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Emerging trends of kiosk concept (Fast food)

A large investment seldom guarantees high returns. Investment in a low-cost kiosk may e the est option in the present unpredicta le usiness scenario.

An investment in uying a ig franchise cannot guarantee the success or failure of any franchise and neither can the franchisor ever assure the success of franchising outlets. In such circumstances selecting a franchise ecomes tough. Investing all your money in uying a ig franchise is more of a risk as compared to uying a low-cost franchise. !hen aspirants" as well as new franchisees while looking for a select category do not find any low-cost usiness category of their choice then taking a kiosk of that particular franchise is the most suita le option. In the present usiness scenario" franchising is considered a oon to struggling entrepreneurs. #iosks are small-si$ed shops" having a semi-permanent fi%ture and are generally present within a larger esta lishment such as a mall" departmental store etc. &he structure of a kiosk could e designed as a standalone structure like a terminal" or a semienclosed ooth. It offers a wide variety along with the advantage of low investment

' (ective ). &o understand concept of kiosk *. Emerging trends of starting kiosk +. ,hallenges starting new kiosk usiness -. .lace and types of kios Introduction
#iosk meaning/ a small open-fronted hut or cu icle from which newspapers" refreshments" tickets" etc. are sold. &he infrastructure needed is asic 0 a reasona ly large central cold kitchen with last facility (for free$ing food) and kiosks to dispense food. A typical kiosk costs a out 1s. ) lakh and there is no need to invest in seating space. #iosks also do not need too much space - typically the si$e of a kiosk could range from +2-)22 s3. ft4 it also offers high porta ility and fle%i ility in terms of its location and placement. It is like producing in an assem ly line. &he food is pre-cooked in the kitchen4 the kiosk is used to (ust heat and serve. 5ariety is also something kiosk owners can e%periment with and feed ack is almost instantaneous. For instance" the 6.etawrap7 kiosks" which are shaped like autorickshaws" offer wraps in di$$y com inations 0 vada pav wraps" 8e anese falafel wraps" masala chana and .un(a i paneer wraps" chicken kebab and ,hettinad chicken wraps and more9 :angalore- ased ,ane-o-la offers sugarcane (uice in flavours such as mint" ginger" salt and pepper" chaat" and natural flavour. ;efinition

A <#iosk< y definition is a small stand-alone unit that performs a specific function" generally without management intervention and is generally intended to provide information to those that use it. Kiosks are generally small" mo ile" and are designed to help the consumer find information and they can e strategically placed anywhere you wish to have a presence ut cannot or do not wish to have a person staff the location. Kiosks can e as simple as an information center designed to hold rochures or as complicated as a computer terminal designed to collect and distri ute information. 'n one end" an A&= is an e%ample of a sophisticated interactive kiosk with high security. At the other end" an e%ample would e a stand-alone rack of rochures on home pro(ects at 8owes. In the middle would e a kiosk that has a computer and a touch screen that allows users to dig through information y making menu choices and they can e ena led to allow the consumer to enter their personal information so that you can contact them directly. Kiosks have two general purposes. First" they are designed to deliver or collect information to the consumer in the a sence of a human. !hile they o viously don>t have the a ility to interact on the same level" they can sometimes provide information or services to more than one individual at a time" and they are terri ly cost efficient in terms of delivering information. Second" kiosks are meant to go wherever they are needed and stay there as long as you want them there. As such" they are rugged attractive units that reak down easily and can generally e handled y one or two people. Kiosk venues Kiosks can e used in numerous ways and it>s all up to you to come up with ideas to keep them in constant use. A kiosk that is kept in its container in the storage room is nt enefiting its owner. :ut if properly used" the 1'I on a kiosk is very fast. Kiosks are often used as the second person at tradeshows and consumer events. &radeshow warriors know that much of your time can e spent waiting to talk with someone. ?et almost certainly" as soon as your partner goes on reak or you start talking with one person" several other people will show up and you risk losing potential customer contacts. A properly deployed kiosk can help attract people" hold their attention long enough for you to get to get over to them" and help them find information. Kiosks can e set up where there are no humans at all including at malls" grocery stores" doctor offices" or anywhere else that your potential clients may visit. .lacing a staff person in one of these locations can cost you a small fortune" yet the properly placed kiosk can deliver the same message without the human cost and once paid for" continues to pay for itself time after

time. In some situations" a kiosk can also e more attractive to potential clients than a human ecause the consumer can o tain information without feeling like they are risking a sales pitch. Kiosk functions #iosks can e made to do (ust a out anything you want. If all you want to do is distri ute written information or rochures" a simple kiosk will attractively display this information in a way that consumers can easily find what they are looking for. Interactive kiosks can e coupled with computers and touch screens to allow the consumer to see videos" get a visual perspective of the kinds of services that you offer" and enter their contact information to have someone call them later. Maintain your kiosk !hile the kiosk has incredi le advantages" they do re3uire that someone periodically check on them to make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to do. If your kiosk runs out of rochures" it 3uickly ecomes unattractive. If your kiosk collects contact re3uests and you don>t pull them and act on them" it not only won>t do you any good" it can hurt your reputation.
#eep your kiosk looking good" clean" take care of lemishes" and make sure everything is

working properly. &hough maintenance costs are remarka ly low" look at your kiosk as the consumer would. #eep it up" keep it functional and your kiosk will give you years of life and create a lot of usiness for you.

Features and benefits of Kiosk &ouch screen interface creates user friendly e%perience for people of all ages and education levels 1etail information kiosks assist users in making smarter uying decision" creating more loyal customers #iosks in any environment increase pu lic awareness and save la or overhead .rinting-on-demand option for information kiosks saves preprinted forms costs &argeted loyalty offers or special promotions improve customer service as well as increase sales.

Setting up Kiosk Business 'ptions for starting a cart or kiosk usiness include opening a permanent location in a mall and leasing a cart4 uying a cart to use for outdoor events or on street corners4 or renting a cart shortterm. &he least e%pensive option is to rent @a cartA for a short time and see how it goes" !hether you lease or uy a cart depends on your product and location. In malls" you generally lease a cart from mall management. &he cost of leasing depends on the season and mall traffic volume and can get very high in a good location. Some malls charge a percentage of your sales in addition to monthly rent.

<#iosks start higher than carts" usually BC"222 or B)2" 222"< says ;enise ,lark" author of 'perate ?our 'wn =obile ,art 5ending :usiness. Additional start-up costs depend on your merchandise. Items such as (ewelry and crystal re3uire a greater investment than" say" hot dogs. ,arts come in many si$es and styles with varying capa ilities. &here are carts for specific types of food" some with refrigerators" grills" steamers--even small ovens so you can ake on location. !hat sells might e completely opposite from what you thought"D says Eerardo Eon$ale$" president of Eon$ale$ F Associates" a .iscataway" Gew Hersey" company that consults on mo ile merchandising and food-service start-ups. In cart sales" location is everything. Iere7s your first decision/ ;o you want a permanent location or should you move from event to eventJ !ith a permanent mall location" you don7t have to worry a out purchasing a cart" moving it or attling ad weather (unless it7s an outdoor mall). ?ou can uild a clientele and predict how usiness will go and how much product you7ll need. 'n the downside" rent may rise. If mall sales slump" you7ll suffer. And if your product isn>t e%clusive" a neigh oring store could start offering the same merchandise.

