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Cristal Preciado Personal Statement

It is better to recreate one and make it your own rather than buy a copy from the store. Those were my grandmothers and mothers words to me whene er I wanted a new dress! whether it was for me or my dolls. I wasnt sure if they understood that I actually wanted to look like the girls my age" and not stand out in a homemade ensemble. #hen I was younger" I didnt ha e the lu$ury of owning the nicest outfits like all the other little girls" so my mother and grandmother would make the ma%ority of my dresses! e en my &alloween costumes. 'or a long time" I was their dress!up doll. ( few years later" I learned to alue their craftsmanship and nifty sewing skills) I e en de eloped an admiration for clothing. (t the age of fi e" my mother signed me up to model in a fashion show. I was completely o er%oyed because I thought I would be sashaying down a brightly!lit catwalk in a pitch black room wearing the #orlds Cutest *utfit. To my surprise" this fashion show was actually being hosted at the local +ottschalks. ,y e$citement nearly shrank until I saw an audience and hundreds of kids in line waiting show off their outfits. I fancied the idea that I could make others look fabulous by not only constructing outfits" but by creating great clothing. #hen it was my turn to be on stage -and not a runway like I imagined." I proudly demonstrated the outfit that I put together. Suddenly" I became my own dress!up doll. /p until the age of ten" I continued to parade my attire!of!choice at the department stores annual fashion shows. ,y lo e for fashion was tested when I reached 0unior &igh. The school I attended had a strict uniform policy and had made it difficult for me to find a way to stand out" without getting myself into trouble. 'or the ne$t three years" my style was muted. ,y desire to be set apart from my peers grew stronger. &igh school wasnt ery different. I was shocked to see how many girls

dress the same" especially since there was no uniform dress code being enforced. I looked back on the memory of me wanting to look like e eryone else. Throughout my &igh School years" I e gained multiple skills that ha e furthered my appreciation for the fashion culture. I e taken art classes" and ha e become completely addicted to drawing and sketching. I was and continue to be the &ead Costume 1esigner and Seamstress of my Theatre classs productions and learned to work well with others" all while making them look ama2ing. *utside of school" I made a hobby for myself from looking and reading through fashion maga2ines and blogs. 3owadays I think of what my grandmother and mother told me about recreating clothes and making them my own. Im a really big fan of upcycling clothing and 1I4 pro%ects. The dri ing force of my passion comes from others asking me where they could buy the -renewed and recreated. article of clothing or accessory that Im wearing at the time" and I ne er get tired of seeing their shocked faces when I tell them I made it myself. (ll I could say at the moment is" Its an original" and if were both lucky you might be able to score one from one of my future collections.

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