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Torres1 Abigail Torres Capstone 1 Frank Nov.

26, 2013

Research Paper: Premature Babies A babys arrival can be very joyful for a first time mother in a way that it brings particular challenges and experiences that could change a life forever. When a baby is born premature it can discomfort the family knowing that theyre child is at risk and even exposed to death. Some of the premature babies come for the first time in the world with a defect that causes agony in the family and especially in the mother. Premature babies are a very important issue in todays society because it involves the health of a new born. The birth of premature babies can be prevented with the help of families and the community. Therefore people have to take action in raising money for preemies to take advantage of new technology since they have a less chance to survive compared to 9-month baby. Statistics show the impact that preemies are causing as the rate of preterm birth increases every day. Any part of the world is affected no matter how advanced they are in technology. One of every eight infants born in the United States is a premature babie (Medline Plus). These statistics are extremely high, however people can change it by getting involved in the community and helping preemies have a less chance to lose in their battle for life. In 2003; 499,008 infants were born prematurely (National Center for Health Statistics). The rates of preterm births have increased over the years. "In 1995: 11.0% of live births were born preterm, In 2006: 12.8% of live births were born preterm"(March of Dimes-Peristats). As the numbers keep increasing, many families are suffering and losing hope for theyre babies. African American women have the highest rate of preterm birth in 2004 with a 17.6% (Reedy, 2007). These statistics demonstrate the high frequency of preterm birth.

Torres2 Abigail Torres Capstone 1 Frank Nov. 26, 2013

Preemies have a weak immune system that may not be able to fight back any viruses, which makes it easier for these babies to catch any kind of bacteria, viruses or even diseases (Mayo Clinic).The earlier the baby arrives the more delicate its body is. The development of premature babies is not complete therefore it may have an unready heart or lungs. This may cause serious health problems in the future. Premature babies are human beings that have a less chance to survive. Families with a premature baby have obstacles that hold them back from happiness. Those obstacles can be enormous and can be very hard to live through. There are a lot of complications that preemies suffer in which it may include; breathing, heart, brain, temperature, gastrointestinal, blood, metabolism and even Immune system problems. Some of the long-term complications are cerebral palsy, impaired cognitive skills, vision problems, dental problems, behavioral and psychological and many other chronic health issues. Some preemies suffer at least one of these diseases; Chronic Lung Disease, Apnea, Respiratory distress. Etc. Diseases are barriers that can cause misery. The American Academy of Pediatrics displays these different diseases that a preemie is exposed as soon as the baby takes the first breath out of the mothers womb. When they are born before ready, theyre body system doesnt develop at a full term, therefore many parts of the body have weak function or an incomplete behavior. With so many poor qualities, it is essential giving a hand to support the service for premature babies. Women have a higher risk of premature labor if they have certain body conditions that could lead to a preemie. The mother won't be aware of these conditions if they dont educate

Torres3 Abigail Torres Capstone 1 Frank Nov. 26, 2013

themselves or ask questions. According to the American Pregnancy Association preterm labor happens because "uterine contractions cause the cervix to open earlier than normal". Other factors that may increase the risk of preterm labor is the lifestyles that the mother lives. For example, starting with "little or no prenatal care, smoking, drinking alcohol, using illegal drugs, domestic violence (physical, sexual or emotional), lack of social support, high levels of stress, or long working hours with long periods of standing" (American Pregnancy Association). Any of these factors have dangerous consequences. Preemies suffer too much and that should not be the case because they're innocent children that just want a chance to survive. Families that have the chance to receive a preemie, have a very difficult time to find a bright light of hope. These parents need something or someone to tell them; Everything is going to be fine. Parents need someone who can offer them a shoulder to cry on because theyre goal is to maintain strong and firm in front of their babies. In order to prevent this, it is important to understand the concept of a healthy lifestyle for the mother and the child during the pregnancy. As a result, the number of preemies can decrease with the help of their own mothers taking action and the only possible way is if we together as community support these mothers and encourage the health of a new born. Together we can help by supporting them financially and emotionally. Parenting a preemie is extremely important because parents have a fragile life in their hands. The Baby Center advises parents needing specialized information of health, development, feeding and care. Being the guardian of a fragile being can affect the life and hope, that is why