Return on Kiosk Investment Self-service kiosks reduce costs y lowering employee headcount Improves customer retention rate 1educed costs for asic service levels 1educes waiting in line y customer 5irtual sales assistant increases sales #I'S# Information Systems has uilt information kiosks for a variety of companies" including those clients listed elow. KInternet Kiosk for Army KAudi Iawaii KICU Hospita Kiosk

K 8iving !ord ,hristian ,hurch K Lueens Iospital K Gew ?ork ,ity &ransit Authority KSan ;iego ;ata .rocessing KMniversity of .itts urgh K5ans Shoes

!op "# Kiosk Marketing !ips $%SI!I%&' $%SI!I%&' $%SI!I%& =ake sure your kiosk is placed in a high traffic area in your store and also near the front Entrance so people can see the kiosk from the street and as soon as they walk into your store. =ake the kiosk easily accessi le for your customers to use. ( H%M) %R*)RI&+ Is your store registered for Iome 'rderingJ In a nutshell" here>s how .hoto.&eller KIome 'rdering works. ?ou give your customers a free copy of Iome 'rdering software. &hey take it home and load it on their computer. K&he customer uses the software (which is the same as the kiosk software in your store) to select and edit their desired photos. K&he customer uploads their order to your store" or urns it to ,; and sends it to your store. &he customer can either pay online or when they pick up their prints from you. K?ou can also run promotions to your customers that order their prints from home. For your customers" it is like having your own personal kiosk at home. Make &o Mistake ,!-ings to be kept in Mind. :eginning retailers make a lot of mistakes. Iere are five of the iggest/

&ot doing a rea ity c-eck/

;o you have the temperament it takes to succeed in retailJ <'ne of the iggest mistakes people make is thinking that retailing is going to e one way" and their e%perience turns out to e very different"< says ;aniel :utler" vice president of retail operations for the Gational 1etail Federation in !ashington";,. <&hey7re not realistic a out the challenges.< 1etail is a lifestyle choice. ,an you hack itJ :utler suggests working part time in retail for a few months to find out efore you start your usiness. KFai ing to researc- surprising y" many eginning retailers don7t develop a usiness plan or a marketing plan. <!hen someone comes to me and says 7&his is the research we7ve done" this is why we feel this product will sell and why we7ll e successful in this location"7 it gives me a greater comfort level @in talking furtherA"<says ,ourtney 8ackey" a general manager with Hones 8ang 8aSalle" a property management leasing company that manages rental properties. K Creating c utter/ In retail" you7re randing from day one. If your product displays have no rhyme or reason" customers have no reason to stop and shop. <&he iggest mistake a cart or kiosk retailer can make is putting @outA too much merchandise" N8ackey says. < Something that7s well-displayed" colorful and catches your eye attracts customers.< Competing 0it- big1bo2 retai ers/ Face it" as an independent retailer you7ll never eat !al-=art on price. :ut a lot of small retailers fall into the price trap of trying to compete with the ig oys--a ig mistake" says :o .hi s" a retail consultant in 8ong :each" ,alifornia. Instead" focus on your edge as a small retailer/ customer service and a uni3ue consumer e%perience. C-oosing t-e 0rong ocation/ &he rental rate may e great" ut if the location doesn>t draw people" you might e in trou le even if your product is good. !here are shoppers seeking your type of product goingJ !hat types of ig- o% retailers complement your product and will drive traffic your wayJ 'ne no-cost way to find out is y sitting in a mall and watching the traffic flow. <If you decide you want upscale people" look at where they7re already shopping and how you7d get that market"<.hi s says. <#now all these things O eforeP you sign leases. 3-ere and -o0 it is used4 K#iosk placed inside physical store" connected to the we site" integrates the physical store and we site" promoting and providing access to the we site. K.rovides access to full selection of products" much more than what can e stocked on the retail store shelf

KEna les customers to choose options in customi$a le products (computers" cars etc)" thus ena ling them to purchase made-to-order products KEna les implementation of loyalty programs KEna les check out at users own pace" reduces pressure on store checkout counters )5AM$6)S7 )1!ICK)! B%%KI&+ !HR%U+H KI%SK MACHI&) Mnion ank of India pioneers the ooking of E-ticket or E1S (Electronic 1eservation Slip) of Indian 1ailway through MGI'G :AG# #I'S# machine. KKI%SK A! AIR$%R! !% S)66 F6U MASKS A kiosk selling flu masks at the ,hennai iairport. Airport sources said that in view of Flu threat" the ,ivil Aviation =inistry had decided to permit setting up of the kiosk. &hey would e priced at 1s.)*Q each. SBI aunc-es country8s first kiosk bank at Ra9kot vi age is eing termed as the first such initiative in the country" the State :ank of India (S:I )kiosk anking service at =ahika village of 1a(kot district. &his initiative is the first of its kind in the country and is considered a revolution in the Indian anking history. #iosk anking has rought anking facilities at the doorstep of families living in the remotest of villages. It was su se3uently show cased at Iaripura village in Surat F now the commercial test has een launched simultaneously at)C other centers in Eu(arat. &he organi$ed food kiosk market in India at present is a out 1s R22 crore and is e%pected to dou le to 1s )"S22 crore y *2)Q. &his growth is already visi le with more and more rands and entrepreneurs opting for this model in the face of rising rentals and land costs. !-e advantages: T It is a highly scala le and replica le format as it does not re3uire too much space and capital to start with. It offers high porta ility and fle%i ility in terms of location and placement T It involves low cost and investments. Investing in a lot of kitchen e3uipment and ela orate seating space is not re3uired T It has relatively lower operational cost with limited menu and staff. &he consumption of fuel" water and electricity is conse3uentially less than in other formats T :arriers to entry are low as one needs asic e3uipment and a small place to start off.

&he menu can e localised to the e%tent of catering to a specific localityUarea within a city. For instance" a kiosk at an office comple% and one near a college campus can have different offerings on the asis of customer preferences and what sells most. Kiosk concept works not only for children and youngsters" ut also so-called conservative people over Q2 years of age. 5egetarian and non-vegetarian is made in two separate grillers and all our staff wears gloves" so we don7t compromise on hygiene and safety which is critical in this usiness.

#iosks are ideal for performing repetitive functions like points tallying and redemption" and will e%pand further into the well-esta lished loyalty and gift card space. Industries ranging from retail to hospitality to travel to financial services are deploying loyalty kiosks at an increasing rate. &argeted special offers work as customers enter the store and insert their cards in the kiosk" printing the coupons they>d like to use that day. 8ook for e%panded programs and loyalty alliances developing etween usinesses. :ill payment has een a huge success for cell phone providers like Sprint" as customers pay their ills at an in-store kiosk" leaving sales staff free to sell products and register new customers. 8ook for this application soon in many other areas needing streamlined customer service.


!hile kiosks offer several advantages" there are certain challenges too. &he ma(or challenge is in getting the supply chain and delivery mechanism right. &he food has to e delivered to the kiosks at farm-fresh 3uality. =aintaining 3uality safety standards across all outlets is tough. Stock-outs and spoilage due to improper storage are likely as there is not much scope for ack-up storage in the kiosks. If this critical piece is taken care of" a usiness can reak even in (ust si% months and get a return-on-investment in )* months. Although the kiosks are made from good-3uality glass and steel (there are enough fa rication manufacturers in India)" one cannot avoid the effect of the rains. Also" footfalls depend on the location. So one must take advantage of high-traffic locations such as outside a petrol unk" inside a mall" office campus I& parks" colleges or training academies. ,ompetition from local vendors is high especially as the latter are normally out of ta% reach and en(oy the cost enefit" which ends in more competitive offerings. Even among the kiosk operators" competition is uilding up. 5adaa .aa has a predecessor in Eoli 5adaa .av which today has )22 kiosks in =aharashtra" &amil Gadu and #arnataka. ,ross-product competition is also uilding up as consumers today have various on-the-go foods to choose from 0 from icecreams" salads" and soups to rolls" wraps and candies. And even sugarcane (uice9 Standardi$ation of offerings could e difficult if too much locali$ation is done T =aintaining 3uality standards in all outlets is tough T =enu choice is very limited and variations from it may not e possi le for specific customer needs T Stock out and spoilage due to improper storage is likely as there is not much andwidth for a ackup storage facility in the kiosks

