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GENERAL COMPREHENSION 1. The scene takes place in South Africa . How can we know ? (2 quotes) We can know that the scene takes place in South Africa thanks to these quotes : l.52 Robben islan ! " #.$% it &a e &e 'er( prou to be South African! an l.)5 it rea s that *ienaar sees all of *retoria! an we know that *retoria is South Africa+s e,ecuti'e capital . 2. Where is the action set ? The action is set in *retoria- South Africa - &ore precisel( in the in the *resi ent+s office . .t is quote : /an ela leaps up fro& behin his esk! 0#.1" *ienaar walks awa( fro& the *resi ent+s office! 0#.)23 3. When oes it take place ? The scene takes place after 4elson &an ela+s election in 155% an 6ust before the 1555 Ru7b( Worl 8up in South Africa . .t takes place shortl( after 9rancois *ienaar ha been in'ite to tea b( the presi ent . The action is set in the afternoon . 0#.223 the :n7lish ha'e 7i'e- us &an( thin7s- inclu in7 ru7b(- but afternoon tea is one of the 7reatest!. 4 ; 5 : #ist all the in i'i ual characters in the scene an sa( in what wa( the( are connecte to each other. The characters liste are 4elson /an ela- the newl( electe presi ent of South Africa- /rs <rits - the tea la (! who is the presi ent =s assistant an 9ran>ois *ienaar- the captain of the South Africa+s rub7( tea& the Sprinboks an who is /an ela+s 7uest. <oth of the& are South African an lea ers. DETAILED COMPREHENSION 6. 9ocus on the lines fro& 1 to 31 . What oes this scene re'eal about the cultural herita7e an tra itions of South Africa? :,plain b( 7i'in7 3 etails. .t is &a e it clear in the te,t that the cultural herita7e an tra itions of South Africa are a &i,ture of the Afrikaaner an :n7lish influences. 9or e,a&ple- =#. 2?3 *ienaar sa(s : - Aan7ena&e kennis- /e'rou <rits! which is an Afrikaaner 7reetin7 to /rs <rits. Another e,a&ple- 0#.2$3 is the escription of /an ela+s &anners as @! not out of place in Aictorian :n7lan !. <ut &ost i&portantl( is the followin7 quote : 0#223 The :n7lish ha'e 7i'en us &an( thin7s- inclu in7 ru7b(- but afternoon tea is one of the 7reatestB! . ). Sa( who or what the followin7 pronouns or nouns refer to in the te,t .
it (L.8) : .t refers to *ienaar+s ankle. shining light (L.15) : .t

refers to M s ! "ts . us (L.32) : Sout# A$ "%an &eo&le yours (L.39) : The & es"'ent(s )o*+

Robben island (L.52) :

9a&ous )a"l,& "son (o$$ t#e %oast o$ Ca&e To-n) Invictus: .t refers to a fa&ous &oe. 0*/ t#e En0l"s# &oet 1"ll"a. E nest Henle/) + we (L.61) : .t refers to the S& "nkoks &la/e s " t#e tea. Nkosi Sikelel iA rika (L.67) : a fa&ous son0. 8. .n what wa( is /a ela+s 6ob si&ilar to *ienaar+s ? Answer in (our own wor s an 7i'e 2 quotat"ons. /an ela+s 6ob is si&ilar to *ienaar+s in that the( both lea 7roups- the( both nee to inspire! : /an ela the nation- *ienar his ru7b( tea&. 9. What is the at&osphere like urin7 the con'ersation ? Custif( b( quotin7 fro& the te,t. The at&osphere is 'er( frien l( an quite rela,e . *ienaar rela,es 'isibl(! " The presi ent is tr(in7 is best to &ake his 7uest feel co&fortable.! 2This is s&all talk he can han le. This is /an ela+s 7ift.! .!/an ela pours tea for both of the&! 0#.2?3 . The at&osphere is efinitel( lai back an respectful - but with a clear intention on /an ela+s part. 10. .s *ienaar appreciate b( the *resi ent ? Custif( b( quotin7 fro& the te,t. *ienaar is hi7hl( appreciate b( the presi ent who 7reatl( respects the national tea&. He is honore that he has accepte his in'itation : .+& so e,cite !. He is aware of the ifficult( of his 6ob as a captain : Dou ha'e a 'er( ifficult 6ob 0#.2$ 3. .n a ition- when /an ela asks hi& : How+s (our ankle!? - it is clear that he presi ent cares about the wellEbein7 of the captain . 11. Rea a7ain $ o. l"ne 33 to l"ne 45 - an e,plain in (our wor s what /an ela is tr(in7 to &ake *ienaar see with his &e&ories of his prison a(s . What i he ha'e in &in ? What i he e,pect *ienaar to o ? Custif( (our answers b( quotin7 the te,t. (35 -o 's) He is tr(in7 to &ake hi& un erstan that inspiration is necessar( to lea 7roups to success. He wants hi& to be aware that e'en in ifficult ti&es- there is alwa(s hope an it is possible to fin so&ethin7- an(thin7 that &a( inspire an &oti'ate such as wor s fro& others or a son7 as a unif(in7 force. He e,pects *ienaar to fin inspiration to &oti'ate his tea&&ates6ust like he hi&self i with a poe& on Robben .slan which helpe hi& to stan when all he wante was to lie own.! .nspiration is a powerful weapon which people &a( use to chan7e thin7s. /an ela wants to fin a wa( to &ake the Sprinboks win an thus unite the white an black population behin the tea& =s colours 12. 8hoose fro& the followin7 list the 3 a')e%t"6es that best appl( to the characters. 7ust"$/ (our choice b( quotin7 fro& the te,t.


