The phrase some time (two words) means "a period of time." 3. The adverb sometimes (one word) means "occasionally, now and then." Examples: 1. Why don't you come up sometime and see me?

2. You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it. 3. I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.
19. 'urban' vs 'urbane'

The adjective urban means related to or characteristic of a city. The adjective urbane means sophisticated, refined, or worldlywise. Examples:

1. Urban farming may become a boutique industry in San Francisco if proposed changes in the zoning law are approved. 2. A charismatic and urbane vocalist, Freddy Cole performs the standard songbook with easygoing grace.
20. vain, vane, vein

1. The adjective vain means conceited or fruitless. 2. The noun vane(north east) refers to a device for showing wind direction. 3. The noun vein refers to a blood vessel, a streak, or a crack. Examples: 1. Fame often makes a writer vain. 2. The vane on top of Faneuil Hall in Boston is in the shape of a grasshopper. 3. It is in men as in soils, where sometimes there is a vein of gold which the owner knows not of.

21. Used to

We use 'used to' for something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens. E.g. 1. I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago. 2. Ben used to travel a lot in his job but now, since his promotion, he doesn't. 3. I used to drive to work but now I take the bus. We also use it for something that was true but no longer is. E.g. 1. There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn't. 2. She used to have really long hair but she's had it all cut off.
22. __ milk in the pot has turned sour.

c. The little
23. A speech made when one is alone - Soliloquy.

A short story with a moral - Parable. 24. Her only son __ lives here is an officer. a. that *only, same, all, nothing . . . relative pronoun 'that'

25. Determiner: Some

Some is used with both countable and uncountable nouns :

Countable Nouns - 'Some people in my school like Jazz.' Uncountable Nouns - 'There was some snow here last winter.' Some is used in positive sentences: 'I have some friends.' 'We bought some coffee.' Offering We use some in questions when we expect the answer to be 'yes'or when we are offering something, otherwise, we use any: 'Would you like some milk? Requests Some is also used in questions when we are making a request: 'Can I borrow some money?'

26. Homonyms
stationery - writing material His father deals in office stationery. stationary - fixed The sun is stationary 27. A short story with a moral - Parable.

28. I have distrust __ you.

(a) about (b) in (c) on (d) of

29. Rita __ that God might help you.

(a) wish (b) wished (c) says (d) prays

30. You have not done any work __ far.

(a) yet (b) than (c) as (d) so

31. She __ my request for travelling together.

(a) turned up (b) turned off

(c) turned down (d) turned in

32. 'married to' vs 'married with'

married to (a woman) e.g. Ram was married to Sita. married with (a man) e.g. Sita was married with Ram.

agree with(a person) I do not agree with you. agree on(a point) After much discussion they agreed on the terms of Partnership. agree to(views) He agreed to all my views but his father did not.
34. Morale - confidence

The morale of the army should always be high. Moral - lesson We are advised to pursue a moral course of life.


Morgue - a place where dead bodies are kept for identification.

Mortuary - a place where dead bodies are kept for post-mortem.

36. Gagarin was the first person __ went round the world.

[b] that because 'the first', 'the last', 'the next' etc take 'that' as determiner..
37. The hotel __ is built near my college is meant for the rich.

[b] that
38. ______ I have no money, I cannot buy the book.

[c] Since

39. Slow and steady __ the race.

[b] wins
40. He ran as fast as he __ .

[d] could
41. We eat so that we __ live. (purpose)

[b] may
42. You __ be punished if you speak again. (threat)

[d] shall
43. Effect and Affect

Two words commonly confused by English speakers are 'effect' and 'affect'. Affect is used as a verb and means to have an influence on and Effect is used as a noun and means the result. AFFECT The dropped catch did not affect the result of the game. The heavy rainfall affected the grains kept in the old warehouse. EFFECT The effect of the tsunami was devastating. The side effect of the cough syrup was drowsiness.
44. Jiffy: an instant (perhaps from slang for lightning); also shortened to jiff. 45. You really have to try. CORRECT

You have to really try. INCORRECT

46. The new suit cost me over two thousand rupees.
No need of 'to' after verb 'cost'

abecedarian: A person who is learning the alphabet agelast: A person who never laughs autotonsorialist: One who cuts their own hair autolatry: The worship of one's self alphamegamia: The marriage between a young woman and an older man cagamosis: An unhappy marriage digamy: Anita Didi// A second marriage after the death or divorce of a previous spouse

nelipot: Someone who walks without shoes onychophagy: The habit of biting one's fingernails

