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Test 1
PAPER 1 PART 1 QUESTIONS 1-5 Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? For questions 1-5, mark the orre t !etter A-" on the answer sheet.
# We can answer your questions.

READING AND WRITING (1 hour 10 minutes)


1 # $ % 5

You cant drive this way.

Children do not have to pay.

You can shop here six days a week.

e care!ul when you stand up.

We work quickly.

) "

Europe Level A2

PART # QUESTIONS *-1+ Rea, the senten es -*-1+. a/out a /irth,a01 'hoose the /eat 2or, -A, & or '. 3or ea h s4a e1 For questions *-1+, mark A, & or ' on the ans2er sheet1 E5A6P7E
+ "ina............ up early that mornin# $ecause it was her $irthday.


A stood



' came

* Nina was very...............because she got lots of presents.

A interestin# $ lovely

' happy

8 She..................some friends to her house for a party.

A decided $ a#reed

' invited

9 Her mother made a big chocolate...........with Happy Birthday on the top.

A meal $ cake

' dish

: Nina and her friends had a great time singing and dancing and............. to their
favourite music. A listenin# $ hearin# % lookin#

1+ !hen they had to go everybody ................. Nina and her mother for the party.
A said & thanked ' told

Europe Level A2


!ART & '(E)TI*N 11-15 %o+,-ete the .i/e con/ersations. 0or con/ersations 11-151 +ar2 A1 $ or % on the answer sheet.


%ts time !or lunch.

A & '

&h #ood' &ne hour. (al! past twelve. % don*t like co!!ee. % pre!er tea. Co!!ee+ please. %t*s a red shirt. %t was very cheap. %t was in a shop. %*m a!raid so. % think so. ,hat*s all ri#ht "o+ %*m not. &nly a little. Yes+ very much.


Would you like a drink)

A & '


(ow much was your new

A & '



%*m very sorry.

A & '


-o you spaek .n#lish)

A & '

QUESTIONS 1*-#+ 'om!4!ete this on;ersation at a <ara<e1

Europe Level A2

What ,oes the 2oman sa0 to the ar me hani = For questions 13-4#1 +ar2 the correct -etter A-H on the answer sheet. E5A6P7E
$echnic% !oman% &ood morning $adam. !hat's the problem( #......................

ANSWER & A & )'d prefer the afternoon. )'m not sure. 0he brakes aren't working very well. ' ,h1 ,ne other thing how much will it cost( 0he engine is hard to start in the morning. E ) work on $ondays. )'m afraid ) need it today. How about the weekend( ) !hen ) brake the car goes to the left. " ,h. *ould you do it on $onday(

$echanic% !oman% $echanic% !oman% $echanic% !oman% $echanic% !oman% $echanic% !oman% $echanic% !oman%

!hat do you mean( 1*........... ) see. !e can probably repair that easily. *an you leave the car now( 18.............. )'m sorry. !e're completely full on Saturday. 19..............

+es all right. *ould you come in the ( morning( 1:............... ,-. #+................. )'m not sure but probably about .#/. F 0hat's fine. )'ll see you on $onday.

Europe Level A2

!ART 5 QUESTIONS #1-#8 Rea, the in3ormation a/out three /ooks an, then ans2er the questions1 For questions #1-#8, mark A, & or ' on the ans2er sheet1

Ne2 /ooks this month

The "on6 Ni6ht
0his is 3avid 4eilly's first book. 3avid became "os4ita! or 'inema= $arcie studies 8acome 5nglish who in

9ondon wrote this story earlier this year.

0ina is a young Bra:ilian a writer after teaching "ar, Work 5nglish for several years. 0his e7citing story is woman whose dream is $aha is a nurse in 8oanna 8ones's twentieth. to become a doctor. She northern where 6ustralia Hard Work is a$out goes to 9ondon to study /om$at+ who works+ 5nglish and medicine but with his !ather+ a one day she meets a man carpenter+ in ,hailand. who asks her to go to the ,hey work lon#+ hard ;S6 with him to become hours makin# ta$les a film star... !hat will and chairs+ $ut they do 0ina do( not have any money. ,hen one day a man dressed all in $lack $uys the most $eauti!ul ta$le in the shop...

