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Berials PI Bible

A Toxic Waste Industries Presentation For Sadistica Alliance

This document is a crash course on how to create a proper PI empire that, if maintained properly, can make a pilot quite wealthy. However, before we dive into this we need to know if PI is right for your play style of EVE. The below chart is a comparison to the other popular primary sources of non-PVP income: Planetary Interaction 250 Million Stable: 3 hours (thus limited returns) Solo Yield Scales Well Low (market volatile) 2 Months Total (skills dont overlap w/ PVP) Low (assuming pirate status) ~ 700 Million One POS with a CHA, Six Industrial Haulers Very Low: seed and forget Incursion Running 150 Million Flexible: must wait for position in fleet Large Fleet Yield Scales Poorly Medium 1.5 Months Total (skills overlap w/ PVP) High (requires good sec status) ~ 2 Billion All T2 / Bling-as-fuck Pirate Battleship High: broadcast once and die in silence L4 Mission Running 60 Million Flexible: player dependant Small Fleet or Solo Yield Scales Poorly Medium- High 1 Month Total (skills overlap w/ PVP) Low (assuming pirate status) ~ 200 Million T2 Tanked Vanilla Battleship Medium: d-scan often or die screaming

Average ISK / Hour Weekly Time Investment Fleet Requirements Multiple Accounts Risk Involved Training Investment [New Character(s)] Character Isolation / Restrictions Initial ISK Investment Equipment Requirements Focus Required/ Intensity

Note: Exploration has not been included due to the extremely inconsistent payout it provides.

PI is an excellent choice for people who have a heavy RL work schedule and cant grind the 5 hours of incursions / 15 hours of missions per week that it takes to make a wallet happy. However, there is absolutely no reason you cant combine PI with whatever PvE currently puts green in your wallet. Youll note that in the above table Ive addressed multiple accounts; Incursions and Missions can be mulitboxed, but the chances of loss increases exponentially with each account. The yield from PI scales linearly with number of accounts, however to beyond four would be rather demanding for most simply due to the amount of micro-organization. An empire on this scale requires maintenance once every 3 days, and needs two accounts to really shine. In most cases, two accounts will triple planetary output! Payout is dependent on the product produced and the number of accounts trained into the art; the figure of 250 Million ISK per hour is based on two accounts producing the most valuable hightech PI products: the Self-Harmonizing Power Cores. This tutorial will, from the ground up, teach you to produce Self-Harmonizing Power Cores, and these methods can be mapped to producing other valuable PI products such as Sterile Conduits and Wetware Mainframes. Would you like to know more?

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1 The Entourage
1.1 Skill Yourself
To properly PI, we must utilize all the character slots available. Each planet counts and will be pressed to its limits to create the consistent output we will require. Six characters across two accounts must be trained (in the order of categories shown) into this bare-bone set of skills. Science Space Ship Command Mechanics Planet Management Cybernetics 1 -> Science 4 [Racial] Frigate 3 -> [Racial] Industrial 3 Hull Upgrades 2 -> Jury Rigging 3 -> Astronautics Rigging 1 Remote Sensing 3 -> Interplanetary Consolidation 4 -> Planetology 4 -> Command Center Upgrades 4 -> Advanced Planetology 4

This may not look like much, but it must be done three times on each account! Additionally, a single character from one account must train Command Center Upgrades 5; this is a 4x skill and requires about 12 days to train, meaning one account will be ready before the other. If, for balance, you wish you may train Interplanetary Consolidation 5 on said other account; it will give you one extra planet to harvest in case you find a resource becomes scarce. In order to speed things up, I highly recommend dropping any freshly created characters into a trading hub such as Jita. Quick-train Cybernetics 1 into their head, and then purchase and plug in a full set of basic implants. Train all the non-Planet Management skills first; the PI set of skills eats up approximately 80% of the required training time, so we are going to re-map these characters for Charisma (primary) and Intelligence (secondary) when required. This should slice almost two days of each characters training tree.