!hatever e the challenge" kiosk players stand to gain through e%pansion" especially through the franchise route. .etawrap" which has si% kiosks in the city" is looking at )Q y the end of *2)*. It is also in talks for e%panding to :angalore" Iydera ad. 5adaa .aa is looking at three more kiosks in ,hennai" efore moving to other Southern cities ne%t year. It is also e%ploring the franchisee route of low investment. 8et us have a look at the most popular kiosks formats/

,offee kiosk franchise: !ith the coffee culture rewing up across the nation" the up rise of kiosks is also in full swing. =a(or companies like ,offee ;ay Vpress" :rew errys and Eloria Heans ,offee etc have started their coffee kiosk which has gained tremendous popularity. &he key to any such venture is finding out a location that will give ma%imum enefits to the sales of coffee. A location where people find it convenient to drink their favourite everage is the ideal place for setting up a kiosk. &o put it simply" the larger the num er of people" the greater is the opportunity for sales. Adding other items such as pastries" sandwiches etc also promote your low-costing coffee kiosk. AE .uttara(" .resident" ,offee ;ay Vpress said" N!e have more than C22 coffee kiosks presently. 'ther kiosk formats of fast food and other essential items also present a wide variety.W According to .uttara(" NArea re3uired for setting up a kiosk is two to *Q S3 meters and the investment needed is from 1s *-Q lakhs.W Ice1cream kiosk: Ice-cream kiosks are yet another popular category which is doing wonders in franchising. =ost of the ma(or players in this category have adopted kiosks and cartwheel formats due to their rising popularity. #wality !alls" :askin 1o ins" 5adilal>s" Amul etc are the main names in this category. 1S Sodhi" ,hief Eeneral =anager"=arketing" Amul informed" NAmul has two formats under it - Amul .referred outlet (A.') and Amul Scooping ice-cream outlets. &hese are in the kiosk format and we have een gaining profits y these concepts. &he kiosks are helpful in promoting the rand visi ility as well as developing direct contact with our customers.W Luick service restaurant chain Girula>s has recently launched its standalone icecream kiosk model. Investment needed for taking up ice-cream kiosk franchise is from 1s Q to X 8akh

C-oco ate kiosk: A chocolate kiosk provides the entrepreneurs with the right franchising opportunity to invest and gain enefits. 5ery few chocolate kiosks can e seen till now as this is an up-coming concept ut has great future prospects. Specialty chocolate ars and o% has ecome popular with chocolate kiosks. Candy kiosk: &he first thing that catches your eyes while visiting shopping malls" are the vi rant coloured candy kiosks. &hese have come up recently and have ecome 3uite popular" especially among kids. ,andy &reats" Sweet !orld etc are the main players who have launched their kiosks in prominent locations. ;uice and cookies kiosk: A kiosk in the (uice as well as cookies category is also a lucrative option for aspiring franchisees. &oday consumers have ecome very health-conscious. &his awareness has led to the opening of many (uice ars in the country. Similarly randed cookies are also catching up with Indian preferences. =r. 'range is a prominent player in the (uice kiosk while ,ookie =an comes under the cookie section. &his appealing kiosk format has also een adopted y various other players especially in food franchise. ;omino>s" ?o9,hina etc have also come up with their kiosk to raise their success rate. :esides the food and everage kiosks there are other kiosks as well. #iosks of eauty and wellness centres are also in demand. 58,," a well-known slimming and eauty centre has launched its kiosk-in-shop format to raise their sales. Idea ocation for kiosks 'ne of the factors necessary for the success of a #iosk is the location. Some of the prominent places where kiosks are mostly visi le are/

Shopping malls &heatre ,hains Airports and railway stations ,onvenience stores

Iaving your kiosk in any of these locations would e the est way to earn ma%imum profits. &o conclude it can e said that kiosks are a low cost franchise usiness ut high profit format. Running a kiosk All geared up to take a franchised kiosk" ut wondering how to make it successful9 Iere are some tips to remem er while running a kiosk franchise/

It is most important to select a site at a prime location" where your kiosk receives ma%imum visi ility

It is a solutely essential to have a randed kiosk as people are attracted y the rand. #iosk can e managed well with a single person. ,ustomer service is crucial for the success of the kiosk. ;o not keep the customers waiting. It is important to market and advertise a out your newly opened kiosk so that people ecome aware of it.

Iaving your kiosk in any of these locations would e the est way to earn ma%imum profits. &o conclude it can e said that kiosks are a low cost franchise usiness ut high profit format.

Se f1service and t-e restaurant industry

Self-order kiosks help QSRs improve customer service, expand menu options and hours of operation and increase sales. !oday>s consumers use A&=s" computeri$ed airport check-in and automated grocery and retail checkout. &hey surf the Internet.&hey pay at the gas pump. &hey multitask and still ask why there aren>t more hours in a day. &hey demand convenience" choice and speedof service. &he Gational 1estaurant Association>s *22X 1estaurant Industry Forecast notes that X) percent of consumers etween the ages of )R and *- and S- percent of consumers etween the ages of *Q and +- Y key demographic groups Y would prefer to use self-service in a 3uick-service restaurant &his data is consistent with the results of a late *22X independent survey conducted for E=GR that found that more than R2 percent of 3uick-service guests have used a self-service kiosk" or are open to trying self-service if the kiosk is availa le or hosted" or they otherwise are encouraged to use it. !hyJ ,ompared to a cashier" customers find self-service can e faster" easy to use" more informative" more accurate" convenient and fun. ,ustomers say they receive etter service (Nfewer attitudesW) and don>t feel rushed. !hen presented with an intuitive menu and vi rant graphics that allow customers to easily select products and options" customers ecome regular

users of self-service. An increasing num er of news segments and articles acknowledge that selfservice and technology spending are on the rise. Interest among 3uick-service and fast-casual restaurant operators appears to e strong. A *22S Gations 1estaurant Gews survey reported that Q2 percent of 3uick-service operators said they would spend more on technology in *22X.&he usiness climate certainly makes self-service technology attractive to restaurant operators. &he cost of la or" energy and wholesale food prices are s3uee$ing margins. And" in some markets" good employees are hard to find. &he competition for the consumer also adds pressure on 3uick service and fast-casual restaurants to improve customer service" e%pand menu options and hours of operation and increase sales. Even in this pro-self-service environment" the G1G survey found decision makers hesitant. &heir concerns/ consumer acceptance cost of implementation and ease of integration into e%isting technology. It seems as though everyone is waiting for one large 3uick-service rand to reak through and adopt self-service on a road scale Y lowering the risk for everyone. <SR and fast casua Self-service can e a perfect solution for 3uick-service and fast-casual restaurant owneroperators who are faced with increasing competition" higher costs and eroding margins. It allows them to increase the average check amount and improve customer satisfaction at a low cost. N!e have customers who have e%perienced a )Q to *Q percent increase in average check amount at the kiosk due to the presentation of options" upgrades and selectively placed suggestive cross sells"W said =adeline .antalone" E=GR>s vice president of innovation and market strategies.NAnd" a ;ecem er *22X independent market study found that 3uick-service guests who used E=GR>s kiosk to order and pay for their food are loyal users. &hey like the convenience" presentation of choices using graphics and friendliness or fun factor of the solution.W Ho0 to dep oy se f1service effective y &he iggest challenge to the success of self-service in LS1s and fast casuals is guest usage. !here there is usage" the return on investment makes the adoption of self-service a good usiness decision for the owner-operator. &he key to usage is threefold. First" gain the support of the restaurant manager to make the kiosk the de facto ordering station. Integrate self-serviceinto the restaurant>s operation the counter to host multiple kiosks will generate usage and faster adoption.W Second" provide an intuitive" engaging and fast user interface that the LS1 or fast casual guest en(oys using. !hile the kiosk needs to e consistent with the menu oard in the restaurant" the kiosk>s digital medium provides a far more ro ust means to promote the rand and provide options to the guests. A significant challenge in designing a user interface is achieving a alance among promoting products" providing options and speed of service. Early adaptors provided feed ack leading to day part menus that automatically present an alternate menu Y that doesn>t

