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Applied Mathematics Personal Statement

Motivation for Applied Mathematics

Im enchanted by how math is elegantly applied to science. When I first learned band structure of solids, I wondered why silicon and germanium, although formed by totally different atoms, share identical degeneracy in band structures. Group theory exquisitely answered my question. As group elements are interpreted as symmetry operators, the character table of group depicts the universal patterns according to the symmetry of lattice systems. In this case, it is the diamond cubic lattice. This experience ignited me to explore more magic connections between math and nature. The computational math is even more charming to me. I feel great gratification when my Monte Carlo simulation programming, with the aid of importance sampling that designs efficient algorithm, reproduce the order-disorder phase transition of magnetism. Moreover, as I witness how computational math empowers scientists to solve the enduring myths in various fields, such as protein folding in biology, I got a vision: in applied math, I could be a scientist, more than a pure physicist, biologist or mathematician. Through the skills in mathematics, modeling and programming, I can join the front-line research for all science disciplines. Hence, I decide to devote myself in applied math, to unearth deeper connections between math and nature, to participate in the pioneering research of science.

My Advantages in Applied Mathematics

Solid Background in Physical Sciences My major is physics and I further extended myself by taking graduate courses. In these courses, I not only fortified my understanding about nature but also appreciated the connections between science disciplines. Statistical mechanics, my favorite subject of physics, equips me modeling and techniques to penetrate the complex systems. For example, I own several methods to conquer the phase transition of magnetism. I can derive the exact solution from partition function. My own Monte Carlo programming numerically solve the problem and approached to exact solution as size increased. I also interlink physical quantities to other topics in applied math. I gave a lecture Entropy in Physics, Information and Rare Events to the Financial Mathematics Summer Program at Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica. I linked entropy to its application in communication, where it is interpreted as the topmost efficiency. I further introduced relative entropy, which quantitatively tells the difference between probability distributions and applies to rare event simulation. Proficient in Programming and Simulation I have substantial experience in programming with language Python and Fortran. First, as mentioned above, I have accomplished Monte Carlo simulations for the order-disorder phase transition of magnetism based on Ising model. The most difficult part was to implement the Wolff algorithm. Contrary to the usual Metropolis algorithm that randomly flips one spin per Monte Carlo step, in Wolff method, I had to form a cluster of spins by certain rules and flip the

Applied Mathematics Personal Statement

cluster. In the end, I was able to achieve a great improvement in efficiency from the archetype Metropolis to the advanced Wolff algorithm and successfully reproduce the phase transition. Second, I can numerically solve eigenvalue problems and differential equations in real world cases. I wrote the programs to construct the band structures of several solids such as diamonds, graphene and silicene. The programming involved the numerical analysis libraries LAPACK for eigenvalue problems. I also numerically solved the differential equations in the potential of certain solids and obtained the wavefunction. Although these tasks were mainly reproducing the existent research, I gained the experience to deal with the real data.

Research Experience
In 2012, as a junior, I embarked upon my research experience in the laboratory of Professor Mei-Yin Chou in the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences of Academia Sinica, Taiwan. My work was related to the computational aspect of condensed matter physics. It intensified my interests for applied math. My first try was the gauge of Wannier function. Wannier function is the spatial wavefunction in solids and demonstrates the physical concepts of chemical bonds. However, the shape and size of these chemical bonds depend on the gauge of Wannier function. Although there are computational criteria for gauge, the analytical gauge is still an enduring myth. I started the research with the concept of Berry phase, which is equivalent to connection in differential geometry. The most charming part was to give physical meaning to Berry phase. In one dimension, I was able to propose a gauge by my own physical meaning. Although I failed to apply higher dimension due to the path dependence of Berry phase, it was still an engaging experience to explore quantities in math and confer them with physical meaning. My second project was the tight-binding model of silicene. Silicene, composed of silicon atoms, is a honeycomb structure formed by non-coplanar sublattices. Hence, its band structure is more complex than usual coplanar honeycomb lattice. I independently wrote a program to simulate the band structure and used various methods to find binding coefficients. The most inspiring method was the sp3s* binding, which introduced an exited state s* into the model. It prompted me to go beyond the usual bindings such as sp3, sp2, sigma, and pi binding. In the end, I gave a talk about my result in a theoretical group meeting in the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences and left the result to my group members for further research. My third project was in twisted-bilayer graphene. Recently, theorists showed that its potential takes non-Abelian form. My project was to relate this strange potential to the esoteric pattern of density of states. I reconstructed the potential though significant Fourier components and solved the Dirac equation under such potential. Furthermore, I demonstrated the Dirac cone would shift due to the strength of non-Abelian component. Although this job was left incomplete due to my graduation from university, I summarized the derivation as a review. Its fascinating that a pure mathematical concept non-Abelian can lead to arcane phenomena in materials.

Plan of Study
With my past research experience at Academia Sinica and academic study at NTU, Im well-prepared for a PhD program for applied math. My physics background furnishes me with

Applied Mathematics Personal Statement

different insights. My math ability was proved through the applied math courses that cover linear algebra, ordinary and partial differential equations, complex analysis and group theory. My programming experiences facilitate me to do research in applied math. My research interest is the modeling of physical and biological systems. Because of my experience of Monte Carlo simulation, Im also interested in stochastic process and pattern theory. Brown University is undoubtedly my first choice for graduate study. Firstly, The Division of Applied Math at Brown provides an extraordinary atmosphere for applied math and inter-discipline science, not to mention all the work and contribution the outstanding faculties at Brown have accomplished. Secondly, with encouragement from Dr. Chii-Ruey Hwang, one of my recommendation letter providers and also an alumnus of applied math at Brown, I yearn to join this program. Dr. Hwang shared me with his solid study and fascinating life at Brown, and also his graduate research under the direction from Professor Ulf Grenander. Those wonderful experiences impel me to apply to The Division of Applied Math at Brown. I am confident that my special background in physics, programming and simulation will bring different insights. I am also confident that the ideal environment Brown provides will allow me to excel in my future. Here is a motivated Taiwanese student applying for his dream study environment Applied Mathematics at Brown University, and he is now ready to take all challenges.

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