1.2 - A Cog in a Machine of Six

Of our six characters, there will be four dedicated harvesters. If you have a character that runs incursions, or is preoccupied with other tasks that has them living far away from the system you are doing PI in, I highly recommend that they be a harvesting character (for reasons that will be explained later on). Harvesting characters will be the first trained, as building up a decent backlog of resources is a good idea before moving into full chain production. Our fifth character will be the one that falls on the Command Center Upgrades 5 training grenade. It is very important that this character is around to move to the system that your planets are located in once every 3 days; this can be a real bitch with jump-cloning so make sure they live in the local cluster. In addition to managing the mid tier factory planets, they will have light harvesting duties. The fifth character will be referred to from here on as the Mid Character.

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The sixth character does not require any more training than a dedicated harvester. They will be responsible for the maintenance of your PI chains high tech factories. While it seems counterintuitive, the most efficient high-tech manufacturing method does not put more stress on a command center than a mid tier production planet. Like the Mid Character, they will also have light harvesting duty. Lets call this guy the Tech Character from now on. Once a harvesting character has finished training Command Center Upgrades to level 3 (level 4 is required for functionality though!), it is time for them to leave their nest and head on down to

2 Yekh
2.1 Phenomenal Cosmic Power
Proper PI requires a system with a large variety of planets and an abundance of resources. If you have somehow obtained this document and are not a part of Sadistica, it sucks to be you because Yekh is an amazing PI playground for being in lowsec space. Planetary richness aside, it is safe and quiet, the perfect place to grow your industrial garden. The below chart may look like Rastafarian vomit but it will be quite handy to you later on, especially if you choose to produce a product other than Self-Harmonizing Power Cores. PI Base Metals Felsic Magma Heavy Metals Non-CS Crystals Suspended Plasma Aqueous Liquids Carbon Compounds Microorganisms Noble Metals Autotrophs Complex Organisms Ionic Solutions Noble Gas Reactive Gas Planktic Colonies
Chart 2-A









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In chart 2-A, a green field indicates that the resource is plentiful and can easily maintain a harvesting facility. A yellow field indicates that the resource is rather anemic and can borderline maintain a harvesting facility; if other options are not available they will suffice, but they also require more diligent (not frequent) maintenance than a harvesting facility extracting a green resource. A red resource is too sparse to maintain a continuous supply to a harvesting facility and should not be considered for this kind of work. The important thing to take away from this chart is that there is not one single resource that cant be sustainably harvested, meaning that with proper harvesting designation any PI product can be produced out here.

2.2 Itty Bitty Living Space

Resources are drained by extraction, and anyone who interacts with a planet will see the same levels that everyone else does, so this sustainability chart may change with an influx of new capsuleers seeking their fortune in Yekh. If resources do dwindle in the future, it may be feasible to jump-freight the especially anemic ones out to Yiratal and put them on market. While this might impact net profits it will be by a negligible fraction; approximately 1/13 th of your earnings per resource. For now, however, Yekh remains a wellspring of materials. There are no stations in Yekh. This means you will have to live and work out of a POS, either one you place yourself or (more likely) one owned by the corporation. You will need at least one corporate hangar array in this POS, and access to at least one hangar subdivision. Without this, you wont have nearly enough space to store your hard-extracted resources. You will also likely use anywhere between a quarter to half the space inside of the array. Theoretically, if your PI chain is humming along at 100% efficiency you need almost no space, but it is useful to have a supply of spare resources on hand if one of your extraction cycles comes up short. If you complete your harvest characters first and get them to work you should have a good 40-days-of-extraction cushion to support your endeavors. Each of your six characters will need their own industrial ship, fit with as many expanded cargo hold modules and as many cargo hold optimization rigs as the hull allows. To this end, the Minmatar and Amarr haulers Mammoth and Bestower are the best at Industrial level 3 (this may change when CCP gets around to giving industrial haulers the tiericide treatment); the Itteron and Badger cant hold over 20k m3, which is an important volume to be able to carry between customs office and hangar. Purchase and courier contract the ships you plan on flying (with their appropriate fittings) down to Yiratal so that you have everything you will need by the time all your characters have arrived. Dont worry about command centers; they are currently available for purchase and in good supply. For any character created solely for PI, dont skimp on the leather seats they will be sitting in that ship for the rest of their digital life.

