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Najeeb M.


The Worshipper's Handbook

Compiled and Arranged







Donated by the author in cherished memory of this gifted chanter who served God in His churches and cathedrals from the Middle East to the West Coast and from Canada to Mexico, in the tradition of his family, from Aitha-al-Fukhar, Lebanon. His voice fouched the souls of pea pie of all f a it h s . May his memory be eternal.

with the blessing of





Copyrighted, 1954, by The Rt. Rev. Ananias Kassab and" The Rev. Raphael K. Husson



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We have observed the development of our young people everywhere, and have sensed the need of something that will quench their thirst for understanding and that that understanding in turn will give them an incentive to take a deeper interest in their mother church, the Holy Orthodox Eastern Catholic Apostolic Church. We took advantage of this situation and assumed the responsibility of arranging and compiling this book which contains the Divine Liturgy according to Saint John, the Chrysostom, and Saint Basil the Great. It also includes the customary Apolytikions (troparia) and Kondakions with explanations of all appendices. We ask that all of our young people take the privilege of using this book ill good faith. Some of the English text used in this book is f~bin the copyrighted translation made by the Right Rev. . G. H. Gelsinger. The Rt. Rev. Ananias Kassab and The Rev. Raphael K. Husson






Ackrundedgment Instructions for Worshippers

As you enter the church you shall make the Sign of the Cross thus:
With the thumb and the first two fingers of the right hand joined at the tips (the third and fourth fingers being closed on the palm) as a symbol at the Trinity, touch the brow, the breast, the right shoulder and the left shoulder, in token that every power of mind, heart and soul is made, accompanied by a simple inclination of the head and body, always at the occurence in prayers.

We should like to express our personal appreciation to the following friends .who contributed towards the printing of this Prayer Book: Mr. and' Mrs. E. G. stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Frank stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laham (members of st. Mary's Syrian Orthodox Church of Wichita, Kansas). The following members of the St. George Syrian Orthodox Church of <Charleston, West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Corey and Mr. and Mrs. Dheeb Summers. Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Namay (in memory of his father, Moses Namay). The Andrew Aide family of Mt. Hope (in memor: of their father, Andrew Aide). The William Ellis family of Madison, W. Va, (i:' memory of their father, William Ellis). May God 'bless them and compensate them with all the abundances of heaven and earth. Sincerely,
Archamandrite Ananias Kassab,

While you are making the Sign of the Cross you may recite silentiy the following verse:
"I will come into Thy House;' And with Thy fear unli I worship Toward Thy Holy Temple."

Pay your offerings at the Narthex and walk to your seat with reverence and Godly fear; sit down and give heed to the Word of God!

Secretary of the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio, and dependencies. and

Rev. Raphael K. Husson, Rector,

St. George Syrian Orthodox Church, Charleston, W. Va.

The First Day of the Great Lent, 1950.


The Dioine Liturgy

Priest bestowing the blessing, in cross-form with the Book of the Holy Gospels over the Antimins.

t f

The Divirte Litll.rgy

Priest bestowing' the blessing, in cross-form with the , Book of the Holy Gospels over the Antimins,

P: C: W:

Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. (Be seated). The Great Ektenia In peace let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy, (or) Kyrie-eleison. For the peace from above, and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For the peace of the whole world; for the good estate of the holy churches of God, and for the union of all men, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For this holy House, and for those who with faith, reverence, and fear of God enter therein, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For our Most Reverend Bishop or Archbishop (N), for the venerable Priesthood, the Diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For the President of the United States and all civil authorities, and for our Armed Forces everywhere, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. That he will aid them and grant them victory over every enemy and adversary, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.


C: W:

Mu-ba-ra-ka-tun mam-la-ka-tu l-abi, wa-lib-ni, war-ru-nt 1qu-dus : al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin, wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rin, Amin. (Be seated).



The Gre~t Ektenia

P: C: P: c: Bi-sa-la-min ila r-rab-bi nat-lub. Ya rab-bu r-ham, (or) Ky-rie-elelson. Min aj-li s-sa-la-mi I-Ia-dhi mi-na l-'u-la, wa-kha-la-si nu-tusi-na; ila r-rab-bi nat-lub. Ya rab-bu r-ham. Min aj-li sa-la-mi kul-Ii l-'a-Iam, wa-hus-ni tha-bii-ti ka-naisi l-Ia-hi l-mu-qad-da-sah, wat-ti-ha-di l-ja-mi': ila r-rab-bi

P: C: P:



C: P:


Ya rab-bu r-ham. Min aj-li ha-dha l-bai-ti l-muqad-das, wal-Ia-dhi-nayadkhu-lu-na ilai-hi bi-Ima-nin, wa-wa-ra-iin, wa-khow-Ii l-lah; ila r-rab-bi nat-lub, Ya rab-bu r-ham.

C: P:

C: P:

c: P:


C: P: C:


Min aj-li abi-na, wa-ra-isi asa-qi-Ia-tl-na (N), wal-ka-hana-ti l-mu-kar-ra-rni-na wash-sha-ma-mi-sah khud-da-rni l-ma-sih, wa-ja-mi-'! l-Ik-ll-ru-si wash-sha'b; ila r-rab-bi nat-lub. C: Ya rab-bu r-ham, . ~ P: Min aj-li ra-isi l-wi-Ia-va-ti l-mut-ta-hi-dah, wa-tum-ma-lihi, wa-ju-nu-di-hi fi kul-li ma-kan; ila r-rab-bi nat-lub.
C: P:


Ya rab-bu r-ham.
Min aj-li mu-aza-ra-ti-him fi l-hu-rtib, wa-ikh-da-'! kul-Ii 'a-

du-win, wa-mu-ha-ri-bin: ila r-rab-bi nat-lub. C: Ya rab-bu r-ham,



For this city, and for every city and land, and for the faithful who dwell therein, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For healthful seasons, for abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For travelers by sea, by land, and by air; for the sick and the suffering; for captives and their salvation, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For our deliverance from all tribulation, wrath, danger, and necessity, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and keep us, thy grace. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary; with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. To Thee, 0 Lord. For unto thee are due all glory, honor, and worship: to.the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. First Antiphon It is good thing to give thanks unto the Lord: and to sing praises unto Thy name, 0 Most High. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos,
Us. 0 0



P: Min aj-li ha-dhi-hi l-ma-di-nah, wa-ja-ml-'l l-mu-du-ni walqu-ra, wal-mu-mi-ni-na s-sa-ki-ni-na fi-ha; ila r-rab-bi natlub. C:


ya rab-bu r-ham.
ow-qa-tin sil-miy-yah; ila r-rab-bi nat-lub.

C: P:

P: Min-aj-li Iti-da-li l-ah-wi-yah, wa-khis-bi thi-ma-ri l-ard, waC:

Ya rab-bu r-ham.
wal-bah-ri, wal-ha-wa, wal-mar-da wal-mad-niy-yl-na, wal-as-ra wa-kha-Ia-si-him; ila r-rab-bi nat-lub.

P: Min aj-Ii l-mu-sa-Ii-ri-na fi l-bar-ri,




rab-bu r-ham.


Min aj-Ii na-ja-ti-na

rin, wa-shid-da-tin,

min kul-li huz-nin, wa-ri [-zin, wa-kha-taila r-rab-bi nat-lub,



rab-bu r-ham. al-la-hu bi-ni'-

God, by

P: Ul-dud, wa-khal-lis, war-ham, wah-Iaz-na ya

ma-tik. C: Yii rao-bu r-ham.


P: Ba'-da dhik-ri-na l-kul-Iiy-ya-ta l-qa-da-sah, at-ta-m-ran,

al-ta-iqa-ta l-ba-ra-kat, al-ma-ji-dah, sai-yi-da-ta-na wa-llda-ta l-Ilah, 'ad-dii-ima-ta l-ba-tii-liy-ya-ti mar-yam, ma-'a ja-mi-'! l-qid-di-sin, Ii-nii-di' an-Iu-sa-na wa-ba'-Q.u-naba'dan, wa-kul-la ha-ya-ti-na lil-ma-si-hi l-ilah,


La-ka yii rabb. Li-an-na-hu la-ka yan-ba-ghi kul-lu maj-din, wa-ik-ra-min, . wa-su-jiid, ai-yu-ha l-abu wa-Iib-nu war-ril-hu l-qu-dus: alana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rin. Amin. First Antiphon " ~a-li-l::mnhu-wa Ii'<tl-ra-Iu lir-rabb, wat-tar-ti-lu lis-mi-ka ai-yu-ha l-ta-liy. Bi-sha-fii-'a-ti wa-ll-da-ti l-ilah, ya mu-khal-Iis





R: C:


Saviour, save


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: to show forth Thy living kindness in the morning: and Thy truth in the night season.

Al-maj-du Iil-abi wa-lib-ni war-m-hi l-qu-dus: Li-taz-har rah-ma-tu-ka fi l-gha-dah, wa-haq-qu-ka fi kul-li lai-Iah.


C: Bi-sha-fa-ta-ti wa-ll-da-ti l-ilah, ya mu-khal-lis khal-lis-na.


Through save us.

the intercessions

of the Theotokos, 0 Saviour,

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen. To declare that the Lord-our God is upright: and there is no unrighteousness in Him. Through save us. the intercessions of the Theotokos, 0 Saviour,




Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-lla dah-ri d-da-hi-r'in, Amin, Li-yu-Ian bi-an-na r-rab-ba Ila-hu-na wa-Ia zul-rna fi-hi. Bi-sha-fa-ia-ti wa-ll-da-ti l-ilah, ya mu-khal-lis kh al-lis-na.


Little Ektenia

Little Ektenia P:

..P Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord.

C: P:

Ai-dan wa-ai-dan bi-sa-la-min ila r-rao-bi nat-lub,

Ya rab-bu r-ham,

Lord, have mercy. Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and keep us, 0 God, by Thy Grace. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance blessed and glorious Lady with all the Saints let us other and all our life unto To Thee, 0 Lord. For Thine is the dominion, and Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Second Antiphon our all-holy immaculate, most Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, commend ourselves and one anChrist our God.


U'-dud, wa-khal-lis, war-ham, wah-Iaz-na ya al-la-hu bi-ni'ma-tik.

Ya rab-bu r-ham.



Ba'-da dhik-ri-na t-kut-Iiy-ya-ta l-qa-da-sah, at-ta-hi-rah, alf8.-iqa-ta l-ba-ra-kat, al-ma-ji-dah, sai-yl-da-ta-na wa-Il-data l-ilah, ad-da-ima-ta l-ba-tii-liy-ya-ti mar-yam, ma-'a ja" mi-'! l-qid-di-sin, Ii-mi-dl' an-tu-sa-na wa-bat-du-na ba-dan wa-kul-la ha-ya-ti-na Iil-ma-si-hi l-ilah.
La-ka ya rabb.


C: P:




wa-la-ka I-mul-ka wal-qu-wa-ta


wal-majd, ai-yu-ha l-abu wa-lib-nu war-rti-hu l-qu-dus: ana wa-kul-la awa-nm wa-lla dah-ri d-da-hi-rin. . C:


Amin. Second Antiphon


The Lord is King; He had clothed Himself with majesty: The Lord hath clothed and girded Himself with might. Save us, 0 Son of God, that art risen from the dead: for now we sing unto Thee, Alleluia. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: For he established the world, and it shall not be moved. Save us, 0 Son of God, that art risen from the dead: for now we sing unto Thee, Alleluia. Now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen. Holiness becometh Thine house, 0 Lord, unto length of days.

R: C:

Ar-rab-bu qad ma-Iak wal-ja-ma-la la-bls, la-bi-sa r-rab-bu l-qu-wa-ta wa'-taz-za bi-ha. Khal-Iis-na ya bna l-Iah, ya man qa-rna min bai-ni l-amwat, li-nu-rat-til Ia-ka, Hal-li-lu-ia. '.' In-na-hu Al-rnaj-du Iil-abi wa-lib-ni war-ru-nt l-qu-dus: thab-ba-ta l-mas-kii-nah, fa-Ian ta-ta-za'-za'.


C: R:


Khal-lis-na ya bna l-Iah, yii. man qa-rna min bai-rn l-amwat, Ii-nu-rat-til la-ka, Hal-Ii-lu-ia. Al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-lla dah-ri d-da-hi-rm, AmIn. Bi-bai-ti-ka ta-li-qu l-qa-da-sah, ya rab-bu tii-Ia J-ai-yam.


0, only begotten Son and word of God, that art immortal, yet didst take on Thee for our salvation, to be incarnate of the holy Theotakos and ever-virgin Mary. And without change wast made man: and wast crucified also, 0 Christ our God, and by Thy death hast death sudbued; that art One of the Holy Trinity, Glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit: Preserve us.


Ya ka-li-ma-ta l-Ia-hi l-ib-ni l-wa-hid, al-Ia-dhi lam ya-zal ghai-ra ma-Itin, in-na-ka qa-bil-ta an ta-ta-jas-sa-da li-aj-li kna-Ia-sl-na mi-na l-qid-di-sah, wa-li-da-ti l-ilah, ad-da-imati l-ba-tu-Ily-yah mar-yam, wa-ta-an-nas-ta bi-ghai-ri sti-l)aIah, wa-su-Iib-ta ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu Ila-hu-na, wa-bi-mowti-ka wa-ti-ta l-mowt wa-an-ta lam ta-zal aha-da th-tha-Iuthi l-qud-diis, mu-maj-ja-dan ma-'a l-abi war-m-hi l-qu-dus khal-lis-na.

Little Ektenia
P: C: P: C: P: Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord. P:

Little Ektenia Ai-dan wa-ai-dan bi-sa-Ia-min ila r-rab-bi nat-lub.

