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;odo$i Ime i pre1ime u4eni"a9 ................................................... :atum9.......................

1 Who wrote it? 2 The examiner will read the passage three times. 3 They searched his house and found a number of stolen articles. 4 They brought the children up in Italy. The author has written a special edition for children. ! The closure of the wor"shops will ma"e a lot of men redundant. # They ha$e ta"en down the note. % We are calling in the police. & 'ou shouldn(t lea$e these documents on the des". 1) We had to gi$e the boo"s bac".


1 Put the following into the passive, mentioning the agent where necessary: (___/20)

2 Turn the following sentences into the active voice !here no agent is mentione" one must #e supplie" (_____/10)
1 *mo"ing is not allowed 2 This scientific theory has now been pro$ed to be false. 3 The house where the dead man was found is being guarded by the police to pre$ent it from being entered and the e$idence interfered with. 4 + man is being employed to tile the bathroom ,e was shouted down by the crowd.

$ Translate the following sentences into %nglish The parts of the sentences in italics are to #e translate" with animal i"ioms ( /10)
1. Dok kae keks mogu ti nabro-ati s$e .to -e /al$in 0lein di1a-nirao. 2. 2n -e glavna faca u t$rtci -e $lasni" t$rt"e $e3 .est godina. 3. 0l-u4ni trenuta" u po$i-esti -e "ada -e 4o$-e" sh$atio da pre1ire samo3u. 4. 5e mogu podni-eti ni-ednu lovaku priu "o-u mi -e ispri4ao. . 6abora$i ga -er ne mo7e. bacati bisere pred svinje. !. 5e"oli"o puta sam pala s "on-a8 ali 4ini se .to $i.e pada. man-e boli.

& 'ill the gaps with an appropriate irregular ver# )nfinitive Past simple ate forbid lay swim

(_____/() Past participle


1 Put the following into the passive, mentioning the agent where necessary:(____/20)

;odo$i Ime i pre1ime u4eni"a9 ................................................... :atum9....................... 2c-ena

1 The go$ernment has called out troops. 2 They will ha$e to adopt a different attitude 3 They are ta"ing down the notice. 4 5obody has used this room for ages. +n earth<ua"e destroyed the town. ! The court tried the man8 found him guilty and sent him to prison. # =assengers shouldn(t throw away their tic"ets as inspectors may chec" these during the -ourney. % ,as someone posted my report? & 'ou mustn(t mo$e this man> he is too ill. 1) They handed round coffee and biscuits.

2 Turn the following sentences into the active voice !here no agent is mentione" one must #e supplie" (_____/10)
1 Why wasn(t the car either loc"ed or put into the garage? 2 The house where the dead man was found is being guarded by the police to pre$ent it from being entered and the e$idence interfered with. 3 Weapons must be handed in. 4 The town has been destroyed by the earth<ua"e. ?y house is being watched.

$ Translate the following sentences into %nglish The parts of the sentences in italics are to #e translate" with animal i"ioms ( /10)
1. Lije ko iz kabla ali on $oli s$-e7inu u 1ra"u posli-e "i.e. 2. Strpi se malo -er -o. u$i-e" nisam 1a$r.ila. 3. Vrlo je bolesna -er ima "o1ice. 4. 0oli"o 3e. dugo biti tu? :o" mi se .ef ne $rati s poslo$nog puta. . ,a-mo napra$iti 1aba$u8 -er dok make nema mievi kolo vode. !. 5e mogu podni-eti nasilnost nogometa8 po$rede i sloml-ene "osti.

& 'ill the gaps with an appropriate irregular ver# )nfinitive Past simple sting rang fly lay

(_____/() Past participle


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