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Last Date of Submission:05/03/2014(Wednesday There will be Mid Term test on 10/03/2014(Monday) module 1,2,3 Draw typical valve timing diagram, for 4 stroke engines. Explain major differences if any between ideal and actual valve timing diagrams. What do you understand by joule cycle? Show the cycle on P-V and T-S diagram. Where is it used? Explain briefly time loss factor resulting in a lower thermal efficiency of actual cycle compared to air standard cycles for SI engine. Explain the construction and working principle of two stroke petrol engine Explain briefly about the major components of an internal combustion engine What is a heat engine? What are the various classifications of IC engines What do you mean by combustion? Describe the stages of combustion in CI engine with the help of pressure crank angle diagram. Discuss knocking and its control Define Compression ratio. What is its range for? i) SI engine ii) CI engine What factors limit the compression ratio in each type of engine? Describe working of 4S SI engine with neat sketch and indicator diagram Draw a combustion pressure v/s crank angle (p-) diagram for SI engine. Mark on this diagram different phases of combustion process. Give approximate values of energy released in each phase of combustion cycle.



Q4. Q5. Q6. Q7.




Write notes on any four of following i) ii) Qualities of SI engine Fuel Dopes and Additives

iii) iv) v) Q11.

Pumping loss and its effect on engine performance Assumption made in Air standard cycles analysis Performance parameters of SI engine

What do you understand by Carnot cycle? Show the cycle on P-V and T-S diagram. Explain its importance. What will be the effect on the efficiency of an Otto cycle having a compression ratio of 8 if Cv is increased by 1.6% Draw typical valve timing diagram, for 2 stroke engines. Explain working of two stroke diesel engine with indicator diagram. Explain pre ignition. How Pre Ignition leads to knock . Explain all types of losses resulting in a lower thermal efficiency of actual cycle compared to air standard cycles for SI engine.



Q14. Q15.

Q16. What do you mean by ignition? Describe the stages of combustion in SI engine with the help of pressure crank angle diagram. Discuss the abnormal combustion and its control Q17. Explain the effect of change in the following variables on knocking in SI Engines a) Inlet pressure b) Spark advance c) Turbulence e) Cylinder bore f) Altitude of site State briefly the reasons against each variable to justify your answer Q18. a)Write notes on following i) ii) Qualities of SI engine Fuel Dopes and Additives

b)Explain differences between i) Open cycle and closed cycle gas turbine ii) Two Stroke and four stroke engine c) Explain i) ii) Q19. Q20.

Pumping loss and its effect on engine performance Assumption made in Air standard cycles analysis

Discuss the variables affecting delay period in CI engines Describe the knock ratings of SI and CI engine fuels

Q21. Q22. Q23. Q24.

Obtain an expression for determine the efficiency of a diesel cycle. Explain the effect of engine variable on flame speed in SI engines Discuss the various stages of combustion in SI engine in detail. Explain the effect of change in the following variables on knocking in SI Engines. a) b) c) d) e) Engine compression Ratio Load Speed A/F ratio Inlet temperature

State briefly the reasons against each variable to justify your answer.

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