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I. Purpose: The purpose of R.C.S.

is to help new and returning players become familiar with current content in a casual and relaxed environment. As the roster expands, R.C.S. will schedule weekly raids, sign ups will be required via the in game calendar and the raid may include pick up members via OpenRaid, Oqueue or the in game LFG tool. Confirmation of raid roster spots will be on a first to sign up basis for the raid roles required. R.C.S. understands that some players will move on to other guilds as their experience and comfort allows. R.C.S. is here to help transition players to a level at which they feel comfortable. As such recruiting will continually be open and all specs/classes will be accepted. An effort will be made to assist guild members in finding new homes should they wish to move on. Recommendations will be provided on request. II. Guild Leadership: Guild Master: Temuel - Horde MalGanis (PVP) Officers and roles: Role DPS Healing Tanking Treasurer Recruitment Events Guild Relations XO Member Eliut Open Open Temuel Open Open Open Open Description Responsible for assisting DPS members Responsible for assisting Healer members Responsible for assisting Tank members Responsible for guild bank management, distribution of shares Responsible for growing the guild Responsible for guild events assists Candidates via recommendation to other guilds Responsible for filling in for Guild Master as needed and as advocate for other guild members, ensuring the precepts of the charter are fulfilled

Static Raid Roles (not officer rank): Role Raid Leader Loot Master Member Open Open Description Leads raids, accepts strategies, manages attendance Distributes loot in raids, manages loot spreadsheet

Open positions will be recruited out of the guild roster, some positions may be filled by more than one person. Please contact the Guild Master if you are interested in filling an open position and include your experience and your reason for applying. Officers will have access to the Officer Tab in the Guild Bank and will have guild repairs (once a sufficient guild bank has been established). No major decisions will be made by any one officer except under extenuating circumstances. III. Raid Rewards: Distribution of raid loot will be via a heavily modified Suicide Kings. The controlling document will be kept on a google doc and initial seeding will be done at the start of the first raid via a /roll 1000. New entries to the list will be entered via /roll 1000. Loot rank can be negative. Suicide - If loot rank is greater than 1000, sacrifice all loot rank points and win item, regardless of upgrade/off spec status. 150 rank points will be distributed to each other raid member. Must be highest loot rank bidding Suicide for item, if more than one member elects to Suicide the winner will be selected by /roll 1000. (in game bid 0) Major upgrades (16+ ilvl) - subtract 1000 from loot rank, distribute 100 loot rank points to each other raid member. Greater priority than Minor or Off Spec, must be highest Major Upgrade bidder. (in game bid 1) Minor upgrades (< 16 ilvl) - subtract 500 from loot rank, distribute 50 loot rank points to each other raid member. Greater priority than Off Spec, must be highest Minor Upgrade bidder. (in game bid 2) Off Spec - subtract 300 from loot rank, distribute 30 loot rank points to each other raid member. Must be highest Off Spec bidder. (in game bid 3) Patterns - subtract 200 from loot rank, distribute 20 loot rank points to each other raid member. Must be highest Pattern bidder. (in game bid 4) Green items will be disenchanted by guild, unclaimed items will be disenchanted by the guild. Penalty of 100 loot rank points for not attending a raid for which you sign up. If this was to be your first raid you will start at -100 on your next raid, no initial seeding. If you signed up and your role is overfilled you will receive 100 bonus loot rank points and be put on the standby list, however if you are needed from standby and are not online you will lose those bonus points Loot rank ties will be broken by /roll 1000. These rules will apply to pick up members as well as guild members.

