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Literacy Strategies
Making Content-Rich Non iction Accessi!"e
Daniel Rock and Mary Lynn Huie

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

Active Reading Strategies Reciprocal Teaching

What is it? According to Alverman and Phelps (1998) in their book, Content Reading and Literacy: Succeeding in Todays Diverse Classroom, reciprocal teaching has two major features (1) instruction and practice of the four comprehension strategies!predicting, "uestion generating, clarif#ing, and summari$ing and (%) a special kind of cognitive apprenticeship where students graduall# learn to assume the role of teacher in helping their peers construct meaning from te&t' According to (osenshine ) *eister (199+), there are four important instructional practices embedded in reciprocal teaching ,irect teaching of strategies, rather than reliance solel# on teacher "uestioning -tudent practice of reading strategies with real reading, not with worksheets or contrived e&ercises -caffolding of instruction. students as cognitive apprentices Peer support for learning

(eciprocal teaching involves a high degree of social interaction and collaboration, as students graduall# learn to assume the role of teacher in helping their peers construct meaning from te&t' /n essence, reciprocal teaching is an authentic activit# because learning, both inside and outside of school, advances through collaborative social interaction and the social construction of knowledge (Alverman and Phelps, 1998)' What does it look like? 0eachers begin b# teaching and modeling the four comprehension strategies. students then practice them through dialogue among themselves' At first the teacher leads the dialogue, but as students become more proficient with the four strategies, the teacher graduall# fades out of the dialogue and allows students to assume leadership' 0he process of reciprocal teaching must be carefull# scaffolded to ensure success for #our students 0eachers need to e&plicitl# teach and model the four basic strategies above predicting, "uestioning, clarif#ing, and summari$ing' /t is important that students understand that skilled readers emplo# these strategies ever# time the# read something, and that this is a great habit to develop as a wa# to improve their comprehension skills' 0his can be accomplished with short pieces of fiction or nonfiction. the entire class can brainstorm e&amples of the various t#pes of comprehension strategies' -mall groups can then choose 12+ "uestions from each categor# to answer and share with the entire class' Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 2 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

3nce students understand and are able to appl# all four strategies, it is time for the students to work independentl# at first, b# annotating e&amples of all four strategies on a short te&t for homework' -tudents can annotate in the margins, or the teacher ma# want to create a graphic organi$er or note sheet where students can record their "uestions and commentar#' 0hen, the ne&t da# in class, small groups form to share their annotations and construct their own meaning of the te&t' 3ne student in the group is chosen4appointed4elected to be 5the teacher5 of the group' 6is4her responsibilities are essentiall# to facilitate the group7s task, progress, and time management' ,uring the discussion, it is crucial that each student cite reference points in the te&ts that are the focal point of his4her "uestions and4or evidence to clarif# or support their "uestions and4or commentar#' ,uring the discussion, students add commentar# to their sheets4annotations to construct a richer and deeper understanding of the te&t' 0he teacher spends his4her time circulating the room to visit each group7s discussion' 6e4she might ask a follow2up "uestion to enrich the conversation' 0he teacher should structure some sort of closure activit#, such as a whole class discussion that is built around "uestions that groups still have or interesting commentar# that each group discovered as a result of their discussion' 8lick here for a graphic organi$er that presents all four reciprocal teaching skills' /n the chart below are some sample "uestions that students might pose for each of the four comprehension strategies based on the te&t, Night, b# 9lie :eisel'

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age & ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

Reciprocal Teaching Four Roles





Why do you suppose Weisel chose the single word title Night! What is his intent! "#ter reading this #irst chapter what speci#ics do you e$pect to learn #rom this perspective! What is li%ely to happen ne$t! &ow will this character respond 'ased on what you %now a'out him already!

Weisel descri'es in great detail the possessions le#t on the empty street a#ter the #irst evacuation why! &ow does the writers diction reveal his tone! &ow does this chapter relate or connect to our essential (uestion! What connections can we ma%e to human rights a'uses today!

