Parminder Bhatia

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Date of Birth: 24th March, 1990 | Sex: Male | Nationality: Indian

INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROPAR (IIT ROPAR) [CGPA: 8.33/10] [B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering] [Aug, 2008 April, 2012] Coursework: Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Architecture, Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Database Systems, Operating Systems, Theory of Computation, Computer Networks, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Image Analysis. +91-9780184011

EDIFECS INDIA DEVELOPMENT CENTER Manager: Sandeep Kath, Development Manager [Associate Software Engineer] EDIFECS COLLABORATION GATEWAY: [Collaboration Team] [May, 2013 Present ] Designed and developed ETL(Extract Transform Load) for clinical data from various resources such as ADT, X12, CCD by mapping them to a common format and to provide analytics on top of the data using MongoDB and ElasticSearch. Developed Route to load/update data for patient using the ETL and apply Rules and Alerts based on the data using Drools. Developed Clinical Portal for storing and providing complete view for a member record for all the patients using ExtJS, HTML, CSS, Pentaho, Hibernate, Spring. Development of Edifecs Collaboration Gateway for exchanging clinical information among the providers and payers. Developed Direct Secured Messaging for Email exchange of clinical data. Technologies: Edifecs Service Manager (PaaS), Apache James Mail Server, Java, OSGi, Maven POC on IHE profile XDS[WIP] which is based Web Services based Push-Pull model to retrieve the healthcare data from repository. Technologies: Web Services,Axis-2, Soap, ebXML, SAML, XACML and lot of extrinsic technologies

[3rd July, 2012 Present]

EDIFECS PRIVATE CLOUD: [Platform and Architecture Team] [Sept, 2012 April 2013] Contributing to the development of Edifecs Private Cloud framework [PaaS] for deploying, monitoring and interacting with Edifecs Product Suites and Services in multi-node cluster. Worked on developing HDM: Distributed real-time search, which is used to Archive Cold Data and providing search on top of that data using the metadata associated with that data(Google like search + Structure Query) with help of Elastic Search

Technologies: Java7, OSGi, Maven, Elasticsearch, JGroups, ActiveMQ, Apache Shiro.

POC ON BIG DATA TECHNOLOGIES: [Training and Induction] [July-August, 2012] Working on Big Data Analytics using latest technologies like Hadoop, Storm, Hive, Hbase, Cassandra ] for Big Data problems related to US Health Industry Writing advanced Map-Reduce jobs for Hadoop, Hbase and Cassandra. MICROSOFT INDIA DEVELOPMENTRE CENTRE [9th May 22nd July, 2011: Internship] Summer Internship at MICROSOFT as an SDET where I worked under RFX group and designed a tool [Fuzz-Meter] to determine the quality of a PDFuzzer , which also has the ability to reconfigure the variables of the Fuzzer to get the Fuzzer with the maximum code coverage . Tool was based on Model View Controller. Understood and implemented few Software Design Patterns like Visitor Pattern etc. Cross language Communication through marshalling. UI was made using WPF which employs XAML 2ND SUMMER INTERNSHIP & TRAINING On Embedded Systems for an enterprise which works as a research wing at IIT-Bombay. Here I designed and implemented my own Real Tim Password Security System


RESTING STATE BRAIN ANALYSIS USING FMRI (B.TECH PROJECT) [Team Size: 3] [Instructor: Dr. Deepti Bhatula (CSE, IIT Ropar)] Present]

[Sept, 2011 -

Towards a better understanding of Resting-state brain connectivity: A comparison of fMRI analysis techniques. Involves analysis of brain using various statistical methods such as PCA, ICA, Singular Value decomposition, Clustering and various other methods.

NS-2.34 BLOCKING EXPANDING RING SEARCH PROTOCOL [Team Size: 2] [Instructor: Dr. Apurv Mudgal (CSE, IIT Ropar)]

[March-April, 2011]

Implemented a new routing protocol in Network Simulator version 2.34 based on the 2006 journal Enhanced Blocking Expanding Ring Search in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by Ida M Pu Goldsmiths, University of London and Yuji Shen , University of Birmingham. Made a few modifications from the paper to get a 8.3% more energy efficient BERS. LOC: ~1100 C++.


[Team Size: 2]

[Instructor: Dr. Ashish Ahuja (CSE, IIT Ropar)]

[Sept - Nov, 2010]

Completed threads and user program functionality in the Pintos instructional Operating System. Implemented alarm clock, priority donation, semaphore and locks mechanism, BSD-preemptive scheduling and provided system call support. LOC: ~1200 C.

Secured an AIR rank of 123 amongst 8,00,000 in AIEEE Scholarship in the first year at IIT for being in top 1% in academics(both semesters). Did summer internship and training last semester on embedded systems for an enterprise which works as a research wing at IIT-Bombay. Selected as Microsoft Students Partner this year.

Marketing and Public Relations Head of the S.A.E. (Society of Automotive Engineer) chapter of our Institute. Was one of the four members of the Core Organizing Committee of the 1st Intra- College Cultural Fest in the year 2010. EXL CASE STUDY:PAN IIT Case Study Competition :Reached the final round of this Pan IIT Case Study Event. Participated actively in Inter-School competitions and held the position of Academic Prefect in School. Participated in many theatre events at college. Member of the school team in basketball in class X and also played for college

References will be available on request.

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