Synopsis Luzury Brands

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Towards partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) (BBD Uni ersit!" #uc$now)
G"i#e# $% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% S"$&itte# $% &ishwa'eet Tripathi Session ()*+,()*-

School of .ana/ement

Ba0u Banarasi Das Uni ersit!

Sector I" Dr1 A$hilesh Das Na/ar" 2ai3a0ad 4oad" #uc$now (U1P1) India '


5ertificate from the /uide of the Institute Ac$nowled/ement Preface 67ecuti e Summar! Introduction .a'or Industr! Pla!ers O0'ecti es of the stud! 4esearch .ethodolo/! Pro0lems and limitations 2indin/s" Anal!sis 8 Interpretations S9OT anal!sis Su//estions:4ecommendations 5onclusion Appendi7 Bi0lio/raph!

The Indian mar$et has seen ast chan/es in political" economical and social en ironment" which has a /reat impact on consumption1 9ith the Indian as well as international corporate enterin/ into the Indian retail scenario the mar$et has 0een di ided 0etween the traditional and the or/ani3ed sector1 The Indian retail scenario is presentl! facin/ the similar situations as the mom and pop stores in the de elopin/ nations faced at the emer/ence 0i/ 0o7 retailers1 There are arious issues that need to 0e addressed" li$e what would 0e future patterns of consumption" which formats of retail would 0e preferred 0! consumers and will the rise of or/ani3ed retail affect the traditional retailers1 This research was de eloped to o ercome this /ap1 The first part of the paper deals with a historical anal!sis of the Indian retailin/ structure followed 0! the re iew of literature on store ima/e re iewed and finall! the last part deals with the results of empirical studies in Indian metros is discussed1 This stud! contri0utes to the understandin/ that consumers and retailers in most cases ha e different perceptions in relation to store ima/e and shoppin/ ha0its" 'ustif!in/ the need for consumer mar$etin/ research" which is important in helpin/ retailers" implement in a real mar$etin/ orientation1


Propelled 0! stead! rise in income le els and /reater penetration of or/ani3ed retail" India;s 0randed apparel mar$et is e7pected to /row stron/l! in the ne7t few !ears1 Total apparel sales olumes fell ( per cent in ()** and /rew 0! a modest (,+ per cent in ()*(1 Imposition of e7cise dut! on 0randed apparels in ()** alon/ with a concurrent slowdown in economic /rowth 0adl! hurt consumer sentiment and there0! impacted apparel purchases1 <owe er" olume /rowth has pic$ed up since April ()*+" attri0uta0le to the remo al of e7cise dut! and /rowth in demand from smaller towns1 Branded apparels would /row at a much stron/er pace" dri en 0! increased presence of or/ani3ed retail" risin/ disposa0le incomes" chan/in/ demo/raphics and increasin/ 0rand consciousness1 54ISI# 4esearch estimates the domestic apparels mar$et to 0e around 4s1 *"(=) 0illion in ()*(" of which 0randed apparels (defined as 0rands ha in/ a stron/ national or re/ional presence) contri0ute a0out -) per cent1 A decade a/o" the correspondin/ percenta/e would pro0a0l! ha e 0een closer to (= per cent1 The share of or/anised retail in apparel sales in India is estimated at a0out *> per cent" lower than countries li$e the U1S1 and 6U where the share of or/ani3ed retail is o er >) per cent1 Amon/st the arious cate/ories" 0randed apparels penetration is pro0a0l! the hi/hest in men;s formal wear and women;s western wear1 In other cate/ories such as women;s traditional wear" casual wear ('eans and t,shirts) and $id;s wear" 0randed apparels still ha e a fled/in/ presence1 The ro0ust /rowth in 0randed apparels demand is reflected in sales num0ers of some pla!ers in this space1 O er the past = !ears" sales of .adura 2ashions and #ifest!le #td1 ,

(main 0rands ? #ouis Philippe" &an <uesen" Peter 6n/land" Allen Soll!) /rew at (= per cent 5A@4" while that of Aewal Airan 5lothin/ #td (which owns the Ailler and #awman 0rands) rose 0! *- per cent annuall!1 4e enues of Pa/e Industries (licensee of the Boc$e! 0rand) /rew at += per cent 5A@4 in the same period1 @rowth recorded 0! these pla!ers has 0een much faster than the e7pansion in the apparels mar$et ? /rowth of = per cent 5A@4 in the past = !ears1 Branded apparel pla!ers t!picall! earn operatin/ mar/ins in the ran/e of *=,() per cent" 0ut returns can ar! si/nificantl! dependin/ upon the stren/th of the 0rand and 0usiness model followed1 The /rowin/ demand for 0randed apparels has also encoura/ed man! of the domestic pla!ers to enter into mar$etin/ tie,ups with well,$nown forei/n apparel 0rands (for e7ample" 5hero$ee" and Tomm! <ilfi/er) for sale of their 0randed apparels in India1 .an! esta0lished forei/n apparel 0rands are also present in India on their own1 9e pro'ect domestic 0randed apparel sales to /row at a 5A@4 of *),*= per cent o er the ne7t = !ears" much faster than the C,D per cent annual /rowth in the o erall mar$et1 5onseEuentl!" 0! ()*D" 0randed apparels would account for o er =) per cent of the domestic apparels mar$et1 <owe er" pla!ers loo$in/ at ma$in/ a mar$ in this space will ha e to learn from the past and 'udiciousl! assess customer preferences and cali0rate e7pansion plans1 AdeEuate in estments in product differentiation and 0randin/ will 0e eEuall! critical1 In the past +, - !ears" a num0er of pla!ers who were o er3ealous in their e7pansion plans were cau/ht

