Organisational Benefits Related To Job Quality

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Organisational Benefits related to Job Quality The benefits to organisations of ensuring that the various job quality factors

are recognized and addressed include:


ted to product quality, servicing clients and meeting changing market conditions

Links between job quality, job satisfaction, innovation and productivity The associations between job quality, job satisfaction, innovation and productivity were specifically scrutinised with regard to the 9 case studies and, as a result, some of the key case study findings are summarised in Table 5.

Innovation - A stand-out strategy in terms of innovation was the LocGov business excellence framework where a recently implemented continuous improvement initiative, the Just Do It program encourages employees to implement small changes without having to seek approval from higher up the organisation. Most interviewees mentioned the Just Do It program as a highly positive initiative that empowers them and makes them proud of the organisation. Moreover, work life balance and job satisfaction was highlighted as an important factor contributing to employee retention, satisfaction and a positive work environment. Job Satisfaction and Productivity - In the case studies there are several examples of where job quality issues were seen as important in attracting and retaining employees and enhancing commitment, and indirectly lifting productivity. For example, at ConsultCo there was a strategy directed at developing an environment that is conducive to employing highly motivated professionals. This involved developing a supportive framework for networking and feedback, articulated career paths and regular social events. In a similar vein, the care workforce at AgedCareCo commented on the role and importance of a supportive work environment in what is a potentially stressful and demanding workplace context. Most participants felt that they had harmonious relationships with their colleagues, with other teams and especially with their supervisors. Having a variety of formal recognition initiatives including an Employee of the Quarter Award, retail vouchers, supervisory and public acknowledgement events were also seen as contributing to retention and commitment. At ResourceCo, heavy investment in OH&S programs, especially at remote sites was seen as being important in not only attracting but retaining FIFO workers for whom site safety was regarded as being crucial. At EnergyCo, having autonomy and discretion over ones work was seen as crucial for employees satisfaction and work quality. As mentioned elsewhere in this report the family friendly rosters at ConstructionSvsCo, EnergyCo and ResourceCo were also regarded as important sources of work satisfaction, attraction and retention.

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