IV. Raid Days and Times - Raid Preparedness Raid Days and Times are to be determined. The intention is for one raid per week for three hours. This will be on a weeknight starting at the latest 8 PM server time. Please come to raids prepared by being fully enchanted and gemmed. If you need help understanding how to enchant and gem, please contact guild leadership - primarily your role leader. The guild will not be able to purchase these items for you but may be able to supply them at a significant discount. Food and Flasks. Please bring these items with you. If you cannot, the guild may be able to provide at a significant discount. This is subject to change. Repairs. At this point repairs will not be provided by the guild. As the guilds treasury expands this option will change. IV. Guild Recruitment It will be the policy of RCS to limit poaching of guild members from other guilds. Should a guild leader of another guild feel one of their members will be well served to join RCS, this will be accepted. Should a member join RCS from an active raiding guild, it will be the policy of RCS to ensure that the transition is being done with the guilds consent. Investigation may involve contacting the guild leadership of the active guild. Should a new recruit be guildless prior to joining/requesting to join RCS it will be assumed the recruit separated under their own recognizance prior to joining RCS. Spam recruitment will not be permitted nor promoted. Recruitment advertisements will be posted and updated weekly on the Guild Recruitment Forums, the MalGanis server forums and reddit. Applications will not be required. VI. Code of Conduct: As a guild member it is asked that you be open to criticism and be willing to accept instruction/ideas - however, please play the game in whatever capacity you wish - spec, talent, class is your choice and if you ever feel you are being pressured into playing other than you wish please contact a member of the guild leadership. A mature and fun raid environment is also expected. Racism and sexism will not be tolerated, denigration of other players will not be tolerated. Repeated offenses will result in removal from the guild at the guild leaderships discretion.

VII. Attendance: All raid spots will be on a first come, first serve basis. The raid sign up for the week will be on the calendar by EOD (11:59 PM (PST)) Sunday. If you are able to attend please accept the invite, on the character you wish to attend as. If your role is filled you will receive 100 bonus loot rank points and be put on the standby list, however if you are needed from standby and are not online you will lose those bonus points. Missing a raid you have signed up for (without prior notification) will incur a penalty of 100 loot rank points, missing more than once will make you ineligible for the next raid. Habitual absence will make you ineligible for all raids and incur permanent ranking of Candidate. VIII. Open Door Policy The guild leadership maintains an open door policy. Your concerns and suggestions will be listened to and considered, they may not be acted upon immediately but your voice matters. It is asked that suggestions for raid strategies be limited to outside of raid times or via whisper to the raid leader. IX. Progression: R.C.S. is not a progression guild. No push to down up to x boss each week will be supported. The point is to raid and enjoy the content. This may involve wiping on some encounters as the fights are learned and with an influx of new members this may involve wiping on encounters that some have felt were already learned. Please be patient and help your fellow guildmates grow as players and guild members. Heroic (Mythic in WoD) content will not be a primary concern for this guild. Should it be possible it may be attempted, but the focus is on helping guild members (who are interested) apply for progression guilds and also having a fun, relaxed raid environment. X. Guild Ranks and Rewards Once the guild has established itself to receive the Cash Flow reward, shares of Cash Flow will be distributed as per the Guild Ranks Below. To be eligible for a share you must have been active in game the week in question, alts are not eligible for shares. Shares will be distributed every Sunday by EOD and will be based off the earnings from the previous Tuesday as recorded in the guild bank Log.

Initial Share Value = 1% of weekly Cash Flow (To be adjusted as guild roster is established based upon 20 members of Ensign or higher rank) - total shares distributed not to exceed greater than 50% of weekly Cash Flow, share value to be adjusted should this be exceeded. Guild Master - Guild Master. Receives three shares of guild gold intake weekly. Officer - Fulfills one of the officer positions. Receives three shares of guild gold intake weekly. Officer Alt - Officer or Guild Master Alt. Not eligible for shares. Raid Officer - Raid Leader and/or Loot Master. Receives two shares of guild gold intake weekly Ensign - Member in good standing, Attended (or on standby for) 10 or more raids with guild. Receives share of guild gold intake weekly. Candidate - Member in good standing, guild member for more than two weeks. Alt - Alt of a Candidate or higher rank, not eligible for shares. Trainee - New Member to the Guild Once a sufficient guild bank (10,000 gold) has been established, limited repairs will be opened for Candidate and higher ranks. Founding members (members joining the guild within the first four weeks of its inception) will be granted Ensign membership after one week in the guild. XI. Guild Events A 1000 gold per month budget will be available for guild events. This can be used for cash rewards. The event should also be advertised outside of the guild and rewards eligible for non-guild members. Two members of guild leadership need to approve the event prior. XII. Other: Addons highly suggested for raiding (not required): VEM or DBM Skada GTFO Voice chat will be used for raiding, platform TBD XIII. Document Change Management This document is intended to be a living document and is subject to change. Document changes will be ratified by the Guild Master and one other officer. The last update to this document was on March 28th, 2014.

Signed: Temuel

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