display all the options Y during urst periods. Euests who want to customi$e still can" ut they need to seek it rather than have it automatically presented. N&he ma(or rands spend millions of dollars to promote their rand and present their products in an appealing way"W .antalone said. N&he kiosk is an e%tension of that effort. &he presentation of the menu" food images and fun animation all work together to engage the guest and allow him to 3uickly order what he wants the way he wants it. It is important to select an e%perienced vendor to design the user interface and to o tain guest feed ack to improve it.W GEV&E. S?S&E=S" a provider of automated ordering solutions" echoed the sentiment that interfaces are very important. &ommy !oycik" GEV&E.>s president" said he has seen many interfaces that resem le point-of-sale systems rather than a self-order solution. N&hey>re clunky"W he said. N&he user interface always needs to e e%ceptionally intuitive" no matter if it>s a deli kiosk or a uffet kiosk.W &hird" it>s important to select the right hardware.&he physical kiosk has evolved so that it can e placed strategically within a restaurant floor plan without a large footprint. Early trials indicate that the less NA&=-likeW and more Norder station- likeW the self-service point" the etter. Standalone credit card kiosks can fill that order and are availa le from a large num er of manufacturers. Iowever" most LS1 restaurants have a significant percentage of cash purchases. Early models of kiosks that accept cash have had their share of performance pro lems ut" as manufacturers have improved the design of the components" cash kiosks have ecome far more relia le" NSelf-service kiosks need to e relia le"W If the kiosks are nonoperational" this can impact the restaurant>s operation. !e>ve worked with our customers" suppliers and manufacturer to design and uild a very solid kiosk that supports the demanding LS1 environment and allows for multiple payment modes including cash" payment card and coupon.W It>s also important for the self-order kiosks to e monitored remotely. Since most" if not all" LS1s do not employ I& professionals4 it>s necessary to allow the kiosks to e updated and even repaired from an off-site facility. N!hen you go into a 3uick-service restaurant" there is grease" dust and more room for the contamination of your device,. When you deploy in a quick-serve restaurant, you can expect
that no one there really can help your system. It has to be completely self-sufficient.

. !-e Kiosk Market !oday &he demand for kiosks is e%ploding. In )CCS appro%imately *)"222 kiosks were shipped in the Mnited States4 y *22+ that num er is e%pected to increase more than twenty fold to --Q"222. ("U.S. Interactive Kiosk arkets," !rost " Sullivan Report #$%&'-(), p. %-(, *++(.) !hyJ :ecause declining hardware costs and more sophisticated technologies mean kiosks can deliver a positive return-on-investment" as shown in the graph elow.

,otal Interactive Kiosk

arket- U.S. Unit Shipment and Revenue !orecasts, *++%-.//%

&his white paper will ac3uaint you with kiosk deployment issues. After reading it" you7ll e well e3uipped to assess the value kiosks can provide to your organi$ation. A $roven !ec-no ogy A kiosk consists of a touchmonitor" a computer" and perhaps a printer and credit card readerYall enclosed in a secure ca inet. #iosks can deliver information or they can promote and sell products and services. =ost kiosks are located in pu lic places" such as stores" airports" malls" and hotel and corporate lo ies. &hey7re also increasingly prevalent in factories and office uildings" where they afford employees access to enefits information and (o postings. !hile kiosks have e%isted since the late )CX2s" it7s only in the past few years that the kiosk market has taken off. &he dramatic increase in kiosk activity is the result of several factors/ Reduced Hard0are Costs ;eclining costs of microprocessors" printers" and other computer-related kiosk components have resulted in dramatically reduced kiosk costs. For e%ample" etween )CC+ and )CCS" the average price for an interactive kiosk fell y almost Q2 percent (Frost F Sullivan). :ecause of these

reduced capital outlays" companies and organi$ations now can anticipate a higher 1'I (return on investment) from kiosk implementations. $ub ic Acceptance &he popularity of A&=s paved the way for widespread acceptance of kiosks. &he pu lic is more comforta le now using kiosks in a variety of settings. &he use of touchscreens has enhanced the popularity of kiosks y making them opera le even y people lacking computer e%perience. $ervasive &et0orking Capabi ities In the past" the only way to update or modify a kiosk application was to reinstall software at each kiosk. Gow advances in network computing make it possi le to update kiosks from a centrally located computer" so it7s easy to enter price changes" up-to-the-minute product availa ility" or new interest rates. In addition" a growing num er of organi$ations are saving on hardware costs y installing kiosks that are <thin clients< (computers with limited processing power and storage capa ilities networked to a central clientUserver application to control most of the kiosk operations). Advances in Mu timedia &he enhanced multimedia capa ilities of personal computers have led to the development of more advanced tools for creating multimedia applications. #iosk developers who leverage these tools reduce development costs while increasing kiosks7 capa ilities. 'ther new technologies" such as signature cards and smart cards" also have resulted in e%panded kiosk solutions. Internet +ro0tIncreased use of the !orld !ide !e has fueled the growth in kiosk installations" with many organi$ations installing Internet commerce kiosks that provide users with Internet access and online purchasing capa ilities (see Internet commerce kiosks and !e -ena led kiosks). Ho0 Kiosks )n-ance $rofitabi ity !hen considering a kiosk implementation" ask yourself these fundamental 3uestions/

Iow will kiosks enefit my usiness or organi$ationJ Iow will kiosks result in a positive 1'I" either through costs savings (most often reduced personnel costs) or through increased revenues from kiosks that sell products and services.

In this section we address these 3uestions y outlining the enefits of kiosks and the myriad ways they are currently used. Increased $roduct %fferings

:y providing Internet commerce access to online shopping services" kiosks let retailers e%pand inventory without increasing floor space. &he results are increased profits per s3uare foot and enhanced customer satisfaction.

#iosks at 1EI (1ecreational E3uipment Incorporated) connect to the company7s !e ased catalog" ena ling customers to order out-of-stock merchandise as well as merchandise the store doesn7t routinely stock. At Sam7s ,lu " cars are purchased y consumers using the Sam7s ,lu interactive kiosk. Luest kiosks at .riceU,ostco provide consumers with access to thousands of products" including electronics" cameras" and sunglasses that .riceU,ostco normally doesn7t carry.

)2panded Storefronts #iosks make it possi le for vendors to e%pand their reachYand enhance their profita ilityY y selling goods and services in locations other than their storefront. Such kiosks fre3uently are accessi le *- hours a day" seven days a week.

Airlines" movie theaters" and concert halls now have ticketing kiosks in numerous pu lic locations" including airports" hotels" and convention centers. ,oinstar coin-counting kiosks are located in hundreds of grocery stores.

Improved Customer Service= Reduced $ersonne Costs 'rgani$ations can provide superior customer service y offering patrons access to kiosks that answer routine 3uestions or handle routine transactions. &hese organi$ations save on personnel costs y reducing their need for sales clerks and customer service representatives. =eanwhile" those employees charged with sales and customer service functions are free to focus their attention on patrons7 non-routine concerns.

