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Student Teaching - Weekly Journal Logs

Phillips Traditional Elementary, Des Moines Public School District 2014 Spring Semester by Kevin Zdenek

Weekly Log: Week 3 2/92/14

1. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have? This week I took over a second reading group, and continued working with a couple of students one-on-one. I filled in for the 4th grade reading group, which I will be taking over next week, and I now take half of the 4th grade math class to work on Math facts so Mrs. Keller can provide more targeted direct instruction to small groups. Both reading groups, which I taught this week were covering the same material, however their reading levels and behavior levels differ greatly so I needed to plan to teach each of the lessons differently. One group meets 5 times and the other only meets 4, so in the end it feels as though Im planning for 9 different lessons instead of 5. What I like about just planning for 9 different lessons is that I can create opportunities to benefit each group specifically. Both groups need help with authors purpose, for example, however one group needs help thinking through the process while the other needs a more hands on activity approach so it gives me a great chance to try out different ways to teach the same content. 2. What were your most satisfying and challenging experiences? The most challenging experience this week was teaching Mr. Adrians 5th grade reading group. They are the ones who are more of a behavior challenge. During one lesson this week I kept losing their attention and focus. It was clear that they were not the same page with what I was expecting from them. It felt pretty disastrous. So the next day I put together a lesson that allowed them to work independently at their specific, individualized skill level. I gave them a choice board that addressed 5 separate levels of Blooms taxonomy and told them needed to select two. They were all activities centered around the content we were learning. The students very excited and worked hard for me all lesson. It gave me an opportunity to go around to each student and work one-on-one with them to address the area they most needed help in. That was my most satisfying experience of the week. I was just thrilled that I could take a negative experience and find a way to turn it around into a positive experience for the students. 3. What are the plans for the upcoming week?

Next week, I will take over half-time teaching responsibilities. I have 4 groups. (All three reading groups one of which meets twice a day.) I will have many opportunities to try new strategies, and work with every level of ability that Mrs. Keller helps. I will also be coming up with plans for a new writing unit, which I will take over the following week. Mrs. Keller said that I will have a lot of freedom with that unit, and so I will enjoy going through each students goals and finding a lesson that addresses a common need.

Weekly Log: Week 4 2/172/21

1. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have? This week I began teaching half-days. I was responsible for all the reading groups in 4th and 5th grade. It was a bit of strange schedule this week at Phillips so it never really felt like I was teaching a full half-day. There was the snow day, a reward party and a school-wide tile painting project all of which cut into instruction time. Still it was a very full week. I led the writing group twice, and filled in to supervise several math probes. Overall I felt like it was a great stepping stone to prepare me for full time responsibilities next week. 2. What were your most satisfying and challenging experiences? The most challenging and satisfying experience this week was the beginning to teach the book, Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl. The students in Mrs. Rohweders class who I see twice a day most days desperately has been asking to read a chapter book like the other groups do. Since next week is an off week from the Write-In Reader there was an opening in the schedule, which would allow the students to have time to actually complete a chapter book. I was really excited to have the chance to teach this book to them. I did a book talk on Monday and presented 2 appropriate choices for their reading level, and they chose Mr. Fox. So we began the first 3 chapters this week, and I have provided them organizational strategies to help them sequence and summarize the book. Before we began the students expressed their worries about reading a chapter book, and felt as though they may get lost and not be able to keep up with the reading. So I created some scaffolding materials to help them process the content and reading strategies to help them succeed. They are so excited to read the book, and it makes me excited as well. 3. What are the plans for the upcoming week? Next week, I take over full time teaching. Mrs. Keller will still be working with some non-IEP students in Math, and we agree that this will be the most effective approach for two reasons. I will have a chance to really focus on the IEP students and their special challenges in Math, and Mrs. Keller will be able to push the non-IEP students further during the limited instructional time we have. In the end its better for the students, and I think that needs to be the most important concern.

Other goals for the week include continuing the Fantastic Mr. Fox reading group, and working on the Main Idea of the story and eventually theme. In writing the students will write a short description of their weekend. In 4th grade reading we will continue to read a story about explorers and work on character traits. Hopefully, there are not so many distractions this week like we had with snow days and reward parties. It will make for a busy week, but lots of fun!

