Protest Note To Egypt Embassy

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15 August 2013 Her Excellency Ms Fatma Fathelbab Galal Ambassador of Egypt Egyptian Embassy in Singapore, Singapore 8 Eu Tong Sen

Street #25-82/83/84/85 The Central Singapore 059818 Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb., In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

The Fellowship of Muslim Students Association (FMSA) register our protest to the interim Egyptian government for the brutal killing and injuring of several hundred protestors in Cairo on 14 August 2013. 2. It is with sadness that humanity witnessed via the news broadcast and the Internet, images of severe brutality inflicted on the protestors who are your own citizens. We find it most horrific that in this time and age, your interim government had resorted to such means to deal with protestors. The action of your government goes against all logic of civilized behavior where live bullets that will kill are used indiscriminately against civilians. 3. The Fellowship of Muslim Students Association (FMSA) as a member of civil society representing the sentiments and voices of our members registers our strongest protest against your interim government and wants such inhuman acts from your interim government to be immediately stopped. Your interim governments action is tantamount to human genocide against your own people and can make them liable to be legally indicted for human genocide before the International Criminal Court in the Hague for prosecution. 4. As a Muslim conveying to a fellow Muslim, we would like to urge you as the Ambassador of Egypt to urge your government in Cairo to cease their brutal action against your fellow Muslim citizens as their actions undermine all Islamic principles contained in the Holy Quran and in the traditions of our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. The blood that has been spilled in the streets of Cairo shall be evidenced for or against you in both the court of man on earth and that of God in the hereafter.

5. As a citizen of Singapore we take this opportunity of your presence in our country to channel our disapproval of your governments action last night and hope that our strong protest and collectively of those other individuals or groups in Singapore who do the same will make your interim government realize that in this modern world no one can do things with impunity without any check whatsoever. 6. Finally, in the name of all decent peace-loving citizen of the world, we will continue to protest your governments brutal action within all legal means allowed in our beloved country of Singapore. Please desist from continuing the killing of civilians in your country as the world is looking and the voices of protest will continue until your government stops its illegal action. The world is watching and Gods justice will surely prevail. Wassalam. Yours truly,


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