Ya rab-bu r-ham. Ut-dud, wa-khal-Iis, ma-tik. Ya rab-bu r-ham. Ba-da dhik-ri-na l-kul-liy-ya-ta l-qada-sah, aHa-hi-rah, alfa-iqa-ta l-ba-ra-kat, al-ma-ji-dah, sai-yi-da-ta-na wa-Ii-data l-ilah, ad-da-ima-ta I-ba-tu-lry-yah mar-yam, ma-ta [a-mi'i l-qtd-dl-sln, Ii-nu-di' an-Iu-sa-na wa-ba'-Qu-na ba-dan wa-kul-la ha-ya-ti-na Iil-ma-sl-hl l-ilah. La-ka war-ham, wah-Iaz-na

Lord, have mercy. Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and keep us, 0 God, by Thy grace. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our all-holy immaculate, exceedingly blessed and glorious Lady Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and all our life unto Christ our God. To Thee, 0 Lord. For a gracious and manbefriending God art Thou ,and unto Thee we ascribe 'glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. (Stand up)

P: C: P:




C: P:



rabb. ila-hun sa-li-hurr wa-mu-hib-bun Hl-ba-shar.


wa-la-ka nur-si-lu l-maj-da ai-yu-ha l-abu wa-lib-nu war-ruhu l-qu-dus, al-ana wa-kul-Iaawa-nin rin. wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-

C: W:

C: W:

Amin. (Stand up)

The Little Entrance

NOTE: While the choir sings the Apolytikion "Resurrectional T'ropar;" the priest makes three bows before the altar, and takes the book of the holy gospels in both his hands and goes ahead by the north door of the sanctuary with torches preceding' him he makes the little entrance. While .the choir singeth the last portion of the Apolytikion the priest raises the Book of the Holy Gospels in both his hands and maketh with it a sign of the cross toward the holy altar, eastward.

The Little Entrance

NOTE: While the choir sings the Apolytikion "Resurrectional 'I'ropar," the priest makes three bows before the altar, and takes the book of the holy gospels in both his hands and goes ahead by the north door of the sanctuary with torches preceding him he makes the little entrance. While the choir singeth the last portion of the Apolytikion the priest raises the Book of the Holy Gospels in both his hands and maketh with it a sign of the cross toward the holy altar, eastward.

P: Wisdom, let us attend!





Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and God. Save us, 0 Son of God, that art risen from the dead: for now we sing unto Thee, Alleluia.


Ha-lum-mu li-nas-jud, wa-nar-ka' Iil-ma-sih, ma-ll-ki-na waIla-hi-na, khal-lis-na ya bna l-lah, ya man qa-ma min bai-ni l-am-wat, li-nu-rat-til la-ka, Hal-li-Iu-ia.


(Be seated).
NOTE: Thereafter the choir sings the apolytikion of the tone, the apolytikion of the day, and the apolytikion of the saint patron of the church, and the choir concludes with the customary collective: kondakion.


(Be seated).
NOTE: Thereafter the choir sings the apolytikion of the tone, the apolytikio n of the day, and the apolytikion of the saint patron of the church, and the choir concludes with the customary collective: k ondakion.


Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For holy art Thou, 0 our God, and unto Thee we ascribe glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. (Stand up)

P :Ila
C: Ya

r-rab-bi nat-lub. rab-bur-ham.



Ii-an-na-ka qud-du-sun an-ta ya ila-ha-na wa-la-ka nur-silu l-maj-da ai-yu-ha l-abu wa-hb-nu war-rii-hu l-qu-dus, alana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-lla dah-ri d-da-hi-rin.

C: W:


W: The Trisagion

(Stand up). The T risagion


Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy and Immortal: Have mercy on us. (thrice). GLoryto the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen. Holy Immortal, Have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy' and Mighty, Holy and Immortal: mercy on us. The Epistle
NOTE: Upon the conclusion of the 'I'risagion the reader of the epistle must come forth and stand with reverence before the royal door, bowing his head, while making the sign of the cross, and wait for a blessing from the priest.


Qud-du-sun l-lah, qud-dii-sun l-qa-wi, qud-du-sun l-la-dhi, Ia ya-mii-tu r-ham-na. (thrice). Al-maj-du Iil-ahl wa-lib-ni war-ru-hi l-qu-dus. Al-ana wa-kul-Ia-awa-nin wa-lla dah-ri-' d-da-hi-rin, Amin. Qud-du-sun l-Ia-dhi, la ya-mii-tu r-ham-na. Qud-du-sun l-lah, qud-du-sun l-qa-wi, qud-du-du-sun l-Iadhi, Hi. ya-mii-tu r-ham-na. The Epistle
NOTE: Upon the conclusion of the 'I'risagion the reader of the epistle must come forth and stand with reverence before the royal door, bowing his head, while making' the sign of the cross, and wait for a blessing from the priest.


W: P:

(Be seated). Let Us attend. (Recites the epistle of that day, in concluding reading' he turns toward the altar for a blessing from the priest.) Peace be to thee, 0 Reader.

W: P:

(Be seated). Li-nu:;;-ghi. (Recites the epistle of that day, in concludtng reading, he turns toward the altar for a blessing from the priest.
As-sa-la-mu la-ka ai-yu-ha l-qa-ri, Hal-Ie-Iu-ia.

P: C: P: W:

R: i;


Wisdom! Attend! Let us hear the Holy Gospel, peace be to all. (Stand Up)



Al-l)ik-mah, [i-nan-ta-sib, wa-nas-ma-'i das, as-sa-Ia-mu li-ja-mi-'i-kum. (Stand up).




P: C:

And to Thy spirit. The reading from the Holy Gospel according' to Saint (N}. Glory to thee, 0 Lord, Glory to thee. The Gospel
NOTE: After the priest concludes reading the gospel, he blesses the worshippers with the book of the holy gospel, in cross form.


Wa-Ii-rii-hi-ka ai-da. Fas-Iun sha-rif, min bi-sha-ra-ti f-qid-dls (N).


Al-maj-du la-ka yii rab-bu l-maj-du lak. The Gospel

NOTE: After the priest concludes reading the gospel, he blesses the worshippers with the book of the holy gospel, in cross form.


Glory to thee, 0 Lord, Glory to Thee. (Make the sign of the cross and be seated.) Ektenia of Fervent Supplication

C: W:

Al-maj-du la-ka rab-bu l-maj-du lak,

(Make the sign of the cross and be seated) .

Ektenia of Fervent Supplication

P: C: P: C: P: C:
P: Li-na-qul [a-mi-tu-na

P: C:

Let us all say with all our souls, and with all our minds, let us say. Lord, have mercy. Hearken, and have mercy on us.

min kul-li nu-tu-si-na

wa-min kul-li

niy-ya-ti-na li-na-qul. Yii rab-bu r-ham, Ai-yu-ha r-rab-bu d-da-bi-tu l-kul, ila-hu aba-Ina nat-Iu-bu
ilai-kafas-ta-jib war-ham.

P: a Lord Almighty, the God of our Fathers, we pray thee:


Lord, have mercy. Have mercy on us, 0 God, according' to thy great mercy; we pray Thee: Hearken, and have mercy. Lord, have-mercy. (thrice). Again we pray for our (Bishop, or Archbishop, or Patriarch,
N) for the Priests, Deacons and all other Clergy; and for all

Yii rab-bu r-ham. Ir-ham-na yii al-Ia-hu ka-ta-zi-mirah-ma-tik, .nat-Iu-bu ilaika Ias-ta-jib war-ham. Ya rab-bu r-ham. (thrice).

P: C: P:

Wa-ai-dan nat-lub min aj-Ii ra-isi-ka-ha-na-ti-na (N), wamin aj-li l-ka-ha-na-ti wash-sha-ma-mi-sah, wa-kul-Ii rkh-

our Brethren in Christ .: C:


wa-ti-na fi I-ma-sil;1:' C:

Lord, have mercy. (thrice). Again we pray for the President of this land; and for all other civil authorities enabled by the people, and for our Armed Forces on land, sea and in the air. Lord, have mercy. (thrice). Again we pray for the blessed and' ever memorable founders of this Holy Temple and for all our Fathers and Brethren, the Orthodox that have gone before us to their rest, and that here and in all the world are asleep in the Lord. Lord, have mercy. (thrice).

Ya rab-bu r-ham.


Wa-ai-dan nat-lub min aj-li ra-Isi ha-dhi-hi l-bi-lad, wa-a'da-i hu-ku-ma-ti-hl, wal-ju-nii-di fi l-bar-ri wal-bah-rt wal-



Ya rab-bu r-ham.






Wa-ai-dan nat-lub min aj-Ii 'l-mu-tow-wa-bl-na, ad-da-imiy dh-dhikr, al-la-dhi-na as-sa-su ha-dha f-hat-ka-la l-mu-qaddas, wa-min aj-li abii-ina wa-ikh-wa-bi-na wa-aq-ri-ba-ina al-or-tho dho xiy-yin, ar-ra-qi-di-na hu-na wa-Il k.ul-li makan,





Ya rab-bu r-ham,






Ag'ain we pray for them that bear fruit and do good work in this holy and allvenerabls Temple; for those who serve and those who sing; and for all the people here present, who await thy great and rich mercy. Lord, have mercy. (thrice), For a merciful and manbefriending God, art thou, and unto Thee we ascribe glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages.
NOTE: The priest unfolds the holy Antimins,


Wa-ai-dan nat-lub min aj-Ii l-la-dhi-na yu-qad-di-mu-na ththi-mar, wa-yakh-du-mu-na fi ha-dha l-hai-ka-li l-mu-qaddas, wa-min aj-li ha-dha sh-sha-bi l-mun-ta-zl-rl r-rah-ma-

ta l-gha-niy-ya-ta l-'u~-ma. C:


Ya rab-bu r-ham.


P: Li-an-na-ka

ila-hun ra-hi-mun wa-mu-hib-bun lil-ba-shar, wa-la-ka nur-si-lu l-rnaj-da, ai-yu-ha l-abu wa-lib-nu war-rii-

hu l-qu-dus: at-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-lla dah-ri d-dahi-rin.

NOTE: The priest unfolds the holy Antimins.


Amen. Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Wisdom! Lord, have mercy. That guarded always by Thy might we may ascribe glory to Thee; to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages.



P: Ai-dan wa-ai-dan bi-sa-la-min ila r-rab-bi nat-lub. C: Ya rab-bu r-ham. P: U'-c;lud,wa-khal-Iis, war-ham, wah-Iaz ya al-la-hu bi-ni'-matik. Al-hik-mah! C: Ya rab-bu r-ham, P: Hat-ta idha kun-na mah-fu-zi-na bi-'iz-za-ti-'ka kul-la hl-nln, nur-si-lu la-ka l-maj-da, ai-yu-ha l-abu wa-lib-nu war-rti-hu
l-qu-dus: at-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-lla dah-ri d-da-hi-



rin. C: Amen, The Cherubimic Hymn C: All we that in mystery holy Cherubim portray, as the Lifecreating Trinity with thrice-holy Song we adore and praise, Come, let us cast off all earthly care: That we may receive the King of all. The Great Entrance
NOTE: While the choir sings the last portion of the firat part of the Cherubic Hymn, the priest takes the holy gifts, chalice and paten, and goes out by the north door, with torches, Cl'OSS and censer preceding him, reciting the customary remembrances, thus,


Amin. The Cherubimic Hymn Ai-yu-ha l-mu-math-thi-Iu-na sh-she-ru-bim sir-riy-yan, walmu-rat-ti-tu-na t-tas-bi-ha l-mu-thal-la-tha taq-di-su-hu tttn-tna-lu-tb! l-muh-yi, li-nat-rah 'an-ria kul-Ia Irti-ma-min dun-ya-wly. Idh an-na-na 'a-zi-mun an nas-taq-bi-la ma-Iika l-kul,

The Great Entrance

NOTE: While the choir sings the last portion of the first part of the Cherubic Hymn, the priest takes the holy gifts, chalice and paten, and goes out by the north door, with torches, cross and censer preceding him, reciting the customary remembrances, thus.


The Lord God remember you all in His Heavenly Kingdom always: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Ja-mi-'a-kum Ii-yadh-ku-ri r-rab-bu l-ilah, fi ma-la-kii-ti-hl

s-sa-ma-wi kul-Ia hin, al-ana ri d-da-ni-rin. wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-ila dah-




Our Most Reverend Bishop or Archbishop (N), the Lord God remember him in His Heavenly Kingdom always: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The President of the United states and all Civil Authorities, and for our Armed Forces everywhere: the Lord God remember them in His Heavenly Kingdom always: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. P:

Aiba-na wa-ra-Isa ka-ha-na-ti-na (N), li-yadh-ku-ri r-rab-bu l-ilah, fi ma-la-ku-ti-hi s-sa-ma-wi kul-la I:).In, at-ana wa-kulla awa-nin wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rm.


C: P:

Ra-isa l-wl-la-ya-ti l-mut-ta-hi-dah, wa-tum-ma-li-hi, wa-jumi-di-hi fi kul-li ma-kan, li-yadh-ku-ri r-rab-bu l-Ilah, fi mala-ku-ti-hi s-sa-ma-wi kul-la hfn, at-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rin.


Amen. The servant(s) of God (N), for whom this Holy Oblation is offered for health, peace, pardon and remission of sins: the Lord God remember them in His Heavenly Kingdom always: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. The servant (s) of God (N), departed this life, the Lord God remember them in His Heavenly Kingdom always: now and ever, and unto ages of ages.


P: 'A-bi-da l-Iah, mu-qad-di-mi ha-dhi-hi l-qa-ra-bi-ria l-mukar-ra-mah, wal-Ia-dni-na qud-di-mat min aj-li sih-ha-tihim (N), li-yadh-ku-ri r-rab-bu l-ilah, fi ma-la-kfi-ti-hi s-sarna-wi kul-la hln, al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-ila dah-ri
- d-da-hi-rin.




'A-bi-da I-Hi.h, as-sa-biq ri-qa-du-hum bir-rab., wal-mu-qadda-mah ha-dhi-hi l-qa-ra-bi-na li-aj-li ra-ha-ti nu-fu-si-him, . (N)", li-yadh-ku-ri r-rab-bu l-ilah, fi ma-la-ku-ti-hi s-sa-mawi kul-la hin, al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-lla dah-ri d-dahi-rin. Amin.