"re there any words or phrases that con#used you! "re there any cultural or religious re#erences that you dont understand or you would li%e clari#ied! &ow might you have responded in that particular situation in which the main character #ound himsel#!

What is important and)or not important in this section o# the te$t! What do you suppose was the writers intent in this chapter! &ow would you characteri*e the overall tone o# this opening section! Si$ty years later how has the world changed as a result o# the &olocaust!

Reading strategies: Scaffolding students' interactions with text. 'n.d.(. !etrie#ed from http)**+e,001.greece.-12.n..u"*academic".cfm/"u,page09&01admin cti#ate00.423&&3&40925

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 4 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

Close Reading
As Social Studies students begin reading primary texts, they will need reading skills they may not be accustomed to using when reading their social studies textbooks. To read historical speeches, diaries, and letters requires reading like a literary critic. Close Reading exercises are a staple of the study of literature, teaching students to pay attention to the literary elements of text that con ey a writer!s attitude toward a topic. A close reading can be performed on indi idual texts, but to help students see the importance of paying attention to the literary elements of primary source documents, select two passages that offer distinct perspecti es on the same topic. "hen students are first learning close reading, short passages are best. #ou might use this acti ity before students read longer texts, particularly if the texts present arious perspecti es on the same topic. Step 1: $athering data $i e each student a copy of the text, and instruct them to read with a pencil, pen, or marker mo ing% underlining, highlighting, and writing questions as they mo e through the text. They should note any words or phrases that seem important, that surprise them, or that they do not understand. They can use a simple set of symbols &question marks, exclamation marks, plus and minus marks' or write comments as they read. Step 2: (aking obser ations about the data )nstruct students to examine the words and phrases they ha e annotated in the passages. "hat unusual language do they see the authors using in each text* +ow do these words shape the reader!s response to the topic* "hy did each writer make the writing choices he,she made* Step 3: )nterpreting the data After thinking about the data and considering the choices made by each writer, students are ready to make a statement about each author!s perspecti e or about the de ices each writer employs to influence the audience. To support these statements, students will ha e e idence in their annotated copies of the texts. Close Reading is an acti ity that can take students from reading to writing. As they find the most important features of the text, they also theori-e about the meaning of the text. Reading text closely, finding the most important element in texts, and interpreting the text are processes that prepare students to formulate thesis statement and support their positions with e idence.the essential features of good interpreti e writing.
Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 5 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

The basic concepts of the close reading can be adapted in a number of ways. The following reading guide from /ruce 0esh takes the basic concept of close reading to help students analy-e multiple perspecti es in a set of articles about 1at Turner. 1at Turners Rebellion: Evaluating Historical Opinions 2se the following worksheet to record information from the arious primary and secondary sources. "hen deciding the term that best describes the document!s position regarding 1at Turner, consider hero, villain, fanatic, religious, insane, leader, manipulative, brave , etc. Source 1: John W. orn!ell"#The $%ter&ath o% 'at Turners (nsurrection) $*+ectives ,uote Ter& Source 2: Herbert $"American Negro Slave Revolts $*+ectives ,uote Ter& Source 3: Willia& S. 0re!r1"The Southampton Insurrection $*+ectives ,uote Ter& Source -: The Richmond Whig $*+ectives ,uote Ter& Source /: The Richmond Inquirer $*+ectives ,uote Ter& Source 2: Tho&as R. 3ra1"The Confessions of Nat Turner $*+ectives ,uote Ter&

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 4 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

0esh, /ruce. Why Wont You Just Tell Us the Answer !" Teaching #istorical Thin$ing in %rades &'() . 3ortland, (4% Stenhouse 3ublishers, 5677. 3rint.

