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Lesson Plan Subject: English lesson Date:The 13th of February,2013 Teacher:Perciuleac Maria Level:9th grade Theme: Wedding and

Customs; Type of lesson: mixed Time allowed:45min Lyceum :Academic Lyceum of Fine Arts Igor Vieru
Subcompetence1: To communicate in English language; Lesson Aims: The pupils will be able to:

To practice talking about The Armish people; To practice talking about wedding; To enlarge the vocabulary about love and marriage; To talk about wedding customs in Moldova and in other countries. Methods and techniques: Disscution; Speking; Frontal activity; Individual work; Role play; Listening; Materials: -Book; -Video projector; -Images;

Time (min) 1min

Stages Organiza -tion


Teacher`s activity Hello my dear pupils! How do you feel? Are you good mood? Are you ready for the lesson? Sure? -So , What was your homework for today?

Pupil`s activity Hello teacher! I`m fine Yes, we are good-mood!We are ready ! Sure! Our homework for today was :to read the ex.2 from page 73 and to read the information from Info Box. -Yeees!

Methods Disscuss ion

-Have you read? -Lets see how did you understand. 1.Who are the Armish ?

Checking 10min homewor k

To practice talking about The Armish people 2.Are they farming people? 3. How do the men look?But women?

4. What can you say about their children?


1.The Armish are a religious group who live in settlements in 22American states and in Ontario, Canada. 2.Yes, they are. 3.Men wear beardsand wide Frontal brimmed hats , and activity women wear plain long dresses and bonnets . 4. They send their children to private ,one room school houses.Children attend only through the eight grade. After that ,they work on their family`s farm or bussines until they marry.

Now ,who wants to read the information from The pupil reads the ex.2, page 73? information. Please.. (one pupil)

Then ,match the word with their definition:

1.train-d.part of a dress which hangs down to the ground at the back. 2.attire(no pl.)-c.(formal) clothing. 3.plain-b.simple. 4.outfit-a.set of clothing.

The pupils do this exercise in their notebooks.

Individu al work

Warming up 3min

15 min


To practice talking about wedding ; Lets find the disscussion points and ex.2 ,page 72. There we have some questions : a) Who offers flowers in our country?When? What kind of flowers? b)What do flowers presented on the occasion of a marriage

Now, you must listen a piece of music and try to associate with our today`s theme. Make a prediction! Yes! You are right ! This is a famous wedding march! As you see our today`s theme is Weddings and customs! Our today`s objectives are:..(the teacher reads the learning objectives). Lets find this theme on page 72. Up on the page in the right part we have a motto . Have you found it? Lets read, please.. Do you agree with it?

The pupils listen the music. It`s a wedding song!

Listenin g

The pupils put down the theme Weddings and customs.

One pupil read the motto: A successfull marriage is edifice that must be rebuilt every day. Maurois -Yes!

Men as usually.At birthday, at other holidays.Roses, tulips, snowdrops in the spring Red roses symbolize love , white flowers purity, kindness.

Frontal activity

To enlarge the vocabulary about love and marriage;

symbolize? c). What ages are good for marriage ?Why? -Can you describe your ideal partener?Describe him/her using the idioms from page 72(Info Box) Work in pairs or in groups and make a dialogue using the following words and expression s (ex.3 , page72 Weddings and customs in Moldova In America and in other many countries there is no wedding without these words. These are Bible reading which the priest read to the bridal couple during the religious ceremony. Reading from Power Point Presentation . Love is patiant and kind

The pupils describe their ideal partener .

Convers ation

10min Role Play To talk about wedding customs in Moldova and in other countries;

The pupils work in pairs or in groups and write a dialogue , then present it in the front of the class.

Pair work/gr oup work


Presentat ion

The pupils listen and follow the reading Listenin of their teacher g .They express their own thoughts according with this words .



Your homework is to write a short comment (1 page )on theme love and marriage ,using our today`s motto A succesfull marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day Your marks for today are The lesson is over! Good bye!

The pupils write down their homework .

Good bye!

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