"because" vs "because of" _____________________ 1. Because - is a conjunction, used at the beginning of a clause, before a subject and verb. e.g. i) We were late because it rained. ii) I'm happy because I met you. 2. Because of - is a two - word preposition, used before a noun or a pronoun. e.g. i) We were late because of the rain. ii) I'm happy because of you. _____________________


He ran as fast as he __ . [d] could We eat so that we __ live. (purpose) [b] may You __ be punished if you speak again. (threat) [d] shall When I was a student, I __ study for hours. [d] used to People __ smoke at public places. [d] must not An unhappy marriage is called cagamosis Can you wake me up __ 4:00 AM? [d] at The child has been missing __ Monday. [a] since





7. 8.


10. On hearing the news of the death of her mother she __ .

[c] broke down

11. The police __ and arrested all the gamblers.

[b] broke in
12. The marriage __ soon after the birth of their first child.

[a] broke off

13. ____ did the teacher teach?

[A] Whom

14. Guarantee/Guaranty

Both noun denote a formal assurance that one will fulfill an obligation. A guarantee usually relates to the quality of a product or service. A guaranty is usually an undertaking to pay a debt if the person or party primarily responsible defaults.

15. Despite verses In spite of

____________________ The English terms in spite of and despite are very similar in meaning and usage; in spite of this, English speakers sometimes find them confusing.

Despite Despite means "even though," "notwithstanding," or "regardless of." It's the opposite of "because of/due to," and can be used with a noun or gerund. 1. She had difficulty communicating in French despite all her years of study. 2. We lost the game, despite the fact that we practiced all week. 3. Despite not having an umbrella, I walked home in the rain.

In spite of In spite of means exactly the same thing and is used exactly the same way as "despite." 1. She had difficulty communicating in French in spite of all her years of study. 2. We lost the game, in spite of the fact that we practiced all week. 3. In spite of not having an umbrella, I walked home in the rain.

16. Even though -- when the condition given is negative but the outcome/result is positive

eg -- Even though Ram hadn't studied, he passed the exam. Although -- when the condition given is positive but the outcome/result is negative eg -- Although Ram had studied very hard, he did not score well.
17. Measles __ be quite dangerous.

[a] can

18. You __ not drive fast. There is a speed limit here.

[a] must
19. The news __ he is retiring is false.

[a] that
20. Take this __ give that.

[b] and Even though - is stronger, more emphatic than although If all Active Incorrect: He loves with me. Correct: He loves me.

Incorrect: We discussed about the matter. Correct: We discussed the matter. Incorrect: We reached at the airport at 9 pm. Correct: We reached the airport at 9 pm.

Incorrect: I have ordered for his dismissal. Correct: I have ordered his dismissal. Incorrect: He married with his friends sister. Correct: He married his friends sister.

Incorrect: She entered into the room. Correct: She entered the room.

Incorrect: The child resembles to its mother. Correct: The child resembles its mother.

Incorrect: He is intelligence, but he lacks of experience. Correct: He is intelligence but he lacks experience

Explanation Verbs such as enter, resemble, lack, discuss, marry, reach, order and approach are normally followed by direct objects without prepositions.

21. blow-by-blow

adj providing great detail

22. Word of The Day

regurgitate v pour or rush back "The blood regurgitates into the heart ventricle"
23. blow one's stack

v get very angry and fly into a rage "The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question"
24. Bankers hours: A relatively short duration

25. After hours: In the evening or at night, or late in the day

26. Have you read the article _____ Time magazine ____ Google?

A. on - on B. to - on C. in - on D. from on
27. Accept verses Except

_________________ Accept Accept is a verb that means "to receive, admit, regard as true, say yes." e.g. 1. I can't accept this gift. 2. He was accepted to Harvard. 3. Do you accept this theory? 4. My offer was immediately accepted. 5. He asked me to marry him, and I accepted. The noun acceptance refers to the "act or process of accepting, approval, or agreement." __ Except Except is a preposition that means "excluding."

e.g. 1. He bought a gift for everyone except me. 2. I know everyone here except the children. Except is also a conjunction that means "if not for the fact that" or "other than." e.g. 1. I would help you, except I'm too busy. 2. He never calls me except to borrow money. Except is a fairly uncommon verb that means "to leave out, exclude." e.g. 1. I hate lawyers, present company excepted. 2. Children are excepted from these rules.

