7423 Only God Is Lord of Creation .... Star ....

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through Bertha Dudde 7423

Only God is Lord of Creation .... Star ....

Sin e eternity elestial !odies ir le the uni"erse on #aths s#e ified !y the di"ine Creator and $hi h $ill also !e u#held in the #lan of reation a ording to %is $ill. &nd it is an i'#ossi!le !eginning $anting to alter the s#e ified ourse of a elestial !ody( to di"ert a star fro' its ourse trying to guide it onto a different one than $as destined !y the di"ine Creator. &nd it is e)ually i'#ossi!le to sto# the ourse of a star( to li'it the duration of its ourse( thus to #re"ent it in so'e for' or other fro' tra"elling its #ath .... *his has to !e said to all those $ho !elie"e that they( $ith their o$n in"entions( $ill !e a!le to esta!lish a different order in God+s $or, of reation .... $ho !elie"e that they $ill !e a!le to fit hu'an #rodu ts into the di"ine $or, of reation( $ho assu'e that su h e-#eri'ents an !e sent into the uni"erse $ithout har'ful onse)uen es .... . &' still the Lord of the os'os .... and . $ill also re#ly a##ro#riately to e"ery intention of infiltrating /y $or,. &nother atte'#t $ill !e 'ade( and 'ore $ill follo$ as long as #eo#le are not sto##ed .... &nd . $ill allo$ it to ha##en( !ut . $ill ans$er $hen the ti'e is right. For not 'u h da'age an !e done any'ore !y #eo#le+s ad"an e into s#a e .... !e ause the ti'e has run out $hi h hu'anity 'ay still re ,on $ith. &nd all the e-#erien es they still $ant to gain $ill no longer !e of any use for . $ill #ut a sto# to it /yself ....

But . $ill res#ond in the sa'e $ay( for this re#ly $ill also o'e fro' s#a e $hi h they try to enter( and all their in"entions $ill !e una!le to re#el or redire t the star $hi h $ill #ut the' into e-tre'e danger the'sel"es. &nd thus it is u# to /e ho$ long . $ill tolerate hu'anity+s a ti"ity( !ut . $ill only tolerate it u# to a #oint( . annot #rofess to a##ro"e of e-#eri'ents $hi h ha"e no s#iritual #ur#ose and only !oost #eo#le+s !elief e"en 'ore to !e or to !e o'e 'aster of the uni"erse. But the end is at hand( and during these last days #eo#le $ill still try 'any things $hi h only de'onstrate their godlessness( their s#iritual arrogan e and their s#iritual #o"erty. 0arious e-#eri'ents $ill still !e ondu ted $hi h $ill onsidera!ly to$ards the disintegration of the earth( $or, of destru tion and thus the end of one #eriod of $hi h has to 'a,e #la e for a ne$ one( if /y li"ing shall not o'#letely !e lost. ontri!ute the final sal"ation reations

But you hu'ans( $ho "oluntarily !elong to /e( don+t allo$ yoursel"es to !e i'#ressed !y it all no 'atter $hat ha##ens .... &l$ays re'e'!er that the Creator of hea"en and earth $ill not let %i'self !e dis#la ed and that %e $ill learly sho$ %is 'ight $ithout #eo#le !eing a!le to #re"ent %i' fro' doing so .... . $at h and $ait .... until the day has o'e $hi h is #redeter'ined sin e eternity .... For the ti'e is li'ited $hi h /y ad"ersary uses su h that #eo#le .... !e ause they !elong to hi' .... $ill do e"erything he $ants .... !ut $hi h they $ill ne"ertheless not su eed to a hie"e ....


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