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1 Read and choose the best choice, according to the situation in reading 2: Lisa's father thinks that she to get better grades.

2 Read and choose the best option to complete the sentence, according to the reading 2: Claire tells Lisa that . 3 According to the audio file 2, choose the answer for the question: What does low price trip include? Seleccione una respuesta. a. trip and food. b. food and lugging. c. food and trip. d. tips and lugging. 4

According to the dialogue (reading 1), choose the correct answer for the question: Mary says that one person is more modest. Who is this person?
Seleccione una respuesta. a. Bill b. Crowe c. Janet d. John 5

According to the dialogue (reading 1), choose the correct choice to complete the statement:

Janet says that Brad Pitt is so handsome. This means that Brad Pitt is ______________.
Seleccione una respuesta. a. a person who looks sweet and nice b. a person who is very intelligent c. a person who is very good-looking d. a person who attracts other people 6 According to the audio file 2, choose the correct answer for the question: What can you learn in your vacation about? Seleccione una respuesta. a. About Balinese history, language and people. b. About Balinese language, culture and people c. About Balinese history, language and culture. d. About Balinese language, history and people. 7 According to the audio file 2, the text is about: Seleccione una respuesta. a. school b. future plans c. daily activities d. vacation 8 According to the audio file 1, choose the correct option to answer the question: Which of these activities can you do?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. You can go fishing b. You can go swimming. c. You can go shopping. d. You can go to the cinema. 9

According to the dialogue (reading 1), choose the correct answer for the question: Which is the comparative form of "good"?
Seleccione una respuesta. a. the best b. Gooder than c. more good than d. better than 10 According to the audio file 2, choose the correct answer for the question: When can you travel? Seleccione una respuesta. a. In August and November. b. In July and December. c. In August and December. d. In November and December. 11 According to the audio 2, choose the correct answer for the question. Where can you stay during your vacation? Seleccione una respuesta. a. In the beach. b. With other people. c. With a family in their home. d. In a hotel. 12 According to the audio file 1, choose the best option to complete the sentence: You ________________ visit an old church. Seleccione una respuesta. a. Can b. can not c. can't d. can

13 Read and choose the correct option, according to the reading 2: Lisa's mother says she has to work as hard as her brother. This means that: Seleccione una respuesta. a. Lisa is as good student as her brother, b. Lisa is better student than her brother. c. Lisa is not as good student as her brother. 14

According to the dialogue (reading 1), choose the correct choice to complete the sentence: Jane, Bill, Mary and John _____________ a movie theater.
Seleccione una respuesta. a. is entering b. are entering c. is leaving d. are leaving 15 According to the audio file 1, answer the question: Can you take a sauna? Seleccione una respuesta. a. No, he can't. b. Yes, I can. c. Yes, I can't. d. No, I can't

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