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3 Capitalism
3.1 Its Dangerous to Go Alone. Take This!
Now we arrive at a junction. Will you follow the path before you and produce the all-mighty Self-Harmonizing Power Core, or will you brave the unexplored waters of the many rivers that PI flows through? Below is a link to a very special document, which has been my sole companion through my travels. This brilliant piece of art was produced by Korai Iarok, and in his honor I will refer to it as the Korai chart from here on. Save this PDF to the same folder as Berials PI Bible for best results. http://www.hst-soft.de/korai/Eve_PI_Diagrams_v1_4.pdf Upon glancing these flowcharts, one might initially react by slamming shut their laptop/ monitor and announce fuck this, Im done before flipping their table over and burning their house down. Chillax friend, because Ive already taken much of the hard work out of this for you. First, lets look at the trade hub values of all the various high-tech products in the chart: Values from February 23, 2013 Integrity Response Drone Broadcast Node Self-Harmonizing Power Core Sterile Conduits Recursive Computing Module Organic Mortar Applicators Nano-Factory Nanite Repair Paste Highest Hub Buy Order 1,701,001.85 - Jita 1,571,000.00 - Dodixie 1,551,002.71 - Domain 917,351.51 - Jita 912,001.51 - Hek 839,999.97 - Jita 791,200.51 - Jita 25,500.02 x10 - Rens Lowest Hub Sell Order 1,750,000.00 - Jita 1,579,999.87 - Jita 1,547,048.83 - Jita 935,996.19 - Jita 918,999.99 - Rens 805,000.00 - Dodixie 824, 996.99 - Amarr 25,299.16 x 10 - Amarr

Note: Nanite Repair Paste is weird. The components are manufactured in stations using PI products through blueprints, producing 10 units per job.

3.2 Know Your Limits

Integrity Response Drones sell for a lot. I want to make Integrity Response Drones! No. Sit down you ridiculous aspie child, and let uncle Berial tell you why thats a bad idea. Six characters with Interplanetary Consolidation 4 can place Command Centers on a maximum of 30 planets, or five each. Pull out your Korai chart and look at Integrity Response Drones. Notice how the bottom of the production chain there are 16 basic resources listed, and how two of them (Carbon Compounds and Planktic Colonies) are split in two directions at the Process Materials (or second) level of the tree. Now were going to dip into PI mechanics here; its not what this chapter is about, but its only very briefly and only to make a point. I promise.

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The Korai chart seems to show a 1:1 supply ratio up your chain, however this is an illusion! Dont freak out, its still really simple. Any time you are ever trying to figure out if a PI chain is feasible, always work backwards. How? Ill show you. But first, some more acronyms: BIF = Basic Industry Facility AIF = Advanced Industry Facility HTP = High Tech Plant

