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April 2014

Berkeley Buzz
Appreciation Celebration!
Submitted by Mike Crevier, SPRC Chair

Easter Prayer Vigil

Submitted by Kathy Beth Stavinoha, Spiritual Care

The SPRC, Worship Committee, and Choir are planning an Appreciation Day for Tyler Mabry and Vikki Schwarz on May 4 during both services. Vikki and Tyler have been critical contributors and members of the Berkeley family for more than 15 years, and this celebration is taking place to recognize their accomplishments and appreciate the exemplary service of two extremely talented and dedicated people to the mission of Berkeley and our savior, Jesus Christ. Arrangements are being made to ensure Tyler and Vikki are free to enjoy the day. A substitute Choir Director and Accompanist will officiate in the normal duties performed by the duo. Pastor Jeanne is planning special worship services, and a committee has been formed to host a reception to honor Vikki and Tyler on this special day. Please mark the first Sunday in May as Vikki and Tyler Appreciation Day and be included in the worship and fellowship.

Berkeley has a tradition of holding a prayer vigil every year during Holy Week. The vigil begins immediately following Good Friday service and does not end until just before Easter Sunrise service. You are invited to participate in this very special time of prayer and meditation which is held in the church sanctuary. You may sign up for one or more hour increments starting at 8pm on Good Friday, March 18, and lasting until 5am on Easter Sunday, April 20. A sign-up sheet will be available beginning Sunday, March 30 in the narthex. Thank you for considering spending some quiet time in prayer remembering the three days spent waiting at Jesus' tomb. If you have questions, contact Rachel Trudell at 512-694-3688.

PASTOR Rev. Jeanne Devine DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Vikki Schwarz

MINISTERS Members of the Congregation PIANIST Dr. Tyler Mabry ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Niki J Torres

They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. - Acts 2:42


Single-Stream Recycling Comes to Berkeley

Submitted by Julia A. Lancaster and Ron Meade

The Berkeley Trustees have approved single stream recycling for Berkeley-related items. A small recycling bin will be located in the fellowship hall of the Christian Life Center (CLC) beginning Sunday, April 6. We thank the Trustees for accepting our Mission Project idea and hope Berkeley congregants and staff, Child Care Center, the custodial contractor, and neighbors who use the CLC will make this undertaking a success!


Please rinse/clean recycle items before placing in the bin (to help keep the CLC bug free). Keep liquid and food out of the bin.

Place only dry paper in the bin. Recycle only acceptable items listed on the posters.

Berkeley will follow the City of Austin Single Stream recycling guidelines, and a list of acceptable items will be displayed by the bin. Here's a quick reminder:



Plastic Containers: Water bottles, soda bottles, jars and Plastic bags, garden hoses, clothing, fabric and textiles, tubs, plastic milk jugs, detergent and all purpose cleaner pizza boxes, syringes, trash, electronics, food scraps (Berkeley has a compost), clothes hangers, Hazardous bottles, soap, and shampoo bottles Waste Materials, rope, paint cans, Styrofoam, helium/ Cardboard: Corrugated cardboard and boxboard boxes, propane tanks, shredded paper, yard trimmings/leaves, freezer boxes, shoe boxes, gift boxes, soda beverage large metal items (such as frying pans and metal pipes), boxes, paper towel, and toilet paper cardboard rolls large plastic items. Glass: Jars and bottles Metals: Aluminum foil (balled in 2 inches or larger), aluminum foil baking pans, pie plates and trays, food cans & caps/lids, soda cans & caps, steel and tin cans. Note: Aluminum cans will be taken to a local recycler (as has been done for years) and recycle money will be donated to the Pastor's discretionary fund. Paper: Junk mail, envelopes, home office paper, coupons, paper bags, magazines, greeting cards, newspaper, posters. More info on single stream recycling: http://

Church-512-447-6633 Childcare Center-512-443-3509

2407 Berkeley Ave. Austin, TX 78745



1 6p Congregational Care (7) 7p Poetry-writing group (9)