#iosks in Fidelity Investment offices provide customers with up-to-the-minute mutual fund prices and ratings. ,ompMSA customers use kiosks to help configure their computer systems. Iotel lo y kiosks provide check-in and check-out services and offer local restaurant and entertainment options. #iosks at auto parts stores replace paper catalogs" providing product num er" product availa ility" and cost information. 1etailersYincluding =acy7s" &arget" ,rate F :arrel" and H, .enneyYuse kiosks to post gift registries to let customers access a registry.

At the Super :owl and the Special 'lympics kiosks provide attendees information a out the time and location of upcoming events. #iosks used as voting machines eliminate the need for allot counters" cut printing costs" and reduce the time re3uired to get final vote tallies.

)n-anced $roduct $romotion #iosks attract consumer interest and ultimately increase sales y providing product information customi$ed to each user7s interests and needs.

=ovie previews at video chains like Iollywood 5ideo and :lock uster entice consumers into renting little-known titles. ,ompu,ook recipe kiosks distri ute coupons that increase sales in grocery stores. #iosks in Eeneral Gutrition ,enters offer information a out hundreds of vitamins" minerals" and otanical products the centers sell. #iosks also reduce the time it takes customers to locate products in each store.

)asier Information Access #iosks can dispense information *- hours a day" seven days a week" minimi$ing the need for customer service personnel while increasing overall efficiency.

#iosks at trade shows and athletic events provide attendees with maps" transportation information" and lists of popular sites for food" lodging" entertainment" and other amenities. =any companies provide kiosks for employees to use to connect to their corporate intranet" where they can access (o postings" enefits information" and company news. In 8os Angeles" Eeo=atch kiosks match commuters with rideshare partners. Eovernment agencies rely on kiosks to dispense ta% forms and (o applications" post (o listings" and ena le individuals to order documents" such as irth certificatesYall without hassle and with 3uick delivery.

+reater $roduct Customi>ation #iosks that offer customi$ed products and services increase their profita ility y filling a uni3ue market niche.

American Ereetings7 ,reate-a-,ard kiosks let consumers design customi$ed greeting cards.

,ustomers use #odak photo enlargement kiosks to modify the si$e of photos on-the-spot. 8ee Heans in-store kiosks ask customers to specify their measurements and style preferences. &he kiosk then recommends the styles and si$es of (eans most likely to match the customer7s taste.

Reduced !raining Costs A company can use kiosks to train employees or teach them a out the company7s products and corporate procedures. #iosks7 touch applications are easier to use than traditional computerased training and teaching.

#iosks in =ercedes dealerships provide e%tensive product information that =ercedes sales-people use throughout the course of a sale. Even though this application was developed for the =ercedes sales force" consumers use it as well. :echtel has installed uilding-site purchasing kiosks that train site managers in the company7s purchasing system and serve as the system7s delivery mechanism as well. =eyer ,ookware kiosks educate shoppers a out product features and enefits.

!ypes of Kiosks 8ike videos and ooks" kiosks are communications tools. :ut kiosks7 interactivity and multimedia capa ilities provide functionality that goes well eyond the static capa ilities of other media. :ased on their functions" kiosks generally fit into one or more of the following categories/

.oint-of-information kiosks .roduct promotion kiosks Service or transaction kiosks .roduct-dispensing kiosks Internet ,ommerce kiosks

$oint1of1Information Kiosks &hese kiosks are used to educate or inform. :ecause they address routine 3uestions" they minimi$e the need for on-site personnel and reduce phone calls to companies. !hen located in a pu lic place" they can e accessed seven days a week" *- hours a day.

.oint-of-information kiosks tend to e the simplest kiosks to implement. &hey7re also the most difficult to (ustify in terms of 1'I. For this reason" informational kiosks fre3uently are integrated with the product promotion or service kiosks descri ed in the ne%t section. .rime locations/

Shopping malls" historic sites" trade shows" hospitals" government uildings" and hotel lo ies" where they provide access to directories and maps. Eovernment uildings" where they provide information a out municipal services" pu lic meetings" and local events. Factories" offices" and other places of usiness" where they offer employees information a out enefits" (o openings" and corporate policies. ,orporate lo ies" where they provide visitors an introduction to the company as well as a map showing conference rooms" rest rooms" and other uilding locations or campus facilities. &hese kiosks often are connected to a corporate !e site. Financial institutions" where they display up-to-the-minute interest rates and stock prices. Stores" where they replace paper catalogs. Iealthcare facilities" where they dispense health education information and display maps and directories.

$roduct $romotion Kiosks #iosks that promote products and services are a winUwin proposition. ,onsumers receive information as well as coupons and other discounts. =anufacturers have their message delivered straight to the consumer rather than relying on the detailed product training of individual sales people. .romotional kiosks also can reduce the need for sales personnel4 they sometimes are referred to as <independent in-store .'S sales support.< Electronic couponing systems are the most common promotional kiosks. =anufacturers place the systems in retail outlets to increase awareness of their products. &he kiosks attract consumers y offering coupons4 to o tain the coupons" consumers often must respond to demographic and other 3uestions" providing companies with valua le consumer information. #iosks often com ine information and promotion. A kiosk in a hotel lo y" for e%ample" might include descriptions of hotel services along with coupons and ads for neigh orhood shops" restaurants" and theaters. .rime locations/

Stores" where the kiosks are installed y manufacturers promoting their own products. In addition" stores themselves often install kiosks to promote specific services" such as a gift registry or a cake decorating service. Iotel lo ies and malls" where they provide information while advertising local services" activities" and events. Financial institutions" where they descri e anking and other financial services.

Service Kiosks &hese kiosks can provide services that are free or for-pay. In government organi$ations" the use of service kiosks has een driven y the pu lic7s demand for increased hours of usiness and shorter wait times. Service kiosks are also gaining popularity among corporations where today7s employees must choose from a di$$ying array of enefits. Employees can use kiosks to enter information a out their needs4 the kiosk then determines the enefit package that est addresses those needs. .rime locations/

,olleges and universities" where they7re used y students to enroll in classes" access transcripts" pay tuition ills" and o tain campus maps. Iotels and other pu lic places" where they serve as <phone ooths of the future< y providing e-mail" Internet access" and fa% services. Iotel guests can also use kiosks for hotel check-in and check-out. ,orporations" where they7re installed y I1 departments seeking to help employees choose among enefit packages" as descri ed a ove. Eovernment uildings" where they7re used y people applying for irth certificates" reserving camp sites" or renewing drivers7 licenses. :anks" where they7re used y customers applying for loans" opening accounts" or o taining mortgage rate information. Some anks are installing kiosks that let customers communicate y video phone with a customer service representative in a remote location.

$roduct1*ispensing Kiosks A product-dispensing kiosk is a store-in-a- o%" a single installation that handles all the processes re3uired to make a sale" from creating the product" to delivering the product" to receiving payment. For this reason" vending kiosks can e the most comple% kiosks to implement. &hey also can e the most profita le.

Also known as point-of-purchase kiosks" product-dispensing kiosks minimi$e or eliminate the need for sales personnel. &hey also can e%pand a store7s area of operation y ena ling consumers to purchase items in an increased num er of locations. (For e%ample" theater-ticket0dispensing machines might e located in airports.) .rime locations/

&heaters" museums" and transportation centers" such as train stations and airports" where they issue tickets. Stores" where they dispense such products as customi$ed greeting cards" gift certificates" and video rental cards. &ourist ureaus" airports" and other pu lic places where they sell maps. (Msers are prompted to choose a destination4 the kiosk then delivers a map with directions to the chosen site.)

