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Tehnical University Gh.

Asachi Iasi Faculty of Electrical, Energetical and Applied Informatics

Future Plane
Air us !rototype

Enea "odrin !ancu #aniel

Group$ %&'(


1. Future plane concept

*o+adays Air us is coming +ith a ne+ innovative plane concept that +ill change radically our vie+ a out each of us ideas a out plane and it +ill include a +hole ne+ flying e,perience inspired y nature, so that passengers reap the enefit of air travel +ith minimal environment impact. !ersonalised -ones +ill replace traditional ca in classes to offer tailored levels of e,perience. !assengers in )'(' could .oin an interactive conference/ en.oy a game of virtual golf/ read the 0ids ac0 home a edtime story/ and recharge in a 1vitalising seat2 +hile +atching the planet spread out eneath their feet.

1.1 General Aviation

For many years small airplanes +ere used for recreation and pleasure almost e,clusively. In the gradual evolution of the uses of the airplane, the a+areness of its use as a pronounced. The airplane as a appro,imately 3'4 of all flying. usiness tool ecame more usiness tool no+ comprises

1.2 Commercial Aviation

Today, commercial aviation is dominated y t+o aircraft

manufacturers...5oeing Aircraft "orporation and Air us "orporation. The latest designs eing produced carry more passengers6freight, urn less fuel, and are 7uieter than previous planes. 8esearch is


conducted to produce an airliner that +ill fly at hypersonic speeds, :as much as ( times the speed of sound;.


2. Plane Structure
The ird aircraft2s ionic structure mimics the efficiency of one +hich is optimised to provide strength +here needed, and allo+s for an intelligent ca in +all mem rane +hich controls air temperature and can ecome transparent to give passengers open panoramic vie+s. The design is intended to improve environmental performance +ith ultra long and slim +ings, semi=em edded engines and a U=shaped tail resulting in a lo+er fuel urn, a cut in emissions and less noise.

2.1 Cabin Concept

The "oncept "a in has an integrated 1neural net+or02 creating an intelligent interface et+een passenger and plane. It can identify and respond to passenger needs and ena les espo0e features such as morphing seats +hich change to your ody shape. !assengers +ith vertigo +ho +ant to shut out the panoramic vie+s can opt to turn their seats into holographic pods, rendering their sitting area opa7ue.

That2s great, ut unless the seats have uilt=in potties, nervous travelers +ill still have to ma0e the potentially terrifying tre0 from their seats to the lavatory. Instead of eing directed to our seats y ca in cre+, passengers of the future can locate their seat scanners that display images of the seating layout. y hand=print

2.2 Classless Future

Gone are the class divisions et+een first, usiness and economy ca ins. Instead, the plane of the future is separated into themed -ones. *e+ personalised -ones replace the traditional ca in classes in the Air us "oncept "a in to offer ne+ tailored levels of e,perience. The vitalising -one is all a out +ell eing and rela,ation allo+ing you to proactively recharge your atteries +ith vitamin and antio,idant

enriched air, mood lighting, aromatherapy and acupressure treatments +hilst ta0ing in the infinite vie+ of the +orld around you. the plane of the future is fitted +ith transparent ca in +alls that provide passengers +ith some of the most ama-ing vie+s of the earth +e2ll ever see.

The smart tech -one is tailored to+ards the more functional oriented passenger +ith a chameleon style offering, to meet individual needs ranging from a simple to a complete lu,ury service, ut all allo+ing you to continue life as if on the ground. 5y offering different levels of e,perience +ithin each -one, airlines +ould e a le to achieve price differentials and give more people access to the enefits of air travel +ith minimal environmental impact.

2.3 Morphing Seats and Electronic evices

>orphing pressing a travel space. The heat of your ody can e used as an alternativ energy to light the ca in up and to po+er the aircraft. For nervous flyers +anting to cut themselves off from the +indo+ vie+s, or those simply see0ing privacy from other passengers, seats +ould ecome ?holographic pods? that +ould shut out the outside +orld. The seats have special functions li0e monitoring your health, acupuncture and massage. seats +ill adapt y

utton to suit the passenger?s ody shape,

udget and their

providing different levels of comfort and

3. Conclusions
enefit of air travel +ith minimal environment impact.

lo+er fuel urn, a cut in emissions and less noise. system that use green energy. intelligent interface et+een passenger and plane that can identify and respond to passenger needs. the heat of human ody can e used as an alternativ energy.

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