NOTE: While the preceeding hymn is sung', the priest censers the altar, the sanctuary while the people are standing. Also he recites secretly, with reverence and fear, the following prayer. 0 . Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, Who has endured crucifixion and death for our salvation, grant us tears of repentance. And as I now see thy Holy Oblation up born enable me to worship Thee with fear, Thou who sitteth on the right of the Father and the HOly' Spirit. It is meet to thank Thee for all Thy goodness. Thou art our GOd, and our Redeemer. And as Thou accepteth this from me, make me worthy to stand at Thy right hand in the day of Judgment and let me hear Thy loving voice sayeth: Come,' blessed. of my Father; inherit the kingdom prepared for you. Amen." He then immediately recites the following, Psalm 50: "Have mercy upon me, 0 God, after Thy great goodness: according to the. multitude of Thy mercies blot out my offences. Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness: and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my faults: and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight: that Thou mightast be justified in Thy saying; and clear when Thou art judged. Behold, I was shapen in wickedness: and in sin hath my mother conceived me. But 16, 'I'hou requi rest truth in the inward parts: and shalt make me to understand wisdom secretly. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me hear of joy ctnd gladness: that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Turn thy 20

face from my sins; and put. out all my misdeeds.'. Make me a clean "heart, o God; and renew a right spirit within me. Oast..menot away, from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Ogiv~ me the comfort of thy, help again; and .establish me with thy. free spirit. Then shall I :teach: thy ways unto the wicked; and sinners shall be converted unt~th~~: Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, thou that art th~ God of my"salvation: and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousness. 0 Lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise. For thou desirest not sacrifice, also would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt-offering. The. sacrifice of God is a broken spirit: a broken and contrite heart, 0 God thou wilt not despise. Do good in good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteous" j ness,: with oblations and burnt-offering's; then shall th:y offer young b~l: locks upon thine altar." While the priest is participating in the procession preceded by torches, the cross and the censer, and is calling the customary remembrances, the worshippers must remain facing the sanctuary and recite secretly the following prayer. "Holy, Holy, Holy, God of Host, Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the Highest, blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord, King of Israel, God, the Lord, hath revealed Himself unto us. Make me, 0 Lord, to worship the oblation of thy mystic Supper, all-honorable and all-esteemed. Let it be my provision even unto the last end, for the everlasting life. Amen." 21


(Be seated). Amen. Who comes invisibly upborn by the Angelic Hosts. Alleluia. (thrice):

W: C:

(Be seated).
Amin. Tah-taf-Iu hi-hi l-ma-ra-ti-bu l-ma-Ia-ikry-yah, ha-lin ghai-ri man-zu-rah. Hal-Ii-lu-ia. (thrice). . bi-


The Ektenia of the Prothesia


The Ektenia of the Prothesis

P: Li-nu-kam-mil ta-li-ba-ti-na lir-rabb,

Let us complete our prayers unto the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For the precious gifts, now set forth, let us pray to the Lord.


~ ~ ~ ~



rab-bu r-ham.

c: Lord, have mercy.


For this holy House, and for those who with faith, reverence, and fear of God enter therein, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For our deliverance from all tribulation, wrath, danger, and necessity, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and keep us, 0 God, by Thy grace. Lord, have mercy. That the whole day may be perfect, holy, peaceful, and sinless, let us ask-of the Lord. Grant this, 0 Lord. An angel of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask of the Lord.
0 Lord.



C: P:

Min aj-Ii ha-dhi-hi l-qa-ra-bl-ni l-mu-kar-ra-mah, dii-tah, ila r-rab-bi nat-lub.



rab-bu r-ham.


f ,

Min aj-Ii ha-dha l-bai-ti l-mu-qad-das, wal-Ia-dhi-na yadkhu-Iii-na Ilai-hi hi-Ima-nin wa-wa-ra-In wa-khow-fi J-Iah, ila r-rab-bi nat-lub,


Ya rab-bu r-ham.
Min aj-li na-ja-ti-na min kul-li huz-nm, wa-rij-zin, wa-khata-rin, wa-shid-da-tin, ila r-rab-bi nat-lub.


I r

~ ~

P: C:

Ya rab-bu r-ham.
Ut-dud, wa-khal-lis, war-ham, wah-raz-na


~ r~

ya al-la-hu




l f


rab-bu r-ham.

P :' An ya-kti-na na-ha-ru-na kul-lu-hu ka-ml-Ian.. mu-qad-san, sa-la-miy-yan, wa-bi-la kha-ti-ah, mi-na r-rab-bi nas-al.
C: Is-fa-jib ya rabb.


c: Grant this,

Pardon and remission of our sins and transgressions, let us ask of the Lord. Grant this, 0 Lord.
All things good and profitable for our souls, and peace for the world, let us ask of the Lord.


t ~ I ;'~f;'".



Ma-la-ka sa-la-min, mur-shi-dan, ami-nan, !;l.a-fH,an nu-nisa-na wa-aj-sa-da-na, mi-na r-rab-bi nas-al. Is-ta-jib ya rabb, Mu-sa-ma-ha-ta kha-ta-ya-na mi-na r-rab-bl nas-al.

C: P: C:




Grant this, 0 Lord.



ya rabb.

Al-khai-ra-ti l-rnu-fi-da-ta Ii-nu-tu-sl-na was-sa-la-ma Iil-ta-

lam, mi-na r-rab-oi nas-al. Is-ta-jib ya rabb.


l~ .~.


P: C:

That we may complete the remammg time of our life in peace and repentance, let us ask of the Lord. Grant this. 0 Lord.
A Christian ending to our life, painless, blameless, peaceful;


An naq-dia l-ba-qi min za-ma-ni ha-ya-ti-na bi-sa-la-rnin wa-tow-ba-tin, mi-na r-rab-bi nas-al.
Is-ta-jib ya rabb.


and a good defence before the dread JUdgment Seat of Christ, let us ask of the Lord. C: P: Grant this, 0 Lord. Calling to remembrance our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. To Thee, 0 Lord. Through the compassions of Thine only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with Thine all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages.


An ta-ku-na ni-ha-ya-tu ha-ya-ti-na ma-sl-hiy-ya-tan, sa-lamiy-ya-tan, bi-ghai-ri wa-ja-';n, wa-la khiz-yin, wa-ja-waban ha-sa-nan la-da min-ba-ri l-ma-si-hi l-mar-hu-bi nas-al.
Is-ta-jib ya rabb.

C: P:

Ba'-da dhik-ri-na l-kul-liy-ya-ta l-qa-da-sah, at-ta-rn-ran, alfa-iqa-ta l-ba-ra-kat, al-ma-ji-dah, sai-yi-da-ta-na wa-Il-data l-ilah, ad-da-ima-ta l-ba-tu-liy-ya-ti mar-yam, ma-'a jami-'i l-qid-di-sin, li-mi-di' an-Iu-sa-na wa-ba'<du-na ba/-dan

wa-kul-la ha-ya-ti-na Iil-ma-si-hi l-ilah.



La-ka ya raob. Li-aj-li ra-ara-ti bni-ka l-wa-hid, al-la-dhi an-ta mu-ba-rakun ma-'a-hu wa-ma-ia rfi-hi-ka l-kul-liy-yi qud-su-hu al?sa-Il-hi wal-muh-yi, al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rin. Amin.







The Peace
P: W:

The Peace
P: W: As-sa-la-mu li-ja-ml-ti-kum.

Peace be to all. (Stand up) And to Thy spirit. Let us love one another, confess. that with one accord we may

(Stand up). Wa-li-rtl-hl-ka ai-da. Li-nu-hib-ba ba'<du-na ba'<dan, li-kai na-ta-ri-ta mut-ta-Iiq mu-qir-rin, bi-'az-min

C: P: C:

C: P: C:

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: the Trinity, one in Essence and undivided.

Bi-abin wab-nin wa-ru-hin qu-du-sin, tha-lti-thin mu-ta-sawin fi f-jow-har, wa-ghai-ri rnun-Ia-sil.

The Creed P:
The Doors! The Doors! In Wisdom let us attend. I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible; And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, Begotten of the Father before all worlds, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made: Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and took on man; And was crucified also for 1.).S under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; And the third day He' rose again', according to the scriptures. ' And ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father; And He shall come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end. ' And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets; And I believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge oneBaptism for the remission of sins. I look for the Resurrection of the dead. And the Life of the world to come. Amen.

The Creed
Al-ab-wabl Umin Al-ab-wabl Bi-l:).ik-ma-tin li-nus-ghi.



m-Ila-run wa-hi-din iibin da-bi-ti l-kul, kha-li-qi Kul-la-ma yu-ra wa-ma Iii yu-ra, Wa-bi-rab-bin wa-l).i-din ya-su-ta l-ma-slb, bni l-la-hi l-wahid, al-mow-lu-di mi-na t-abtqab-Ia kul-li d-du-hur, nu-rin min nur, ila-hin haq-qin min ilii-hin haqq. Mow-Iu-dm ghai-ri makh-lfiq, mu-sa-win lil-abi fi l-jow-har. Aj-la-dhi bi-hi ka-na kul-lu shai. Al-la-dhi min aj-li-na nah-nu l-ba-shar, wa-min aj-li khala-si-na na-za-la mi-na s-sa-ma wa-ta-jas-sa-da mi-na r-ru- ' l:).iI-qu-dus, wa-rnin mar-ya-ma l-'adh-rii, wa-ta-an-naa. Wa-su-li-ba 'an-na 'a-la 'ah-di bi-lii-tu-sa l-bun-tiy, wa-ta-alla-ma wa-qu-bir. Wa-qa.-ma fi I-yow-mi th-tha-li-thi 'a-la ma fi l-ku-tub. Wa-1?a-'i-da ila s-sa-ma, wa-ja-la-sa 'an ya-mi-ni l-av. ,Wa-ai-dari yii-ti bi-maj-din li-ya-di-na l-ah-ya-a wat-am-wat, al-Ia-dhi la ta-ns-a Ii-mul-kih. wa-btr-ru-ni l-qu-du-si r-rab-bi l-muh-yi, al-mun-ba-thi-qi mi-na l-ab. Al-Ia-dhi hu-wa ma-'a l-abi wa-lib-ni mas- ju-. dun la-hu wa-mu-maj-jad. An-na-ti-qi bil-an-bi-ya. Wa~bi-ka-ni-sa-tin wa-hi-da-tin [a-mi-ta-ttn mu-qad-da-satin ra-sii-liy-yah. wa-a-ta-ri-tu bi-ma'-mu-diy-ya-tin wa-l).i-da-tin Ii-magh-flra-ti I-kha-tii-ya. Wa-ata-raj-ja qi-ya-ma-ta l-mow-ta. Wa.l-ha-yji-ta fi d-dah-ri I-'a-tid. Amin.

s-sa-ma wal-ard.

The Anaphora
Let us stand aright; let us stand with fear; let us attend, that we may offer the Holy Oblation in peace. A mercy of peace, a sacrifice of praise.

The Anaphora P: C: P:
Li-na-qif ha-sa-nan; li-na-qif bi-khow-Iin; li-nus-ghi.: qad-dim oi-sa-la-min, al-qur-ba-na l-mu-qad-das. Ral).-ma-'ta sa-la-min, dha-bi-ha-ta t-tas-bih,



The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. And with Thy spirit. Let us lift up our hearts. We lift them up unto Let us give thanks the Lord. the Lord.

Ni'-ma-tu rah-bi-na -ya-sii-la l-rna-sih, wa-mliL-l).ab-ba-tu 1-1ahi I-lib, wa-sha-ri-ka-tu r-ru-hi l-qu-dus, li-ta-kun ma-'a [ami-ti-kum. Ma-'a ru-l).i-ka ai-da. Li-nar-Ia' qu-lu-ba-na 'in-da ila .towq.





Hi-ya la-na Li-nash-ku-ri





It is meet and right to worship Father, Son and Holy Spirit: ,the Trinity, one in Essence, and undivided. Singing saying. the Triumphal Hymn, shouting, proclaiming, and



wa-ji-oun, an nas-ju-da lil-abi wa-lib-ni war-ruhi l-qu-dus, ath-tha-lu-thi l-mu-ta-sa-wi fi l-jow-har, waghat-ril mun-fa-sil, Bi-tas-bi-hi z-za-tar, mu-ta-ran-ni-min, ri-khin, wa-qa-ilin, wa-ha-ti-fin, wa-sa-

P: C:

P: C:

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabbaoth; heaven and earth are full of Thy glory: Hosanna in the highest: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Take, eat: this is My Body which is broken for you, for the remission of sins. Amen. Drink ye all of it: this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many, f.or the remission of sins. Amen. Amen. of

Qud-dll-sun, qud-du-sun, qud-du-sun rab-bu s-sa-ba-ot, assa-ma wal-ar-du rnam-Iu-ata-ni min maj-di-ka, osan-na fi l-a 'a-ll, mu-ba-ra-kun al-ati bis-mi r-rabb, osan-na fi l-a'a-li, Khu-dhu, ku-lu: hii-dha hu-wa ja-sa-di, al-Ia-dhi yuk-sa-ru min aj-li-kum, li-magh-fi-ra-ti l-kha-ta-ya, Amin, Ish-ra-bii min-hu kul-Iu-kum, ha-dha hu-wa da-mi l-la-dhi lil-'ah-di I-ja-did, al-la-dhi yuh-ra-qu 'an-kum, wa-'an kathl-ri-na li-magh-f'i-ra-ti l-kha-ta-ya. Amin. Amin. la-ka, 'a-la

P: C: P:

P: C: P:

C: P: C:

C: P: C:

Thine own of Thine own we offer unto Thee, in behalf all, and for all.

Al-la-ti la-ka mim-ma Ia-ka- nu-qad-di-mu-ha kul-li shai-in wa-min ji-ha-ti kul-li shai. Iy-ya-ka nu-sab-bih, iy-ya-ka nu-ba-rtk, iy-ya-ka ya ra:bb, wa-ilai-ka nat-lu-bu y3: ila-ha-na.

We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we give thanks Lord, and we pray unto Thee, 0 our God.




The Blessing of the Holy Gifts


The Blessing of the Holy Gifts

NOTE; The Priest makes' three reverences before the Holy Table, then blesses first the Holy Bread (over the Lamb only) then over the Chalice, saying quietly:

NOTE; The Priest- makes three reverences before the .Holy Table, then blesses first" the Holy Bread (over the Lambonly] , then over the Chalice, saying quietly;

P: (Over the Lamb in the Paten) And make this Bread the ',. precious Body of thy Christ. (Then' over the Chalice) And that which in this Chalice the precious Blood of thy Christ. (Then over both) Transforming them by, thy Holy Bpirit.. Amen. Amen. 'Amen.