2 6p Handbells 7p Choir 7p Amen Austin! Bible Study (FH)

3 5:308p Saint Louise House (CLC) 6p Emmaus Mtg. (Sanc. & 9) 4


5 6:30p Amen Austin! Church (FH)

6 Communion Sunday 3:30p Prayer Study / YF (7) 4p Tai Chi (FH) 5p Covenant Grp (9)

7 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Church Council (FH)

8 5:30p Prime Timers (FH)

9 9:30a UMW Women in Action Circle (CLC) 12p SLH Luncheon (FH) 6p Handbells 7p Choir 7p Amen Austin! Bible Study (FH) 16 6p Handbells 7p Choir 7p Amen Austin! Bible Study (FH)

10 5:308p Saint Louise House (CLC)


12 9a Cantata Rehearsal & Brunch (Sanc. & FH) 6:30p Amen Austin! Church (FH)

13 12p Youth Fellowship (FH) 3:30p Prayer Study / YF (7) 4p Tai Chi (FH) 5p Covenant Grp (9)

14 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Worship Design Team (Sanc.)


17 Maundy Thursday 7p Communion Service (Sanc.) 5:308p Saint Louise House (CLC)

18 Good Friday Church Office Closed 7p Easter Cantata (Sanc.)

19 7:30a UMW Women in Gods Grace Circle (FH) 6:30p Amen Austin! Church (FH)

Easter Prayer Vigil 25 26 7:28a Mens breakfast (FH) 9a Trustees (9) 6:30p Amen Austin! Church (FH)

20 Happy Easter! 7am Sunrise Service Newsletter deadline 27 12p YF Volunteer Day (FH) 4p Tai Chi 5p Covenant (9)

21 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Finance (7)


23 6p Handbells 7p Choir 7p Amen Austin! Bible Study (FH)

24 5:308p Saint Louise House (CLC)

28 10a Womens Group (9) 7p SPRC (7)

29 6p Emmaus Welcome Back (Sanc. & FH)

30 6p Handbells 7p Choir 7p Amen Austin! Bible Study (FH)

"One of the things I keep learning is that the secret of being happy is doing things for other people." Dick Gregory


Outreach Ministry Update

Submitted by Ginger Wahlers, Outreach

Most of us engage in little acts of kindness on a daily basis; sometimes, we are even unaware of some little thing we have done that has made a difference in the life of another. What act have you performed lately that made a difference to someone? How did it make a difference in your life? Here are some ways you can make a small difference in an intentional way:

Neighborhood Garage, Crafts 'n More Sale

Outreach will coordinate our 2nd Annual Change the World Weekend event on May 17. The focus this year will be a Neighborhood Garage Sale. The Outreach committee will invite neighbors from the surrounding community and members of our congregation to join us. Would your Sunday School class like to be involved? We will need volunteers once more to help with organizing and working the event, set-up and clean-up, and donations. Please mark your calendar and be on the lookout for additional details.

Dress Drive
A big THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to our Prom Dress Drive! The Outreach Ministry will continue to collect dresses to donate to local high schools, along with ties for graduating seniors. Please contact Ginger Wahlers at or 512-2919329 if you have dresses or ties you would like to donate.

Outreach Highlight of the Month

Each month, Outreach will highlight an opportunity for making a difference. This month we are calling attention to Drive a Senior: When older adults can no longer fully take care of themselves, both the seniors and their families are faced with many challenges. Drive a Senior realizes these challenges and works to ease them. Through direct interaction, Drive a Senior recognizes the individual needs of clients and offers assistance personalized to their needs and abilities. Drive a Senior offers support services to senior adults in the Greater Austin Area who live at home, assisting them and their families in maintaining their independence, dignity and quality of life. To learn more, visit

Easter Season Canned Food Drive

As we celebrate the Easter season we are reminded of the true spirit of Jesus, including his service to others. It is in this spirit of serving others that the Outreach Ministry has committed to sponsor a Canned Food Drive on Palm and Easter Sundays, April 13 and 20. Please bring a non-perishable item to donate for the Capital Area Food Bank to help feed others in our community (look for the box in the Narthex). We thank you for reaching out.

