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Measurement cover

Measurement pages 4 - 12 x 12 papers How it flip out dipence how you cut into and fold the paper from each side on the 6 3/4 score mar

Hidden hinge measurements

!ou can also ma e separate hinges if you li e to "ind it with eyelets #utter "ind it all

Measurement for "ac of the hinges

Measurement spine

$ictures of the al"um in the tutorial

%f you want to ma e the al"um for a roof you can place seam "inding in in "etween page 2 and 3 and on the outside of the cover "efore attaching the decor papers

Step 1 &hoose the paper you want to use' (ecause it is a small pro)ect it is "est to eep your pattern small' * "ig one would "e lost in the folding ' % am going to use the pin flowery paper' %t is a fairly thin paper which will eep it easy to fold'

Step 2 +ay the paper with the good side down on your mat, and fold it in half lengthways' &rease it and then open it out again'

Step 3 -old each of those halves into the centre and crease again' .pen it out' !ou should now have three crease lines on your paper'

Step 4

/a e each of the outer corners and fold in towards those outer crease lines' 0/he photo shows you how it should loo 1 2sing a "one folder will give you a nice sharp crease "ut if you don3t have one then use the "ac of a clean spoon instead'

Step 5 &lose the paper up, and then ta e the edge and fold it all down to )ust past the 454 opening' &rease it then open it "ac again' 6e are going to create the sleeves with the next fold'''

Step 6 '''so ta e the lower part of the 454 and fold it to the outer edge of the paper, eeping it straight and crease' !ou will see that the paper is starting to fold downwards'''this is what you want it to do' &rease it and repeat on the other side' *nd once you have done this your shirt sleeves will loo li e the photo''''Hopefully77 8ow when you ma e a paper shirt it will need a collar'''

'''so flip the paper over so that where the paper )oins in the centre opening it is underneath'

Step 7 -old towards you the edge of the paper 0that is the opposite end to the sleeves1 "y a"out 1'9cms 0a"out half an inch1 -lip it "ac over so that the fold you have )ust made is now underneath and the opening )oin in the paper is on the upper side' /hen ta e each of the outer edges, in the fold you have )ust made, and fold in towards the centre )oin and crease sharply' /his will form the collar flaps to your shirt' 0/he photo shows you what you are aiming for1 Step 8 /hen the last thing to do is fold the sleeve part of your shirt up and tuc it under the collar flaps that you have )ust created'

*nd there you have your paper shirt' .nce you get the hang of it you can decorate it how you wish' $erhaps you want them for invitations to a ((:, dinner party or a childs "irthday party' Here are some more ideas' % hope you will want to learn how to ma e a paper shirt, and it is a fun pro)ect to teach children too'

2sing a rectangular sheet of paper of medium thic ness 03typing paper3 etc'1 that is at least three times longer than it is wide, place the paper with the desired 3-;.8/ <%=>3 facing down' 6ith blank paper this will not matter "ut if you are using a paper that has colors or printed designs 0e'g', a coupon from a maga?ine, printed "rochure cover or even paper currency1 having a desired 3front3 ma es this step important' <ome very interesting designs are created when using printed paper or paper currency' %n this tutorial, face down 0<ilver1 will "e the front of the finished origami /-<hirt' -or clarity, the "ac of the shirt in this tutorial shall "e tan/wheat colored' Step 3 and 4

2nfold the lengthwise-folder sheet' /hen fold each half inwards to meet evenly with the center fold created in the previous steps' +eave these 3wings3 folded inwards' Step 5: Flip Over

-lip the piece of paper so that the 3wings3 are now facing the ta"le surface as shown a"ove' Step 6: Form the Collar

6ith the folded 3wings3 facing the ta"le surface, fold "ac a narrow "and on the desired 3top3 of the shirt as shown a"ove' -old upwards "ac ' &rease sharply' /his will form the collar of the shirt'

Forming the Collar of the Origami T-Shirt

Step 7 and 8

Step 7@ -lip the entire wor once again so that the folded collar now faces the ta"le surface' .ur folds are "ecoming increasingly complex from here forward' /here are )ust several more remaining' <tudy the images for each step and proceed when ready' -or Step 8 we fold a corner of the downward-facing collar around so that the tip meets the center line 8ote the sloping angle that is formed' ;epeat the same fold for the other side of the collar, forming a matching set of folds and completing the left and right sides of the collar' (oth tips meet point-to-point at the center-line'

!od" of the Origami T-Shirt

Step #

6ith the collar facing upwards and away from you, visuali?e approximately one-thirds as shown with the red dashed lines' -old "ottom edge la"eled $%&$ '(' upward to meet with )*+$ 'C' which forms a crease at '! ' 2sing your thum"nail or a coin and "y pressing firmly against a hard surface, deeply crease the fold at &rease '! ' -ollow the direction 4a1,4 4"1,4 and 4c1,4 from the image a"ove to perform this fold' 8ow, unfold &rease '! ' 8ext we need to create inverted folds on each corner of &rease '! '

Forming the Sleeve, of the Origami T-Shirt

Step 1-

&reating the inverted folds that form the sleeves loo s difficult and it is hard to explain' /here is only one way for the flaps to "e folded' (y pulling them out carefully and creasing, the sleeves are created' %t will reAuire some patience and experimentation to do this the first time' *fter that however, these folds "ecome easy' * sharp crease at &rease 4(4 ma es creating these sleeves much easier' (nd no. for the final fold: Step 11

(ring "ottom edge Crea,e '!' up and tuc snugly under throat of collar, hold firmly with your thum"' &rease firmly at )ine 'C '

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