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Create an info-graphic that explains the role of Palm Oil in the manufacturing of chocolate.

Write a diary entry explaining what life is like for a child labourer working in the cocao plantations of West Africa.



Read the article about the chocolate Industry and answer the questions.

Create a podcast of an interview with a child labourer working in the Cacoa Industry in Ghana. Your interview needs to describe both the pros and cons of the chocolate industry.


Research which companies ensure their chocolate is slave and child labour free.

Create a poster that advertises a chocolate brand that guarantees their chocolate is slavery free.

Investigate what action is being Choose a company that produces taken by individuals and groups chocolate. Investigate what they to highlight some of the issues are doing to promote human rights that occur in the chocolate inand the environment. dustry.

Create a brochure which outlines the positive and negative impacts of the chocolate industry on people living in Africa.


Design a wrapper for a chocolate bar that guarantees its chocolate is both Slavery and Child Labour free.

Create a propaganda poster aimed at highlighting the use of slavery in the chocolate industry.

Create a graphic novel that compares the life of a child labourer in the cacao plantations of Africa with the life of a child the same age living in New Zealand.


Conduct an audit of products you can find in the school and at home that have palm oil in them.

Create a game based on the chocolate industry. Your game should include at least 20 questions. You can play this with the class when you have finished.

Write and perform a role play or puppet show that illustrates the pros and cons of the chocolate industry.


Why is Child Labour used in the chocolate industry?

Use a social media site such as pinterest to highlight some of the main issues in the chocolate industry. Create a business card that people can keep in their wallets that lists all the child labour and palm oil free brands of chocolate available in New Zealand.

In pairs create a Who wants to be a millionaire game on the chocolate industry.


In a group of three create a webpage that outlines the environment and human rights issues that occur in the chocolate industry.


Evaluate the impact being a child labourer has on the effected child.



Research the impact the chocolate industry has on the environment.

Analyse the impact planting palm oil plantations has on the environment.

Create an brochure or info-graphic that outlines the positive and negative impacts of the chocolate industry on the environment.

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