Have a great month and Happy Easter!

Free Store Update

Submitted by Carolyn Brown, Outreach

The Free Store continues to need your gently-used clothing and household items. Some specific current needs are: Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, etc.) Save these items from hotels when you travel. Not travelling? No problem just pick up a few items when you are shopping. Many stores have a travel section where you can find small sizes of these items. Household goods (dishes, pans, bedding, etc.) Mens clothing Medical items (wheelchairs, walkers, etc.) Furniture There is no room to store these items, but the store has a waiting list of members who need such items. Contact Matt Cardona at 512-469-7970 or to arrange for delivery. Sometimes a pick-up can be scheduled. Volunteers, especially on Tuesday. This is a wonderful way to get to know the members.

Official donation days are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 10am1pm. Go to the back door and knock loudly or blow your horn. The person who is usually at that door is very hard of hearing.

4/05 Josh Gibbs 4/10 Sami Burns 4/13 Iris Field 4/15 Lawrence Schmidt 4/18 Kearney Taaffe 4/25 Julie Burns 4/25 Robbie Gaston 4/25 Tyler Mabry 4/28 Lori Burnett

Free, Spent Coffee Grounds

Submitted by Julia A. Lancaster

Ground to Ground is an Austin city-wide campaign that "diverts nutrient-rich spent coffee grounds from landfills, and puts them back to work in our yards, farms, and gardens." To find a local business that provides free, spent coffee grounds, go to Businesses vary in how they participate. Be sure to left-click on the business map location icon to see the store's' offerings.

Many Thanks
Dear Members of Berkeley UMC, Thank you for your care and thoughtfulness shown to our family in our recent loss of Jimmie Dittlinger. The prayers, visits, cards, and meals helped to make our journey through her passing an easier one. It is a comfort to know that she had such a wonderful church family. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry. In Him, The Dittlingers, Idekers, and Medellins.

4/11 Brenda and Steve Johnson


133 40


125 36



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29,131 22,214 50,073 44,400

...lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God.Colossians 1:10

Submitted by Rev. Jeanne Devine

Go to the Holy Land with Bishop Dorff

You are invited to join Bishop Jim and Barbara Dorff on a 10-day trip of Biblical understanding, September 9-18. The trip is organized by Educational Opportunities Tours. All-inclusive price from Austin starts at $3446 (airfare, hotels, tours and more). Optional extensions are available to Cairo, Bethlehem, Jordan and a Nile cruise. Deadline for deposit is May 27. If interested, please pick up a brochure in the narthex or contact Niki Torres to request one.

Book Review: Captive in Iran

By Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh; Submitted by Kathy Beth Stavinoha, Spiritual Care

On Sunday, March 16, the Call to Worship included the lines, Others will proclaim our faith as foolishness. We continue to preach Christ as Savior. Many will say our belief is a stumbling block. We consider the ways of Christ as our model and path. Those words particularly touched me, as the day before I had finished reading Captive in Iran by Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh. These two Iranian ladies were born into Muslim families and each chose to follow Jesus and become a Christian when He spoke to them. It is not against the law to be a Christian in Iran. However, it is against the law, and punishable by death, to convert from Islam to Christianity. After speaking to others about Christ, distributing thousands of New Testaments, and establishing two home churches, Maryam and Marziyeh were arrested. First they were held in a detention cell then sent to Evin Prison. They refused to recant their belief in Christ something the authorities told them would give them their freedom. Some of their fellow prisoners told them they were foolish not to give a lie of convenience and say they recanted their beliefs when it would give them their freedom. Both said they would never deny Christ. Instead of asking why did this happen to us? and railing about unfairness, they, like Paul, saw this as an opportunity to preach the Gospel and reach people they otherwise would not have been able to reach. Countless Muslim women, both in the Vozara Detention Center and Evin Prison, turned to Christ thanks to the evangelizing and example of these two Christians. They wrote: What a miracle it was that wed been able to meet and encourage so many women. What man meant for evil, God used for His good and His glorywe had shared the Gospel more openly behind bars than we had ever been able to do on the outside. The Lenten devotion for March 16 spoke of the difference between belief and faith. Every Sunday, I publicly declare my belief in God, but would I have the faith to practice that belief? Would I humble myself for the Lord and, if incarcerated, see it as an opportunity to glorify Him? Would I pray for those who persecuted me? Maryam and Marziyeh found it an honor to serve Christ in this way, to take up our cross and follow Him faithfully anywhere He leads us. How I would like to be like them! Their story has inspired me, and Im sure you too will be inspired, should you choose to read it.

