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Date: May 31, 2012

Fourth ORSEN Partner Meeting

On May 3-4, 2012, delegates from each partner country attended the fourth meeting of the EU LLP Comenius Project 'Online Resources for Special Education Needs', which took place in Konya, Turkey ( Project partners are from Ireland, Turkey, Spain, Austria, and Cyprus. During the meeting, partners discussed the finalization of Curriculum 3 and 4, (Diversity and Mind-Maps) which is led by the Spanish partner CECE. It was agreed that the Curriculum Development Handbook and all 4 Curricula will be developed as Continuous Professional Development (CPD) resources and will be available online. Partners also discussed the piloting of the CPD resources, and it is expected that there will be piloting of 30 managers, 30 parents, and 100 teachers. At this stage, the project is progressing well and the partners look forward to the final conference, which will take place in Cyprus on September 26, 2012.The hospitality of the Turkish partners was greatly appreciated, having experienced a bit of the culture and traditions in Turkey!

ORSEN Conference A final valorization conference for the ORSEN Project will be organized to coincide with the final partner meeting in Cyprus, which will take place on September 27, 2012. The conference will run in parallel within the 62nd Annual conference of the International Council for Educational Media (ICEM) and the 5th Innovative Learning Environments event, which is taking place on September 27-29, 2012. The ORSEN symposium will have the title Technology and Special Education Needs and its main topic will be the findings of the ORSEN project and the issues relating to the use of technology to support Special Education Needs. Each partner will invite one speaker to participate in the symposium. In addition, posters related to the ORSEN project will be available throughout the day for conference participants to review. About ICEM The International Council for Education Media (ICEM) is an international organization that brings together global expertise in the field of educational technology. Its annual conference is an interdisciplinary forum that provides opportunities for educators, researchers, media producers, and practitioners to meet and debate issues that relate to educational technology. The conference will take place in Nicosia, and is organized by the international research and development center CARDET (Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology), in collaboration with ICEM, the University of Nicosia, and other partners. To find out more about the ICEM 2012 conference please visit

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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