Internet Commerce Kiosks #iosks that connect directly to a usiness !e site let consumers purchase products to e delivered to them at a later time. A store e3uipped with e-commerce kiosks can increase its product offerings without increasing its inventory. ,lerks" meanwhile" are freed from having to order products from the catalog or from another store. Increasingly" general-purpose Internet-access kiosks are eing placed in pu lic areas. Msers who already have Internet access from home or work will use these kiosks on a convenience asis (in much the same way they use a pu lic telephone and A&= machines today). .rime locations/

Stores and malls" where they give consumers access to online catalogs. Financial institutions" where they ena le consumers to participate in online investment services. Iotels" airports" and other pu lic places" where they give the pu lic Internet access.

3eb1)nab ed Kiosks !e -ena ling software transforms an e%isting !e site into a pu lic-access kiosk application. 'rgani$ations that choose to make their !e sites kiosk-accessi le en(oy significant savings in development costs ecause they need make only minor modificationsYsuch as replacing rowser controls with touch-activated control panels and uttonsYto their e%isting application. !e -ena led kiosks can connect directly to the Internet4 they also can e accessed from a local disk. In local mode" customer data" forms" and e-mail are <faked< to disk files for later retrieval.

,ommon applications include/

Information dispensing services ,orporate human resources .u lic-access Internet search Iotel self-service check-inUcheck-out ,ompany intranet access Internet commerce 1etail cataloging Event ticketing Airline ticketing Eift registries

Kiosk Components Go two kiosk installations are alike. A kiosk that dispenses recipes uses different components than a kiosk that takes orders for rose ushes4 oth of these use different components than a kiosk that takes applications for a car loan. :ut regardless of their purpose" all kiosks incorporate the following core components" and additional components that depend on the kiosk7s function. !ouc-monitor A touchmonitor consists of a touch-sensitive transparent screen placed over a ,1& monitor or flat panel display monitor. .ictures or te%t on the screen instruct users to select or <touch< an option. &ouchmonitors are used in appro%imately XQ percent of all kiosk installations ecause of their ease of use" dura ility" and relia ility (see Appendi% A/ 'verview of &ouch &echnologies). )nc osure !hether it7s a compact wall unit or a large in-store installation" every kiosk must have an enclosureYand it must e made of sturdy" dura le materials designed to withstand a use. &ypically" kiosk enclosures are made of metal" ut wood" plastic" or fi erglass may also e used. &he kiosk location (indoor vs. outdoor" for e%ample) and type of installation (stand-alone" wallmounted" or ta letop) help to determine the type of enclosure that is needed. App ication Soft0are

&he kiosk7s software application must attract users to the kiosk" accomplish the kiosk7s stated o (ectives" e easy and fun to use" and incorporate uilt-in reporting mechanisms that provide feed ack a out which parts of the application are used" how long users stay at the kiosk" and other data. =any kiosk developers are using their !e site as the asis for their kiosk application (see !e -ena led kiosks). Computer &he kiosk application7s re3uirements determine the computer hardware re3uirements. At a minimum" a kiosk computer should support full-motion video" digital audio" and network connectivity. $rinter &he kind of printer a kiosk needs depends on the kiosk7s function. #iosks most often use printers to print receipts" tickets" maps" and product information. Additiona Components &he kiosk7s function also determines the use of one or more additional components" such as those that follow.

Magstripe card reader for kiosks that accept credit cards. Signature pads for kiosks that re3uire users to complete a purchase transaction" authori$e a credit card application" or simply sign a greeting card. Coin and do ar bi acceptor for vending kiosks that deliver a product. ?ideo camera and te ep-one -andset for videoconferencing kiosks that allow a person to use a handset to speak to a representative while viewing the representative7s image on the kiosk monitor. !e ep-one for kiosks that ena le users to connect directly to a company representative. 3eb1enab ing soft0are for kiosks that provide users with access to the !orld !ide !e Speakers for kiosks that re3uire sound" such as those with music-previewing applications4 also sound -oods for kiosks that could distur passers y. $rivacy screens for kiosks that re3uire users to enter personal information. Membrane keyboards for applications that re3uire users to enter e%tensive information.

Street vendors no longer (ust sell hot dogs" tacos and snow cones. &oday you can get anything from freshly prepared sushi rolls to grass fed organic ham urgers. Street food is having a significant impact on food culture. .rofessional chefs are leaving their restaurants to open their own trailers. Among them are Herome ,hang" former pastry chef at 8e ,ir3ue and now co-owner of ;essert&ruck in Gew ?ork ,ity" and ,hef 8aurent #atgley" owner of ,he$ Spencer" an upscale French restaurant" who operates a lunch truck which sells skewers of escargot in puffed pastry.- Even &aco :ell has (oined the fad" sending out its own fleet of taco trucks to roam the streets.S ;emographics &he iggest uyers of foods from mo ile vendors are young adults and parents with children at home. &hose aged *Q to +- are the largest consumers of snacks from mo ile vendors" spending an average of B -- a month.)

Source/ :est ,ustomers/ ;emographics of ,onsumer ;emand. *22R =any truck operators are e%perimenting with new flavors and cuisines not typical of street vendors in order to reach a new clientele. N&raditionally" taco trucks were very working class0 (anitors" secretaries" people on pu lic transitY ut now they>ve een adopted y the middle class as a legitimate way to uy and sell food. I think people under +2 want to ike and walk and take transit. &hese are privileged" middle-class kids. So taco trucks are targeting this group.WS A new generation of clientele has spawned a new era of food trucks. Iot dog and taco trucks have long running traditions in ig cities. Iowever" they have never had the same Neliteness" the sense of eing among the inner-circle of foodiesW seen in the industry lately. S According to #aty =c8aughlin" Nnew technology has een a ig game changer" allowing trucks to pick up and move to where customers are on short notice.W- :y using devices such as Face ook and &witter" food trucks have created a sense of N eing in the know.W #ogi ::L" a food truck serving 8A" currently has *R"222 followers on its &witter page.W- =ore food trucks have followed #ogi>s e%ample" using &witter" cell phone alerts" and Face ook to alert customers on their wherea outs. Industry 'verview Food trucks" a truck converted into a mo ile kitchen" are gaining wide-spread popularity for the ease in which a variety of appliance can e installed to prepare an unrestrained assortment of food. Everyday new food trucks hit the streets offering something new and uni3ue.

Some trucks represent restaurant owners trying to make up for lost wages in recent years. Heff :lank" owner of Iudson>s on the :end in Austin" &e%as" opened a food truck last year when revenue at the restaurant was down almost *QZ. &hanks to the revenue from the lunch truck" the =ighty ,one" he has more than made up for the losses.- 'ther food trucks" like 5an 8eeuwan Artisan Ice ,ream &ruck of Gew ?ork" have ecome family legacies. 5an 8eeuwan has een operating for over *Q years" and has ecome famous for its gourmet ice cream.+ &he industry has a variety of mo ile operators" though over C)Z of revenue for street vendors come from the sale of take-away food and drink for immediate consumption.X A traditional street vendor cart may have *-+ wheels and is used to sell one or two items. ;rive through stands" such as a drive through espresso stand" are often located in parking lots and shopping centers and offer a wider variety of goods.X =arket Statistics &he industry is heavily concentrated in ur an areas" Nparticularly in the central parts of large cities.NX&his industry is thriving in cities such as 8.A" .ortland" Gew ?ork" Austin and San Francisco.Q =any of these cities now have several we sites dedicated to tracking mo ile food trucks. According the I:IS!orld" the industry is most heavily concentrated in the Far !est" the Ereat 8akes region" the =id East (which includes Gew ?ork)" and the South East. =a(or =arket Segments