she in a

wor2s s+a--

hos,ita-. *ne 7ay a 8a8y is so i-that aha has to 7i/e a-- ni6ht to 6et her to the nearest 8i6 city. They ha/e a -ot o.
Europe Level A2



,ro8-e+s 6ettin6 an7... there

+ Which $ook is a$out some$ody who works with doctors) A ,he 0on# "i#ht $ (ard Work % (ospital or Cinema)



Which $ook is $y some$ody who has written a lot o! $ooks) A ,he 0on# "i#ht $ (ard Work % (ospital or Cinema)


Which $ook is a$out some$ody who is very poor) A ,he 0on# "i#ht $ (ard Work % (ospital or Cinema)


!hich book is about somebody who would like to work in a hospital) A ,he 0on# "i#ht $ (ard Work % (ospital or Cinema)


Which $ook is $y some$ody who worked in a school) A ,he 0on# "i#ht $ (ard Work % (ospital or Cinema)


Which $ook is a$out a di!!icult 1ourney) A ,he 0on# "i#ht $ (ard Work % (ospital or Cinema)


Which $ook is a$out a man and his son)

Europe Level A2

A ,he 0on# "i#ht #8 $ (ard Work % (ospital or Cinema)

Which $ook is $y a student) A ,he 0on# "i#ht $ (ard Work % (ospital or Cinema)

Europe Level A2


!ART 5 QUESTIONS #9-$5 Rea, the in3ormation a/out S hnau>er ,o<s1 'hoose the /est 2or, -A, & or '. 3or ea h s4a e -#9-$5. For questions #9-$5, mark A, & or ' on the ans2er sheet1

)chna9:er Do6s
0here are three si:es. .....#.... /chnau2er do#. 0he two smaller si:es first ... #9... to 5ngland over </ years ago but the &iant Schnau:er has not ...#:... here very long. 0he name &iant is a good one because the dogs are =< to =>.<cm high. 6ll the dogs ...$+... long hair which should be cut ?uite often. $ost smaller Schnau:ers ...$1... grey in colour ...$#... the &iant Schnau:er is usually black. Schnau:ers come from &ermany where farmers use the dogs to help ...$$... with their sheep and they are also used ...$%... the police because Schnau:er dogs are very intelligent. 6 Schnau:er makes ...$5... nice !amily do#. %t is !riendly and very #ood with youn# children.

+ A with $ o! % in


#9 #: $+ $1 $# $$ $% $5

A came A $ein# A has A were A or A them A !rom A the

$ come $ $e $ have $ is $ i! $ him $ $y & a

% comes % $een % had % are % $ut % us % to ' any

Europe Level A2

!ART 3 QUESTIONS $*-%+ Rea, the ,es ri4tions -$*-%+. o3 some 2or,s a/out ho!i,a0s an, tra;e!1 What is the 2or, 3or ea h ,es ri4tion= The 3irst !etter is a!rea,0 there1 There is one s4a e 3or ea h other !etter in the 2or,1 For questions $*-%+, 2rite the 2or,s on the ans2er sheet1 E5A6P7E
+ You can take photos o! your holiday with this.

ANSWER amera

$* $8 $9 $: %+

You need this to travel to some !orei#n countries. , A A A A A A A +ou need to buy this before you get on a plane. 0his is where you go to get a plane. +ou put your clothes in this when you travel. 0his person likes visiting different places. tAAAAA aAAAAAA sAAAAAAA tAAAAAA

Europe Level A2

PART 8 QUESTIONS %1-5+ 'om4!ete this !etter1 Write ONE 2or, 3or ea h s4a e -%1-5+. For questions %1-5+, 2rite 0our 2or,s on the ans2er sheet1

"@ 9ong 4oad Brighton ""nd $arch 3ear Cat ) arrived DExample: hereE three weeks ago. )'m studying at a language school ...%1... Brighton. 0he students come ... %#... many different countries and ) ...%$... made a lot of new friends. 0here ...%%... classes for five hours every day. ) like ... %5... teacher very much. ...%*... name is 8ohn and he helps me ...%8... ) make a mistake. ) want ...%9... visit 9ondon ne7t weekend because ) .. %:... going back to my country on $onday. *an ) see you there( Clease write to ...5+... soon. !ith best wishes from


