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The Island, a tale about clones being created and murdered for surrogate body part purposes for

their human original. The movie challenges the viewer to decide whether this is an ethical practice or not of the slaughtering of clones. the three ethical perspectives being changed it utilitarianism, relativism and subjectivism. The definition of utilitarianism suggests that its and action that benefits the greater good, this perspective is challenged through the movie. In the movie the viewer witnesss the slaughtering of clones for the use of their organs for their original. The doctors are given a God complex in the movie, due to have the power to create and take away life for the benefit of others. The clones are seen as only a benefit to the rich and the clones purpose is to be sent to a slaughter house, to have their organs donated in case their injured, ill, etc. The reason people may see this as something for the greater good due to the fact that humans will have a prolonged life if ever they find themselves in strife, longer time to spend with their loved ones. The doctors presume that the clones dont suffer, feel emotion or experience worldliness. Though this theory is proven wrong when a patient wakes up during his surgery with obvious fear as he yelled I dont want to die! The murder of clones is not any different to the murder of humans and in the end this method doesn't fully benefit the greater good. Relativism, the norm of society, is opposed in this film. The movie showed a one sided view of society- the rich, the powerful and the famous- this gave a biased opinion to the moral ethics of clone slaughter and challenged the viewer to think. The rich acquire cloning as a regular everyday occurrence and through their narrow-minded, selfish and up-tight view they don't question it. The industries fed off this norm of society to promote business and wealth. The viewer is then asked to question the view of the poor and middle class even though they arent mentioned. For obvious reasons the poor/ middle class may oppose to this due to the high cost and also to the idea of the slaughter of clones for the benefit of the rich. Subjectivism, the right to decide ones own action. This ethical philosophy is taken away from the clones, everyday they are told what to do, how to act, what to eat and the ability of love or human contact is taken away. The clones have no choice against being slaughtered as the doctors of the institution make the decision for them. The clones also have free will taken away from them and cant come and go from the institution as they please, due to being brainwashed by the doctors who told them the world is contaminated. The clones have the inability to decide and in conclusion they shouldnt be slaughtered due to them being considered as ignorant.

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