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II-Polity- changing rule of game

January 22- Nationwide surveys have repeatedly shown that Indians increasingly view their elected representatives and political parties as uncaring, unreachable, unresponsive, untrustworthy, and unrepresentative. There has been massive protest against Parliament, political parties, and elected representatives. CIC delivered some ruling. AAP emerged to force mainstream parties not to be brazen about the winnability factor in allocating ticket to candidates with criminal records and family ties. We argue that even if political experiments (like the AAP) fail, they help move established norms to a new equilibrium. However, the presence of a political party, mobilising voters on a similar platform, helps in doing so by significantly strengthening the legal process itself. Legal decisions can never be permanent solutions for they are turned and overturned on the basis of interpretations of specific words/clauses of a statute or provision. For instance, Parties are required to submit documents to the Election Commission (EC) about expenditures and contributions they receive. Many parties submit incomplete documents and others submit even more unbelievable documents. The Anti-Defection Law was passed in 1985 and strengthened in 2002. The law succeeded in checking the regular phenomenon of unstable governments and horse-trading due to floor crossing by legislators. However, it played a huge role in encouraging the centralisation of Indias political parties. Legislators in India now cannot take a stand against party leaders or defy the party whip, and use their conscience to vote on a Bill in the House due to fear of losing their seat under the provisions of the Anti-Defection law. The second unintended consequence of this law is that a legislator cannot question the party leader for flirting with a possible alliance with both the Congress and the BJP. Sweet deals between top party leaders determine political alliances in contemporary India. Political parties are the torchbearers of the representative character of Indian democracy. BSP started in Punjab, went on to become key player in UP. Later, all the ills associated with political parties also afflicted the BSP. However, one cannot deny that it gave Dalits an organised political voice and a proper channel of representation in the electoral arena. Similarly, the entry of the AAP has deepened the possibility of renewal in Indias electoral arena. The party has successfully managed to alter the terms of debates and has even altered the rules of the game. It has shown that campaign finance can be collected transparently and declared even more transparently. It has shown that nothing beats people-to-people contact and that politicians should aim to serve the public and not the other way around. It has shown that nominations can be given democratically and has also demonstrated a willingness to comply with the norms of the Election Commission. In doing so, it has strengthened the reach of the Election Commission by paving the way for future legislation. Incremental process: It is also entirely possible that the AAP will be afflicted just like the BSP was with corrupt members, and perhaps in a decade or so we will no longer think of the party as a harbinger of institutional change. Because of the AAP, the standards of politics have changed and this is what we think is its greatest contribution.

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