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Worship Schedule Sunday 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion Saturday 5:00 p.m. Worship with Holy Communion Service of healing offered fifth Sunday of the month


For a full list of calendar events, visit Today Ma !" #$ Lent ! Sunday School ;:00 a.m. Adult S.S. - Lounge 4lmsgiving and Wor"s of 0ove 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion Sanctuary Mo%day& Ma !" #' T()*day& A+ ,- ' ):00 p.m. Simple Supper ):30 p.m. Community +inistry8Communications = vangelism8,inance8&roperty W)d%)*day& A+ ,- . /Ha++)%,%0*1 a 2,!-)* d() 2o o33,!)4 16:05 p.m. 0ent +id$Wee" Worship 16:30 p.m. Simple 0unch 5:%5 p.m. Simple Supper ):30 p.m. 0enten >espers with Holy Communion #:00 p.m. .i1le Study lounge T"( *day& A+ ,- # 16:00 p.m. 'achel Circle 5:30 p.m. :ecutive meeting #:00 p.m. .ell Choir (:00 p.m. Chancel Choir F ,day& A+ ,- 5 5:00 p.m. ,ish ,ry 9 7ur 0ady of +iraculous +edal Sa2( day& A+ ,- 6 Lent ! 10:00 a.m. ? 1:00 p.m. Confirmation Class 5:00 p.m. Worship with Holy Communion N)72 S(%day& A+ ,- 8 Lent ! Sunday School ;:00 a.m. 0ounge 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion 16:00 p.m. Congregational 0ife UPCOMING MEETINGS NEXT WEEK: %$(3 #:00 p.m. Church Council %$;3 16:05 p.m. 0ent +id$Wee" Worship8lunch following %$;3 5:%5 p.m. Simple supper %$;3 ):30 p.m. 0ent >espers with Holy Communion %$;3 #:00 p.m. .i1le Study3 lounge %$113 5:00 p.m. ,ish ,ry 9 St. Cecilia<s %$163 ;:00 a.m. Spring Clean$up -ay


!e"iel 3#:1$1% &salm 130 'omans (:)$11 *ohn 11:1$%5


Fifth Sunday in Lent Saturday, April 5th Worship with Holy Communion LECTOR: +ary 'eed$,arris Sunday, April 6th Worship with Holy Communion GREETER: LECTOR: arl -ic"erson WORSHIP ASSISTANT: -onna .owman CANTOR: ACOLYTE: /uc"er 0um1ra BREAD BAKER: Wafers ALTAR GUILD: 2eal Coryell USHERS: &eg .eeson$captain3 Sharon Heinlein3 -orothy .a!ell3 4nita /elfer3 *ane 2ida OPEN/CLOSE: 2eal Coryell SUNDAY SAMARITAN: Shirley 5riffin3 -avid Hus"ey OFFERING ASSISTANTS: CONTACT INFORMATION
Church office hours are +onday $ ,riday (:30$16:30 p.m. 7ffice contact: &hone )1%866%$)(1(3 mail: ,a:: )1%866%$)#;;3 we1 address: &astor &eterson<s office hours: /uesday3 (:00 $ 2oon3 Wednesday3 ;:30 $ 2oon3 /hursday3 (:00 $ 2oon. &astor &eterson contact: Home &hone: )1%8%%;$(##6


,7' /H W @ 7, +arch 303 601%
/rinity vangelical 0utheran Church %0% South /hird Street Colum1us3 7H %3615

4ttendance last wee"end: Saturday$133 Sunday$)5


LSS Food Pa%2 y /he ne:t volunteer date is W)d%)*day& May 92" at 10:00 a.m. $ 6:30 p.m. &lease volunteer for this very important service. T") *,0%:(+ *"))2 ,* +o*2)d o% 2") ;(--)2,% ;oa d ,% 2") -o<) -o;;y= /he 0SS ,ood &antry is located 1%)0 Champion 4ve. ,ree par"ing is across the street on the lot. Contact 2eal Coryell with any Auestions. Fa,2" M,**,o% /rinity volunteers help serve dinner to the men at ,aith +ission on the fourth /hursday of each month. 4rrival time is ):30 p.m. and the time commitment is a1out two hours. ,aith +ission is located at 151 2. )th Street. T") !o>>(%,2y ?,2!")% "a* )-o!a2)d 2<o ;-o!?* a<ay 2o .56 N= G a%2 A@)= Pa ?,%0 ,* a@a,-a;-) ,% 2") +a ?,%0 -o2 *o(2" o3 2") ;(,-d,%0= Go 2o *,d) doo %)a !"a, * a%d 2a;-)*= ,our volunteers are needed each monthB *,0%:(+ !a d* are availa1le on the 1ulletin 1oard in the lower lo11y to serve at ,aith +ission in 6013. /he ne:t day to serve is A+ ,- .52". &lease contact Sharon /hac"er at sharon.thac"er(( or )1%.%%3.)1%;. &lease Coin us in the lounge Sunday mornings at ;:00 a.m. for conversations to inform your faith. /hrough the Season of 0ent we will tal" a1out 1asic faith practices: +arch 30th 4lmsgiving and Wor"s of 0ove led 1y &r. Chuc" 4pril )th Confessing 7ur Sins led 1y +ichael &ic"ett 4pril 13th &alm Sunday: /he 'eading of the &assion of Christ 4pril 60th aster Sunday: 2o Class 4pril 6#th /he .i1le on Care of Creation led 1y &r. Chuc"

