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TODAY Children's Church will be downstairs right after this morning's special. We thank our volunteers of the day. Helper Rachael Kaye !ini's "eader #essy $tephenson %ood Helper &dith %letcher and supplying '( cup cakes )asia West

ENTER TO WORSHIP !arch 4'2 4(98 W&"C.!&2 /--.=C&!&-)$2 >R/?&R C.-C&R-$2 1@R)H7/?$2 A /--@B&$/R@&$ .>&-@-6 >R/?&R+ Ed Rhoades MY SAVIOR'S LOVE v. 92 42 A : Page 3 4 8 TILL THE STORM PASSES BY v. 92 42 A ' O COME, LET US ADORE HIM v. 92 42 '2 8 A opt. "ast stanCa Page 5 4 3 Page 1 9 6

*+(( p.m. , )here will be a special presentation of the movie musical '-./H' 0filmed in 1ranson2 !.3 here at the church. )here is a descriptive flyer on the foyer bulletin board. -ovelty Christian Church is having their revival )onight 0!arch 4'rd3 through Wednesday 0!arch 4*th3 at 5 p.m. -ightly. )heir speaker is &d $need. )oday is also the last day of '6od's -ot 7ead' at the !acon Cinema. $hows at+ 4+(( p.m.2 8+9: p.m.2 5+9: p.m.2 and ;+'( p.m. MONDAY !arch 48

Atlanta Christian Church

C.!!=-@.- H?!O HOW HE LOVES YOU A D ME v. 9 A 4 Page 3 4 9 C.!!=-@.- 7&B.)@.-+ Lavon Moore THE LORD'S SUPPER !"##"$e% &' O((ERI )

Special Julie Kay Howe

!orning !essage from Da*+e# B,a*%-

TUESDAY !arch 4: 1irthday+ Edith Fletcher WEDNESDAY !arch 4*

5+(( p.m. , 1ible $tudy THURSDAY !arch 45

Revelation '+ 98 44 @-B@)/)@.- H?!WITHOUT HIM Page 5 0 4

CLOSI ) PRAYER %."".W&7 1? )H& %."".W@-6 C".$@-6 CH.R=$

FRIDAY !arch 4< 1irthday+ Basil Hammons SATURDAY !arch 4;

1ESUS, MY 1ESUS Page 3 4 1 #esus2 my #esus2 ?our love means so much to me. #esus2 my #esus2 ?our love is all that @ need. DEPART TO SERVE

$unday $chool at ;+'( !orning Worship at 9(+4( OPENING THE WAY TO CHRIST AND THE CHURCH #ohn 9(+; A Colossians 8+4 A ' Church >hone D+ 0**(3 4'; 8''4 !inister+ 7aniel 7. 1rands 7aniel's Cell D+ 0**(3 '84 8:85


(I)HTI ) CA CER2 $usan 1entley 0friend of shara )hrasher3 #ennifer 6ordon !ike !iller "ori Wilson Crissy 1ane !argaret Camp /ndee %lood &laine Head Bernon #anes !yrna "yda and "inda -ored. OTHER EEDS2 #odi 1edore 0"isa nuhn's cousin3 1rady 1rown 0missing since -ov. 4(9'3 -icole 7ameron $teve and Coleen %itCanko 0Carolyn Read's cousins3 Clarence 6raham 1rett #ackson 7uane King )eanna King #erry -uhn >aulette Riley 0friend of #onathan Kuttingev3 !arguerite )hrasher A )asia West 0heart tests3 OTE2 -ames on the .)H&R -&&7$ list will be deleted !arch '9 unless @'m informed to keep that person on. )hose on the %@6H)@-6 C/-C&R list will only be deleted when @'m told., &d

:9 attended morning worship last week. Women's 7ay at CCC1 is )hursday2 /pril 'rd 24(98. With workshop at 8+'( p.m. /nd 1anEuet at *+'( p.m. F9:.(( per person. )here %R&&7.! with speaker $tephanie %reed.

AT THE TABLE2 "arry %letcher and "avon !oore SERVERS2 1rynn 1aker2 !ichael >hillips2 $tephen $tull2 and Collan )hrasher $ong "eader+ Carolyn Read $pecial !usic+ &dith %letcher Communion >reparation+ 1everly Rhoades 6reeter0s3+ "arry A &dith %letcher
-&G) W&&K'$ .>&-@-6 >R/?&R+ &d "air -&G) W&&K'$ C.!!=-@.- 7&B.)@.-+ 7aniel 1rands

C56,75 C"*8a78 I*!",9a8+"*

Church website+ http+HHwww.facebook.comHpagesH/tlanta, Christian,ChurchH99'8*8<8*;;4 Church Kids website+ http+HHwww.facebook.comHpagesH/tlanta,Christian,Kids, ChurchH4::5(5444549 7aniel's email address+ /ll church bulletin since .ctober 52 4(94 can now be found archived at http+HHwww.scribd.comHedwardKlair 0note there is an underscore line here L3


LAPLATA URSI ) HOME 4 $haron "air A 7ot $pearman LOCH HAVE 4 Helen !c7uffee 1asil Hammons !arie !iller 7eloma -uhn A #anet Wadlow MACO HEALTHCARE 4 #une 7eskin !arla !oore A Wilma Roberts


#ake 1aker Robert 1ennett /ndy 7unseith #ay Hudson Roland Carnahan Ryan 6ordon )om HinC &ric Hyde Willy 6ordon and -athan ?oung
)H@$ 1=""&)@- >R&>/R&7 1? &7 A $H/R.- "/@R

Bisitor /ttendance cards are in the back of the pew in front of you. @f you are a visitor we humbly reEuest that you fill one out and place it in the offering tray when it is passed. We are happy you chose to worship with us today and will be eEually delighted should you choose to come again.

CALL :660; <39 4 430< .R &,!/@" =$ /) for changes

/C)=/""? / M=@CK -.)& W.="7 1& >R&%&RR&7
0Berbal communication seems to be less reliable3

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