Laxmi Chalisa

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Laxmi Chalisa

JAI JAI SHRII LAKSHMII KIIJAI KRIPAA APARA DIIJAI DHANA JANA JAANI NIJA LIIJAI SHARANA MANJHAARA Glory, glory, all gloryto you, O Lakshmi! May you be infinitely merciful to me and give me men andmoney, and considering me as your own devotee, be my refuge. JAYATI JAYATIJAGANIDIVATII BHAAGYAVATII DHANAVANTII JAI JAI JALAJA VILAASINII GHATA GHATA MAHAN VICHARANTII Victory, all victory to you,O owner of the worlds treasure; you are blessed with good luck and immensefortune. Glory, glory to you, O Goddess who luxuriates in the water-borne lotus(where you abide) and who wanders from heart to heart! JAI JAI SHRII KAMALE HARIPRIYE JALANIDHI TANAYE AMBA VINAVATA SUNDARADAASA IKA MAAN TERAAHIN AVALAMBA Glory, glory to you, OMother Lakshmi, beloved consort of Vishnu and daughter of Jalanidhi (Ocean).With prayerful humility does Sundardasa tell you that you are, O Mother, hisonly support. SABA SUKHA BHARANIILAKSHMII AMBAA DIINANA PARA KAHAN KARATI VILAMBAA TUU TRIHUVANA TAMA NAASANII HAARII HO JAGA JANANII VISHNU KII PYAARII O mother Lakshmi, you fulfilvery want (grant all happiness); what makes you delay being merciful to thehelpless? O primordial origin (and source) of the world, beloved consort ofVishnu, you are the dispeller of the gloom covering the three spheres! BHEDA TUMHAARAA NAA KOUPAAVATA KSHANA MAHAN SUKHA SAMPATI UPAJAAVATA PAAVATA SHESHAADIKA NAHIN ANTAA MAHIMAA ANUPAMA AGAMA ANANTAA

To none has your mysterybeen comprehensible (by none can the depth of your truth be fathomed); (endowedwith miraculous powers that you are) you sow the seeds of prosperity and harvestit all in a moment. As you are infinite, the Serpent King and others fail todiscover your secret, so matchless, mysterious and endless is your glory. MUKUTA BICHA SHISHUCHANDRA VIRAAJATA TIISARA NAYANA BHAALA BICHA SAAJATA JHUUMATA JHUUMAKA MANINA LADANA KII SOHATA CHOLII HARITA VARANA KII The new moon liesresplendent amid the crown upon your head while your third eye adorns the middleof your forehead. Strings of gems are swaying glitteringly around your neck likependants (attached to your earrings) while your green blouse looks splendid onyour body. PUSHPARAAJA HIMA HAARAVIRAAJATA LAKHI CHAVI SAHASA VADANA MANA LAAJATA PHAHARATA ARUNA RANGA KII SAARII MARKATA MANI SHUCHI JADITA KIINAARII

The garland of lotuses onyour bosom looks splendid, and shames the thousand-faced Serpent-king when helooks at its beauty. You are clad in a russet sari the border of which isstudded with pure emerald and which flutters in the wind. KATI KINKINII GUCCHITATIRMANIYAAN PADA KAMALANA JHANAKATA PAIJANIYAAN SHOBHAA AMITA TEJA KII KHAANII LASITA SHASTRA ASTAADASHA PAANII You wear a winning bunch oftriple bells studded with gems on your girdle and ankle-bells, which jingle onyour lotus-feet. Infinitely winsome, you are verily a source of inextinguishablerefulgence and a goddess endowed with eighteen arms all beautifully equippedwith weapons and other objects. GADAA PADMA TRISHUULAKRIPAANANA SHANKHA CHAKRA RAAJITA DHANUBAANANA VAJRA KUNDIKAA PAASHU KUTHAARII ATI SHUCHI AKSHAMAALA KARA DHAARII The most outstanding of themare a club, a lotus, a three-pronged trident, a sword, a conch, a disc, a bowand arrows. In addition to these you also hold a thunderbolt, a vessel made ofwood or earth (used for keeping water by ascetics and religious students), anoose or trap (used as weapon), an axe and a sacred string of Rudraksha seeds. SUDHAA KALASHARASA HASTAVIRAAJATA GHANTAA VIJAYA GHANAAGHANA BAAJATA MAAN UTPATI KATHAA SUKHADAAYII VEDA PURAANA SADAA YASHA GAAYII A vessel containing anectarine juice (or the very essence of nectar) adorns one of your hands, whilethe gong, proclaiming your victory over the demons, is producing a deep ringingsound. O Mother, the story of your origin is delightful, so say the Vedas andthe Puranas, who always join in singing your glory. EKA SAMAYA ASA VIDHIBHAYE BAAMAA MACHIGE DEVAASURA SANGRAAMAA SURA ASURANA MAHAN ATI BHAYAKAARII MACHYO YUDDHA TIHUN LOKA MAJHAARI