(Over the Lamb in the Paten) Was-na', am-ma ha-dha 1khubz, fa-ja-sa-da llla-si-l)i-ka I-mu-kar-ram.(Over the Chalice) Wa-am-ma rna fi ha-dhi l-kas, ra-da-ma rna-si-hika l-mu-kar-ram. (Over both) Mu-how-wi-lan iy-ya-hu-ma bi-ru-hi-ka I-qud-dus.Amin. Amin. Amin.

At The Especially
NOTE; The Priest censers the Holy Table and round about,' intoning thus;

.At The Especially

NOTE; The Priest censers the Holy Table and round about, intoning thus;


Especially our all-holy, immaculate, most blessed and glor- . ious Lady Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary: (Be seated).


Wa-khas-sa-tan rnin aj-li l-kul-liy-ya-ti l-qa-da-sah, at-ta-hirah, al-Ia-iqa-ti I-ba-ra-kat, al-ma-ji-dah, sai-yi-da-ti-na wali-da-ti l-ilah, ad-da-ima-ti l-ba-tu-liy-ya-ti mar-yam. (Be seated).



m .. ~~;~;
e ,


It is truly meet to call thee blessed and all-blameless, and

the mother of our God. More honorable than the Cherubim, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, thou who without corruption gavest birth to God the Word, and art truly Theotokos: we magnify thee.
NOTE: If the Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, use the following megalynarion. .


Bi-wa-ji-bi l-is-ti-hal, haq-qan nu-ghab-bit,

wa-li-da-ta l-ilah,




ad-da-ima-ta t-tu-ba, al-ba-ri-ata min kul-li l-'u-yub, umma Ila-hi-na. Ya man hi-ya ak-ra-mu mi-na sh-she-ru-bim, wa-ar-fa-'u maj-dan bi-ghai-ri qi-ya-sin mi-na s-se-ra-phim, al-la-ti bi-ghai-ri fa-sa-din, wa-la-dat ka-li-rna-ta l-lah, haqqan in-na-ki wa-Il-da-tu l-Ilah, iy-ya-ki nu-taz-ztm.
NOTE: If the Liturgy of Saint Basitfhe lowing megalynarion. . Great, use the fol-

In thee rejoyceth, 0 thou who full of Grace, every being, the Hierarchy of the Angels, and all mankind, secrated Temple and supersensual Paradise, Glory gins, of whom God, who is our God before all ages,

created 0 Conof Virwas in-


carnate and became a little child. For he made of thy womb a throne, and thy belly did .he make more spacious than the heavens. In thee doth all creation rejoice, 0 thou who art full of Grace: we glorify thee. P: Among the first be mindful, 0 Lord, of our Archbishop (N), whom do thou grant unto Thy holy churches in peace, safety, health and length of days, and rightly dividing the word of thy truth. And all whom each has in mind to remember, both men and women! C:

In-na l-ba-ra-ya bi-as-ri-ha, tat-ra-hu bi-ki ya mum-ta-li-ata ni'-ma-tan. Ma-ha-fi-lu l-ma-la-ikah, wa-aj-na-su l-ba-shar, ai-ya-tu-ha l-hai-ka-Iu 'l-mu-ta-qad-dis, wal-fir-dow-su n-natiq, Sha-ra-fu l-ba-tu-liy-ya-ti l-Ia-ti min-ha ta-jas-sa-da 1lla-hu wa-sa-ra tif-Ian, wah-wa ila-hu-na qab-la kul-li d-duhfir. (Then in tone 5) Li-an-na-hu sa-na-ta mus-tow-da'a-ki 'ar-shan, wa-ja-'a-la bat-na-ki ar-ha-ba mi-na s-sa-mawiit. Li-dha-Ii-ka yii mum-ta-li-ata ni-ma-tan tat-ra-hu biki kul-lu l-ba-ra-ya wa-tu-maj-ji-dik. Udh-kur ya rabb, ow-wa-lan aba-na wa-ra-isa ka-ha-na-ti-na (N), wa-hib-hu Ii-ka-na-Isi-ka l-mu-qad-da-sah, bi-sa-la-matin, sa-hi-han mu-kar-ra-man, mu-'ii-fan ma-di-da t-al-yam, mu-Ias-si-lan bis-ti-qa-ma-tin, ka-li-ma-ta haq-qik,
Wal-kha-ti-rl-na fi fik-ri kul-li wa-hi-din mi-na l-ha-di-rin, wa-ja-mI-'a-hum wa-ja-mi-'a-hun-na qa-ti-ba-tan,


And of all mankind. And grant us with one mouth and one heart to glorify and praise thine allhonorable and majestic name: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and and unto ages of ages. Amen.
NOTE: Priest blesses the worshippers with his hands.


Wa-ja-mi-'a-hum wa-ja-rni-ta-hun-na


Wa-a=ti-na an nu-maj-ji-da bi-fa-min wa-hi-din, wa-qal-bin wa-ht-din, wa-nu-sab-bi-ha sma-ka I-kul-Il-ya l-ik-ram, wal'a-zi-ma l-ja-lal, at-yu-ba l-abu wa-lib-nu war-ru-hu l-qudus: at-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rin.
C: Amin,
NOTE: .Priest blesses the worshippers 'with his hands.

C: P. C:

And the mercies of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you all. And with Thy spirit.

P: C:

Wal-ta-kun rna-ra-hi-mu l-ila-hi l-'a-?1m, wa-mu-khal-li-sina ya-su-ra l-ma-sih, ma-:a ja-mi-'i-kum. Wa-ma-'a ru-hi-ka ai-da. Ektenia before the Lord's Prayer

Ektenia before the Lord's Prayer

P: C: Calling' to remembrance all the Saints, again and again in peace let us pray to the' Lord. Lord, have mercy.


Ba'-da dhik-ri-na ja-rni-'a l-qid-dt-sin, al-dan wa-ai-dan bisa-la-min ila r-rab-bi nat-lub.
Ya rab-bu r-ham. 31



P: C: P: For the Precious Gifts which have been offered and sanctified, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. That our manbefriending God receiving them upon His holy, heavenly, and ideal Altar for an odor of spiritual fragrance, will send down upon us in return His divine grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For our deliverance from all tribulation, necessity, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and keep us, 0 God, by Thy grace. Lord, have mercy. That the whole day may be perfect, less, let us ask of the Lord. Grant this, 0 Lord. of our souls '. holy, peaceful, and sinwrath, danger and



P: C:

Min aj-Ii ha-dhi-hi l-qa-ra-bi-ni l-mu-kar-ra-mah, qud-di-mat, wa-qud-di-sat, ila r-rab-bi nat-lub, Ya rab-bu r-ham,




> !r


Li-kai ya-ta-iat-ta-Ia r-rab-bu ila-hu-na l-mu-hib-bu l-bashar, al-la-dhi qta-ba-la-ha 'a-la madh-ba-hi-hi l-mu-qadda-si s-sa-rna-wiy-yi l-'aq-liy, li-ra-iha-tin, dha-kiy-ya-tin ruha-my-yah, fa-yur-si-Ia la-na 'i-wa-da-ha n-ni'-ma-ta l-ilahiy-yah, wa-mow-hi-ba-ta r-ru-hi l-qu-dus nat-Iub.

C: P: C: P: C: P: C: P: C:

C: P: C: P: C: P: C: P:


rab-bu r-ham. wa-

Min. aj-Ii na-ja-ti-na min kUI-Ii di-qin, wa-gha-da-bin, kha-ta-rin, wa-shid-da-tin, ila r-rab-bi nat-lub.


rab-bu r-ham. war-ham, .. wah-taz-na . ya al-la-hu bi-ni-

U'<dud, wa-khal-lis, ma-tik.


rab-bu r-ham.

An ya-kii-na na-ha-ru-na kul-Iu-hu ka-mi-lan, mu-qad-da- , san, sa-Ia-mly-yan, wa-bi-la kha-ti-ah, mi-na r-rab-bt, nas-al. Is-ta-jib ya rabb.

An angel of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian and bodies, 'let us ask of the Lord. Grant this, 0 Lord:

Ma-la-lea sa-la-min, mur-shi-dan, ami-nan, l;la"fi-~an nu-tusa-na wa-aj-sa-da-na, mi-na r-rab-bi nas-al.
":,'.>J .

C: . Is-ta-jib ya rabb. us P: C: P: C: P: C: P:

P:, ."Pardon, and re~ission pI our sjns, and transgressions.jlet ask of the Lord. '... ... . . .
C: P:

Mu-sa-ma-ha-ta kha-ta-ya-na
mi-na r-rab-bi nas-al.

wa-ghuf-ra-na zal-la-ti-na,
. ,


this, 0 Lord.

Is-ta-jib ya rabb.;;
Al-khai-ra-ta l-mu-fi-da-ta lam mi-na r-rab-bi nas-al, Is-ta-jib ya rabb. l-ba-qi min za-ma-ni ha-ya-ti-na mi-na r-rab-bi nas-al, Ii-nu-Iii-si-na
, '~.

All things good and profitable tor our souls, and peace for the world, let us ask. of the Lord. this, 0 Lord.



C :. Grant P: C: P:

That we may complete the remaining time of our life in peace and repentance, let us ask of the Lord: Grant this, 0 Lord.

An naq-di-ya



Is-La-jib ya rabb. An ta-ku-na ni-ha-ya-tu ha-ya-ti-na ma-si-hry-ya-Ean, sa-lamiy-ya-tan, bi-ghai-ri da-ra-rin, wa-Ia khiz-yin, wa-ja-waban ha-sa-na la-da min-ba-ri l-ma-si-hi l-mar-hu-btnas-al. Is-ta-jib ya rabb.

A Christian ending to our life, painless, blameless, peaceful; and a good defence before the dread Judgment Seat of Christ, let us ask of the Lord.



this, 0 Lord.


P: Asking for the unity of the Faith, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, let us commend ourselves and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. To thee, 0 Lord. P: Ba'-da l-ti-ma-si-na Iit-ti-ha-da fi l-Irrian, wa-sha-ri-ka-ta r-rfi-hi l-qu-dua, .ll-nu-di' an-fu-sa-na wa-ba-du-na ba'<dan wa-kul-la na-ya-ti-na lil-ma-si-hi l-ilah, Ilai-ka ya rabb.



The Lord's Prayer

P: And account us worthy, 0 Sovereign Lord, with boldness and without condemnation to dare to call upon Thee, the heavenly God, as Father, and to say: (Stand up). P:

The Lord's Prayer

Wa-ah-hil-na ai-yu-ha naj-su-ra bi-dal-Ia-tin aban qa-ilin, (Stand up). s-sai-yid, al-ila-hu s-sa-ma-wiy, an wa-bi-Ia dai-mi-nah, an nad-tu-ka

W: C:


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our' daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. , . For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Peace b-e to all. And to Thy spirit. Let us bow our heads unto the Lord.


Aba-na l-la-d hi fi s-sa-ma-wat, Ii-ya-ta-qad-da-si smuk. Liya-t; ma-la-kii-tuk. Li-ta-kun ma-shi-atu-ka 'a-la I-ar~<;li ka-ma hi-ya fi s-sa-ma, Khub-za-na l-jow-ha-ri a'-ti-na l-yowm. Wat-ruk la-na ma 'a-lai-ria ka-ma nat-ru-ku nahnu li-man la-na 'a-lai-hi, wa-la tud-khil-na kin naj-ji-na mi-na sh-shir-rir. fi taj-ri-ban. La-



Li-an-na la-ka l-mul-ka, wal-qu-wa-ta, wal-majd, ai-yu-ha l-abu wa-lib-nu war-ru-hu l-qu-dus: at-ana wa-kul-la awa-" nin wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rin. AmIn. As-sa-la-mu Ii-ja-mi-ti-kum,

C: P: C: P:

C: P: C: P:
-r. "'I


Li-nuh-rri ru-usa-na lir-rabb.

La-ka ya rabb. Bi-ni'-ma-ti wa-ra-fa-ti bni-ka l-wa-hid, wa-ma-hab-ba-ti-hi lil-ba-shar, al-la-dhi an-ta mu-ba-ra-kun ma-'a-hu wa-ma-'a rii-hi-ka l-kul-Iiy-yl qud-su-hu, as-sa-li-h! wal-rnuh-yi, at-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rin. Amin.



Thee, '0 Lord.


C: P:

Through the grace and compassion and love toward men of Thine Only-begotten Son, with whom T~'ou ar] blessed, together with'I'hine all-holy, and good, and lifegiving Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen,



The Elevation
P: C: C: Let us attend! The Holies are for the holy. to the glory of God praise Him in the P: C: C: Li-nus-ghi! One-is Holy, One is Lord, Jesus Christ, the Father. Amen. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: highest. Alleluia. (Thrice),

The Elevation
Al-qu-du-sa-tu Iil-qid-dl-sin. ya-su-'u J-mafi l-a 'aQud-dil-slln wa-hi-dun, rab-bun wa-hi-dun, sih, li-maj-di l-Ia-hi l-ab, Amin. Sab-bi-h.u r-rab-ba mi-na s-sa-ma-wat, Ii. Hal-Ie-lu-ia. (Thrice).


NOTE: After the alleluia, the holy doors are opened, the people rise, and the priest intones the invitation to communion, facing the people, while taking the chalice in both of his hands and intoning the following.

NOTE: After the alleluia, the holy doors are opened, the people rise, and the priest intones the invitation to communion, facing the people, while taking the chalice in both of his hands and intoning the f'ollowing.

P: C:

With fear of God, and faith

and love, draw near. The

P: C:

Bi-khow-fi mu,



wa-ma-hab-ba-tm al-la-hu r-rab-bu


Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord; Lord is God and hath revealed Himself unto us.
NOTE: Blessing the people.

Mu-ba-ra-kun Ia-na.

al-ati bis-mi r-rabb,

Blessing the people.

P: C:

0 God, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance. We have seen the true light, we have received the Heavenly Spirit; we have found .the true faith, worshipping the Undivided Trinity: for He hath saved us.
NOTE: The priest takes the diskarion with his left hand and with his right hand he sets the chalice (cup) thereon and holding both firmly, he turns to the people.

