SaundersResume13 14

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(8u4) S16-8281
College Auuiess Peimanent Auuiess
2Su 1S
Stieet NW, Apt. Su4 1S821 Bailsham Ciicle
Chailottesville, vA 229uS Niulothian, vA 2211S

0niveisity of viiginia, College of Aits anu Sciences- Chailottesville, vA Nay 2u14
- B.A. in Nusic, Ninoi in Neuia Stuuies
- Cumulative uPA: S.77
- Acauemic Awaius: Bean's List, Phi Eta Sigma Bonoi Society, Belta uamma Acauemic Awaiu
- Relevant Couisewoik: Bigital Neuia, Applieu Calculus, Bigital Neuia anu Publishing, Nusic anu Computeis, Songwiiting

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Teach foi Ameiica, !"#$%&'()* ,(($-')%&($ Summei 2u1S
- Suppoiteu the NYC Institute Nanagement Team in tiaining the 2u1S Coips Nembeis
- Pioviueu auuitional suppoit to school-baseu opeiations anu univeisity-baseu opeiations
- Suppoiteu buugetaiy anu auministiative piocessing foi the Institute Nanagement Team
- Cooiuinateu institute staff tiaining anu staff appieciation events foi 1Su staff membeis
- Compileu anu euiteu uaily staff newsletteis foi team of 1Su

Fte Stuuio, .)&#$) Spiing 2u1S
- Cieateu blog posts focusing on event uesign, event planning, anu weuuing tienus
- Assisteu staff in ueveloping event iueas foi Fte clients
- Pioviueu auuitional suppoit to staff in event buugetaiy tiacking
Social Neuia Content Stiategy Pioject, ,(//%0($%&'1# 2$(3" 4#50#$ Spiing 2u14
- Woikeu with team of thiee to cieate a moie effective online piesence foi authoi Naitha Woouioof
- Bevelopeu social meuia content iueas to piomote Naitha Woouioof's book, 65%// 7/#**')8*
- Tiackeu social meuia metiics anu optimizeu seaich engine iesults foi Naitha Woouioof

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The viiginia Sil'hooettes A Cappella uioup,
9#0 :-5')'*&$%&($ Fall 2u12-Piesent
- Besigneu anu publisheu new Sil'hooettes website foi 2u1S
- Post entiies to highlight ielevant news
- 0se BTNL couing to foimat web pages
- 0puate content foi website, incluuing membei piofiles
- Collaboiate with publicity chaii to euit anu foimat images foi website

Belta uamma,
;'$#<&($ (= 6"#<'%/ >1#)&* Spiing 2u11-Fall 2u1S
- Planneu foimal events foi up to S7S people within a buuget of $Su, uuu
- Cooiuinateu activities with cateiing manageis anu outsiue iesouices
- Communicateu iegistiation instiuctions anu event timeline infoimation to Belta uamma membeis
- Nanageu contiacts anu papeiwoik to meet ueaulines foi venues anu Belta uamma Executive 0ffices
?%)@#//#)'< ,(3)*#/($ Fall 2u1S-Spiing 2u14
- Pioviue suppoit anu peisonal guiuance to potential new membeis uuiing Foimal Reciuitment
- 0veisee the ieciuitment expeiience of a gioup of potential new membeis, offeiing unbiaseu auvice
- Woik as an ambassauoi with the 0vA Reciuitment Exec Boaiu to piomote the uieek community

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Nauison Bouse, 7'8 6'0/')8* 4#)&($ 2u11-2u12
- Nentoieu an at-iisk five-yeai-olu giil at a local elementaiy school
- Net with little sibling thiee houis weekly to paiticipate in community anu cultuial events

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- Softwaie: Niciosoft 0ffice Suite, incluuing Woiu, Excel, anu Poweipoint; LogicPio, Finale Songwiitei, Some Photoshop
- Social Neuia: Expeiienceu with maiketing via Facebook, Twittei, WoiuPiess, anu IN Cieatoi

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