Anticipation Guides
Anticipation $uides prepare students for reading new material and,or listening to introductory lectures o er new material. This acti ity is particularly useful when you are preparing to teach content that students may already know about.and may ha e some misconceptions about8 The beauty of the A$ is that it begins by ha ing students state what they already think about the topic and then gi es them an opportunity to re ise their thinking. The questions on the A$ make students more focused readers of the text. A$s also require students to cite e idence to support their original or new position on the facts presented in the text. After completing an A$, students ha e excellent notes o er the material. A$s help students learn to take better notes by ha ing them not only write down main ideas but also e idence for those ideas. /egin by con erting the most important information from the text into short statements. These statements should challenge preconcei ed ideas and pique student interest in the material. 1ext, present the statements to students.either on a screen or board &for them to copy' or on a prepared handout. $i e students a response option &Agree or 9isagree'. After students complete their responses, you might ha e a class discussion of their responses or ha e students discuss their responses in small groups. #ou could e en poll the class for answers and gi e percentages of agreement,disagreement for each statement. &These percentages can later be compared with correct answers.' 1ow the students are ready to read the material, watch the ideo, or hear the lecture. As students interact with the material, they should be trying to determine whether their pre:reading responses were correct, ad;usting their initial responses as needed. They should also gather e idence to support both their correct and incorrect responses. Students may read in small groups &perhaps the same group with whom they first discussed pre:reading responses' or indi idually. After students complete the A$, begin discussion by asking what surprised students. Ask students to share before and after responses as well as their explanations. As students discuss their final responses, the instructor can address any confusion or misunderstanding students still ha e.

<isher, 9ouglas, "illiam $. /ro-o, 1ancy <rey, and $ay ) ey. *+ ,ontent Area -trategies for Adolescent .iteracy. 2pper Saddle Ri er, 1=% 3earson, 566>. 3rint.

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 3 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

Anticipation Guide for the United States Bill of Rights

Directions before reading: Show me what you already know about your rights as an American citi-en. Read the statements below and indicate whether you think the statement is true or false in the /efore Reading column. Compare your responses with someone sitting next to you after you complete your responses. Directions after reading: After reading information related to each statement, decide whether you still think it is true or false. Cite the sources and information that support your final answer.

Statement and Support True

7. 3olice must read the (iranda Rights to anyone placed under arrest.

/efore Reading <alse


After Reading <alse

Support and Source%

5. The right to own firearms can be restricted for some citi-ens.

Support and Source%

?. There are no restrictions on a citi-en!s freedom of speech.

Support and Source%

@. All defendants ha e the right to be released on bail.

Support and Source%

A. There are circumstances when a person can be tried more than once for the same crime.

Support and Source% B. Support and Source% Conclusion%

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 2 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

RAFT: Role, Audience, Format, Topic

4se this Strateg1: /efore Reading 9uring Reading $%ter Rea*ing

Targete* Rea*ing S.ills: 2nderstand the relationship between literature and its historical, social, and cultural contexts Analyze and interpret elements of character development

What is it This is a great strategy that integrates reading and writing in a non:traditional way. )t asks that students take what they ha e read and create a new product that illustrates their depth of understandingC it may be used with fiction or nonfiction texts. The format is incredibly flexible and offers limitless opportunities for creati ity for both you and your students. "hen you are first using a DRA<TE with your students, you will de elop the specifics for each element in the acronymC they are as follows% Role: )n de eloping the final product, what role will the students need to Dtake onE* "riter* Character &in the no el'* Artist* 3olitician* Scientist* $u*ience: "ho should the students consider as the audience for the product* Fther students* 3arents* 0ocal community* School board* Fther characters in the text* 5or&at: "hat is the best product that will demonstrate the students! in:depth understanding of their interactions with the text* A writing task* Art work* Action plan* 3ro;ect* Topic: This is the when, who, or what that will be the focus,sub;ect of the final product. "ill it take place in the same time period as the no el* "ho will be the main focus of the product* "hat e ent will constitute the centerpiece of the action* What does it loo! li!e

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 9 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