9:OTES 8aptain of the Sprinboks. A 'er( ifficult 6ob 0#.2F3 /an ela leaps up fro& behin his esk- crosses the roo& to &eet *ienaar 0#.13"!What an honor. .+& so e,cite ! 0#.23
How is (our ankle?! " 8aptain of the Sprinboks. A 'er( ifficult 6ob 0#.2F3 " " /an ela pours tea for both of the&! 0#.2?3 " this con'ersation has a profoun i&pact on *ienaar .! 0#.)13



9:OTES 8aptain of the Sprinboks. A 'er( ifficult 6ob 0#.2F3 " *ienaar is en7rosse ! 0#.%53 The truth is- sir- (ou ne'er pla( at a hun re percent- no &atter what 0#.1?3 " the( &ake a lot of sense- sir!0#.5)3 still processin7 his &eetin7 with / 0#.)23

13. Sa( if the *resi ent has achie'e his ai&. What i&pact oes this &aster lesson on lea ership ha'e on *ienaar ? How oes he feel when he lea'es the *resi ent+s office ? :,plain b( quotin7 fro& the te,t . (35 -o 's) The presi ent has achie'e his ai& which was to teach the (oun7 captain how to lea a tea&. <oth &en see& to a7ree on the sub6ect of inspiration .The presi ent has &a e an i&pression on *ienaar an their con'ersation has a profoun i&pact on hi&. This &aster lesson on lea ership! see&s to ha'e 7reatl( inspire 9ran>ois. All of a su en - he un erstan s that the *resi ent pins his hopes on the national tea& which coul be a source of inspiration for the whole nation if the( won the Worl 8up.. As a result - when he lea'es the e,ecuti'e buil in7- the (oun7 captain feels not onl( stunne an &(stifie but also 7reatl( inspire . He feels 'er( weir after their &eetin7 an it see&s as if he is 7oin7 to follow /an ela+s a 'ice. So&ethin7 has chan7e . 9ro& now on- thin7s will be ifferent. He see&s to be con'ince that his tea& can " will win the Worl 8up. 4othin7 is i&possibleB 14. 9ocus on the last part of the scene . To what e,tent can one sa( that this scene is a tu n"n0;&o"nt 0tournant3 in the &o'ie ? :,plain in (our own wor s an 7i'e 2 quotations. (@5 -o 's) This scene can be consi ere as a turnin7 point in the no'el in that the &eetin7 *ienaar has 6ust ha with his *resi ent will fore'er chan7e the wa( in which he sees his countr( an his 6ob. /an ela has succee e in inspirin7 the captain who looks thou7htfull( at his countr(. He will ne'er see his countr( an his people in the sa&e wa(B He looks at his countr( in a new wa(! as he is full( aware that he an his ru7b( tea& &a( pla( a lea in7 role in the &akin7 of the new South Africa. The en of the scene lea s the rea er to belie'e that *ienaar will 6oin /an ela+s fi7ht an to7ether the( will 6oin forces to buil a new nation an brin7 the Rainbow nation to7etherB Reconciliation starts on the ru7b( fiel 0pitch3B

MEETING 1ITH THE PRESIDENT - IN8ICT:S (255A) " A apte fro& the &o'ie script

Man'ela lea&s u& $ o. *e#"n' #"s 'eskB % osses t#e oo. to .eet P"enaa +
!rancois" what an honor. I# so e$cited.

T#e/ s#ake #an's+

A %hank you or co#ing all this way to see #e. &es" sir. No 'roble#. %hank you or inviting #e. %ell #e. (ows your ankle) *y ankle) I was told youd hurt it. (as it healed)

P"enaa elaCesB 6"s"*l/+ T#"s "s s.all talk #e %an #an'le+ T#"s "s Man'ela(s 0"$t+ )

%he truth is" sir" you never 'lay at a hundred 'ercent" no #atter what. &es ... yes. In s'orts" and in li e. +o#e. Sit. ,lease. ("n'"%at"n0 a %#a" %ake this one. -ooking into the light hurts #y eyes.