Europe Level A2


PART 9 QUESTION 51-55 Rea, the noti e an, the note 3rom Shei!a1 'om4!ete An,0?s notes1 For questions 51-55, 2rite the in3ormation on the ans2er sheet1

" 6pril
6ndy 9et's go to the Film *lub ne7t week. *an you get the tickets from the college office( 4emember we pay the cheaper price. ) must study at home for our e7am on @ 6pril. 0hanks1 See you ne7t 0uesday in the *offee Bar at >.2< before it starts1 Sheila

Europe Level A2


PART : QUESTION 5* Rea, the note 3rom 0our 3rien, Ri har,1 Write a 4ost ar, to te!! him 2hat he 2ants to kno21 )t's great that you're coming to see me in 5ngland. 0ell me when you are coming how long you want to stay and what you want to do. !rite soon1 4ichard

Write #5-$5 2or,s1 Write 0our 4ost ar, on the ans2er sheet1

Europe Level A2


PAPER # 7ISTENIN) Dappro7imately #/ minutes including @ minutes transfer timeE PART 1 QUESTION 1-5 @ou 2i!! hear 3i;e short on;ersations1 @ou 2i!! hear ea h on;ersation t2i e1 There is one question 3or ea h on;ersation1 For questions 1-5, 4ut a ti k un,er the ri<ht ans2er1

Europe Level A2


$ !here is 4oom ""(

!hich man wants to see him(

How did the woman get to work(

Europe Level A2


PART # QUESTIONS *-1+ 7isten to Pau! ta!kin< to a 3rien, a/out his 3ami!01 What ,oes ea h 4erson ,o= For questions *-1+, 2rite a !etter A-" neAt to ea h 4erson1 @ou 2i!! hear the on;ersation t2i e1

PEOP7E * 8 9 : 1+ Bill 3avid Caul's mother Caul's father Caul

BO&S A & ' ( E F ) " bank clerk doctor farmer shop assistant stopped work student teacher writer

Europe Level A2


PART $ QUESTIONS 11-15 7isten to Eri ta!kin< to 6ar0 a/out the 2eeken,1 Their 3rien,, 'ar!os, is omin< to ;isit them1 For questions 11-15, ti k A, & or '1 @ou 2i!! hear the on;ersation t2i e1 E5A6P7E + !hat does *arlos hate( A shopping & museums ' football 11 !hen is the football match( A Saturday morning & Sarurday afternoon ' Sunday afternoon A at home & in an )talian restaurant ' in a *hinese restaurant A go for a drive & get up late ' go to the cinema A in a cafG & in a pub ' at home A *arlos doesn't like films. & 5ric doesn't like films. ' they don't have time. ANSWER

1# !here are they going to eat on Saturday evening(

1$ !hat are they going to do on Sunday morning(

1% !here are they going to have lunch on Sunday(

15 0hey can't go to the cinema on Sunday afternoon because

Europe Level A2



QUESTIONS 1*-#+ @ou 2i!! hear a te!e4hone on;ersation1 A <ir! 2ants to s4eak to 6artin, /ut he is not there1 7isten an, om4!ete questions 1*-#+1 @ou 2i!! hear the on;ersation t2i e1

Europe Level A2


PART 5 QUESTIONS #1-#5 @ou 2i!! hear some in3ormation a/out a tra;e! a<en 01 7isten an, om4!ete questions #1-#51 @ou 2i!! hear the in3ormation t2i e1

@ou no2 ha;e 9 minutes to 2rite 0our ans2ers on the ans2er sheet1

Europe Level A2


PAPER $ SPEACIN) D@A1/ minutesE

0he Speaking test lasts @ to 1/ minutes. +ou will take the test with another candidate. 0here are two e7aminers but only one of them will talk to you. 0he e7aminer will ask you ?uestions and ask you to talk to the other candidate. Part 1 -<A= minutesE 0he e7aminer will ask you and your partner some ?uestions. 0hese ?uestions will be about your daily life past e7perience and future plans. For e7ample you may have to speak about your school Hob hobbies or home town. Part # D#A2 minutesE +ou and your partner will speak to each other. +ou will ask and answer ?uestions. 0he e7aminer will give you a card with some information on it. 0he e7aminer will give your partner a card with some words on it. +our partner will use the words on the card to ask you ?uestions about the information you have. 0hen you will change roles.

Europe Level A2


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