P: C:

Khal-lis ya rabb sha'-bak,

wa-ba-rik mi-ra-thak.

Qad na-zar-na n-nu-ra l-ha-qi-qiy, qad akhadh-na r-rfi-ha s-sa-rna-wiy, qad wa-jad-na l-ima-ria l-ha-qi-qiy, fal-nas-jud Iith-tha-lti-tht l-ghai-ri l-mun-qa-sim, li-an-na-hu khal-la-

NOTE: The priest takes the diskarion with his left hand and with his right hand he sets the chalice (cup) thereon and holding both firmly, he turns to the people.

P: C:

Always: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

P: C:

Kul-la hi-nin, hi-rin, Amin,




wa-lla dah-ri d-da-

Ektenia of Thanksgiving
P: Let us attend. Having partaken of the divine, holy immaculate, immortal, heavenly, lifesaving and dreadful Mysteries of Christ, let us worthily give thanks unto the Lord.

Ektenia of Thanksgiving
Idhqad ta-na-wal-na as-ra-ra l-ma-sth, al-ila-hiy-yah, almu-qad-da-sah, at-ta-hi-rah, al-ghai-ri l-ma-itah, as-sa-ma-

wiy-yah, al-muh-yiy-ya-ti
nash-kii-ri r-rab-ba r-ham. haq-qa
C: Ya rab-bu


fal-nan-ta-sib, wa-

C: P: C: P:

Lord, have mercy. Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and keep us, 0 God, by Thy grace. Lord, have mercy. Asking that the whole day may be perfect, holy, and sinless, let us commend ourselves and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. To Thee, 0 Lord.
NOTE: Folding of the Antimins. 36


U'<dud, wa-khal-lis, rna-tik.

Ya rab-bu r-ham.

war-ham, wah-Iaz-na

ya al-la-hu bi- ni'-


Ba'-da an nas-ala an ya-ku-na na-ha-ru-na, kul-Iu-hu kami-lan, mu-qad-da-san, sa-la-miy-yan, wa-bi-la kha-ti-yah, Ii-nu-di' an-Iu-sa-na wa-ba'<du-na ba'<dan, wa-kul-la ha-yati-na lil-ma-sf-hi l-ilah, La-ka ya rabb.
NOTE: Folding of the Antimins. 37



l.. :-


For Thou art our sanctification, and unto Thee we ascribe glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Let us go forth in peace. In the name of the Lord. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.
NOTE: The priest stands before the Ikon of Christ and' offers the following prayer.


Li-an-na-ka an-ta taq-di-su-na wa-la-ka nur-si-lu l-maj-da ai-yu-ha l-abu wa-lib-nu war-rfi-hu l-qu-dus: at-ana wa-kulla awa-nin wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rin. Amin. Li-nakh-ruj bi-sa-la-min. Bis-mi r-raob. Ila r-rab-bi nat-lub. Ya rab-bu r-ham,
NOTE: The priest stands before the Ikon of Christ and offers the following prayer.


C: P: C:




Prayer behind the Ambon

P: .0 Lord, that blessest those who bless Thee, and sanctfiest P:

Prayer behind the Ambon Ya rabb, ya man tu-ba-ri-ku l-la-dhi-na yu-ba-ri-ku-nak, wa.tu-qad-di-su l-la-dhi-na yat-ta-ki-Iu-na 'a-laik, knal-lls sha' bak, wa-ba-rik mt-ra-thak, wah-Iaz mil-aa ka-ni-sa-tik, waqad-di-si l-Ia-dhi-na yu-htb-bu-na [a-ma-la bai-tik, an-ta shar-rif-hum 'i-wa-da dha-li-ka bi-qu-wa-ti-ka 'l-ila-hiy-yah, wa-la takh-dhul-na nah-nu l-mut-ta-ki-li-na'a-Iaik, wa-hibi s-sa-Ia-ma li-'a-Ia-mik, wa-Ii-ka-na-isik, wa-Iil-ka-ha-nah, wa-lil-huk-ka-rni wal-ju-mid, wa-li-kul-li sha'-bik, ra-in-na kul-Ia 'a-tiy-ya-tin ~a-li-l)ah, wa-kul-la mow-ha-ba-tin kami-lah, hi-ya mun-ha-di-ra-tun mi-na l-'u-la min Ia-du-nika ya aba l-an-war, wa-la-ka nur-si-lu l-maj-da wasn-shukra was-su-jud, ai-yu-ha l-abu wa-lib-nu war-ru-hu l-qu-dus: al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rin. Amin. Li-ya-ku-ni smu r-rab-bi mu-ba-ra-kan, mi-na I-ana wa-ila d-dahr. (Thrice).


those who put their trust in Thee: save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance; preserve the fulness of Thy Church; sanctify those who love the beauty of Thy House; glorify them. in recompence by Thy divine power, and forsake us not that hope on Thee. Give peace to Thy 'World, to Thy Churches, to Thy priests, to all civil authorities,' to our Armed Forces, and to all Thy people: for every good and perfect gift is from' above, and cometh down from Thee, the Father of Lights, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, thanksgiving, and worship: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the HolySpirit ; now and. ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Blessed be the name of the Lord, from henceforth and forevermore. (thrice)'. '. .. .. C:



The Dismissal (Apolysis )

P: C: P: Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. The blessing of the Lord and His mercy come upon you through His divine grace and His love toward men, always: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Glory to Thee, 0 Christ our God and our hope, glory to Thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. (Lord, have mercy, thrice): He who rose again from the dead, Christ our true God, through the intercessions of His aU-immaculate and blameless Holy Mother, by the power of the precious and life-giving Cross; by the protection of the "honorable Bodiless Power of heaven; at the supplication of the honorable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John; of the holy, glorious, and right-victorious Martyrs; of our venerable and God-bearing Fathers; of the holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; of our Father among the Saints (John Chrysostom) or (Basil the Great;) of Saint patron of this Temple (N) and Saint (N) whose memory wecelebrate, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, as our good and manbefriending Lord. Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, the Saints, 0 Lord Jesus Christ, our God have mercy on us, and save us. P: C: P:

The Dismissal (Apolysis )

Ila r-rab-bi nat-lub. Ya rab-bu r-ham. Ba-ra-ka-tur-rab-bi wa-rah-ma-tu-hu li-ta-hul-Ia 'a-lai-kum bi-ni'-ma-ti-hi l-ila-hiy-yah, 'wa-ma-hab-ba-tt-ht lil-ba-shar, kul-Ia hi-run, al-ana wa-kul-la awa-nin wa-lla dah-ri d-dahi-rin. Amin. Al-maj-du Ia-ka ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu l-ilah, ya ra-ja-ana 1maj-du lak. Al-maj-du lil-abi wa-lib-ni war-ru-hi l-qu-dus: al-ana, wakul-la awa-nin wa-ila dah-ri d-da-hi-rin. Amin. (Ya rabbu r-ham, Thrice). Ya man qa-ma min bai-ni l-arn-wat. Ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu ila-hu-na l-ha-qi-qi, bi-sha-fiVa-ti um-mi-ka l-qid-di-sa-tl 1.kul-liy-ya-ti t-ta-ha-rah, wal-ba-ri-ati min kul-li 'aib. Wabi-qu-wa-ti s-sa-ll-bi l-ka-rf-mi l-muh-yi, Wa-bi-ta-li-ba-ti I-qu-wa-tt s-sa-ma-wiy-yah, al-mu-kar-ra-mah, al-ta-di-ma-tt f-aj-sad.. Wan-na-biy-yi I-ka-rirn, s-sa.. bi-qi l-ma-jid, yu-hanna l-mut-mi-dan, Wal-qid-di-si-na l-mu-shar-ra-fi-na r-rusu-Ia l-kul-li ma-di-hu-hum. Wa-abi-na J-ja-ll-li fi l-qid-disi-na. Yu-han-na dh-dha-ha-bi l-fam (or) ba-si-Ii-osJ-ka-bir
ka-ti-bi ha-dhi-hi l-khid-ma-ti sh-sha-ri-Iah, Wal-qid-dl-si

C: P: C:

C: P: C:



(N) sa-hi-b! ha-dhi-hi l-ka-ni-sa-ti l-mu-qad-da-sah. Walqid-di-sai-ni s-sid-dl-qai-nl jad-dai l-ma-si-hi l-ilah, yuwa-ki-ma wa-han-nah, wal-qid-di-si (N) l-la-dhi nuqi-mu tidh-ka-ra-hu l-yowm. Wa-sa-iri qid-di-sik, r-ham-na wa-khal-Iis-na bi-ma an-na-ka sa-li-hun wa-mu-hib-bun Iilba-shar. Bi-sa-la-wa-tl aba-ina l-qid-di-sin, ai-yu-ha r-rabbu ya-su-tu l-ma-slh. Ila-hu-na r-ham-na wa-khal-lis-na.. C: Amin.






Part II

Part II
In-na l-ha-jar lam-ma khu-ti-ma mi-na l-ya-hiid, wa-ja-sada-ka t-tii-hir, hu-n-za mi-na l-j und, qum-ta fi I-yow-mi th-thalith, ai-yu-ha l-mu-khal-lis, ma-ni-han, al-fi-la-ma I~l).a-yah,lidha-Ii-ka qu-wii-tu s-sa-ma-wat, na-ta-tat ilai-ka yii wa-hi-ba 1ha-yah, al-maj-du Il-ql-ya-rria-ti-ka ai-yu-ha l-ma-sih, al-maj-du li-mul-kik, al-maj-du li-tad-bi-ri-ka ya. mu-hib-ba l-ba-shar wahdak, .



Although upon the Gravestone, the J.ews their seal had printed, and although a guard of their soldiers, confined Thy Spotless Body,O Saviour, the third day saw Thee rise, bestowing on toe world Thy gift of life: And in wonder, all the princes of Heaven's Hosts, 0 Lifegiving Lord, acclaimed Thee: "Glory to Thy Resurrection, 0 Christ; Glory to Thy Kingdom; Glory to Thy Dispensation, Thou only Friend of Man."

Tone 2
When Thou descending wentest to death, 0 Thou Life that canst never die, Then did Thou Hades destroy with death, Thru levln flame of Thy Godhead's fire: When also from their earthly caverns the ancient dead, Thou mad est to rise with Thee, All the Princes of the Heavenly Hosts, Acclaimed Thee with shouts of praise, "0 Thou Giver of Life, Christ our Lord indeed: Glory to Thee."

Tone 2
'In-da-ma n-ha-dar-ta ila l-mowt, ai-yu-ha l-ha-ya-tu J-1adhi Iii ya-mut, hi-na-idhin amat-ta l-ja-hlm bi-bar-qi Ia-hfi-tfk, wa-'in-CLa-ma aqam-tat-am-wa-ta min tah-ti th-tha-ra; sa-ra-kha nah-wa-ka, ja-mi-tu l-qu-wa-ti s-sa-ma-wiy-yin, "at-yu-ba l-masi-hu l-ilah, al-mu-ti l-ha-ya-ta I-maj-du lak."

Tone 3
Let all things in Heaven above be glad, and let all things rejoice on earth below, for with the strength of His Arm He has performed a deed of might: The Lord beneath His feet as Victor has troddendown Death by death, And first born of the dead is He become: From the womb Of.Hades has he delivered us, And He gives to the world His great mercy.


Ld-taf-ra-hi s-sa-ma-wiy-yat, wa-tab-ta-hi-j! l-ar-diy-yat, _.nan-na r-rab-ba sa-na-:a 'iz-zan bi-sji-'i-gi-hi(,;wa-wa-tta I-mJ~'}'V'ya bil-mowt, wa-sa-ra bik-ra l-am-wat, wa-an-qa-dha-na min jow-fi l-ja-hirn. wa-ma-na-ha 1-'a-1am, ar-rah-ma-ta l-tuz-ma.


Tone 4
Having learned the joyful news the angel told, When he proclaimed the Resurrection, The Women learners whom the Lord had taught straightway cast off, The grievous burden of ancient sin inborn, And to the Apostles exaltingly they declared is death, and risen is Christ our God, Bestowing on the world His Great Mercy. 42

Tone 4
In-na til-mi-dha-ti r-rabb, ta-'aI-lam-na mi-na l-ma-lak, kar-

za l-qi-ya-ma-ti l-ba-hij, wa-ta-rah-na l-qa-diy-ya-ta l-jad-diy-yah, wa-kha-tab-na r-ru-su-la muf-ta-khi-ra-tin wa-qa-ilat, qad su-biya 1-mow-tu wa-qa-ma l-ma-si-hu l-ilah, ma-ni-han al-ta-la-ma r-rah-ma-ta l-ruz-ma.

Tone 5 The Word, with Father and Spirit co-originate, Who from a virginal Mother for our salvation was born, Come, ye Faithful, let us praise and let us worship Him: Because it well pleased Him in the flesh, To ascend upon the Cross, And meekly thereon lio endure death, And with Him the dead to awaken, In His own glorious Resurrection. Tone 6 Angelic Powers were hovering above Thy Tomb, 0 Lord: And they that were to guard Thee slept as dead men sleep: And Mary in Thy Sepulchre was standing, As vainly she sought Thy spotless Body: .But Thou hadst vanquished Hades, Thy strength unshaken by him; And hadst gone to meet the virgin, Bestowing Thy Gift (If Life: 0 Thou that from the dead didst rise, Glory to Thee, 0 Lord. . Tone 7 Thou hast destroyed by Thy Cross the might of Death: Thou hast opened for the thief the gates of Paradise: For the Myrrhbringers their lament hast Thuu proclaimed, That Thou art risen, o Christ our God, supplying to the world Thy Great Mercy. Tone 5 Li-nu-sab-bih nah-riu l-rmi-mi-nin, wa-nas-jud lil-ka-li-mah, al-mu-sa-wi lil-abi war-m-hi fi l-aza-liy-yah, wa-ta-da-mi l-ib-tida, al-mow-Iu-di ml-na l-'adh-ra li-kha-Ia-si-na, Ii-an-na-hu surra an ya'<Iu-wa bil-ja-sa-di 'a-la :;;-~a-nb, wa-yah-ta-mi-la l-mowt, wa-yun-hi-da l-mow-ta bi-qi-ya-ma-ti-hl l-ma-ji-dah.