Now, heres how the chain flows through its links up to the top: A) 2 BIF send Processed Materials to 1 AIF producing Refined Commodities. B) 2 AIF send Refined Commodities to 1 AIF producing Specialized Commodities C) 2 AIF send Specialized Commodities to 1 HTP producing Advanced Commodities Your all-important Mid Character can only handle a maximum of 20 advanced factories, plus the 4 launch pads required to keep them stocked. The Tech Character can pack a maximum of 10 AIF next to his single HTP. Combining these two planets, we get a 30 AIF max. Now, look at the Korai chart and youll see that the Integrity Response Drone at the very top (fourth level) requires 3 inputs. Because of the 2:1 ratio of link C, this means that 6 AIF will be required at the third level. Now look down another level and youll see that these 3 (actually 6, remember) AIF require 9 AIF to supply them, which is actually 18 AIF if going by the chart. But now we must consider the 2:1 ratio required in link B! This means well need 36 AIF at the second level alone! Combine this with the 6 AIF in level 3, and we have 42 AIF in total per single HTP. Thats right Batman, your shit just got all fucked up, because 42 is more than 30! It this means that we have to use one more planet running AIFs alone to meet quota. This reduces the number of extraction planets you can use by 1 per HTP, giving a total of 3 planets for construction. Now; at the bottom of page 6 we counted on the Korai chart 16 resources listed at level 1, with two of them being split at level 2. This means that we need a total of 18 planets for resource extraction, bringing us to a total of 21 planets used. Unfortunately, 30 will not divide well by 21. That means we can only run a maximum of one Integrity Response Drone chain on 2 accounts. That works out to a pleasantly 285.6 mil per week. Damn. So that got a little deeper into PI than I said it would. But fuck you, youre here to work. Also, you can see how important it is to plan out your chain. Chains are deceptively expensive to build, and its always a face -> desk moment when you realize half way through that it isnt going to work. But youve got two months of character training to brain -map your chain. To be honest its probably better to do it on paper, because your head will really start to hurt after a while. So, what do you choose? Follow me through section 4 and then make that choice; I havent explored all the possibilities and, who knows, you could wind up ri cher than I will.

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4 Planetary Interaction
4.1 Prospecting
Lets get to the real meat of PI. Bust out the ol Korai chart again and scroll down to SelfHarmonizing Power Core, and take a look at the level 1 basic resources required: 1x Ionic Solutions, 1x Suspended Plasma, 1x Reactive Gas, 2x Felsic Magma (two way split at level 2), 1x Autotrophs, 1x Noble Metals, 1x Heavy Metals, 1x Autotrophs, 1x Reactive Gas, 1x Complex Organisms, 1x Planktic Colony. Sum = 12 Resource planets required I think now is the best time to explain why Self-Harmonizing Power Core chains are so beastly: recall that we have 30 planets. 12 resource planets is a rather low number What if we try to fit a second Self-Harmonizing Power Core chain in there? We would require 24 resource planets, with 6 to spare. Plenty of space for the two Mid planets and two Tech Planets that would be required, and heres the real kicker: look at link A up on page six. Notice how it requires 4 BIF to supply each AIF above it. The resource planets we will run have 6 BIF each. That means that each one produces 1.5 times a chains necessary resources. Since we already doubled production, we have three chains worth in resources. Guess what well do with those last two spare planets? Thats right, a third goddamn chain. Remember how I said chart 2-A would come in handy later on? Now is that time. We are going to pin our requirements on top of this chart. Keep in mind that we have 6 characters, so each planet can be used a maximum of 6 times, except for planets II, III, and IV. These max out at 4 harvesting CC each; Ill explain why this is later on. Doubling the resources listed above we can do: PI Base Metals Felsic Magma Heavy Metals Non-CS Crystals Suspended Plasma Aqueous Liquids Carbon Compounds Microorganisms Noble Metals Autotrophs Complex Organisms Ionic Solutions Noble Gas Reactive Gas Planktic Colonies 4 2 2 P II P III P IV PV P VI P VII


2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2

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Note how Ive kept my characters spread as possible across resources that are in the yellow zone. Putting unnecessary stress on these resources could cripple your supply lines later on and result in yields that dont meet the quotas the factories require. Not that anything terrible will happen mind you; factories will sit there and collect dust until they are fed a resource. So dont feel too bad if you miss a spot or are a day late, it wont cau se any damage to your production line other than the lost production time. Its time to assign planets and positions to your characters! Heres how I did mine: Character A-1 (Mid) Character A-2 (Harvest) Character A-3 (Harvest) Character B-1 (Tech) Character B-2 (Harvest) Yekh I Felsic Magma, Yekh V Heavy Metals, Yekh II Mid Planet Yekh III Mid Planet, Yekh IV Mid Planet Yekh I Felsic Magma, Yekh II Noble Metals, Yekh IV Autotrophs Yekh VI Autotrophs, Yekh IX Planktic Colonies Yekh II Noble Metals, Yekh IV Autotrophs, Yekh V Heavy Metals, Yekh VI Autotrophs, Yekh IX Planktic Colonies Yekh II Tech Planet, Yekh III Tech Planet, Yekh IV Tech Planet, Yekh VII Reactive Gas, Yekh VIII Reactive Gas Yekh I Felsic Magma, Yekh IV Complex Organisms, Yekh V Suspended Plasma, Yekh VII Ionic Solutions, Yekh VIII Ionic Solutions Yekh I Felsic Magma, Yekh IV Complex Organisms, Yekh V Suspended Plasma, Yekh VII Reactive Gas, Yekh VIII Reactive Gas

