Bahasa Inggris Semester 1

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Sekretariat : Jl. Raya Grin in N!. " A GROGOL #$%&% '(&$ ) **"&+$


BIDANG STUDI : Bahasa Inggris : .................................................. KELAS :V : .................................................. NO. ABSEN NAMA

Read text carefully Today is Tuesday. Damar goes home from school a half past twelve. Then he has lunch. After having lunch, He takes a rest for about one hour. Then he does his homework at .p.m Damar goes to the swimming pool. He wants to swim there. His hobby is swimming. !n the swimming pool. There are many people there. They swim together. Damar does his hobby twice a week on Tuesday afternoon and "unday morning Damar likes swimming very much, when he swims he feels and healthy. I. ,-!.e t-e /e.t !ne. #. $hat is Damar%s hobby & a. 'laying marble b. $atching T( c. "wimming d. 'laying top ). $hat time Damar go home from school & a. ##. * b. #). * c. #*. * d. *+. * . $here does Damar swim & a. !n the river b. !n the pond c. !n the swimming d. !n the sea ,. $hen does Damar do his hobby & a. "unday and -onday b. Tuesday and "unday c. $ednesday and Thursday d. .riday and "aturday /. How often does Damar swim & a. 0nce b. Twice c. Third d. .outh 1. Rudi and $awan are bringing rocket and small ball. Their hoby is ... a. .ootball b. 2adminton c. Tennis d. 3uitar 4. Alicia is watering the flower. Her hobby is ... a. 3ardening b. Reading c. 5ooking d. 'laying rope 6. Rina doesn%t like singing. "he ... collecting stamp. a. 7ike b. 7ikes c. 7iking d. 7iked +. 8 9 ... do you do your hobby & : 9 ! do my hobby on "aturday afternoon. a. $hat b. $here c. $ho d. $hen #*. "hinta is ... in the kitchen. a. 5ooking b. "wimming c. 'laying guitar d. Reading ##. !s it & it is half past ten. a. $ho b. How c. $hen d. $hat time

#). Rudi gets up at twenty to five. a. /.)* b. ,.,* c. ,.)* d. 1.)* # . -elisa plays doll with her friend at ;uarter to five. a. /.#/ b. ,.,/ c. ,.#) d. /.#/ #,. !t is nine p.m it is time too ... a. Having breakfast b. Having lunch c. Having dinner d. 3oing to bed #/. .ather goes home from office at </./*=. a. "ix past ten b. Ten to six c. Ten to five d. .ive past ten #1. ##.// it is five ... a. To twelve b. 'ast twelve c. To eleven d. 'ast eleven #4. Rudi 9 ... pick me up at nine p.m & Anas 9 of course. a. $ould you b. $here you c. $ho you d. $hen you #6. !t is twenty past eight. a. *6.)/ b. *6.)* c. *4. * d. *6.,* #+. "ofia has lunch at a ;uarter past twelve. The word >has lunch mean ...? a. -akan pagi b. -akan siang c. -akan malam d. Tidur siang )*. @ohan ... in the bathroom at six a.m a. 3oes to bed b. Takes a nap c. Has lunch d. Takes a bath )#. 8 9 what time do you have breakfast <1.#)= : 9 ! have breakfast at. a. A ;uarter past six b. A half past six c. Half past three d. A ;uarter to three )). Hilma ... to school by car. a. 3oes b. Takes c. Has d. 3oing ) . "ofia is in the ... she has lunch. a. 2edroom b. 2athroom c. 3arage d. Diningroom ),. -erly ... in the bedroom. a. Aats b. $atering flower c. 5ooks d. "leeps )/. 8 9 ... is mother & : 9 she is in the kitchen. a. $here b. $ho c. $hat d. $hen )1. 8 9 does -aria play in the yard & <belaBar= : 9 ... a. :es, it is b. :es, she does c. Co, is is not d. Co, she does not )4. .ather likes ... in the river. a. 5amping b. .ishing c. Dancing d. 'laying 2asketball )6. They are ... !ndonesia Raya. a. Dancing b. "inging c. .ishing d. 'laying )+. Tika likes ... story book. a. 3iving b. Reading c. 'laying d. Doing *. $illy takes a nap in the ... a. -orning b. Afternoon c. Avening d. Cight

#. ! ... to school on foot a. 3o b. 3oes II.