A kno%k at t#e 'oo B an' M s+ !RITS t#e ol' A$ "kane tea la'/ ente sB %a /"n0 a tea t a/+ 1@ Man'ela stan's a0a"nB "..e'"atel/+
Ah" *rs. .rits -- you are a shining light in #y day. &es sir.

E/es t-"nkl"n0B M s+ ! "ts &uts t#e tea t a/ 'o-n on t#e %o$$ee ta*le "n $ ont o$ t#e.+ T#e $"nest %#"naB %ook"es on a &late+
25 *rs. .rits" this is !rancois ,ienaar. (es the ca'tain o the S'ringboks.

Man'ela %lea l/ eC&e%ts P"enaa to s#ake #an's -"t# M s+ ! "ts+ P"enaa #ol's out #"s #an' ; (A$ "kaans 0 eet"n0) - Aangena#e kennis" *evrou .rits. ;; 0entl/ s#akes #e s+ (to Man'ela)
Shall I 'our" sir) No thank you" I think Id like to.

- Ek ook, Meneer.

M s+ ! "ts lea6es+ Man'ela 'oes not s"t unt"l t#e 'oo %loses *e#"n' #e + P"enaa onl/ s"ts a$te #e 'oes+ Man'ela(s .anne s -oul' not *e out o$ &la%e "n 8"%to "an En0lan'+
2D 35 (ow do you take your tea" !rancois) *ilk and sugar" 'lease.

Man'ela &ou s tea $o *ot# o$ t#e.+ P"enaa eal"Ees t#at #e e #e "sB -"t# t#e P es"'ent &ou "n0 #". a %u& o$ tea+
-%he /nglish have given us #any things" including rugby" but a ternoon tea is one o the greatest. 33 Man'ela #an's P"enaa t#e tea %u&+ - %hank you" sir.

Man'ela looks P"enaa "n t#e e/e+

&ou have a very di icult 0ob. I do) +a'tain o the S'ringboks. A very di icult 0ob. Not co#'ared to yours" sir. Ah" but then nobody is trying to tear #y head o while I# doing #ine. It is not so di icult to get 'eo'le to do their best. And I i#agine that anybody who 'lays or their country does their best" al#ost auto#atically. 1r they wouldnt be chosen in the irst 'lace. &es. .ut to get 'eo'le to be better than that) .etter than they think they can be) Now" that is di icult" I ind. &es sir" it is. (ow do we do that) .y e$a#'le) %o an e$tent. .ut there is #ore to it than that ... %#"n0 $o t#e "0#t -o ') ... ins'iration" 'erha's.

(sea @A P"enaa "s en0 osse'+ T#"s "s a .aste lesson on lea'e s#"&B $ o. a .aste +

(ow do we ins'ire ourselves to greatness" when nothing less will do) (ow do we ins'ire everyone around us) So#eti#es" I think" by using the work o others. 1n Robben Island" when things were very hard" I ound ins'iration in a 'oe#. - A 'oe#) - A 2ictorian 'oe#. 3ust words..ut they hel'ed #e to stand when all I wanted was to lie down . 33 (su''enl/ '"s."ss"6e) .ut you didnt co#e all this way to hear an old #an talk about things that #ake no sense. No4 %hey #ake a lot o sense" sir. 1n the day o a big #atch" say a test" in the bus on the way to the stadiu#" nobody talks. - &es ... yes. /verybody is 're'aring. - 5hen I think were ready" I have the bus driver 'ut on a song Ive chosen6 a the#e song. 1ne we all know. 5e listen together and ... it hel's. - &es4 I re#e#ber when I was a guest at the 7889 1ly#'ic :a#es in .arcelona. %he whole stadiu# welco#ed #e with a song. At the ti#e the uture -- our uture -- see#ed very bleak. .ut to hear that song" in voices ro# all over our 'lanet ... it #ade #e very 'roud to be South A rican. It hel'ed #e to co#e ho#e and do better. It allowed #e to e$'ect #ore o #ysel . - *ay I ask what the song was" sir) - 5ell" it was Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika. A very ins'iring song.

DF Man'ela looks "nto P"enaa (s e/es+ 5e need ins'iration" !rancois. .ecause" in order to build our nation" we all need to e$ceed our own e$'ectations. 41"n0 &asses *et-een t#e.+ 1#ate6e "t "s #as a & o$oun' ".&a%t on P"enaa +
&es" sir. 5e 'robably do.

P"enaa -alks a-a/ $ o. t#e P es"'ent(s o$$"%esB st"ll & o%ess"n0 #"s .eet"n0 -"t# Man'ela+ He see.s a l"ttle stunne' an' ./st"$"e'+"n0 & o$oun' )ust #a&&ene' ;; *ut #e(s not qu"te su e 43 1#at+ 1#en P"enaa ste&s outs"'e an' sees all o$ P eto "a ;; all o$ Sout# A$ "%a ;; st et%#"n0 a-a/ *elo#".B #e &auses+ He looks at #"s %ount / "n a ne- -a/+

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