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Learn a Language
Unit 1: Hello!



Course Director Writer Spanish Adaptation Designer Script Consultant Recording Producer Voices

Linguaphone Group Liongate Enterprise Park 80 Morden Road Mitcham CR4 4PH United Kingdom
MCMXCIX LG & DE Limited, London This edition 2009
All rights reserved. No part of this publication, or related recorded material, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Linguaphone Group.

Michael Buckby Michael Buckby with Terry Hawkin Rosa Mara Martin Alan Field John Foley Class Productions Limited The Speech Recording Studio Amanda Carlton John Foley Guillermo Reinlein Yolanda Vazquez

Linguaphone signature tune composed and arranged by Produced and recorded by

Ralph Allwood Joe & Co

Design production and setting by Atelier Design Reproduction by Graphic Ideas Studios


Professor the Lord Quirk, D.Litt., FBA, (Randolph Quirk) Member (Independent), House of Lords; Past President of the British Academy; sometime Vice-Chancellor, University of London; formerly Quain Professor of English, University College London; grammarian of the English Language; Hon. Fil. Dr (Lund, Uppsala); Hon. Doct. d'Univ. (Paris, Lige, Nijmegen); Hon. LL D (Reading); Hon. D.Litt. (Leicester, Salford, Newcastle, Durham, Glasgow, Bar Ilan, Southern California, Brunel); Hon. D.U. (Bath, Essex, Open); Hon. D.Sc. (Aston); Fellow of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences, of the Royal Swedish Academy, of the Finnish Academy of Sciences, and of the Academia Europaea.

Professor Ian T M Gow, MA, Ph.D., Dip Jap, FIL(Hon.), FRSA, Director, School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield; Member: Office of Science and Technology's Asia Pacific Advisory Group, UK-Japan 2000 Education Committee; formerly Director, Scottish Centre for Japanese Studies and Deputy Principal, University of Stirling. Professor Nigel B R Reeves, OBE, MA, D.Phil., FIL, FRSA, CIEx, Goethe Medaille of the Goethe Institute, Professor of German and Head of the Department of Modern Languages, Aston University, Member of Board, Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London, Vice-President, Institute of Linguists. Professor Albert Sonnenfeld, AM, Ph.D. (Princeton), Officier, Ordre des Palmes Acadmiques, Officier, Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, Marion Frances Chevalier Professor of French and Comparative Literature, and (from 1986 through 1998) Chairman, Department of French and Italian, University of Southern California; formerly Professor of French and Chairman, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Princeton University. Emeritus Professor J C Wells, MA (Cantab), Ph.D. (London), FBA, Emeritus Professor of Phonetics at University College London. Christine Wilding, BA, former Director of the British Institute of Florence, former Director of the Association for Language Learning, Chevalier dans lOrdre des Palmes Acadmiques.





In unit 1 you can take your first steps in learning Spanish. From unit 2 onwards, youll find that the structure of each unit is consistent. Each of the units has four parts: Part A is presented by Juan Latorre and Teresa Vidal, and gives you the KEY LANGUAGE of the unit. Part B shows you Juan using the language in real-life situations in Salamanca.You will learn to use this language yourself. Part C reminds you of the KEY LANGUAGE and gives you the chance to use the language and have the satisfaction of realising that you can cope. Part D reveals the outcome of the story you heard in part B.You should be able to understand this without any help although help is there if you need it. Here is a summary of the main activities you will do to achieve efficient learning: 1 work with the book; 2 listen to the recording; 3 stop the recording to repeat or think; 4 use the book and recording together. SYMBOLS There are four symbols used in this book:

the question mark indicates that you will find solutions at the end of the unit;

2.10 section numbers that appear in grey indicate that all the information for this activity is on the English page (i.e. the left-hand page); the book indicates an activity which uses only the book and not the recording;
00 indicates track number for an activity.


In each unit, the most effective way to learn is to start by working on the book and the recording together.You can then use your eyes and your ears to help you to understand and learn.The book and recording will take you step by step through the unit.Youll see that the English advice and explanations are always on the left-hand page and that the Spanish they refer to is always opposite, on the right-hand page. When you feel confident with the language, you can work with just the recording. Listen to it as often as you can in the car, on the train, while doing the housework, for example.This repeated playing will help you to learn the language and to become really confident and fluent. Sometimes you can listen very carefully and repeat what you hear.At other times you can just have it in the background while you relax or do something else.All this will help you to progress quickly in the fast lane to learning Spanish.

2 dos

tres 3





Welcome to unit 1 which will give you a taste of the course.You may be very pleasantly surprised by how much you can understand. PART A: KEY LANGUAGE 1.1 JUAN AND TERESA

Each unit is introduced by Juan and Teresa.They guide you through the KEY LANGUAGE. Youll also hear it being used by Juan and the people he meets in Salamanca. In this unit you will learn how to: say hello (good morning, good afternoon, or good day); say what your name is; understand many useful Spanish words and pronounce them the Spanish way.