Tone 6 In-na l-qu-wa-ti l-ma-la-Ikiy-yah, za-ha-ru 'a-la qab-ri-ka 1mu-waq-qar, wal-hur-ra-sa sa-ru kal-am-wat, wa-mar-yam waqa-tat 'In-da l-qab-ri ta-h-oa-tan ja-sa-da-ka t-ta-hir, fa-sa-bai-ta l-ja-hirn, wa-lam tu-jar-mb min-hu, wa-sa-daf-ta l-ba-tfil ya mani-ha l-ha-yah, fa-ya man na-ha-da mi-na l-am-wat, ya rab-bu l-maj-du lak.

Tone 7 Ha-tam-ta bi-sa-Ii-bi-ka l-mowt, wa-fa-tal;l-ta Iil-lis-si I-firdews, wa-how-wal-ta now-ha ha-mi-la-ti t-tl-bi ila fa-ra-hin, waamar-ta ru-su-laka an yak-ri-zu, bi-an-na-ka qad qum-ta ai-yuha l-ma-si-hu l-ilah, ma-ni-han al-'a-Iam, ar-rah-ma-ta l-'u~-ma.

Tone 8 Flrom on High Thou oamest down, 0 Compassionate; Burial Thou tookest for three days on Thee, That Thou mightest set us free fJ:omoui' passions: Thou That-art our Life and our resur'tectfon, 0 Lord : Glory to Thee.

Tone 8 In-ha-dar-ta mi-na l-tu-Iu ai-yu-ha l-mu-ta-han-nin, wa-qabil-ta d-daf-na dha th-tha-la-tha-ti l-at-yam, Ii-kai tu-tt-qa-na mi-na l-alam, fa-ya ha-ye-ta-na wa-qi-ya-ma-ta-na ya rab-bu l-rnaj-du lak.





Part III
Antiphons, Apolytikions, Eisodikons, Kondakions, AntiTrisagions, Especiallys, Koinonikons, We have seen the true light, and the Apolysis (from the Menaion ) September 8
The Nativity of the Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary The Nativity

Part III
Antiphons, Apolytikioris, Eisodikons, Kondakions, AntiTrisagions, Especiallys, Koinonikons, We have seen the true light, and the Apolysis (from the Menaion) September
of the Holy Theotokos

and Ever-Virgin Mary

Thy Nativity, 0 Theotokos, all the world: For out {if thee to Righteousness, Christ our God; He gave the blessing, And having stowed upon us life for evermore.

Tone 4 .
hath made gladness known to Hid Dawning came the Sort of And having loosed the Curse, made an end of death, He be-


Tone 4

Mi-Ia-du-ki ya wa-ll-da-ta l-ilah, bash-sha-ra bil-Ia-rah likul-li mas-ku-nah, li-an-na-hu min-ki ash-ra-qa sharn-su Fad-Ii l-ma-sl-hu ila-hu-na, f'a-hal-la l-la'-nah, wa-wa-ha-ba l-ba-ra-kah,


l-rnowt, wa-rna-na-ha-na



Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and God. Save us, 0 Son of God, that art marvelous' in his Saints, for now we sing unto thee, Alleluia.

li-nas-jud, wa-nar-ka' Iil-ma-slh.ima-li-ki-na waila-hi-na, Khal-lis-na yii bna l-lah, yii man hu-wa 'a-ji-bun fi qid-di-sih, Ii-nu-rat-til la-ka, Hal-Ie-W-~a. .-


Kondakion, Tone 4 Joachim and Anna from reproach of childlessness, And Adam and Eve from the corruption of death, Were set free, 0 Spotless Lady, by thy holy Nativity. This Feast thy people also celebrate: For from the guilt of their stumbIings redeemed, they cry to thee: "She that was barren the Theotokos and nourisher of our souls." At The Especially, Tone 8
The virtue of mothers is foreign to virtue of maidens, And strange indeed is for virgins the bearing of children: Yet in thee, Theotokos, the twain were together accomplished: And, therefore all the people of the earth acclaim thee blessed evermore.

Kondakion, Tone 4
. In-naytl-W~$:i-ma wa-han-nah min 'ii,ri Fuq-ri hur-ri-ra, wa-adam wa-how-wa min Ia-sa-di l-mow-ti u-ti-qa, bi-mow-li-diki l-rnu-qad-das, ai-ya-tu-ha t-ta-hi-rah, fa-la-hu yu-'ai-yid sha'bu-ki, idh qad na-ja min was-ma-ti z-zal-lat, ria-tl-Ian nah-wa-ki, al-taqi-ru to-Ii-du wa-Il-da-ta l-ilah, al-mu-ghadh-dhiy-ya-ta ha-

ya-ta-na. At The Especially , Tone 8 Ya wa-ll-da-ta l-ilah, in-na l-ba-tll-liy-ta la-mus-ta-hi-la-tun 'a-la l-um-ma-hat.vka-ma in-na l-wi-Ia-dah, mus-ta-hi-Ia-tun 'ala l-ta-dha-ra, ghai-ra an-na-hu fi-ki qad tam-ma tad-bi-ru ki-Ia l-am-rain, fa-li-dha-li-ka nu-ghab-bi-tu-ki, nah-nu qa-ba-ilu l-ar.di [a-mi-tan bi-la Iu-tu-rin .. Koinonikon

I will take the cup of salvation, name of the Lord, Alleluia.

and I will call upon

the Iu-ia.








September 14
The Elevation of the Precious and Life~Making Cross The Elevation of

September 14
the Precious and Life-Ma king Cross

The First Antiphon


The First Antiphon

R: C R: C R C
Lla-hi, ila-hi, un-zur ilai-ya, li-ma ta-rak-ta-ni. Bi-sha-Ia-sa-ti wa-ll-da-ti l-ilah, ya mu-khal-Iis khal-Iis-na,

God, my God, Attend to me: why hast thou forsaken me?

Through the intercessions of 'the theotokos, 0 Saviour, save

us. R: C:

Glory to the Father,etc. Far from my salvation are the words of my transgressions. Through the intercessions, etc.
Now and ever, etc. But as for thee, thou dwellest in the sanctuary, 0 Praise of ISDae1.

Al-maj-du lil-abi, etc. 'an kha-la-si.


Li-an-na ka-la-ma zal-la-ti ba-'i-dun

etc. Wa-an-ta etc. ti-l-qud-st .tas-kun ya rnid-ha-ta is-

Al-ana, etc.
ra-Il. Bi-sha-Ia-ta-ti,


Through the intercessions, etc.

The Second Antiphon

R: 0 God, why hast thou cast us unto the end?

The Second Antiphon

R: C R:

Li-ma-dha aq-sai-ta-na

ya al-la-hu ila n-ni-ha-yah.

C: R: C:

Save us, 0 Son of God; that in the flesh wast Crucified : for now we sing unto thee, Alleluia. Glory to'the Father, etc. Remember thy congregation which thou hast purchased from the beginning. . Save us, etc.
.(S . ,~;:.~"

Khal-lis-ria ya bna l-Iah, ya man su-li-ba bil-ja-sad, idh nurat-til la-ka, Hal-le-Iu-ia.

Al-rnaj-du, etc. Udh-kur rnaj-ma-tak, al-la-dhi qta-nai-tahu mun-dhu l-ib-t i-da.

Khal-lis-na, etc.

s-, ~:,

R: -Nowandever.ietc. C:O.

But God is ,our King before the ages.

R: C:

Al-ana, etc.

Wa-Ia-kiri-na l-lah, hu-wa ma-li-ku-na qab-la

Only-begotten, etc. . Apolytikion,

-: .~:~'.,


.q; .

ya. ka-li-ma-ta, etc.


Tone 1

Tone 1

Lord, save Thy People, And bless Thine inheritance: Giving us Victory over all who assail us', And protecting the Church of Thy Faithful by Thy Cross. Eisodikon E:x;altye the Lord our God: and worship at his footstool, for he is holy. Save us, etc.

Khal-lis ya rabb sha'-bak wa-ba-rik mi-ra-thak, wam-nah mu-lu-ka-na I-mu-mi-nin, al-gha-la-bah 'a-la l-bar-bar, wah-Iaz bi-qu-wa-ti sa-Ii-bi-ka, [a-mi-ta l-mukh-tas-si-na bik.

Ir-fa-'u r-rab-ba Ila-ha-na was-ju-dii Ii-mow-ti-i qa-da-maihi, li-an-na-hu qud-diis. Khal-lis-na, etc.

Kondakion, Tone 4
Thou that willingly on the Cross was exalted, On Thy new state which is named for Thee as its Founder, 0 Christ our God,

Kondakion, Tone 4
Ya man r-ta ra-ta 'a-la s-sa-li-bi mukh-ta-ran,
si-hu l-ilah, im-nah ra-ta-tak

ai-yu-ha l-rna-

li-sha'<bi-ka l-ja-did, al-mu-sam-ma

do Thou bestow the mercies of 'I'hy Jove: Gladden with Thy migbty power all the Orthodox Faithful, And make them rich with victories won over who assail them: Let Thine Alliance be their help in war, Their weapon of peace, and their trophy invisible. Anti- Trisagion Thy Cross do we adore, 0 Master, and Thy holy Resurrection do we glorify. At The Especially, Hirmes of the 9th Ode, Tone 8 Thou art the mystical Paradise, 0 Birth-giver of God, who though untilled didst bud forth Christ, by whom the Iite-bearing Tree of the Cross was planted upon earth. For which cause, now, at its Elevatton, adoring it, we magnify thee.

bi-ka, wa-Iar-ri-ha bi-qu-wa-ti-ka l-mu-lu-ka l-mu-mi-nin, rna-nihan iy-ya-hum, al-gha-la-bah 'a-la mu-ha-rl-bl-him, wal-ta-kun la-hum ma-tu-na-tak si-Ia-han lis-sa-Ia-rnah, wa-za-fa-ran ghaira maq-hiir. Anti-Trisagion Li-sa-Ii-bi-ka ya sai-yi-da-na nas-jud, wa-Ii-ql-ya-ma-ti-ka 1mu-qad-da-sah nu-maj-jid. At The Especially, Hirmes of the 9th Ode, Ton~ 8 Ya wa-Il-da-ta l~ilah, an-ti J-fir-dow-su s-sir-ri, idh an-na-ki an-bat-t! l-ma-sih bi-ghai-ri ra-la-ha-ttn, al-Ia-dhi min-hu nu-sibat fi l-ar-di sha-ja-ra-tu s-sa-Iib, al-ha-mi-la-tu l-ha-yah, falana, idh nas-jud la-hu mar-ffi-ian, la-ki nu-taz-zirn.

The Light of thy countenance, 0 Lord, hath been signed upon us, Alleluia. (Instead of "We have seen the True Light.") Apolytikion, Tone 1 Lord, save thy people, etc.

Qa-di r-ta-sa-ma 'a-lai-na nu-ru waj-ha-ka ya rabb, Hal-le(Instead of "qad na-zar-na, etc.") Apolytikion, Tone 1
Khal-Iis yii rabb, etc.

The Sunday that falls between October 11 and October 17

The Holy Fathers of the Seventh Counc il

The Sunday that falls between October 11 and October 17

The Holy Fathers of the Seventh Council

Apolytikion, Tone 8 Exceedingly glorified art Thou, 0 Christ our God, That on earth our Fathers as Beacon Lights hast established, And through them hast quided us along the way, That leads us all to the One True Faith: 0 Lord of manifold compassions, glory to Thee. Koinonikon The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. Alleluia.

Apolytikion, Tone 8 ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu ila-hu-na, al-ra-iqu t-tas-bih, ya 'man as-sa-sa aba-ana l-qid-di-sin, 'a-la l-ar-di ka-wa-ki-ba mu-ni- , rah, wa-bi-him ha-dai-ta-na ila l-Ima-ni l-l).a-qi-qi, ai-yu-h", I-jazi-lu r-rah-rna-ti l-maj-du Iak.

Tidh-ka-ru s-sid-di-qi

ya-kii-nu mu-ab-ba-dan.



~ '.-~

October 26-Saint Apolytikion,

Demetrios Tone 3

October 26-Saint


Apolytikion, Tone 3
In-na l-rnas-ku-nah, wa-ja-dat-ka mun-ji-dan 'a-zi-man Ii sh-sha-da-id, wa-qa-hi-ran Iil-umarn, ya Ia-bi-sa I-ji-had De-metri-os, fa-ka-ma an-na-ka ha-tarn-ta ta-sha-mu-kha Ia-na-wush, wa-fi l-ml-da-ni shaj-ja'-ta nes-tor, ha-ka-dha ta-was-sat ai-yu-ha l-qid-dis, ila l-ma-si-hi l-ilah, an ya-hi-ba-na r-rah-ma-ta 1-'u:(l-ma.

Mighty Champion in times of peril, Hath the Christian world in thee discovered, 0 Victory-Crowned, and vanquisher of heathen hordes: And as thou broughtest Lyaios from pride to shame, By planting courage in nestor, who challenged him, So do thou, 0 Saint Great Martyr Demetrios, implore, of Christ our God to grant us his great mercy.

November 8
The Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael The Archangels,

November 8
Michael, Gabriel and Raphael


Tone 4


Tone 4

o Chief Commanders of the Hosts in the heavens, We pray you till we gain our prayers, though unworthy, That round about us with your prayers you build a fortress wall, In the shelter of the wings of your glory unearthly, To guard us who before you and with shouting beseech you: "Ye Taxiarch that lead the Hosts above, In all our perils bring help, and deliver us."
Kondakion, Tone 4

Ai-yu-ha l-mu-ta-qad-di-mu-na 'a-la l-aj-na-di s-sa-ma-wiyyin, na-ta-was-sa-In ilal-kum nah-nu I-ghai-ra l-mus-ta-hiq-qin, an tak-ta-ni-f'u-na bi-ta-li-ba-ti-kum, bi-zil-li aj-ni-ha-ti maj-dikurn, al-ghai-ri l-hu-yu-Ii, ha-Ii-zl-na iy-ya-na nah-nu l-ja-thfn, was-sa-ri-khi-na bi-ghai-ri Iu-tu-rin, an-qi-dhii-na mi-na sh-shada-id, bi-ma an-na-kum ru-asa ma-ra-ti-bi l-qu-wa-ti l-'a-la-wiyyah.