Weekly Log: Week 5 2/242/28

1. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have? This week I took over full days teaching bell-to-bell. We dont really have bells, but I did have to run from one group to the next. Last week I was responsible for all of the reading groups, and then this week I added the writing group and three math groups. The math groups we split into two, and I took the students with IEPs, while Mrs. Keller taught the non-IEP students. It was a great opportunity because I have been able to focus my instruction at their specific comprehension level. The writing group is still working to complete their persuasive papers and so I wanted to continue to work towards wrapping up that project. Those are students from 5th grade. The 4th graders I am working with are working on division problems and continuing to read stories from their write-in readers. 2. What were your most satisfying and challenging experiences? The most challenging experiences this wee have been working with the math groups. It has worked out perfectly to split up the math groups because the IEP students Im working with had some basic misconceptions that needed addressing before they could be expected to compute more advanced calculations. I focused on two digit decimals instead of the three digits that the rest of the class has been working with. It may have meant taking a small step back, but their most recent math probe showed that they were still unable to order numbers with two digit decimals. My lessons have shown that although they can name the place values, they dont understand what they mean. They struggle determining whether 0.6 is more or less than 0.62. So while it has been an everyday struggle, it has also been a very rewarding and eye-opening experience. I have had to learn a great deal of patience, and by the end of the week I felt as though I was beginning to gain some traction with them. That was certainly rewarding. Another rewarding experience has been the 5th grade reading group, which has been reading the Fantastic Mr. Fox book. They finished the unit on Friday, and the students who were nervous about attempting a chapter book when we began the unit were begging for me to start another one next week. The last thing I had them do was write an exit slip, which asked them to reflect on1. What I learned from

the story, and 2. What I learned about myself as a reader. The students were able to successfully identify major themes from the story, and one student wrote that what he learned is that he felt he could read any chapter book. It was a very rewarding experience for me, and I hope for them as well. 3. What are the plans for the upcoming week? Next week, I will continue teaching full days. I will continue working on goals established last week. In Math I will continue reviewing concepts introduced to students over the last several weeks. In reading I will continue to use the prescribed write-in reader interventions. However, in writing once the persuasive papers are completed, I will have a chance to tackle a new writing concept. I have not formalized my plans for that lesson as yet, but I know that two of the concepts the students have a great deal of difficulty with is stamina and descriptive words. They do not write out their sentences exactly how they hear them in their head because of how long it would take them to do so. As a result, they do not write out complete sentences, and when a student is trying to simply finish as quickly as possible they will not attempt to describe an event in great detail. I want to come up with several lessons that will help the students be able to get down descriptive details quicker and use them in complete written thoughts.

Weekly Log: Week 6 3/33/7

1. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have? This past week was my second full week of bell-to-bell teaching. I worked with the reading groups on the intervention lessons. I worked with math groups reviewing and expanding their understanding of the core concepts taught during this unit. Also I worked with the writing group on a multi-day lesson I developed with help from the resource teachers. That was a great learning experience for me because it taught me a lot about planning, and how much you should expect from a student to get done in a lesson. It was supposed to be a two-day lesson, but I quickly learned it would have taken a full week to get through everything. 2. What were your most satisfying and challenging experiences? My most satisfying and challenging experiences this week involved my math groups. I felt as though I had a much better handle on being able to teach those skills this week. What turned it around for me was spending time developing multi-step story problems, which reviewed all the necessary content over this unit. My mentor teacher is amazing at coming up with story problems on the fly which address a skill set she can see needs extra work. Until Im at that level of ability where I can change direction of the lesson on the fly, I found it easier to develop a story problem that would address all the different areas of concern. Students could then work ahead at their own pace, and as they encountered a concept they had difficulty with I could

re-teach or scale back the complexity of the question until they understood. Meanwhile, the other students in my group were not waiting for me to come up with a new story problem. They could work ahead. For example, I would give a story problem, and first I would have them estimate, then I would have them solve for the total, then I would have them round to nearest decimal place, and finally, I would have them multiple and/or divide by whole numbers. This process helped me understand where students were having difficulty and what core concepts I needed to address. It may have taken me a lot more time to do it this way, but until Im better at coming up with math problems like Mrs. Keller this is the route that helped me prepare. 3. What are the plans for the upcoming week? For my last week of student teaching at Phillips, I will have the opportunity to observe different classrooms and even a different school. On Monday I start by visiting Brubaker Elementary School to see a self-contained special education room, a behavior room and another resource room. They have 12 full time special education teachers at Brubaker with some students with more severe intellectual disabilities. So Im excited to see the differences. Then I will be shadowing some lower elementary students in Kindergarten and in 1st grade. On Tuesday, I will shadow the 3rd grade special education teacher at Phillips. So I will be able to see some new students and different techniques. One student has a specific behavior goal, which I had not had a chance to experience with the 4th/5th grade students. Im looking forward to learning some strategies to address that type of students needs. On Wednesday, I will be sitting in with the 5th grade general education classrooms. I know many of these students, but usually I only see them in small groups. Im excited to see how they perform in a general education setting. Plus, since my next placement is a general education 5th grade classroom, I will be observing some techniques and strategies for teaching to a full 5th grade class. Then after school, I will be participating in a mock interview with the principal at Phillips, Mrs. PriorSweet. On Thursday, I will be shadowing my mentor teacher again for one last time. I will get to say goodbye to all the students I worked with, and wrap up my placement here at Phillips. Its hard to imagine that its nearly over already.

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