A teacher assigns (or students select) a role, audience, format, and topic from a range of possibilities. Below is a chart with a few examples in each of the categories; it is meant only as a sampling to spark new ideas and possibilities for building RAFTS:
Role writer artist character scientist ad enturer in entor ;uror ;udge historian reporter rebel therapist $u*ience self peer group go ernment parents fictional character committee ;ury ;udge acti ists immortality animals or objects 5or&at ;ournal editorial brochure,booklet inter iew ideo song lyric cartoon game primary document critique biographical sketch news article Topic issue rele ant to the text or time period topic of personal interest or concern for the role or audience topic related to an essential question

"o# could I use$ adapt or differentiate it This strategy is great for differentiationC teachers &and students' can de elop any number of possible RA<T!s based on the same text that can be ad;usted for skill le el and rigor. 3aula Rutherford!s book, /nstruction for All -tudents, offers a comprehensi e list of D3roducts and 3erspecti es from which to chose. The RA<T strategy can be used as a prewriting strategy and,or as a strategy for helping students prepare for a small or large group discussion.
Reading strategies: Scaffolding students' interactions with text. 'n.d.(. !etrie#ed from http)**+e,001.greece.-12.n..u"*academic".cfm/"u,page09&01admin cti#ate00.423&&3&40925

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 10 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

SQ !RS "#S$ueepers%&
Survey: %re#ie+ te6t. Question: 7i"t 18& 9ue"tion" .ou thin- +e:ll find an"+er" to. Predict: State 18& thing" +e:ll learn. Read: !ead te6t. Respond: ;r. to an"+er 9ue"tion". Modif., drop, add. Summari e: t end of te6t.

S is for Survey
7oo- at the picture" and caption". !ead the highlighted and ,old +ord". !ead the heading" and "u,heading". ;hin- a,out +hat .ou are a,out to read.

Q is for Question
<hat 9ue"tion" +ill +e an"+er/ Generate 9ue"tion" that +e +ill ,e a,le to an"+er after +e read.

P is for Predict
<hat +ill +e learn/ %redict 1 to & thing" +e +ill learn +hile reading.

R is for Read
!ead the te6t along... <ith teacher <ith partner <ith group

R is for Respond
Which questions were answered? Di"cu"" +hich 9ue"tion" +ere an"+ered in the te6t. !e#ie+ +hich 9ue"tion" +ere not an"+ered. Eliminate 9ue"tion" that are not li-el. to ,e an"+ered. De#elop ne+ 9ue"tion". =ontinue " proce"".

S is for Summari e
<hat did +e learn/ Summari>e +hat +e ha#e learned. ?rall.*<ritten

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 11 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

'(ample of SQ !RS note)ta*ing process

Title of Article or Chapter: _________________________________________
Survey: (Before you read. What will this reading assignment be about? Look at titles and pictures) Question: (Before you read. Write 1-3 questions you may be able to answer rom reading) Predict: (Before you read. "an you predict 1-3 things we will learn?) Read! Respond (After you Read. &ry to answer questions' modi y( drop( and add)

1. !. 3. 1. !. 3. (you don#t ha$e to write anything in this bo%)

Summarize' (After you Read) )our *entence *ummary' Sentence 1: +ain ,dea (identi y what was read( $erb [explains, lists, argues, describes, etc], inish thought). !" The novel Beloved by Toni Morrison, chronicles the tragic life of a runaway slave. Sentences #$%: !R"#' -etails( .easons( /%amples( )acts

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Reading strategies: Scaffolding students' interactions with text. 'n.d.(. !etrie#ed from http)**+e,001.greece.-12.n..u"*academic".cfm/"u,page09&01admin cti#ate00.423&&3&40925

+e, Concept S,nthesis

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 12 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