Street locationsUcorners QQ.2Z 'ther locationsUvenuesUevents )R.2Z IndustrialUconstruction work sites )Q.2Z Shopping malls )*.2Z

Source/ I:IS!orld" Street 5endors in the MS. *22R. Got surprisingly" the ma(ority of revenue comes from street corners and street locations. Street locations take up QQZ of market revenue. &his segment sees a large num er of pedestrian traffic during peak usiness hours. 'ther popular locations are parking lots" construction work sites and other venues and events.X ,ost of :usiness 'ne of the great enefits of the mo ile food usiness is low start up costs. 'perators can chose to either rent or uy new e3uipment. :ruce Stock erger" of Stock erger =arketing Associates" advises new usiness owners to first rent" efore purchasing.* A fully e3uipped food trailer can cost well over )Q2"222" and can e customi$ed to almost any specification. Iowever" you can easily find a used one for as little as +"222. !ith only a few menu items" one person can own" drive" and manage a food truck y himself. &he largest cost usiness owner>s face is the supply of food and everages for resale. I:IS!orld estimates these purchases should make up a out *XZ of all usiness cost. &he second largest cost usinesses face are primarily operating costs such as such as Ninsurances" telecommunications" repairs and maintenance" stationary" licenses" fuel and motor vehicle costs as well as other similar

e%penses.WX &hese e%penses make up a out *SZ of usiness costs. If help is hired" wages can cost close to )R Z of all usiness costs.X =o ile kitchen and motori$ed mo ile catering facilities have higher operating costs than push carts or trailers" ut are still significantly less than that of a rick and mortar location. Eiven the low start up costs" low fi%ed and maintenance costs and low overhead costs" this industry has considera le profit potential. &here are also several advantages to the mo ile food usiness. &he work is fle%i le. If something is not working" if the product isn>t selling" or the location is not great" you can try something else. All you need is one great product. &he ma(ority food vendors do not oast diverse menu offerings. In fact" the ma(ority offer one or two choices. =att 1hodie" owner of ,arpe ;onut in ,harlottesville" 5irginia" relies on their homemade cider donuts. Iis advice is to N[make three items and do them well[I>m not going to have room to e ;unkin> ;onuts" so I have to stick to serving one type of doughnut" locally roasted coffee and hot mulled cider. And people love it.N@

Suggestions for Kiosk *ep oyment ;eveloping a kiosk is a multifaceted process. &he following are suggestions to consider when planning your kiosk implementation. !-ink R%I !hen designing a kiosk installation" your return on investment should e a primary consideration. ?es" you have a great idea. ?es" your customers will love it. :ut how long will the installation take to pay for itselfJ Iow long can you afford to wait efore getting ack your initial investmentJ !ill you achieve your 1'I through savings or increased revenuesJ ,ompanies and organi$ations wanting to install kiosks often enter into partnerships to help defray costs. For e%ample" ,oinstar kiosks distri ute coupons that are paid for y the manufacturer. An airport installing a kiosk- ased directory might team up with local hotels wanting to advertise rooms. :e creative" and think in terms of alliances9 Set Rea istic Sc-edu es Even though kiosks are a proven technology" they7re not a plug-and-play commodity. 1ather" implementing a kiosk can involve various stages" including alpha and eta testing" efore release of the final product. Make Soft0are !op $riority

&o e successful" a kiosk application must e intuitive" fast" and fun to use. &ouchscreen Application &ips lists the prere3uisites for successful touch- ased kiosks. Remember t-e Hard0are #iosks consist of a software application and the numerous componentsYcomputer" printer" card reader" and video cameraYthat make it work. For est results" develop these components in parallel. 'rgani$ations that wait to think a out hardware integration until the software is complete often find that they7ve run out of funding. Use a $ractica Cabinet *esign #eep these points in mind when designing the kiosk ca inet.

?enti ation:

Are you using forced-air ventilationJ If so" put your fan at the top" near the monitor7s vents. =inimi$e the air orne dust from footsteps y keeping the intake away from the floor. #eep air from entering around the monitor face.

Sound: 1emem er to point your speakers in the direction of your user7s ears. Finis-: ,hoose a finish that doesn7t show fingerprints4 avoid polished stainless steel" chrome" or glossy lack paint.

!-ink 6ocation #iosks should e placed in high-traffic areas that are safe" well lighted" and welcoming. If space is at a premium" consider mounting the kiosk in the wall or on a shelf. If the kiosk will e unattended" plan to design more security features into the kiosk. Imp ement Incrementa y :y initially installing a few kiosks in carefully selected locations you7ll 3uickly gather information that7s critical to your kiosk7s success. !rack Aour Users Every kiosk application should incorporate a mechanism for tracking kiosk use. Such information is critical for assessing which portions of the application are most widely used" which products are most fre3uently purchased" and other aspects of kiosk use. Consider Aour )mp oyees

!hen designing a kiosk" consider how it will fit in with your work force. 'ne retailer implemented a kiosk" only to discover that the sales force was steering customers away from it. &he reasonJ Each time a customer used the kiosk" it took away from employees7 commissions9 *onBt Forget Maintenance All kiosks re3uire ongoing maintenance. Specifically" you7ll need to update the kiosk7s software and keep kiosks that dispense products stocked with supplies" such as tickets or lank gift certificates. ?ou7ll also need to arrange for emergency repair and parts replacement. Such services usually are provided y kiosk vendors who contract with third-party maintenance providers. ) o Assistance: Ho0 Can ) o Assist Me 0it- Kiosk Imp ementation4 As the leading developer of touch technology" touchmonitors" and related products integral to tens of thousands of kiosks worldwide" Elo &ouchSystems provides outstanding products for your kiosk implementation. Elo flagship products include Intelli&ouch kiosk touchmonitors specifically designed for kiosks4 !e Ena ler software4 and Signature Series products. Inte i!ouc- Hig-1$erformance !ouc-screens :uilt using surface wave technology" Intelli&ouch pure-glass touchmonitors are known for their clarity" resolution" and light transmission. &heir scratch-resistant" vandal-proof glass surface is ideal for pu lic-access environments" and their sta le" <drift-free< operation ensures a touch response that7s always accurate. Flat" spherical" and cylindrical touchmonitors are availa le for optimal design fle%i ility. Kiosk !ouc-monitors #iosk touchmonitor products are the industry7s first sealed touchmonitors designed specifically for kiosks. !ith their custom-designed metal chassis" their model life is longer than that of a typical plastic-cased monitor" reducing the need to redesign kiosks around monitor changes. &he )Q-inch and )X-inch FS&" S5EA monitors" incorporate touch systems ased on Intelli&ouch surface wave technology. 3eb )nab er Soft0are ;esigned to ena le developers to transform !e sites into touch-driven" pu lic-access kiosk applications" !e Ena ler works as an overlay to the two most popular !e rowsers" Getscape Gavigator and =icrosoft Internet E%plorer" providing the richest set of features of any touch overlay application on the market today. Signature Series $roducts

&his group of products ena les signature capture" a necessary feature in applications that have users complete a purchase transaction" authori$e a credit application or simply sign their name on a greeting card. :ecause the Elo Signature Series comprises four signature capture productsY each ased on a different technologyYthe series offers a solution for virtually every kiosk application" including a Signature Series touchmonitor specifically designed for kiosks. &o learn more a out Elo products"

R)S)ARCH M)!H%*S I will prefer interview and filling of 3uestionnaire to ensure and encourage frank responses to the 3uestions. !hile framing a 3uestionnaire I will try to list a series of 3uestions" which can provide me the needed information. For study purpose I also keep in mind the respondents understanding capacity" a ility to recall the information and his e%perience limits. I will not include those 3uestions" which can have misconceptions and promote non-co-operation. S%URC) %F *A!A Source of data is classified in to two categories/ ). .rimary data *. Secondary data $RIMARA *A!A .rimary data do not e%ist in records and pu lication. &he researcher has to gather primary data afresh for the specific study under taken y him. =arket researchers are interested in primary data a out demographicU socio economic characteristics" attitude U opinions U interests" motivation and ehavior. &hree asic means of primary data/ ). ' servation *. Survey +. E%periment S)C%&*ARA *A!A &he data referred to those" which gathered for some other purpose and are already availa le in the firm initial records and commercial" trade or government pu lications are secondary data. Sources of secondary data ). .u lished of secondary data.

