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s probation workers in NAPO begin a second national strike against privatisation, pressure is piling up on Secretary of State Chris Grayling from across the justice sector. On 1st April, solicitors in the Justice Alliance will take protest action and join us in rallies across the country as part of their campaign against Legal Aid cuts. At the same time prison ofcers in the POA, already at boiling point over staff cuts and pension changes, have been urged to support us and prepare for a coordinated response to Graylings disastrous plans for Resettlement Prisons. If further conrmation were needed of how out of touch Grayling is, it came with recent news that prisoners are now banned from receiving books sent in by relatives! This is because of

new rules introduced to encourage compliance with a tougher prison regime, but is yet another example of how his headline grabbing measures will ultimately work against his declared aim of a rehabilitation revolution. NAPO members have now been involved in a year-long battle against Transforming Rehabilitation (TR/privatisation) and some are asking what this strike will achieve and whether we can win. Living with the stress and anxiety of TR has not been easy but we say this: Its not too late. Staff assignments are complete and Trusts are being wound up but NO jobs have yet gone to the private sector. We cannot stop the split but we can keep the Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) in the public sector by

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E-mail; phone 020 8988 8777; write to Socialist Party, PO Box 24697, London, E11 1YD

delaying and preventing share sale. Were winning. TR is in meltdown. There has already been a two month delay and there are serious concerns about whether it can be delivered before the general election. Striking will put further pressure on TR delivery. Private providers are nervous. Companies that thought they could make quick money are now questioning whether they will be able to make rehabilitation pay. If they were expecting a compliant workforce that they could cut easily, we need to press home the message that we will not roll over. It works. Talks broke down last year over the Staff Transfer Scheme and our action on 5th November brought Grayling back to the negotiating table. We won a National Framework Agreement that gives most staff seven years protection of service continuity.

Were right. Weve said all along that TR places the public at risk and we are being proved right. As the bureaucratic TR processes begin to take hold we cannot allow chaos and disintegration to undermine and demoralise the workforce. Striking will unite us once again and show the public we are determined to put their safety rst.

The NSSN was initiated by the RMT in 2006. Eight national unions RMT, PCS, CWU, NUM, POA, NUJ, BFAWU & NAPO ofcially support our campaigning work, as well as many union branches, shop stewards committees and trades councils. What does NSSN do? NSSN has played a role with others in TUC delegates decision to endorse coordinated action, and we have worked to keep this strategy in prole. After even more Coalition cuts its not only practical but necessary. Nows the time to name the date! Our last lobby of TUC Conference in Bournemouth was a huge success. Now, amongst other campaigning work - like supporting workers in struggle, and those victimised for the crime of defending their members from the employers brutal cuts - we are planning our 8th National Conference.

National Shop Stewards Network conference 5 July, 11am to 5pm Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) was set-up in 2010 to enable trade unionists, community campaigners and socialists to stand candidates against the pro-austerity establishment parties. TUSC has a clear position of opposing all cuts, and candidates endorse a clear 10-point programme (see the website). TUSC was set up by the RMT and includes other leading trade union ghters and socialists, including the Socialist Party.

Text JOIN with your name & postcode to 07761 818206


E-mail; phone 020 8988 8777; write to Socialist Party, PO Box 24697, London, E11 1YD

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