28. We are not aware of the __ of the meeting.

[b] outcome
29. He is very intelligent and can __ any difficult problem.

[b] work out

30. Luckily, I made it to the station ___ time to catch the last train.

A. in B. for C. at D. to
31. Have you read the article _____ Time magazine ____ Google?

A. on - on B. to - on C. in - on D. from on
32. I stayed ____ the Ritz Hotel ________ my stay in New York.

A. in - to B. to - while C. at - while D. at during


'Less' or 'fewer'? Use fewer if youre referring to people or things in the plural (e.g. houses, newspapers, dogs, students, children).

For example: 1. People these days are buying fewer newspapers. 2. Fewer students are opting to study science-related subjects.

3. Fewer than thirty children each year develop the disease. __ Use less when youre referring to something that cant be counted or doesnt have a plural (e.g. money, air, time, music, rain). For example: 1. Its a better job but they pay you less money. 2. People want to spend less time in traffic jams. 3. Ironically, when Im on tour, I listen to less music. Less is also used with numbers when they are on their own and with expressions of measurement or time. e.g.: 1. His weight fell from 18 stone to less than 12. 2. Their marriage lasted less than two years. 3. Heath Square is less than four miles away from Dublin city center. __________________
Singular - Plural _____________ Louse - lice.

Index - indexes or indices. Teaspoonful - teaspoonfuls. Crisis - crises. Phenomenon - phenomena. Court martial - courts martial. Incognito - incognitos. Opus - opuses or opera. Manservant - menservants. Grant-in-aid - grants-in-aid. Armful - armfuls. Addendum - addenda. Stigma - stigmas or stigmata

The chief minister had no time to pay attention to such simple matters.

I told him that I __ leave next day. [a] should If we request her she __ to college. [b] might give a lift She expects that her son __ return. [b] may He is sick __ fever. [d] with He died __ loss of blood. She died __ cholera. [c] from, of He is __ me in rank. [c] above He died __ misery. [d] in Shilpa is good __ Mathematics. [d] at We enjoyed the movie, you __ there. [a] should have been

Confident - certain, sure Confidant - one who shares a secret Cannon - big gun Canon - principle, a law

1. 2. 3. 4.

was celebrated/ will be celebrated/ is being celebrated no perp use before these days , nowadays the happiest time, of my life

At the beginning/end of + Month(jan,feb..)

5. 6.

To visit place + in month(jan,feb..) Do Something + in morning/afternoon/evening but morning/afternoon/evening on morning +date or on the following

7. 8. 9.

For (Repetition),repetition + in not used Ideal = the most suitable Someone on holiday

10. Goes On holiday 11. Return From holiday 12. Can not help , V4 but Can not help but + bare infi

He has been suffering __ fever for a week. [c] from She invited me __ dinner at 9:00 pm. [a] to/for We shall investigate __ the case. [d] x The officials have the habit of fawning __ ministers. [c] on The problem of communal harmony cannot be glossed __ by government. [c] over Normally he stays __ until 11 pm these days. [a] up No one believes him because he is false __ heart. [c] of In accordance with the advice of a doctor she is __ diet. [a] on After the death of his father the responsibility has developed __ him. [a] on

Nothing can deter him __ pursuing his aim of life. [b] from The history of Hindu religion dates __ ancient times. [a] from Now government servants have the day __ every Saturday. [b] off His professional ability proves that he is cut __ for his job. [a] out

1. Throw up the sponge: to defy the enemy to remove restrictions abandon the struggle to be deeply moved by 2. To worship the rising sun withdraw from a contest assume responsibility succeed in fighting to curry favour with new power 3. Tooth and nail with utmost effort 4. Throw out of gear: to replace hinder, disturb to decide take up tune

5. Hush money: soft money easy money money given as bribe noiselessly 6. To set at defiance(andolan krna) to dify 7. Can't see the wood for the trees(unable to see the ttiain point) 8. True to one's salt be successful unfaithful to understand faithful to one's master 9. A cat's paw to be used as a tool 10. Sword of Damocles damage by war heavy rainfall threatening danger 11. In the teeth of: in the face of(go against) 12. Rise to the occasion do habitually to equal to an emergency 13. Make a clean breast of: to confess ftilly one's fault

14. to take a fancy to(to develop a fondness or a preference for someone or something) 15. To put a spoke in one's wheel to encourage act without restraint risk something to obstruct one's progress 16. Part and parcel heavy package useless party essential party 17. Scot-free(free

from harm or penalty)

