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1. Business, Administrative & Contact Information a. Business name: HRM Company b. Business type: Partnership c. Telephone No: d. E-mail: e. Cellphone No. : f. Physical address:

2. Introduction
a. Company History: HRM Company was established in the year 2008 by a team of dedicated and professional team. b. What the company does: The Company will put its focus on analyzing the current trends of the human resources to be able to provide qualitative and right quantity of human resources with great satisfaction.

3. Strategy
a. Vision statement: People are the reason behind the success of an organization is our motto. A global standard human resource management company that connects right employees to right employers at right time with sound professional services providing full satisfaction to all the stakeholders.

b. Goals: HRM Company has following goals:

1. To be one of the top ten foreign employment company within two years. 2. To be one of the top five foreign employment company of within three years. 3. To be one of the top three foreign employment company of within five years.

4. To retain quality manpower. 5. To ensure employee safety. 6. To ensure healthy workplace.

c. Mission statement: The mission statement are as follows;

1. The welfare of all the stakeholders should be considered. 2. No compromise should be there regarding the satisfaction of the employees and the employer. 3. Application of win win strategy among all the partners in the profession. 4. Both the staff and the owners should have a reltion like a family member. 5. Proper remuneration and facility to all the staff. 6. Staff should think the company as their own company and act accordingly. 7. Maximum output should be gained by minimum utilization of resources. 8. Good public relation should be maintained and for this purpose proper management should be made. 9. Good relation with the government, media and competitor should be maintained 10.Effective utilization of the available resources. 11.Advice of the expert and experienced people should be taken into consideration.

4. Management & Ownership

a. Management structure: The Company has the shares of 8 partners and the management structure consists of managing director, general manager, business

development manager and operation manager.

Managing Director
General Manager
Operation Manager Business Development Manager

Marketing Manager

5. SWOT Analysis
a. Strength: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sufficient market. Experienced leadership and strong team. Professional management. Enough capital. Attractive and well equipped office. Sound network in foreign countries. Sound agents network. Well financial discipline. Corporate governance practice.

b. Weakness: 1. Chances of conflict among partners. c. Opportunities: 1. Enough demand on resource countries.

2. Growing unemployment of our country. 3. No sufficient professional manpower companies. 4. Ratio of migration culture is growing in global scenario. d. Threats: 1. Political instability. 2. Government may open registration for new manpower companies. 3. Economic development of our country may create employment opportunities inside the country. 4. Sudden changes of policies in employer countries.

6. Why HRM Company? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Potential industry. Quick transaction. To build a global network. To earn a huge circle of public relation. Easy to expand other projects. Easy to raise capital for other potential projects. Hassle free processing.

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