4se this Strateg1: /efore Reading 0uring Rea*ing $%ter Rea*ing

Targete* Rea*ing S.ills: Condense or summari-e ideas from one or more texts 9istinguish between rele ant and irrele ant information Compare,contrast information from one or more texts Make text-to-text, text-to-self, and/or text-to-world connections

What is it "hen students are gi en DdenseE reading material, they often become frustrated and remark, D) read it, but ) don!t get it8E or D) didn!t know what was important and what wasn!t.E <or many young readers, this frustration builds and they approach difficult texts feeling defeated before they e en begin. Fne strategy we can use is to pro ide a framework for the reading by creating a focus on the key concepts. The process in ol es identifying the key concepts as they read, putting those concepts in their own words and explaining why the concept is important and,or making connections to other concepts. What does it loo! li!e 2sing this strategy requires helping students to use a number of textual clues that will help them determine the key concepts in a reading. Some elements that will aid students in the identification of key concepts are% 4xamining the text structure for any elements that the writer,publisher may ha e used to indicate ma;or di isions in the sub;ect matter &e.g. titles, subtitles, bold headings, and supporti e graphics or isuals' Determining which sentence in a paragraph is the topic sentence; as texts get more sophisticated, students need to recognize that frequently it may not be the first sentence in the paragraph. Learning to identify statements that forecast main ideas or key concepts that will come at some point later on in the reading. Recognizing that transitions may sometimes help to identify a main idea or a possible shift in the writers thinking. (e.g. when compared to, or another possibility is, or in contrast, etc.) Examining the summary statements in the paragraphs and/or the conclusions that summarize each section of the reading may help to verify and condense the main ideas or key concepts. 3ro iding models and guided practice where students ha e opportunities to identify and explain the abo e elements is crucial. Fnce students can understand and recogni-e these elements, pro ide them with sections of the current text they are reading and ha e them practice independently as preparation for the next class. As students become more proficient in recognizing these elements as they read, a powerful addition is to have them identify these elements in their own writing.

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 1& ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education The graphic organi-er below is a condensed ersion of the template that you can print off the web from Tools for 0eading, Writing and Thin$ing.
6e1 oncept S1nthesis 0irections: 2se the following graphic organi-er to identify the fi e most important concepts &in the form of single words or phrases' from the reading. Think about identifying the fi e most import concepts this way% )f you had to explain the reading to someone who had not read the text, what are the fi e most important concepts you would want them to understand* Use a highlighter and marginal notes to identify import concepts as you read, and then complete the graphic organi1er once you have completed the reading2 <i e Gey Concepts &with page Hs' 3ut the Concept in #our Fwn "ords 4xplain "hy the Concept is )mportant I (ake Connections to Fther Concepts

7. 5. ?. @. A.

Click here for a printable ersion of this graphic organi-er. #o# could I use$ adapt or differentiate it )f this is a new strategy for your students, it is helpful to make copies of a section of the text so that they can highlight and annotateC this process alone will encourage a close reading of the text e en before they complete the graphic organi-er. "hen first using this strategy with your students, you may want to ha e them identify the arious elements that helped them to -ero in on the main ideas or key concepts. This could be noted in the Gey Concept column under the concept or in the margins of the annotated text. <or students that are more isual and,or artistic, they may want to use a mind map to capture the key concepts and their connections. Fnce students ha e completed the graphic organi-er, they can share their ideas with other students to discuss how,why they identified the key concepts they selected.
Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 14 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

Reading strategies: Scaffolding students' interactions with text. 'n.d.(. !etrie#ed from http)**+e,001.greece.-12.n..u"*academic".cfm/"u,page09&01admin cti#ate00.423&&3&40925

E7it Slips
Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 15 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