c. 3oing

d. $ent

0ill t-e /lank 1it- y!2r !1n 1!r3. #. Ratna is a philatalist. Her hobby is collecting ... ). Rahma is sleeping in the ... . He likes to write a letter his hobby is ... ,. Dewi does not like reading. "he ... dancing. /. 7inda tidak suka memasak. An Anglish is ... 1. <##.)*= we studying relegion at ... 4. Duarter to six Bika ditulis dengan angka ... 6. Half ... six </. *= +. $hat time is it & <6./*= it is ... #*. ! go home from school <##.,/=. what time is it ... ##. "wimming E pool E you E me E would E take E the E to. @ika di susun ... #). The boys are swimming in the ... # . They go to 2andung. The negative from is ... #,. $e ... in the bathroom everyday. #/. Ava pulang dari sekolah pada Bam #). An Anglish is ...

III. An.1er t-e.e 4!ll!1in 52e.ti!n. #. -ention / hobbies F ). $hat time is it. a. 6.)* G c. ##.)/ G b. +.,/ G d. #*.,* G . 5hange the negative and introgative form <H= Anita sings a song on the stage. <I= ..... <&= ..... ,. -ention / your daily activities F /. $hat is the place for ... a. 5lassroom for ... b. Jitchen is for ... c. 2athroom is for ... d. Diningroom is for ... e. 3arage is for ...


Sekretariat : Jl. Raya Grin in N!. " A GROGOL #$%&% '(&$ ) **"&+$


BIDANG STUDI : Bahasa Inggris : .................................................. KELAS : IV : .................................................. NO. ABSEN NAMA


,-!!.e t-e ri -t an.1er. #. Hendra meets -rs. Ani at 6.** p.m. He say ... a. 3ood evening b. 3ood night c. 3ood morning ). Rina 9 ............. & Ana 9 ! am very well. Thank F a. How are you b. 5ongratulation c. How do you do . -y mother always says >have a nice dream.dream before ! get bed. The under line mean ... a. "emoga harimu indah c. "emoga baik b. "emoga mimpi indah d. "emoga beruntung ,. Anggi 9 congratulation ReKa. ReKa 9 ................ a. Hi b. Hello c. Have nice day /. Rudi 9 ! will have Anglish test tomorrow F Anto 9 ... Rudi 9 Thank youF a. 3ood bye b. How are you c. 5ongratulation 1. @oko meets Raratin at *4.** a.m. He says ... a. 3ood afternoon b. 3ood bye c. 3ood morning 4. "ampai ketemu besok and Anglish F a. 3ood bye b. "ee you tomorrow c. Thank you 6. Rusdi wants to sleep. His father says ... a. 3ood night b. 3ood bye c. 3ood evening +. The teacher has finished to teach. "he will leave the class. a. 3ood morning b. 3ood bye c. 3ood evening #*. Teacher 9 Are you a student & Ana 9 .................. a. :es, she is b. :es, they are c. :es, he is ##. $hat ... your name & a. do b. am c. are #). Cice to ... you Cina. a. meet b. night c. neet # . .... do you live &

d. 3ood afternoon

d. "ee you later

d. Thank you

d. 3ood luck d. 3ood night d. How are you d. 3ood afternoon d. 3ood luck

d. :es, ! am d. is d. light

a. $hat b. $hom c. $here #,. ... <semoga berhasil= F a. 3ood fine b. 3ood night c. 3ood luck #/. ! am ... <pelaBar= a. teacher b. student c. gardener #1. 0ur uniform of elementary school is ... and ... a. white and brown c. yellow and white b. red and grey d. red and white #4. The colour of flag is red and ... a. green b. grey c. white #6. The colour of Basmine is ... a. red b. white c. orange #+. The colour of leaf is ... a. yellow b. green c. white )*. The colour of banana is ... a. green b. yellow c. orange )#. $e clean the blackboard with ... a. an eraser b. chalk c. rubber )). "oap, tooth brush, tooth past, dipper are thing in the ... a. class room b. kitchen c. bath room ) . -y sister is cutting with ... a. knife b. spoon c. plate ),. Ana keeps her dress in the ... a. sofa b. table c. cup beard )/. Doni usually sleeps in the ... a. kitchen b. bath room c. living room )1. .ather takes a bath in the ... a. living room b. dining room c. bath room )4. Jnife, spoon, plate and gas stove are thing in the ... a. class room b. kitchen c. dining room )6. "ofa, table, T(, clock, table coth are things in the ... a. bath room b. living room c. dining room )+. 2edroom is place for ... a. eating b. cooking c. sleeping *. Table, chair, blackboard and map are thing in the ... a. teaching room b. library c. living room II.