on the wron/ foot due to their ina0ilit! to assess demand and increasin/ in entories cho$in/ cash flow1 O er the ne7t decade" we are li$el! to see a num0er of stron/ multi,million 0rands emer/e in 0randed apparels" 0ut some of them will fall 0! the wa!side" /i en the critical importance of understandin/ chan/es in customer tastes and preferences as well as mana/in/ cash flows1


To understand the retail Industr! in India1 To Understand 5ustomer 0eha ior towards the lu7ur! 0randed /oods in clothin/1 To find the other ma'or clothin/ outlets in #uc$now cit!1 To find the factors influencin/ consumer 0u!in/ 0eha ior1

Re0e1 ch De0ign A research desi/n is the arran/ement of conditions for collection and anal!sis of data in a manner that aims to com0ine rele ance to the research purpose with econom! in procedure1 It is the conceptual procedure with in which research is conducted1 The o0'ecti e of this pro'ect is to /ain a 0etter insi/ht into the arious strate/ies adopted 0! arious four wheeler manufacturers1 The s!stem is e aluated and steps for impro ements are su//ested1 Information that was alread! a aila0le and collected throu/h Euestionnaire is used to ma$e a critical e aluation of the s!stem1 Therefore #e0c i2ti3e e0e1 ch was selected1 The descripti e research descri0es a 0eha ior or condition1 It attempts to o0tain a complete and an accurate description of the characteristics of a particular indi idual or a /roup or a situation1

S1&2ling Seg&ent
The respondent of the stud! are part of population of #uc$now cit!1

S1&2le Si4e
The si3e of the sample is *)) out of the total population

S1&2le Techni5"e0
Non,Pro0a0ilit! ?con enience samplin/ is used in the sur e!1 I ha e used chi sEuare test as a statistical tool in this thesis

D1t1 Collection7
Data is the 0asis for all statistical anal!sis and collection of data is the important sta/e in the research1 The data could 0e classified as Primar! data and Secondar! data8

( i&1 % #1t17
Primar! data are the data which can 0e collected afresh and for the first time and thus happen to 0e ori/inal in character1 The primar! data used for this stud! was collected throu/h Euestionnaire1

Secon#1 % #1t17
Secondar! data means data that are alread! a aila0le (i1e1) the! refer to the data which ha e alread! 0een collected and anal!3ed 0! someone else1 2or this stud! the secondar! data was collected from 5ompan! manuals" 9e0sites" annual reports" Bournals" etc1

Re0e1 ch In0t "&ent7

The research instrument for this stud! is Euestionnaire1 Fuestionnaire is a set of Euestions prepared in order to collect the reEuired information from the emplo!ees1 The Euestionnaire contains the followin/ t!pe of Euestions1

St1ti0tic1l tool07
The data collected was anal!3ed usin/ the followin/ statistical tools1 (e cent1ge An1l%0i0 This is a un aried anal!sis (i1e1 considerin/ 'ust one factor) where the percenta/e of a particular factor" with different cate/ories are calculated in order to help one /et a fair idea re/ardin/ a sample and there0! that of population1

(e cent1ge : (N"&$e o; e02on#ent0<Tot1l no o; e02on#ent0!='>> The ease of simplicit! of calculation" the /eneral understandin/ of its purpose and the near uni ersal application of the percenta/e ha e made it the most widel! used statistical tool1


Boo?07 *1 Philip Aotler" Ae in Aeller (())G)" .ar$etin/ .ana/ement (Thirteenth 6dition)

(1 .ar$etin/ .ana/ement" the .c@raw1 <ill 5ompan! 4a'an Sa7ena (Third 6diti INTERNET7 httpH::www1thehindu1com:0usiness:Industr!:0randed,apparels,poised,to, /row:article=+=>CDC1ece httpH::www1i0ef1or/:industr!:te7tiles1asp7 www1i0ef1or/:industr!:retail1asp7 www1indiaretailshow1com: www1indiaonestop1com:retailin/1htm


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