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All about Informatica Session Properties

Posted: 16 Nov 2013 12:36 AM PST

This post is just an Introduction for beginners in Informatica to know more about Informatica sessions and its properties. A session is an instance of Mapping Program or in other words a running instance of a mapping is referred as Session !or one Mapping Program we can create one or more Sessions "enera##$ we re%uire one session for one mapping &ut for Para##e# data #oading we ma$ create mu#tip#e sessions Now we wi## go through the fo##owing ta&s in the session

General Tab Properties Tab Components Tab (Pre-session and Post-session Command) Mapping Tab & Config Object

Pre-Session Command: 'e can define (perating S$stem )ommands or programs to &e e*ecuted &efore the data #oading process +Session Process, starts (perating S$stem commands or programs can &e defined as -eusa&#e )ommands +defined in the form of )ommand Tas.s, or Non/reusa&#e commands +defined with this propert$ direct#$, Some of the uses of commands or programs can &e:

To ena&#e0disa&#e data&ase users &efore data #oading Ma.e &ac.up0cop$ of target ta&#es so that o#d data can &e restored in case of data #oading fai#s

To intimate users via 1mai#s a&out the 2ata 3oading success so that the$ can start ana#$sis

Note: 'ith this features 4nformatica provides free hand for an$ thing to perform &efore data #oading

Post-Session Command: Post-session Success Command: Same as pre/session &ut these commands are e*ecuted after the Session is comp#eted successfu##$ Post-session Failure Command: Same as pre/session &ut these commands are e*ecuted after the Session is terminated &ecause of some pro&#em

On Success Email: 'e can send 1mai#s using &ui#t/in feature of 4nformatica if Session is successfu#5 if 1mai# servers are configured On Failure Email:

'e can send 1mai#s using &ui#t/in feature of 4nformatica if Session is not successfu#5 if 1mai# Servers are configured Note: 1mai#s can &e defined in 6-eusa&#e6 or 6Non/reusa&#e6 modes

Informatica Session: Sources and Targets Properties and Connection

Posted: 10 Nov 2013 07:08 AM PST

Source Connection 2efine source data connection for each source %ua#ifiers 4f the &ase ta&#es for source %ua#ifiers are from different data&ases then we shou#d define an$ of the data&ases as connection data&ase for a## source %ua#ifiers 'e need to grant S131)T privi#ege on a## the ta&#es from different data&ases to the )onnection 2ata&ase This tas. is done at 2ata&ase #eve# Target Connection Se#ect -e#ationa# 'riter if the target is a Ta&#e e#se se#ect !i#e 'riter if the target is a Te*t !i#e i e !#at !i#e 4f !i#e 'riter is se#ected then use 6Set fi#e properties6 &utton to define fi#e structure

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