d. $ho d. 3ood bye d. need master

d. brown d. blue d. red d. red d. ruler d. bed room d. bowl d. bath tap d. bed room d. garden d. bed room d. bed room d. studying d. class room

0ill t-e /lank 1it- y!2r !1n 1!r3. 6I.ila- 3en an kata7kata82 .en3iri yan /enar9. #. Ani 9 3ood morning 3andi & 3andi 9 ... ). Rudi 9 How are you today & Anas 9 ... . ... you tomorrow. ,. ... .ather. ! want to sleep F /. ! want to get mathematic test. 3ood ... for you. 1. The colour of the blackboard is ...

4. The colour of our flag is ... and ... 6. The colour of your shoes and socks are ... and ... +. The cup board is ... #*. The grapes is ... ##. The students are studying in the ... #). 7ia E watching E television E is E the E in 7iving room. @ika disusun ... # . 3reen E leaves E The E are E the E in E garden. @ika disusun ... #,. Take E the E soap E can E me E you & E pease. @ika disusun ... #/. -arlin use spoon and plate for ... III. An.1er t-e.e 4!ll!1in 52e.ti!n. #. -ention , greeting F ). -ention the colour of rainbow& . -ention thing in the bathroom </=. ,. -ention / thing in the bed room F /. -ention thing for cutting and keeping the clothes F


Sekretariat : Jl. Raya Grin in N!. " A GROGOL #$%&% '(&$ ) **"&+$


BIDANG STUDI : Bahasa Inggris : .................................................. KELAS : VI : .................................................. NO. ABSEN NAMA

7ast holiday, Ana went to village. "he visited her grand parents she went there with her parents. They went there by car it took two hours to get her grand parents house. $hen they arrived at grand parents house. They wellcomed Ana and her parent happily. 3rand mother made them tea. Then they drank tea while eating snacks. 3rand mother also cooked special menu for them. "he made soup, fried fish, and chili souce. They were Ana%s favorite food. Ana was very happy. "he met grand parents and saw beautiful seenery of the village. Ana stayed there for a week. I. ,-!!.e t-e /e.t an.1er /y :r! A; B; ,; an3 D. #. $hen did Ana%s visit her grand parents & a. to day b. yesterday c. cast holiday ). How did Ana go to the village & "he went by ... a. carage b. bike c. on foot . Did grand mother make and caffe & a. :es, she did b. :es, she does c. Co, she did not ,. $as Ana happy in the village & a. Co, she is not b. Co, she does not c. :es, she does /. How long did Ana stay at grand parents house & a. a month b. a years c. a week 1. !ndonesia is located in south east. The underline is ... a. 2arat daya b. Tenggara c. 2arat laut 4. The sun rise in the ... every day. a. Corth b. "outh c. $est 6. This is <perempatan=. a. T.Bunction b. :.Bunction c. Kebra cross +. The sight mean.

d. last week d. car d. :es, ! do d. :es, she was d. a day d. Timur laut d. Aast d. crossroad

a. Turn night b. Turn left #*. ... is the capital of central Bava. a. @akarta b. 2andung ##. Denpasar is the capital city of ... a. @ava b. Aast @ava

c. 3o a head c. "emarang c. 2ali

d. 5ross d. "urabaya d. $est @ava

#). Dina went to the village. The negative form ... a. Dina do not go to the village c. Dina does not go to the village b. Dina did not went to this village d. Dina did not go to the village # . :udi ... mountain last holiday. a. climb b. climbs c. climbed d. climbing #,. "andi goes ... in the river <memancing=. a. shopping b. fishing c. camping d. swimming #/. A 9 Did you go to the beach last holiday & 2 9 :es, ... a. ! did b. ! do c. ! am d. ! does #1. Dina doesn%t go any where on "unday. He ... at home. a. visits b. goes c. climbs d. stoys #4. 2etween south and east is ... a. east south b. south east c. shout east d. east #6. -r. Harno is not young. He is ... a. old b. young c. elever d. then #+. Tomi is ... boy <tampan=. a. ugly b. old c. beautiful d. handsome )*. The mos;ue is ... the school. <bersebrangan=. a. between b. behind c. beside d. a crossfrom )#. The opposite of cuest is ... a. east b. north c. south d. south east )). A 9 ... do you go swimming 2 9 0n "unday. a. $hen b. $ho c. $hom d. $here ) . The opposite of diligent is ... a. clever b. happy c. laKy d. smart ),. How is the man & ... is young and handsame. a. He b. "he c. !t d. They )/. $e need a tent and daily tools for. a. swimming b. camping c. fishing d. painting )1. Amelia ... grand parents last holiday. a. visit b. visits c. visited d. visiting )4. -r. Rudi%s house is not small. !t is ... a. cheap b. big c. fat d. slim )6. -y pen is Rp. )*** your pen is Rp./***. -y pen is ... then your pen. a. longer b. shorter c. more expensive d. cheaper )+. 3randfather and 3randmother lined in the... a. city b. village c. river d. Koo *. They went to 2ali ... holiday. a. last b. on c. next d. on "unday