Kondakion, Tone 4 Yii ru-asa aj-na-di l-liih,wa-khud-dii-ma l-rnaj-di l-Ila-ni, wamur-shi-dty l-ba-srrar, wa-zu-ta-ma I-ghai-ri l-mu-ta-jas-sl-mln, ut-lu-bu la-na ma yu-wa-ti-qu-na war-rah-ma-ta l-tuz-ma, bi-ma an-na-kum ru-asa l-aj-na-di J-'ii-di-miy l-aj-sad. Koinonikon A:;;-:;;a-ni-'uma-la-ikn-tu-hu ar-wa-han, wa-khud-da-ma-hu la-hi-ba nar. Hal-le-lu-ra.

Chieftains of the Hosts of God, Ministers of His glory divine: Guide us that show to men the way, And Princes of the Bodiless: Pray that we may gain what most we need, And the greatness of His mercy, Yet .that of the Bodiless are Chieftains. Koinonikon Who maketh his angels spirit; his ministers a flaming fire. Alleluia.


November 21
The En b-aoce of the Virgin Mary to the Temple The Entrance

November 21
of the Virgin Mary to the Temple


Tone 4


Tone 4

'Today is the prelude of God's goodwill, And the first proclaiming of the salvation of man, In the Temple of God with meaning clear' is the Virgin made manifest, And unto all is a mes.sage before hand that Christ shall come. To her let us also with ringing voices cry: "Hail, thou Fulfillment of the Creator's Dispensation. Kondakion, Tone 4 The shrine most pure which is prepared for the Saviour, The greatly precious Bridal Hall which is Virgin; The Holy Treasure House to hold the glory of our God, On this day into the House of the Lord is conducted, And grace which is in the Spirit Divine at the Entrance attends her: And her the Angels of God with songs acclaim, "She is most truly the heavenly House of God." At The Especially, Heirmos of the 9th Ode, Tone 4 Angels the Entrance of the Theotokos beholding, were sore amazed, how with wondrous glory she had entered 'into the Holy of Holies: Not on her that is God's living Ark, Let ever hand be laid with touch profaning: But with gladness let the neversilent lips of Farthful, Acclaim her as Theotokos, and in song Hail her with the cry of the Angel: "Truly, high above all crea_tures art thou, 0 Virgin Most Pure." Koinonikon I will take the cup of salvation, and I will call upon the name of the Lord. Alleluia.

Al-yow-ma l-ba-tul, al-Ia-ti hi-ya _ mu-qad-da-mat ma-sir-rati l-Iah, wab-ti-da l-ka-ra-zah bi-kha-Ia-si l-ba-shar, qad za-harat fi hai-ka-Ii l-la-hi 'a-la-ni-yah, wa-sa-ba-qat mu-bash-shi-rah, al-ja-mi-'a bil-ma-sih, Ial-nah-tlf nah-wa-ha bi-sow-tin 'a-zl-min qa-ilin, if-ra-ni ya ka-ma-la tad-bi-ri l-kha-liq. Kondakion,

Tone 4

In-ria l-hai-ka-la L-kul-liy-ya n-na-qa-wah, hai-ka-la l-mual-ba-tii-Ia l-khid-ra l-ja-zi-ia th-tha-man, wal-kan-za tta-hi-m li-maj-di l-Iah, al-yow-ma tad-khu-lu ila bai-ti r-rabb, wa-tud-khi-lu ma-ra-na n-nr-mah, al-Ia-ti bir-ru-hi l-Ila-hi, Ialtu-sab-bih-ha ma-la-ika-tu l-Iah , Ii-an-na-ha l-ma-zal-Ia-tu s-sa-

ma-wiy-yan. At The Especially, Heirmos of the 9th Ode, Tone 4 In-na l-ma-Ia-ikah, lam-ma sha-na-du du-khiil, al-kul-li-yati n-na-qa-wa-ti n-da-ha-shu, kai-fa l-ba-tu-lu da-kha-lat, ila qud-si l-aq-das: Ya wa-ll-da-ta l-Ilah, bi-ma an-na-ki ta-bu-tun mu-ta-naf-fi-sun Iil-Iah, fa-la tal-mu-su-ki ya-dun mu-dan-nasah, am-ma shl-f'a-hu l-mu-mi-nin, fal-tam-dah-ki bi-ghai-ri rutu-rin ha-ti-Iah nah-wa-ki bi-sow-ti l-ma-la-ki bib-ti-haj, ai-yatu-ha l-ba-tfi-Iu n-na-qiy-yah, in-na-ki bil-ha-qi-qah, as-ma rif'a-tan min [a-mi-'! l-makh-lu-qat.

Ka-sa l-kha-la-si aq-ba-lu, was-ma .r-rab-bi ad-'u. Hal-le-lu-ia.

November 30
St. Andrew, First-Called among the Apostles

November 30
First-Called among the Apostles


Tone 4


Tone 4

Thou that 'of the Apostles wast First-called, And of their Chief wast the brother, With the sovereign Lord of All, o Andrew, make intercession, That His Peace He may give to the world, And to our souls His great mercy.

Bi-ma an-na-ka fi r-ru-su-Ii mad-'u-wun aw-wa-lan, wa-lilha-ma-ti akhun, ib-ta-hil ya an-du-ra-wu-su ila sai-yi-di l-kul, an ya-hi-ba s-sa-Ia-ma lil-mas-kii-nah, wa-li-nu-fil-si-na r-rah-ma-ta I-'u~-ma.



Saint Nicholas

Saint Nicholas

Apolytikion, Tone 4
As Touchstone of the Faith, And as Teacher of self-control, The truth revealed by thine actions, Attested thee before the Flock: For ;this reason thou wonnest, By thy humility, grandeur; By thy poverty, riches; Wherefore Saint Father and Hierarrch, Intercede with Christ our God, For salvation of our souls.

Apolytikion, Tone 4 Qad az-ha-rat-ka af-'a-lu l-haq-qi li-ra-'iy-ya-tak, qa-mi-nan lil-iman, wa-su-ra-tan lll-wa-da-tah, wa-mu-'al-li-man Ill-im-sak, ai-yu-ha l-aou, ra-isu l-ka-ha-nah ni-qul-la-wus, f'a-li-dha-Ii-ka ah-raz-ta oit-ta-wa-du-'i r-rif-tah, wa-bil-mas-ka-na-ti l-ghi-na, fa-ta-shaf-Ia' ila I-ma-si-hi l-ilah, fi kha-la-si nu-fu-si-na,

December 12'
Saint Spyridon

D,ecemh~r 12
Saint Spyridon


Tone 1


Tone 1

The Council of Nicaea, acknowledged thee its Champion, And a Thaumaturge, 0 our Father, Thou Theophoric Spyridon: Thou spokest to her that lay entombed, And into gold a serpent rnadest Change: And the Angels joined in .singing the holy Prayers, As Servers, 0 Saint most priestly: Glory to Him That glory gave to thee; Glory to Him that gave thy Crown; Glory to the Lord Whose might performs, Healings for all through thee.

Qad za-har-ta 'a-ni l-maj-ma-'i l-ow-wa-ll mu-na-di-lan, walil-'a-ja-ibi sa-ni-tan, ya aba-na Spy-ri-don,.\al-mu-ta-wash-shi-l).u bil-Iah, Ia-Il-dha-Ii-ka kha-tab-ta l-mai-ta-ta fi l-lah-di, wa-howwal-ta hai-ya-tan ila dha-ha-hin, wa-'in-da tar-tl-li-ka s-sa-la-wati l-mu-qad-da-sah, ka-na-ti l-ma-Ia-ikah, .shu-ra-ka fi l-klhid-' mah, ai-yu-ha l-kul-Iiy-yu t-tuhr, fal-maj-du lil-la-dhi maj-jadak; al-maj-du lil-la-dhi kal-la-lak; al-maj-du lis-sa-ni' bi-ka 1ash-fi-yah Iil-ja-rni'.

December 11-17
The Sunday of the Holy Forefathers

December 11-17
The Sunday of the Holy Forefathers

Apolytikion, Tone 4 Thou hast justified by faith the ancient forefathers and through them thou hast gone before and betrothed unto thyself the church of the Gentiles let the Saints, therefore, take pride in glory; for from their seed sprouted forth a noble fruit, And she it was who gave birth to thee without seed. Wherefore, by their pleadings, 0 Christ God, have mercy on us.


Tone 4

La-qad zak-kai-ta bil-Ima-ni, al-aba-a l-qu-da-ma, wa-bi-him sa-baq-ta Ia-kha-tab-ta l-bi-ta-ta l-la-ti mi-na l-umam, fal-yaf-takhi-ri l-qid-di-su-na bil-majd, li-an-na min zar-'i-him, at-na-ta tha-ma-run kha-sib, wan-wa l-um-mu l-Ia-ti wa-Ia-dat-ka bighai-ri zar-'in, Ia-bi-ta-was-su-Ia-ti-him, ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu lilah, khal-lis nu-ru-sa-na.

The Sunday before Christmas

Sunday of Genealogy The Sunday

before Christmas

Sunday of Genealogy


Tone 4


Tone 4

. Great are the accomplishments of faith; for the three holy youths rej oiced in the fountain of flames as thou 8Jt waters of rest. And the Prophet Daniel appeared a shepherd to the lions as though they were sheep. Wherefore, by their pleadings, 0 Christ God, have mercy on us.

'A-?:l-ma-tun hi-ya taq-wi-ma-tu l-Iman, li-an-na th-tha-latha-ta l-fit-ya-ta l-qid-di-sin, qa-di bta-ha-jii fi yun-bii-'i l-la-hib, ka-an-na-hum 'a-la ma-i r-ra-hah, wan-na-biy-ya da-ni-yal, ,:ilaha-ra ra-'i-yan lis-si-ba', ka-an-na-ha gha-nam, fa-bi-ta-was-sula-ti-hirri, ai-yu-ha l-ma-si-hu l-ila-hu r-ham-na,

December 20-23 Apolytikion,

Tone 4 Make ready, 0 Bethlehem; for Eden hatn been opened for all. Prepare, 0 Ephratha: for the Tree of life hath blossomed forth in the Cave from the Virgin; for her belly did appear as a supersensual paradise in which is planted the divine plant, whereof eating we shall live and not die as Adam, Verily, Christ Shall be born, raising the likeness that fell of old.

December 20-23 Apolytikion,

Tone 4

Is-ta-'id-di ya bai-ta lah-ma, fa-qad In-ti-hat 'ad-nun Iil-jami,' ta-hai-ya-I ya af-ra-tha, Ii-an-na 'u-da l-na-yah, qad az-ha-ra fi f-ma-gha-ra-ti mi-na l-ba-tul, Ii-an-na bat-na-ha, qad za-ha-ra Iir-dow-san 'aq-liy-yan, fl-hi l-fir-dow-su l-ila-hi, al-Ia-dhi idh naku-lu min-hu, nah-ya wa-Ia na-rmi-tu mith-la adam, al-ma-si-hu yu-la-du, mun-hi-dan as-su-ra-ta l-la-ti sa-qa-tat mun-dhu l-qadim.

December 24
Apolytikion as in December 18 and the following Apolytikion

December 24
as in December 18 and the following


Tone 4


Tone 4

And it came to pass that Mary was enrolled with Joseph the man, in Bethlehem, since she was of the seed of David, and was great with the Lord, without seed. And when the time for delivering drew near, and they had no place in the village, the Cave did appear to .the queen as delightful palace. Verily, Christ shall be born, raising the likeness that fell of old.

Fi dha-li-ka l-waq-ti ku-ta-bat mar-ya-mu, ma-'a vu-su-ta sh-shaikh, fi bal-ta lah-ma, bi-ma an-na-ba min zar-'i da-wiid, wa-ka-nat ha-mi-Ia-tan, al-ha-rna-la bi-ghai-ri zar-'in, fa-lam-ma ha-ria waq-tu l-wi-la-dah, wa-lam ya-kun la-ha rna-ka-nun fi 1qar-yah, za-ha-ra-ti l-ma-gha-ra-tu lll-ma-likah, ka-bi-la-tin mutrib, al-ma-si-hu yii-Ia-du mun-hi-dan, as-su-ra-ta l-la-ti sa-qa-tat mun-dhu l-qa-dim,

December 25
The Na~ivi~y of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ (Christmas). The Nativity

December 25
of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ (Christmas).

The First Antiphon

R: C: R: I will give praise to thee, 0 Lord, with my whole heart.

The First Antiphon


A'-ta-ri-fu la-ka ya rab-bu min kul-li qal-bi.

Bi-sha-fa-ta-ti Al-maj-du wa-ll-da-ti

Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, 0 Saviour, save us. Glorey to the Father, etc. Worthy of thanksgiving and magnrficance is His work. Through the intercessions, etc. Now and ever, etc. And his righteousness abideth for ever and ever. Through the intercessions, etc.

l-ilah, ya mu-khal-lis


R: C: R: C:

lil-1i:bi,etc. Ya-Ii-qu bi-ta-ma-li-hi 'iz-mu l-ja-Ial. etc. etc. Wa-tad-lu-hu

li'<ti-ra-fu wa-

C: R:


Al-ana, wa-kul-la awa-nin, dah-ri- d-da-hi-rin.




Bi-sha-Ia-ta-ti, etc.

The Second Antiphon

R: . Blessed is the man that .feareth the Lord. R: C: 'I'ii-ba lir-ra-ju-Ii

The Second Antiphon

l-la-dhi ya-kha-Iu r-rab. l-ba-tul, Khal-Iis-na, ya bna l-Iah, ya man wu-li-da mi-na idh nu-rat-til la-ka, Hal-le-lu-ia. Al-maj-du lil-abi, etc.


Save us, 0 Son of God, that wast from a virgin born: for now we sing unto thee, Alleluia. Glory to the Father, etc. His seed shall be mighty upon the earth. Save us, etc. Now and ever, etc. Glory and riches shall be in his house.
0 Only-begotten, etc.