+a ing students complete an 4xit Slip at the end of class gi es them some time to reflect on the day!s lesson before rushing out into the chaos of school hallwaysC howe er, thoughtful 4xit Slips also gi e you a tool for determining how well students understand what you and they think they ha e learned in class. The information on an 4xit Slip gi es you an instant snapshot of understanding, enabling you to effecti ely begin class the next day by addressing misconceptions and confusions. The key to gathering useful information is asking useful questions. #ou also want to mix it up.if you use the same questions e ery day &"hat did you learn today*', students will respond thoughtlessly. Ask interesting questions, and hold students accountable for writing thoughtfully. #ou can grade these with a ery quick check. 3oints should not come for DcorrectE answersC points should come for answers that re eal students who are thinking about the material. <isher, /ro-o, <rey, I ) ey &566>' identify three categories of 4xit Slip questions% 7. 3rompts that document learning a. b. c. The three most important things ) learned today are . . . Today ) changed my mind about . . . "hat ) would tell someone else about what ) learned today is . . .


3rompts that emphasi-e the process of learning a. b. c. d. Two questions ) ha e about what we did in class today are . . . ) am confused about . . . "hat ) would like to learn next is . . . ) feel pretty confident with my understanding of . . .


3rompts to e aluate the effecti eness of the instruction a. b. c. The thing that helped me pay attention most today was . . . The thing that helped me understand most today was . . . Something that did not help me learn today was . . .

) think you can also use them to ha e students gi e a progress report on their work, particularly if they are working in groups. The key to 4xit Slips is a quick turnaround. #ou need to read them the day you take them up and address any problems the next day.
Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 14 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

<isher, 9ouglas, "illiam $. /ro-o, 1ancy <rey, and $ay ) ey. *+ ,ontent Area -trategies for Adolescent .iteracy. 2pper Saddle Ri er, 1=% 3earson, 566>. 3rint

5our orners
7. Fn the board for all students to see, write a contro ersial statement related to a unit the class has recently studied.

5. Then ha e students write on a piece of paper whether they strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the statement and why. 1o consulting with neighbors on this one.;ust a personal statement and ;ustification. ?. Fnce students ha e completed the Juick:"rite, ha e them mo e to a designated corner based on their responses. )n other words, all who said they strongly agree! should go to one corner, all who agree! should go to another corner, and so on. @. $i e students some time to discuss their position with members of the same group, sharing reasons and ;ustifications for their position. 4ach group should compile the most compelling reasons and select a spokesperson who will speak to the class with the goal of winning other class members o er to this corner of the room. Students may re:read text and look up supporting information while making the list. A. Fnce ready, each spokesperson should present each group!s position. Fther students should listen quietly, taking notes on the most con incing arguments. B. After all presentations, gi e students time to ask questions or challenge other groups. >. <inally, close by asking students to consider what they ha e heard and then mo e to a new corner if they were swayed by another group!s arguments.

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 13 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

The1 Sa18( Sa1

To help students make claims about a topic they ha e studied, you can use templates from They -ay3/ -ay! &$raff, /irkenstein, I 9urst, 5677' or make up your own. +ere are a few examples% ) agree that KKKKKKKKK because my experience KKKKKKKK confirms it. ) agree that KKKKKKKKK, a point that needs emphasi-ing since so many people belie e KKKKKKKKKKK. ) think those who agree with the statement KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK are mistaken because they o erlook KKKKKKKKKKKKKK. ) disagree with the statement that KKKKKKKKK because KKKKKKKKKK. Although ) agree with the statement KKKKKKKKKKKK up to a point, ) cannot accept the o erall conclusion that KKKKKKKKKKK. ) am of two minds about the statement that KKKKKKKKKK. Fn the one hand, ) agree that KKKKKKKKKK. Fn the other hand, ) am not sure if KKKKKKKKKKKKK.

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 12 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

Evaluating Evi*ence
Article Title and Author KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Claim in the article KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Juotations and page numbers 3ut it in your own words &3araphrase' +ow it supports the author!s claim &)nterpretation'

(odified from Carol =ago!s Writing About .iterature

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 19 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

Georgia Department of Education

Warrant Wor.out

Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent March 29, 2014 $ %age 20 ll !ight" !e"er#ed

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