*. Eovernment pu lication. +. Speciali$ed li raries -. Eeneral li rary research sources Samp e Si>e: I used Q2 respondents for my research report. M)!H%* %F *A!A C%66)C!I%&: For getting the results of my research I used method which is 3uestionnaire method that is under primary data A 3uestionnaire (also known as self-administered surve0) is a type of statistical survey handed out in paper form usually to a specific demographic to gather information in order to provide etter service or goods. &he 3uestionnaire was invented y Sir Francis Ealton Luestionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are cheap" do not re3uire as much effort from the 3uestioner as ver al or telephone surveys" and often have standardi$ed answers that make it simple to compile data. Iowever" such standardi$ed answers may frustrate users. Luestionnaires are also sharply limited y the fact that respondents must e a le to read the 3uestions and respond to them. &hus" for some ;emographic groups conducting a survey y 3uestionnaire may not e practical. A 3uestionnaire consists of many types of 3uestions" like direct 3uestion" in direct 3uestion" open-ended 3uestion (free answer 3uestion)" and close ended 3uestion. In this report open and close-ended 3uestions are used. &he method was discussed 3uestioning. Each person was asked a set of 3uestion in given order and answer is limited to a list of alternative. &he studies are descriptive in nature. It is connected to study the present state of affair as it e%ists. &he open study tries to e%plore the system at present and report on it. !ith self-storage kiosks across the Mnited States and ,anada" we now have a detailed understanding of usage patterns. A out Q- percent of transactions occur during C a.m. to S p.m. &he num er remains consistent even when a manager is on site and availa le. !hen 3uestioned" most managers chalk this up to customers eing in a hurry and not wanting to take the time to chitchat with office staff. &o consumers" self-service is faster and more convenient.

8ooking more closely at the data" another trend pops out. =any new rentals are made through kiosks on Saturday morning etween Q/+2 a.m. and C a.m. &his makes sense when you consider most people start their moving process on Saturday mornings y getting a truck and finding selfstorage. !hich would you choose/ the facility that opens at C a.m. or the one with a self-service kiosk availa le anytimeJ

If we look at the hours of self-storage kiosk usage (see graph/ N&ypical Self-Storage #iosk IoursW)" they tend to parallel those of A&=s. #iosk usage rises throughout the day" peaks a out Q p.m." and falls off as midnight approaches. Goteworthy" too" is transactions occur at all hours of the day. Some facility owners may assume anyone who rents at midnight is pro a ly a criminal. In this way" the chart is a little misleading. !hat we really find in reviewing kiosk data from the last three years is there have een e%actly 1erorentals etween the hours of )2 p.m. and Q a.m. Instead" typical nighttime activity entails payments y people working graveyard shifts or early hours (i.e." landscapers" construction workers and commuters). &hese people value the a ility to make payments outside regular hours. Access ,ontrol

'perators still concerned with midnight rentals should remem er kiosks don>t control access to the property. Access codes are assigned y the management software or security system and follow policies you assign. If a customer rents a unit through the kiosk during off-access hours" you can provide them with an access code that only works during standard hours. A few facilities take an e%tra step and re3uire new tenants to come ack during office hours to get access codes so the manager can meet them personally. Self-service is a growing trend in almost every usiness sector" including travel and retail. It makes sense that self-storage should get on the andwagon too. #iosks have proven to e great attractions at storage facilities across the Mnited States and ,anada. &here>s a reason .u lic Storage" Shurgard and numerous other operators have implemented kiosks/ ,onsumers love selfservice

3-y Cuestionnaire met-ods -as been adopted ). It is versatile *. Ideas related to the pro lem and its solution can e finding y asking the people involved in various industries. +. #nowledge" opinions" and intention of people involved can e easily founded. -. It is usually faster and cheaper than other methods. It involves control over the data gathering activities as compare to other method. Ana ysis :MSIGESS ,ASE for #I'S#S

&he current oom in kiosks has een a long time coming. In hindsight" this appears to have een a good thing" as early lessons have een learned and relia ility has finally ecome rock solid. #iosk applications have answered usiness needs and ranched out along with the technology" sometimes in une%pected ways. &he current slump in the economy has forced every technology investment to (ustify itself many times over" and kiosks have developed into hy rid tools" sometimes oth customer- and employee-facing. As technology costs come down and la or costs continue to rise" the role of self-service will increasingly e seen in oardrooms as a long-term solution. ,ustomers have at last ecome comforta le with using technology and with serving themselvesYthanks to the Internet>s paving the way as the ultimate self-serve sales floor. Almost X2Z of our survey respondents rate their kiosks as either very eneficial or vital to their usinesses. Self-service technologies are ecoming increasingly em edded into usiness operations and into common customer e%periences. As they ecome accustomed to serving themselves" customers are eginning to e%pect line- usting kiosks and self-checkout options" and will gravitate toward those usinesses that offer the convenience" speed" and control of selfservice. &he airlines have een pioneers in this area" and continue to aggressively deploy kiosks at airports and at off-site locations like hotel lo ies" cruise ship terminals" and conference centers. Services like ticket sales" ill payment" check in and checkout can all e delivered at low cost and in large volumes y customers serving themselves.

Figure Iow :eneficial Are #iosks to ?our :usinessJ Almost X2Z of our survey respondents rate their kiosks as either very eneficial or vital to their usinesses. Self-service technologies are ecoming increasingly em edded into usiness operations and into common customer e%periences. As they ecome accustomed to serving themselves" customers are eginning to e%pect line- usting kiosks and self-checkout options" and will gravitate toward those usinesses that offer the convenience" speed" and control of selfservice. &he airlines have een pioneers in this area" and continue to aggressively deploy kiosks at airports and at off-site locations like hotel lo ies" cruise ship terminals" and conference centers. Services like ticket sales" ill payment" check in and check out can all e delivered at low cost and in large volumes y customers serving themselves. Self-service saves money y automating repetitive processes and ena ling usinesses to reallocate or cut staffing. Fast food restaurants like =c;onald>s and !a!a>s convenience store deli counters are installing kiosks for preordering and pre-payment" freeing up staff to fill food orders. Interestingly !a!a reports that customers perceive service to e faster when they selforder and are free to shop elsewhere in the store instead of waiting in lineY although it is actually no faster for them. :ut speed enefits !a!a>s usiness y making the deli counters more efficient. NIt>s not so much the time saved in taking each order as it is the fact that we now can take two to four orders at a time"W says Hohn ,unningham" !awa Food =arkets> director of store operations technology" of their hugely successful food ordering kiosks. NAssociates were taking orders with pencil and paper and passing slips off to other workers"W he says. N!e had pro lems with accuracy" consistency" and productivity.W !awa also reports increased revenues through up selling at the kiosks" where customers respond more positively to an onscreen suggestion like N!ould you like a pastry with your coffeeJW than they would to a counter person

:i liography
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