02 03

In each unit, youll be presented with the KEY LANGUAGE. Here it is for unit 1. Hello! My names Juan (Im Juan). Hello! My names Teresa (Im Teresa). Hello, Juan! Hello, Teresa! The Spanish words Buenos das can be used to mean hello, good morning, good afternoon or good day. Look at the Spanish and make sure that you know what each sentence means.Then follow each sentence in the book as you listen to it. Do this several times until you feel confident with the sentences.Then play them again and repeat after each sentence.When this seems easy, try saying each sentence with each speaker, imitating the speed and the accent. This is an excellent learning technique which you can use throughout the course. It can be summarised as: (i) read and listen; (ii) read, listen and repeat after the Spanish speakers; (iii) read, listen and repeat with the Spanish speakers.

1.2 PALABRAS CLAVE Buenos das! Me llamo Juan. Buenos das! Me llamo Teresa. Buenos das, Juan! Buenos das, Teresa!

Buenos das! Me llamo Juan.



? ?

Now you can use the language you have learned. Look at the photos of people (a-d) and the KEY LANGUAGE opposite and decide what each person would say to introduce himself/herself.To show you how to do it, youre given an example (un ejemplo, in Spanish). How would you greet Teresa and introduce yourself? (e) Though they may be pronounced differently, lots of Spanish words look exactly (or very) like English ones. In addition, many Spanish words are used in English. Recognising them can often give the key to the meaning of a whole phrase or sentence.You dont need to know every word you see or hear to understand the message. Decide how each of the photos of places on the page opposite should be labelled, using one of these words: la catedral, un hotel, un banco, un restaurante. Listen to how these words are said, and repeat each one several times.

1.3 AHORA USTED a Teresa 1.4 ESTRATEGIAS b Jos Prez c Isabel d Ana Garca

Ejemplo: Buenos das! Me llamo Teresa.


05 06

a Ejemplo: 4 cuatro

un banco
cinco 5

07 08 09 10

You already understand a lot of Spanish words, and you can prove it. Cover up the English words below and look at the list of Spanish words on the page opposite.Tick all those you know, can work out, or guess.Then check with the list on this page, and learn those you didnt know.You could copy them into a notebook (the very act of writing them down will help you to learn them) and carry it around with you, learning a few words whenever you have a spare moment. In each unit, youll be given a useful hint about how to learn words. Use techniques which work for you when you learn new words and phrases.All the words used in the dialogues are listed at the end of the book. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 the cathedral a bank in the caf sir a coffee please the the taxi 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Condal Hotel yes the reception miss Mr the visit pleased to meet you madam (the village of) Ledesma 27 28 29 30 31 32 its its pretty very its very pretty shall we start? lets start 1.5 VOCABULARIO



1 hello, good morning, good day 2 my names Juan 3 Spain 4 (the city of ) Salamanca 5 a 6 a hotel 7 a restaurant 8 the 1.6
11 12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

buenos das me llamo Juan Espaa Salamanca un un hotel un restaurante la la catedral

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

un banco en la cafetera seor un caf por favor el el taxi Hotel Condal

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

s la recepcin seorita (el) seor la visita mucho gusto seora Ledesma

27 28 29 30 31 32

es es bonito muy es muy bonito comenzamos? comenzamos

You can now read and listen to some useful dialogues which come in later units.This will give you just a taste of what you will learn. On the page opposite is a transcript of these extracts.This is the English equivalent. THE CAF Waiter Sir? Juan A coffee, please. Waiter A coffee. THE TAXI Juan Good morning, miss. Juan Latorre. Receptionist MrTorres? THE VISIT Jos Carmen Juan Carmen Carmen, Mr Latorre. Pleased to meet you, Mr Latorre. Pleased to meet you, madam. Carmen, please. LEDESMA Teresa Ledesma.


LA CAFETERA Camarero Seor? Juan Un caf, por favor. Camarero Un caf. EL TAXI Juan Hotel Condal, por favor. Taxista Hotel Condal? Juan S. El Hotel Condal. LA RECEPCIN Recepcionista Seor? Buenos das, seor.

Juan Buenos das, seorita. Juan Latorre. Recepcionista El seorTorres? LA VISITA Jos Carmen Juan Carmen Carmen, el seor Latorre. Mucho gusto, seor Latorre! Mucho gusto, seora! Carmen, por favor. LEDESMA Teresa Ledesma.

Juan Condal Hotel, please. Taxi driver Condal Hotel? Juan Yes.The Condal Hotel. RECEPTION Receptionist Sir? Good morning, sir. PART C: TEST YOURSELF 1.7

Now that you can really understand all the language you have met, practise saying it. Listen to the recording again as you look at the Spanish text. Repeat each sentence, after and then with the speakers, until youre sure you have learned it and can say it with a good accent.Then try adapting some of the sentences youve learned, using other words you know, in order to say different things. Think how youd say: a b c d Hilton Hotel, please; Good afternoon ... (the name of the person youre speaking to); My names ... (your name); Hello, Mr Prez.


6 seis

siete 7

Now that you have worked on the book and recording, help yourself to learn the language really well by working on the recording whenever and wherever you can.

a) Buenos das! Me llamo Teresa. b) Buenos das! Me llamo Jos Prez. c) Buenos das! Me llamo Isabel. d) Buenos das! Me llamo Ana Garca.

e) Buenos das,Teresa! Me llamo a) un banco b) la catedral c) un hotel d) un restaurante

a) Hotel Hilton, por favor. b) Buenos das, c) Me llamo d) Buenos das, seor Prez.

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