The rainy season has set in. 'set in' means[a] end [b] begin [c] leave [d] attack 1. Vane - weather cock 2. Vain - useless 3. wane - decline 4. vein - a blood vessel

similar word for 'painful' [a] soar [b] sore [c] sour


I am at fault. (I am puzzled) I am in fault. (I am to blame)

The candidates were tense _________ expectancy. with in on from Ravi could not dissociate himself _________ what he said earlier. off with from of

DecanterAn ornamental glass for holding wine DreyThe home for the squirrels FormThe house of a hare(khargosh) OrchardThe place where fruit-trees are grown DenThe home of a lion Byre The shelter for a cow PenThe shelter for a cow StableThe place where horses are housed KennelThe place where dogs are housed InsectariumsThe places for keeping or breeding insects StyThe place where pigs are kept HutchThe place where rabbits are kept

If i were ........ I wouldn't accept such treatment. A. Him b. He

he....i were aur it baad subjective pronoun aata is i who did it..

(A) Little (B) A little (C) The little

(D) Some

Of outstanding significance A. Monumental B. Rational C. Ominous D. Evident Policeman riding on motorcycles as guards to a VIP A. Outriders B. Servants C. Commandos D. Attendants

She will give you .. help. (A) Little (B) A little (C) The little (D) Some I was badly .by his manners. (to deceive ) (A) Taken off (B) Taken in (C) Taken on The Germans.their enemies at night.(attacked) (A) Fell on (B) Fell upon (C) Fell up Do not . me for nothing. (become angry) (A) Come down (B) Come across (C) Come round (D) Come down upon

They __ music when they were in Poona. [b] studied If you don't use an agent, you __ not be able to find an apartment in the city. [d] would have I couldn't sign a lease before I reached age 18, but she __. Now I am 21. [b] can The bag was so light that I __ carry it. [d] could When I arrived she __ breakfast. [a] was having There are some verbs which do not take any prepositions: He violated __ the rule. [d] x I reached __ the station. [d] x The group comprises __ ten boys. [d] x He will resist __ you. [d] x He resembles __ you. [d] x I shall assist __ you. [d] x I shall accompany __ you. [d] x I await __ your instructions. [d] x America attacked __ Iraq. [d] x

request I request to you. (incorrect) I request you. (correct)

attack The USA attacked on Iraq. (incorrect) The USA attacked Iraq. (correct) violate She violated to the rule. (incorrect) She violated the rule. (correct) await He awaits for your orders. (incorrect) He awaits your orders. (correct) accompany

I shall accompany with you. (incorrect) I shall accompany you. (correct) assist I shall assist to you. (incorrect) I shall assist you. (correct) inform I shall inform to you. (incorrect) I shall inform you. (correct) obey I shall obey to you. (incorrect) I shall obey you. (correct) comprise The group comprises of five boys. (incorrect) The group comprises five boys. (correct) resist He will resist to you. (incorrect) He will resist you. (correct) resemble He resembles to you. (incorrect) He resembles you. (correct) reach I reached at the station. (incorrect) I reached the station. (correct) order I order to you. (incorrect) I order you. (correct) investigate We shall investigate into the case. (incorrect) We shall investigate the case. (correct)
============================ 'in' the morning, 'in' theaftrnoon, 'in' the evening. But 'at' night, 'at' noon, 'at' midnight. And When days or dates.. 'on' is used

================= We go to Delhi __ a short holiday __ next week. [A] on, on [B] X, X [C] for, in [D] on, X
correct sentence should be like as follows.. "We shall go to delhi on a short holiday next week." coz 'next,last,today,yesterday,tomorrow etc. don't take any preposition before them.

Both 'say'(bare infinitive) and 'saying'(present participle) might be used.. Coz The verbs of perception ( see, watch, notice, hear, listen, feel ) are followed by bare infinitive or by ing form (present participle). *. If we want to say that we heard or saw the whole action from beginning to end, we usually use bare infinitive I saw him sign the cheque. *. If we want to say that only saw or heard part of the action, we use -ing form I saw the consultant waiting in reception. ================================ Are there ______ apples in the kitchen? [a] much [b] any [c] some [d] a Are there 'any' apples in the kitchen..? Interrogative sentence so it wil take 'any' as determiner. If its negativ then also it wil take 'any' but If it is positive sentence or interrogative+negative then it wil take 'some

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