Lenten Symbols
Submitted by Rachel Trudell, Spiritual Care Chair; From the website, Catholic Culture:

The pretzel has a deep spiritual meaning for Lent. It was the ancient Christian Lenten bread as far back as the fourth century. In the old Roman Empire, the faithful kept a very strict fast all through Lent: no milk, no butter, no cheese, no eggs, no cream and no meat. They made small breads of water, flour, and salt, to remind themselves that Lent was a time of prayer. They shaped these breads in the form of crossed arms, for in those days they crossed their arms over the breast while praying. Therefore they called the breads "little arms [bracellae]. From this Latin word, the Germanic people later coined the term "pretzel." Thus the pretzel is the most appropriate food symbol in Lent. It still shows the form of arms crossed in prayer, reminding us that Lent is a time of prayer. It consists only of water and flour, thus proclaiming Lent as a time of fasting. The earliest picture and description of a pretzel (from the fifth century) may be found in the manuscript-codex No. 3867, Vatican Library.

Trial of Jesus
Submitted by Tracey Beadle, Associate Pastor, Manchaca UMC

Join Manchaca United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 13 at 2pm in their sanctuary as they watch the Trial of Jesus take place. In this powerful presentation, two Christian attorneys, Mark Osler and Jeanne Bishop, stage a mock death penalty trial of Jesus based on current Texas law. The unscripted courtroom drama features legal arguments and live witnesses testifying about whether Jesus should live or die. A judge presides and the audience is the jury. Examine your faith as you participate as a juror deciding the fate of Jesus. Mark Osler is the author of Jesus on Death Row: The Trial of Jesus and American Capital Punishment. A former federal prosecutor, he teaches criminal law and sentencing at the University of St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis.
Submitted by Maria Longley, Director of Adult Ministries and Small Groups, Oak Hill UMC

Jeanne Bishop is a felony trial attorney with the Office of the Cook County Public Defender in Chicago and an adjunct professor of Trial Advocacy at Northwestern U School of Law. She is also the sister of Nancy Bishop Langert, who was murdered with her husband and unborn child in 1990.

Oak Hill UMC is thrilled to host a showcase event for women of all ages. Based on Isaiah 63:9, the theme for the evening is freedom in Christ. With summer here and the hectic schedules it often brings, this is an opportunity for women-from youth to the young at heartto remember that God "lift[s] them up and carrie [s] them all the days of old."

BERKELEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2407 Berkeley Ave. Austin, TX. 78745 (512)447-6633 Email: ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED


Palm/Passion SundayApril 13, 8:30 and 10:50am Maundy ThursdayApril 17, 7pm Communion Service Good Friday April 18, 7pm Easter Cantata performed by Berkeleys Choir Easter SundayApril 20: Sunrise Service, 7am Worship Services, 8:30 and 10:50am

Loved and Alive

Submitted by Rachel Trudell, Spiritual Care Chair

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressionsit is by grace you have been saved. Ephesians 2:4-5 Jesus' death and resurrection has overcome the most significant barrier to our becoming who God has called us to be: our sin-deadened state. We are no longer dead but alive; no longer blinded by pride and sin but humbly aware of whose we are in Christ; no longer immobilized by guilt and fear but forgiven and confident in the power of His Spirit. Let His love and life transform your life. Let His grace have its full effect in your life and leadership. excerpt from Lead Like Jesus, March 18, 2014

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