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through Bertha Dudde 7427

Spiritual nourishment at the table of the Lord....

ou should a!!ept mu!h spiritual bread" for the time of drought is #et to !ome" $hen it $ill be impossible for #ou to establish a heartfelt bond $ith %e for a longer length of time" $hen #ou ma# !onsider #oursel&es fortunate if #our thoughts !an sta# $ith %e briefl#" and $hen" during intimate !omposure" #ou $ill find it diffi!ult to listen to %# Words. 'hen these short thoughts must be enough to permeate #ou $ith strength" $hi!h ( $ill not den# #ou.... )o$e&er" as long as it is still possible #ou should use #our time $ell and let #oursel&es be nourished and refreshed as often as possible. ( onl# gi&e #ou this good ad&i!e in order to strengthen #ou for the forth!oming time" for it $ill re*uire mu!h strength" $hi!h #ou !an onl# re!ei&e $ith %# Word. (f #our soul is nourished $ith bread and $ine" it $ill also be resistant to all threatening !hallenges. ( +m at all times read# to pro&ide it $ith this nourishing food" ( +m al$a#s read# to spea, $ith %# !hildren and to ad&ise them" to admonish and to $arn them" for ( onl# $ant $hat is best for %# O$n" and ( $ill al$a#s guide them su!h that the# !an feed themsel&es at %# table at all times. +nd #ou should a&ail #oursel&es of this.... ou should often lend %e #our ear" #ou should open #our hearts to %e" #ou should open the door of #our heart $ide so that ( !an enter %# house.... and #ou should prepare this house for %e" $hi!h !an onl# happen if #ou ser&e ea!h other $ith lo&e" if #ou a!!ept %# Word and li&e up to it" if #ou therefore en-o# the nourishment and refreshment and be!ome suitable for the $or, of impro&ing #our soul b# li&ing a!!ording to %# $ill" hen!e" if #ou are not -ust listeners but doers of %# Word. )a&ing thus opened up a spring for #ou from $hi!h the $ater of life

flo$s forth" #ou should also bend do$n fre*uentl# and drin, from this spring" and all of #ou $ill feel noti!eabl# strengthened" #ou $ill be able to !ontinue #our earthl# pilgrimage $ith greater ease" the burden of life $ill not oppress #ou so mu!h if #ou progress in a strong and health# state and $ithdra$ this strength and health from the nourishment ( %#self offer to #ou time and again.... +ll of #ou should !ome to the spring and ta,e a rest" and !olle!t ne$ strength again" and also distribute this nourishment to those $ho are in need of it and $ho" tired and e.hausted" sin, do$n to the spring in order to refresh themsel&es.... Dra$ the $ater of life for them and offer it to them" and #ou $ill be blessed for it. +nd attra!t $a#farers to the spring" in&ite them to ta,e a brea, and strengthen themsel&es before the# !ontinue on their $a#" $hi!h $ill al$a#s re*uire ne$ strength until the pilgrimage is o&er.... /one of #ou need to be $ea," #ou !an al$a#s as, for ne$ strength" #ou !an al$a#s fet!h nourishment from %# table ane$ and need not be afraid that ( $ill be miserl# or e&er den# #ou food.... ( +m al$a#s $illing to gi&e plent#" and #ou should ma,e use of it and also demand an abundan!e.... ou $ill re!ei&e it" and it $ill al$a#s be in #our best interest. 0at and drin, the bread and $ine of life.... ( %#self offer #ou the nourishment and the !up for #our soul" but do not b#pass it !arelessl#" trusting that #our o$n strength is enough for #our pilgrimage.... 'he path of as!ent is steep and !annot be !o&ered $ithout an influ. of strength. +l$a#s remember this and therefore ta,e a rest $here&er #ou find a spring $hi!h %# lo&e made a!!essible for #ou. 'he time $ill !ome $hen #ou $ill be hindered b# %# ad&ersar#1s de!eitfulness" then #ou shall ha&e enough suppl#" then di&ine strength shall permeate #ou b# merel# sending a silent thought to %e" for ( $ill not abandon %# O$n" ( $ill nourish and refresh them in a spiritual and earthl# $a#" e&en if it seems impossible to #ou.... For %# lo&e for #ou and %# po$er are boundless.... +men

2ublished b# friends of ne$ re&elations of God 3 (nformation" do$nload of all translated re&elations" theme4boo,lets at5 http566$$$.bertha4dudde.info6english6inde..html

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