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we want to be there to help these parents do a great job because having to take care of a premature child is double the weight. Parents have to inform themselves in order to prevent an overwhelmed feeling as well as a frighten sense. Informed parents are exceptional parents in the future because the more they know about their baby, the better they understand the responsibility. Education can save a life if we seek it; therefore, with knowledge a person can do more than enough. Mothers need to be strong in order to give the best to their child and that is our responsibility as a community to give mothers hope and strength. In addition, the March of Dimes guides and supports mothers during their pregnancy in order to create better healthier babies all around the world. With such characterization, March of Dimes desires to attend the complete nine months of the creation of a human being in order to provide motivation for the mother(March of Dimes). A pregnancy carries within many attributes in which they all affect the mother. This could lead to thrilled moments as well as a lack of energy. The March of Dimes is there to give the mothers a boost when ever is needed or even maternal materials for the mother and child. It is time to step in the shoes of March of Dimes and assist the babies that are going to be the next generation. The assistance of the community and active neighbors can help though the journey of premature babies. There are many resources that offer help to families with a premature baby, and these resources can be more effective if we join them and fight along with them. The more people help the less preemies suffer. As simple as that is said, it takes willingness and a strong belief in hope.

Torres5 Abigail Torres Capstone 1 Frank Nov. 26, 2013

As a regular 9-month baby, a premature baby has the right to live and the right to fight for survival. They might be born with a special condition but that obstacle should not stop their family or the community to keep having hope. We live in a world that technology is advancing day by day, so lets take advantage of that quality and use it for the benefit of human race. So lets appeal to this advantage for the best of preemies because with this technology it is sure that premature babies have a way to get out of the risk. Premature babies depend on us, the community so let's do something about it, considering that those innocent infants cannot fight by themselves. Preemies have a low chance to survive, but we can increase that chance by helping financially to the less fortunate families that can also be in need of emotional support in order to lift up the spirit of the family. We all have issues to deal with but by helping others we also benefit from the goodness that we provide. By supporting others it makes us a better person and someone who others may look up to. Together we can save a life. This case involves all citizens and if we dont help the new generation it will be unhealthy and unable to run this nation. A strong nation needs strong people, therefore it is our duty as human beings to get up and help. This issue affects every kind of family including yours and mines; nobody can escape from this effect therefore let's decrease the chance for a preemie to lose the life battle and make them healthy babies. But sometimes that is not always the case because one can only stay strong for a certain amount of time. We are the parents hope. There are many different ways to help them, but one

Torres6 Abigail Torres Capstone 1 Frank Nov. 26, 2013

of them if financially. Some families dont have the needed resources to keep fighting for their babys life; therefore we jump in and be the hope that fills them with faith and love. Many can think that premature babies are not important enough in todays daily problems because at the end of the day they still end up surviving. However that is not entirely true. According to the Preemie Survival Foundation, babies that were born 23-25 weeks they have a 17%-50% chance of survival. Likewise that 50% of survivors are currently under medical supervision. Furthermore people can conclude that yes, premature babies are an imperative topic and it is something to act on because as individuals we wouldnt want this to happen to us personally or to our close ones. Why is it important for society to care about preemies? Well as a starter because its a life. A premature baby is a life in which is in extreme danger of death. It is also a human being having a difficult time to survive. A life is a gift from God that is valuable to the parents. We as people who have years living in this magnificent world, know the delighted moments weve had, so why not give an opportunity of joyfulness. Preemies expect you to take action for them because as vulnerable as they are, they need you to believe in their survival and give them hope of life. As human beings we have a heart filled with desires to make this world a better place so why not begin with the new human beings that are being born daily. By fundraising money for medical care to prevent premature births, then the chance of living in a world where babies dont worry if they might make it can be pretty high. Together we can make a difference by standing by each other in rough times and facing each other's fears.

Torres7 Abigail Torres Capstone 1 Frank Nov. 26, 2013

1.)"Globally Preterm Birth Accounts for over 9.5% of All Births. This Means That over 13 Million Babies Are Born Too Soon Every Year." Incidence of Preterm Birth. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. <>.

2.)"Health Issues of Premature Babies." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2013.

3.) "KidsHealth." A Primer on Preemies. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013


4.)"Premature Babies." BabyCenter. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. <>. 5.) "Premature Babies: MedlinePlus." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. <>. 6.)"Premature Babies." Preemies. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. <>. 7.)"Premature Labor." American Pregnancy Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

8.)"Preterm Labor-Topic Overview." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.


9.)"Quint Boenker Preemie Survival Foundation." Quint Boenker Preemie Survival Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2013.

Torres8 Abigail Torres Capstone 1 Frank Nov. 26, 2013


10.) Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Definition." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 29 Dec. 2011. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. <>.

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