Once upon a time when Brahmawas displeased with the demons, a war broke out between them and the gods. Itwas so dreadful a battle that all the three spheres turned into a vastbattlefield. TABA MAHISHAASURA NIJABHUJABALA SE SURAHIN PARAAJITA KIINHYO CHALA SE BANI AAPUHIN DEVANA KAHAN RAAJAA INDRAASANA PARA JAAYA VIRAAJAA It was then the redoubtabledemon Mahisha displaying his own indomitable might, vanquished the gods with thehelp of a ruse and crowning himself king of the celestials, sat glorious onIndras throne. LAKHI SHIVA VISHNU KUPITACHITA BHAYAUU ATI RISABAADHI BRUKUTI CHIDA GAYAUU MAHAALAKSHMI TUU HII STHALA SE PRAGATI TEJA PUNJA KE BALA SE Observing this (victory ofthe demon), Vishnu and Shiva lost their temper and with their fury growingintense, raised their eyebrows (at the demons behaviour). O great goddessLakshmi, you sprang from the rich soil all by your own great mass energies andradiance congealed into your own body. LAKHI SURA MUNI PRASANNAMANA BHAYAUU NIJA-NIJA SHAKTI MAATU KAHAN DAYAUU MUKHA MEIN BASE TEJA BANI SHANKARA VISNU OJA BANI BASE BHUJAN PARA When the gods and asceticssaw you, they were filled with joy; each of them gave you a weapon (endowed youwith his own power). In your face dwells Shankara as your radiance and on yourarms lies Vishnu as your lustre and vigour. CHARANA BRAHMAA ANGULIMAHIN BHAANU BASYO KIRANA BANI DRAGANA KRISHAANU DIYE PRAJAAPATI DASHANA LALAAMAA DHARE KUBERA LAKSHMII NAAMAA Brahma became your feet andthe Sun your fingers; Agni, the god of fire, became the light of your eyes;Prajapati gave you the rows of beautiful teeth and Kubera your name Lakshmi. SABAI SHAKTI DEVANA SOPAAII MAAN BHAIIN TEJA PUNJA ADHIKAARII ATAAHAASA KARI GARAJYO JABAHIN KANPI UTHYO DASAHU DISHI TABAHIN You derived all your mightfrom the gods and thus, O Mother, did you become the embodied strength of thegods. When you burst into guffaws and roared like thunder-clouds, all the tenquarters shook ad trembled with fear. UCHALYO UDADHI CHALITABHAYE DHARANII MACHYO YUDDHA TASA JAAYA NA VARANII SAKYO NA SAHI MAHIBHAARA APAARAA THAKYO SHESHA KIINHA PHUNKAARAA The ocean leapt and theearth moved and a fierce battle raged which cannot be described. The infinitelyheavy burden of the earth was more violently with utter weariness. DAGAMAGA DOLATA BHAYEGIRI KAISE RAAMA VIMUKHA NARA NAHIN TIRA JAISE

MAHISHAASURA JABA RACHI BAHU MAAYAA MAHAA THAITA BHAA PARA PAARA NA PAAYAA Mountains trembled as do theminds of men averse to Rama (If ones mind rambles, it is on account of hisaversion to Rama) When the demon Mahisha exercised his delusive powers invarious ways with no effect (on the gods or on the course of the battle), heconsequently got wearied (and abandoned his attempt to subdue the gods or tocomprehend the mystery of their invulnerability). TABA MAAN KESHA PAKADIVADHA KIINHYO DEVANA GAGANA DUNDUBHI DIINHYO DHANI HO DHANYA LASKHMI MAATAA SHESHA MAHESHA AADI GUNA GAATAA Then, O Mother, you caughthold of his hair and slew him, which caused the celestial deities to beat theirkettledrums in joy. Blessed, all blessed are you, O Mother Shri, whose praise issung by the Serpent-King, the great Lord Shiva and many others. TAVA SAMAANA KO ASA JAGAJANANII ATI DARIDRAANI SUKHA SAMPATI BHARANII SATYA SANEHA MAATU KAHAN LAAGATA HVAI DUKHA DUURA SAKALA BHAYA HAAGATA O originator of the cosmos(the very source of all life), is there anyone who can match you I generosity?You bless even the most wretched and impecunious with happiness and prosperity.If one is truly devoted to you, O Mother, he is rid of all his fears andafflictions. SADAA LAKSHMII SATYA KIICHERII KARAHIN VAASA SATYAHIN URA HERII KARATA SATYA JO MAAN GUNA GAANAA BHARATA SU BHAVANA ATUUTA KHAJAANAA You, O Lakshmi are ever Iservice of Truth and dwell in the hearts of the truthful (of those who are trulydevoted to you). O Mother, if one sings your glories with all sincerity, youfill his home with inexhaustible treasures. DARASATA MAAN CHAVIPARASATA CHARANANA BARASATA MUDRAA CHANANANA CHANANANA HARASATA MANA TANA TARASATA PUNI PUNI DEHINDARASA MAAN TERAHIN SUNI SUNI Riches pour down on one whoobserves the beauty of your countenance and touches your feet. He is filled withrapturous delight, and yet yearns again and again for a sight of you. O Mother,hearing my repeated cries do show yourself to me. SUNDARADAASA SUMIRIDURAVAASAA GAHYAUU MAATU CHARANANA KII AASAA ASA DHANA KOSHA MAATU SE PAAYO JO NA GHATYO NITA ATI SUKHA CHAAYO With the sage Durvasa in hismind, Sundardasa holds on to the feet of mother Lakshmi, his only hope. She hasrewarded him with a treasure which, instead of diminishing, contributes to deepfelicity everyday.


RHINIIHUN DHANII HO JAAYA He who hymns this praise ofthe great goddess Lakshmi with attention and observes purity and rules ofreligious conduct, attains prosperity though he may be deep in debt. NITA NAVA SUKHA SAMPATIBADHAI, KAHAI SHASTRA SATA GRANTHA ANTA SHANTI AANANDAMAYA, LAHAI MUKTI KAA PANTHA Increasingly prosperous andhappy does he become, proclaim the Shastras and the Scriptures. O Mother, theembodiment of bliss, you reward him ultimately with great felicity and peace andenable him to attain the path of liberation.

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