0ill t-e /lank 1it- y!2r !1n 1!r3. Post #. 3o a head turn right the post office is on the ...

). Red, yellow, green are the colour of ... . $hen the traffic light snow red we must ... ,. The sight mean ...

/. The capital city of east Bava is ... 1. The bank is ... shoap and restaurant <diantara= 4. Jalimantan is ... of Bava. 6. :ou E tell E way E could E me E bank E to E the I & E the. @ika disusun ... +. "arah lebih cantik daripada :uni. An Anglish is ... #*. The sight mean ...

##. Alephan is ... than tiger. #). Rudi doesn%t like apple. He ... a mango. # . 'eople cross the street on the ... #,. The opposite of expensive is ... #/. The costs )/* millions. !t is ... <mahal= III. An.1er t-e 52e.ti!n #. -ention / kind of direction F ). Drow the compass and give the name F . $hat is the opposite a. "mall LM ... d. 7aKy LM ... b. 2eautiful LM ... e. Handsome LM ... c. Axpensive LM ... ,. 5hange the <I= and <&= <H= .ather visited my grand parents in 2anten. <I= <&= /. Jalimantan adalah pulau yang paling besar. TerBemahkan F


Sekretariat : Jl. Raya Grin in N!. " A GROGOL #$%&% '(&$ ) **"&+$


BIDANG STUDI : Bahasa Inggris : .................................................. KELAS : III : .................................................. NO. ABSEN NAMA


,-!!.e t-e ri -t an.1er. 6Pili-la- <a1a/an yan /enar9 #. ! can bring a book with ... a. hand b. finger c. foot ). $e watch T( with ... a. foot b. ear c. eyes . $e use ... for tasting <lidah=. a. fingers b. mouth c. tongue ,. ! E two E have E ears. a. have two ! ears b. two ! have ears c. ! have two ears /. This is my ... <perat=. a. neek b. knes c. chest 1. $e have ten ... a. hand b. elbow c. shoulder 4. The teeth are for ... a. listening b. speaking c. chewing 6. There is a car in the ... a. garage b. kitchen c. dining room +. -elisa is cooking in the ... a. dining room b. bath room c. kitchen #*. -r. Rio meets the ;uest in the ... a. bath room b. living room c. kitchen ##. There is a bed in the ... a. garage b. kitchen c. bed room #). There are many plants and flower in the ... a. kitchen b. garage c. garden # . The boys are playing football in the ... a. bed room b. yard c. kitchen #,. There is a car in the ... a. classroom b. garage c. kitchen #/. There is the picture on the wall. The underlines is ... a. penghapus b. gambar c. peta

d. elbow d. hand d. eye d. ears two have ! d. stomach d. fingers d. walking d. bath room d. living room d. bed room d. bath room d. classroom d. bath room d. bed room d. kemuceng


0ill t-e /lank 1it- y!2r !1n 1!r3. #. ! listen with my ... ). "houlder, stomach, and breash part of ... . $e can smell the flower with ... ,. 2efore eating you must wash your ... /. $e sleep in the ... 1. -other cooks rice in the ... 4. There is a car in the ... 6. 0pen the ... it is very hot F +. .ather is smoking. He needs ... #*. Table, sofa, picture and astray thing in the ...

III. An.1er t-e 52e.ti!n. #. -ention part of your body F ). Translate these in !ndonesia a. nose G ... b. head G ... e. face G ... . -ention / part of the house F ,. $hat is the function of. a. Aye is for ... b. -outh is for ... c. 7eg is for ... d. Cose is for ... /. -ention / thing in the living room.

c. elbow G ...

d. shoulder G ...

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