R: C: R:

Zar-'u-hu ya-ku-nu

qa-wiy-yan fi 1-

ard, Khal-li:;;-na, etc. Al-ana, wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc.

bai-ti-hi. Ya ka-ll-ma-ta,


Wal-rnaj-du wal-ghi-na fi



Apolytikion, Tone 4
C: Thy Nativity, 0 Christ our God, Brought to dawning for the world the Light of true knowledge: For thereby were they that to the stars gave worship, By a star instructed, To kneel to Thee, the day star of Righteousness, And to have knowledge of Thee the Dayspring from on high: 0 Lord, glory to Thee. C:

Apolytikion, Tone 4
Mi-la-du-ka ai-yu-ha I-ma-sl-hu ila-hu-na, qad at-la-ta nu-ra I-ma'-ri-fa-ti fi Fa-lam, Ii-an-na s-sa-ji-di-na Iil-ka-wa-kib, bi-hi ta-tal-la-mu, mi-na l-kow-ka-bi s-su-jfi-da la-ka ya sham-sa l-'adl, wa-an ya'-ri-fu an-na-ka min ma-sha-rl-qi l-'u-Iu-wi atait, ya rab-bu l-maj-du lak ..

C: From the womb before the morning star have I 'begotten thee: The Lord hath sworn and will not repent: Thou

C: Mi-na l-bat-ni qab-la kow-ka-bi s-sub-hi wa-Iad-tu-ka, haIa-Ia r-rab-bu wa-Iam yan-dam, an-na-ka an-ta l-ka-hi-nu


art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. us, 0 Son of God., etc.


ila d-dah-ri, 'a-la tar-ti-bi mal-shi-sa-daq :khal-li:;;-na, bna l-lah, etc.


Kondakion, Tone 3
C: The Virgin this day bears, Him that transcends mortal being; And to the Unapproachable, Earth ,brings her Cavern as offerings: Angel Hosts sing with the Shepherds, Hymning His Praises; With a star guiding their journey, Mages fare onward: For He is born a tiny Infant, for our salvation, though ere all ages our God. C:

Kondakion, Tone 3
Al-yow-ma l-ba-tul, ta-li-du l-fa-iqa l-jow-har, wal-ar-du tuqar-ri-bu J-ma-gha-rah, li-rrran hu-wa ghai-ru muq-ta-ra-bin Ilai-hi, al-ma-la-ikah, ma-'a r-ru-ta-ti yu-maj-ji-dun, wal-maju-su ma-'a l-kow-ka-bi fi t-ta-ri-ql ya-si-run, Ii-an-na-hu qad wu-li-da min aj-Ii-na sa-biy-yun [a-di-dun, al-ila-hu 1la-dhi qab-li d-du-hiir.

Anti-T risagion
C: As many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia.


An-tu-rnu l-la-dhin bil-ma-si-hi la-bis-tum, Ha.l-Ie-Iu-ia.

'ta-mad-turn, lil-ma-sih


At The Especially
Heirmos of the Ninth Ode, Tone 1


At The Especially
He ir-mos of the Ninth Ode, Tone 1


Magnify, 0 my soul, her that is more precious and more glorious than the Hosts above: A mystery unearthly, Which mazes the mind, I see: Heaven is a Cave on earth, And Cherubic Throne is the Virgin; The boundless is boundred, For small is the manger where reposes Christ, The measurable God, Him are we praising: Him we magnify.

'A.?;-?i-mi ya naf-si man hi-ya ak-ra-mu qad-ran mi-na l-ajna-di l-'a-la-wiy-yah: In-na-ni usha-hid, sir-ran 'a-ji-ban mus-tagh-ra-ban, al-ma-gha-ra-tu sa-ma-an, wal-ba-tfil 'arshan she-ru-bl-mly-yan, wal-midh-wa-da ma-hal-lan sha-rifan, al-ll-dhi t-ta-ka-a fi-ht l-ma-si-hu l-Ilah, al-ghai-ru 1mow -sfi' fi ma-ka-nin, fal-nu-sab-bih-hu rnu-taz-zf-min.


C: La-qad ar-sa-Ia r-rab-bu Ii-da-an Ii-sha'<bi-hi, Hal-le-Iu-ia. Instead of "qad na-zar-na" Apolytikion: Mi-la-du-ka, etc.

The Lord hath sent redemption unto his people. Alleluia. NOTE: Instead of "We have seen the True Light, sing the Apolytikion. Apolysis

P: Ya man wu-Ii-da fi ma-gha-rah, wad-ta-ja-ra fi midh-wa-din li-aj-Ii kha-la-si-na, etc.


He that was born in a Cave and lay in a manger for our salvation, Christ our true God, etc.



January 1
The Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ, and The Remembrance of Saint Basil the Great.

January 1
The -Circumcision of - our Lord Jesus Christ, and The Remembrance of Saint Basil the Great.

The First Antiphon

R: C: R: C: R: C: Shout unto the Lord with joy, all the earth.
Through the intercessions, etc.

The Filst Antiphon

R: C: R: C: R: C: Ah-ti-fu lir-rab-bi ya ja-mi-'a l-ard.
Bi-sha-Ia-ta-ti, wa-li-da-ti l-ilah, etc.

Glory to the Father, etc.

Sing ye a Psalm to his name.

-Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc. Rat-ti-lu maz-mii-ran lis-mi-hi. Bi-sha-Ia-ta-ti.etc.

Al-ana, wa-kul-la awa-ntn,

Through the intercessions, etc. Now and ever, etc. Tell the tale of all his wonders. Through the intercessions, etc.

etc. Had-dl-thu

bi-ja-mi-'i 'a-ja-

ibi-hi. Bl-sha-Jd-ta-ti.etc.

The Second Antiphon


The Second Antiphon

R: C:

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice. Save us, 0 Son of God, that in the flesh wast circumcised; for' now we sing unto thee, Alleluia. Glory to the Father, etc. Psalm to his name. Sing unto the Lord: sing ye a

Li-taf-ra-hi s-sa-ma-wat, wa-tab-ta-hi-ji l-ard,

Khal-Iis-na ya bna l-lah, ya ma-ni khta-ta-na bil-ja-sad, idh nu-rat-til la-ka, Hal-Ie-Iu-ia.


Al-maj-du, lil-ab], etc. miz-ma-ri Iis-mi-hi.


Rat-ti-Iu lir-rab-bi,

ran-ni-mu bil-

C: . Save us, 0 Son of God, etc.


C: R:

bna l-lah, etc.

Now and ever, etc. Our God, in heaven and on earth, hath all things whatsoever he hath pleased. 0 Only-begotten, etc.

Al-ana, wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Ila-hir-na fi s-sa-ma wa-fi l-ard, wa-kul-la-ma sha-a sa-ria.' Ya ka-li-ma-ta I-la-hi, etc.



Tone 1



Tone 1

The form of man on Thee Thou tookest but wast still unchanged, For in Thine Essence art Thou God, 0 Lord of great compassion:'And the Law fulfilling, Circumcision in the flesh Thou willingly receivest, To make an end of shapes that shadow, And take away the veil which hides our passions: Glory to Thy clemency; Glory to Thy tender mercy; glory to Thy condescension which, 0 Word, no tongue can tell.


Ai-yu-ha r-rao-bu l-ja-zi-lu t-ta-han-nun, in-na-ka wa-an-ta ila-hun bi-ha-sa-bi l-jaw-har, qa-di t-ta-khadh-ta su-ra-tan basha-riy-yah, bi-ghai-ri sti-ha-lah, wa-idh at-mam-ta sh-sha-ri-'ah, ta-qab-bal-ta bikh-ti-ya-ri-ka khi-ta-na-tan ja-sa-diy-yah, Ii-kai tan-sa-kha r-ru-su-ma z-zil-liy-yah, wa-tu-zi-la qi-na-ta ah-waina, fal-maj-du li-sa-la-hi-ka, al-maj-du li-ta-han-nu-nak, al-majdu Il-ta-na-zu-lak, al-Ia-dhi Ia yii-saf ai-yu-ha l-ka-li-mah,

Apolytikion of St. Basil, Tone 1

Into all the world is gone forth thy voice: For it has received thy word, Wherewith as though divine thou taughtest the doctrines of ,God, Madest clear the nature of things that are, Gavest the custom of men a reasoned seemliness: 0 Priesthood royal as thy name declares, Holy Father, Intercede with Christ our God, For the salvation of our souls,

Apolytikion of St. Basil, Tone 1

Fi kUI-Ii l-ar-di l-mu-ta-qab-bi-lah aq-wa-Iak, qad za-ha-rat nagh-ma-tu-ka ai-yu-ha l-abu l-bar, al-la-ti bi-ha ka-ma ya-Ii-qu bil-lah, sha-ra'<ta wa-a'-lan-ta ta-bi-ta-ta l-ka-inat, wa-thaq-qatta akh-Ia-qa l-ba-shar, ya dha l-kah-mi-ti l-mu-hi-ki ba-si-Ii-os, fab-ta-hil ila l-ma-sl-hi l-ilah, an yu-khal-Iis nu-ffi-sa-na.

Come, let us worship, and fall down before Christ. us, 0 Son of God, etc. Save


~ ;;, ~


Ha-Ium-mu li-nas-jud wa-nar-ka' bna l-lah, etc. lil-ma-sih khal-lis-na ya


;' ,ti

Kondakion, Tone 4
For the Church art thou seen to be Pillar Unshaken: Thou hast taught all mortals to know that none can rob her of sovereignty, 4nd with thy dogmas this truth hast sealed, Heavenrevealing and saintly Basilios.

t.. '~~~.


Kondakion, Tone 4
Qad za-har-ta qii-'i-da-tan ghai-ra mu-ta-za'-zi-'ah Iil-ka-nisah, mu-waz-zi-'an lil-ba-sha-ri kat-fa-tan, sul-ta-nan Iii yus-lao, kha-ti-rnan iy-ya-hum bi-'a-qa-idi-ka ai-yu-ha l-bar-ru, al-muzhi-ru l-ash-ya s-sa-ma-wiy-yah Iba-si~li-os.

At The Especially
Rejoiceth, 0 thou full of grace, etc. Koinonikon Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: highest, Alleluia. Praise him in the

At The Especially
In-na l-ba-ra-ya bi-as-ri-ha, etc.

Sab-bi-hu r-rab-ba mi-na s-sa-ma-wat, sab-bi-hil-hu fi f-a 'a-ll. Hal-Ie-lu-ia. Instead of "qad na-zar-na n-nu-ra, etc." Apolytikion of Circumcision; Ai-yu-ha r-rab-bu, etc. Apolysis P:

Instead of "We have seen the True Light" Apolytikion of Circumcision; "Into all the world, etc." Apolysis P: He that on the eighth day accepted the circumcision in the flesh for our salvation, Christ our true God, etc.

Ya ma-ni qta-ba-la an yakh-ta-ti-na

th-tha-min, li-aj-li kha-la-si-na, etc.

bil-ja-sad, fi l-yow-mi



January 6
The Holy Theophany of our Lord and God and Saviour. Jesus Christ. The Holy Theophany

January 6
of oUr Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The First Antiphon

The First Antiphon R: Fi khu-rfi-ji is-ra-il min mis-ra wa-bai-ti ya'vqub.

R: At the going forth of Israel from Egypt, of the house of



Through the intercessions, etc. The sea beheld it, and fled; Jordan was turned back.



wa-Ii-da-ti l-ilah, etc.

R: Glory to the Father, etc.

Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc. Al-bah-ru ra-a fa-ha-rab, wal-ur-dun-

nu ra-ja-'a ila l-wa-ra,

C: Through the intercessions, etc.

R: Now and ever, etc. What ailed thee, 0 sea, that thou fleddest? And thou, Jordan, that thou wast turned back.

c: Bi-sha-Ia-ta-tt, etc.
Al-ana, wa-kul-la awa-nin, etc. Ma la-ka ai-yu-ha l-bah-ru in-na-ka ha-rab-ta, wa-ma Ia-ka ai-yu-ha l-ur-dun-nu ra-ja'ta ila l-wa-ra.

C: Through the intercessions, etc.

The Second Antiphon

C: Bi-sha-Ia-ra-ti, etc.
. The Second Antiphon R: C:

I am well content: for the Lord will hear the voice of my supplication. Save us, 0 Son of God, that wast Baptised in Jordan, from John, for now we sing unto thee, Alleluia. Glory to the Father, etc. For he hath inclined his ear unto me, And in my days I will call upon him. Save us, 0 Son of God, etc. Now and ever, etc. Mercyful is Lord, and righteous: our God hath mercy.
0 Only-begotten, etc.

Ah-bab-tu h-an-na r-rab-ba yas-ma-tu sow-ta ta-dar-ru-'],

Khal-lis-na ya bna l-lah, ya ma-ni 'ta-ma-da min yu-han-na fi l-ur-dun, idh nu-rat-til la-ka, Hal-le-lu-ia. Al-maj-du Iil-abi, etc. Khal-lis-na,


Li-an-na-hu ama-la udhu-na-hu ilaiya ra-ad-ru-hu mud-da-ta ai-ya-mi. etc. etc. Ar-rab-bu ra-fifun wa-sid-

R: C:

C: And
R: C:

Al-ana, wa-kul-la awa-nin, diq, wa-ila-hu-na yar-ham. Ya ka-li-ma-ta, etc.


Tone 1


Tone 1

At thy Baptizing in Jordan, 0 Lord, The worship of the Trinity was revealed: for the voice of Him that begat Thee Bare witness to Thee, By calling Thee His well-beloved Son; And the Spirit, in semblance of dove, Confirmed that word as most surelv true. 0 Christ our God, that hast shined on us, And hast filled the world with Thy Light, Glory to Thee.

Bi'<ti-ma-dak ya rabb fi nah-ri l-ur-dun, za-ha-ra-ti s-saj-dah lith-tha-luth, li-an-na sow-ta l-ab, ta-qad-da-ma la-ka bish-shiha-dah, mu-sam-miy-yan iy-ya-ka bnan mali-bu-ban, war-run bihai-ati na-ma-man, yu-ai-yid ha-qi-qa-ta l-ka-li-rnah, fa-ya man za-ha-ra wa-ana-ra Va-lam, at-yu-ba l-ma-si-hu l-ila-hu l-majdu lak.

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