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Economic and Social Development Scholarships Application Form

Important: Please read the notes in page 4 before completing this form. Complete the form carefull ! and tr to fill in all the sections! other"ise dela s "ill occur "hen processing our application.

A. Personal details (as they appear on the Postgraduate Application Form)

Surname/family name: ------------------------------First name: ------------------------------Other names: ------------------------------#ate of $irth (day/month/year) Home address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------Country: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fa --------------------------------

!mail - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Address for correspondence (if different) ------------------------------------------------------------------Country: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !mail - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Office use only: %an&ing: School: Status:

$. Programme of stud at Susse%

Application 'um$er (if &no(n): Please tell us your application num$er (Please note* this is not your online application num$er+ ! ample: ,--.-/,01): 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 )itle of #egree Programme: (! ample: "Sc 3nternational !conomics)


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C. Education &ualifications
Please list 4ualifications and grades (hich you ha5e already o$tained or for (hich you are still studying: 7ualification (e+g+ High School Certificate* #egree)


School* 6ni5ersity or College


9rade* 9PA

#ate o$tained or e pected

D. 'or( e%perience
Please descri$e any (or& e perience (hich is rele5ant to your proposed study programme:


'ame of employer/organisation

:o$ title and responsi$ilities

E. Finances
3n fairness to other applicants* (e are una$le to consider applications from candidates (ho ha5e not already secured sufficient funds to meet their tuition fees and li5ing e penses at the time of application (after ta&ing account of the possi$le a(ard of this Scholarship)+ Please state $elo( ho( your tuition fees and li5ing e penses (ill $e met:

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F. Personal statement
)he !conomic and Social #e5elopment Scholarships (ill $e a(arded on the $asis of pre5ious academic performance and future potential* not financial need+ )he selectors (ill pay special attention to the information you pro5ide $elo(+ Please tell us a$out your academic achie5ements and am$itions+ In particular! please state ho" the degree ou have applied for at Susse% "ould enable ou to contribute to the economic or social development of our countr "hen ou return on completion of our studies.

). Declaration
3 here$y declare that 3 ha5e understood and comply (ith the !ligi$ility Criteria* and 3 ma&e a true statement a$out my details.

Signature (or* type your name):


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*otes for completing the application form Eligibilit criteria

3n order to $e considered for an !conomic and Social #e5elopment Scholarship you must meet all of the follo(ing criteria: /+ ;e a national from* and resident in* one of the follo(ing countries: 3ndia* Pa&istan* Sri <an&a Students currently studying in the 6= (including as undergraduates at Susse ) are not eligi$le to apply+ ,+ ;e applying for a one+ ear ,aster-s degree in the follo(ing su$8ect areas only: Anthropology #e5elopment Studies / 3nternational #e5elopment (including the 3nstitute of #e5elopment Studies) !conomics !ducation 9ender Studies 3nternational %elations Human %ights "igration Studies

0+ 'ot pre5iously ha5e studied at degree le5el in the 6=+ 1+ ;e classified to pay fees at the >o5erseas? (non-!6) rate+ @+ Ha5e sufficient funds to meet your tuition fees and li5ing e penses* after ta&ing account of the possi$le a(ard of this Scholarship+

.o" to complete the form

/+ ,+ 0+ 1+

Please complete the application form in type or (rite in CAP3)A< letters and ;<AC= in&+ Please 4uote your email address as correspondence (ill $e 5ia email+ Please ma&e a copy of the form for yourself $efore sending it to Susse + Ahen completed* you should return the form before the deadline either $y email or post to: Student Funding )eam Student <ife Centre 6ni5ersity of Susse Chichester /* Ci--0 Falmer !ast Susse ;'/ B7: 6= Email: scholarshipsCsusse +ac+u&

Further information
For further information a$out the 6ni5ersity please see our (e$site: (((+susse +ac+u&

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