L=O=V=E= stands for 0et 7ur >oices mergeB we are a group for 50./ D5ay3 0es1ian3 .ise:ual3 and /ransgenderedE people and their 4llies. 07> was created to com1at the stigma that all religious people are against 50./ people and 1elieve they have no place in the church. A+ ,- '#& 8:#$ +=>= d,*!(**,o% 2o+,! Ho-,%)** Cod) /L)@,2,!(* 'A a%d .$4= We would li"e to invite all of you to attend and ma"e this a successful gathering3 full of great discussion. 'o1ert 2eymeyer

1e serving this function. Gour willingness to serve is truly appreciated.

I% yo( + ay) *: 7ur enemies +en and Women in the military 0eaders of our nation and community .ishop li!a1eth aton .ishop Su!anne -illahunt /he family and friends of 'uthie +yers Fo ")a-,%0:3 Sharon Heinlein3 4rlene -y"eman3 +arvin .u1an3 >ivian ,aelchle3 ,ran" ngle3 Stefan 0ue1"eman3 /homas Cloud3 2orm and Helen Hively3 0ouise -istelhorst3 -orothy and ,ran" .a!ell3 0inda 4cierno 'ichard .ur"hart D1rother of 0in .ur"hart$SmithE 0inda Dfriend of +yra @ilhefnerE Christina @ilhefner Ddaughter$in$law of 'o1ert and +yraE &atricia +yers Dmother of Chris +yersE .ill +yers D1rother of Chris +yers3 surgery3 spiritual helpE 'ich Dfriend of Chris +yersE +yriam der Dmother of daughter$in$law of -avid and Cindi SchroederE +argie 5i1son Dgrandmother of +egan 5i1sonE -e11ie 0usignolo Dcousin of Cindi SchroederE Helen Conley Dmother of &am +cClellandE 4l 4cierno Fo *a3)2y: @ristina /uc"er Dout of the countryE Ho>);o(%d >)>;) *: .etty .asye3 ,ran" and *udy ngle3 4lice 5ramlich3 /helma Schumacher3 Frene /hurston3 7live Wor"man3 thelyn Himpfer. 'yan Heinlein.
Ff you have a prayer reAuest that you would li"e to have added to the prayer chain or wish to Coin the prayer chain3 please contact Shirley 5riffin at %;1$ 1);) or email Dsgrif16519yahoo.comE.

>olunteers are still needed to prepare 0enten +eals for the following dates: 0unch on +aundy /hursday %81# and -inner on Wednesday<s %86 = %8;. &lease contact 4my Heinlein at )1%$5)6$3;5% or if you are a1le to volunteer. Ft is truly appreciated Congregational 0ife committee meetings will ta"e place on the first Sunday of each month. 7ur ne:t meeting will 1e on S(%day A+ ,- 82" a32) !"( !". 4ll are welcome. F loo" forward to leading this committee and would love your ideas = help3 +-)a*) Bo,% >): 4my Heinlein

UPCOMING HOLY WEEK DATES &alm Sunday3 4pril 16th =13th Worship w8 Communion +aundy /hursday3 4pril 1#th 16:05 p.m.3 #:00 p.m. 5ood ,riday3 4pril 1(th 16:05 p.m.3 #:00 p.m. aster >igil3 4pril 1;th (:00 p.m. aster Sunday3 4pril 60th (:30 a.m. /0C sponsored 1rea"fast
Co(%2) * N))d)d ach Sunday3 volunteers are needed to help count the offerings which have 1een collected. /his service reAuires up to an hour Dusually lessE after worship to count the funds and to ma"e records to 1e inputted. Ft is usually reAuested that volunteers serve for a month in this position. Ff you are willing to 1e a counter on Sundays after church3 please let *ason +c@itric" "now so we will "now who will


+id$Wee" 0enten services are every Wednesday at 16:05 p.m. with a simple lunch following worship3 and in the evening a simple supper 1egins at 5:%5 p.m. and 0enten >espers with Holy Communion starts at ):30 p.m.

&lease 1ring 1ath si!e 1ars of S74& for 0utheran World 'elief. /he soap will 1e collected through Septem1er 601% 1y the women of /rinity Church. &lease put your 1ars of soap in the 1as"et in the lower lo11y. /han" you for your support of this important mission proCect. Sharon /hac"er

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