Character B-3 (Harvest)

You are completely welcome to use this order to produce Self-Harmonizing power cores; distribution order across characters really doesnt matter, but as you can see Ive tried to keep things grouped between accounts and have a single character harvest the same thing multiple times when they can. That way if a resource is low I know whos been slacking off.

4.2 The Right Man in the Wrong Place

In PI, there are seven components that we care about and you can find their icons below this order: Command Center (CC), Basic Industry Facility (BIF), Advanced Industry Facility (AIF), High Tech Plant (HTP), Storage Facility (SF), Launch Pad (LP), and Extractor Control Unit (ECU)

Note that in game, there is no visual distinction between Industry Facility types, because CCP are trolls.

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There are two main factors to consider when choosing where to place your CC: The locations of resource hotspots, and the size of the planet. Size matters because structures are connected by links, and the length of a link effects its PG and CPU consumption. Check out the planet info screens.

Out of all those statistics, there is only one that matters: the radius. For example, at 4,710km, Yekh IV is a young slender planet that you want to be on top of. A harvesting setup on a planet this size can reach over almost half the planets surface to get to the resources you want. However, Yekh VIII is more like your wife/SO/girlfriend /that-thing-you-like: bloated and gassy. At 23,120km from core to surface you are looking at almost five times the energy requirements to have a link equivalent to one on Yekh IV. If our links can only reach 1/5 th of half the planets surface, the percentage of total apparent area we can cover to extract resources is reduced to 1/25th that of Yekh IV. This is because:

In short, harvesting gas planets is a bitch. Fortunately they have a simple resource layout. But remember, it is important to look at each planets size and approximate how far your CCs harvesting reach can extend. So now that we know the pitfalls of planetary prospecting, lets get building.

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4.3 How Do I Mine for Fish?

CCP has produced a tutorial video on the basics of constructing a PI planet. While the chain they set up is shitty, take the time to watch it and understand the fundamentals of laying down infrastructure, linking structures, and routing resources. Please take the time to watch but dont actually build; I will go over it all again but it is just so much easier to detail through video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKnObxB9XCs Place the appropriate command centers in the cargo hold of your industrial hauler. To place a CC, you have to be in space in the same system as the planet. Right click on your first planet (Lets use Yekh I for this example) and choose View in Planet Mode. You will be placed in a low-orbit view of the planet. On the left of your screen, there will be an info panel with two main categories: Build and Scan. Click on the Scan tab and you will see a rainbow-colored meter above the list of planetary resources with thick bars representing their availability. Note that these bars represent a sum of all that particular resource available on the planet, and what might look plentiful is actually very spread out and not available in the concentrations we require. Set your scan meter to about 75% as shown below. Any patch below orange colored concentration is not going to have the resources required to support our BIFs.

Since Yekh I is a small planet, link length PG / CPU consumption is not much of an issue. We want to center our CC in between as many hotspots as we can. Find a good looking spot, and then click on the Build tab. Select Command Center and you will see a small icon appear under your cursor. Place it and click the Submit button that appears.

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The submit button will always appear any time you are performing any change to your PI colony; you wont be charged the ISK required to perform construction until you have submitted your changes, so feel free to decommission any structures that havent been built yet if you didnt get the placement right. Now that you have built your command center, click on the icon you placed. An info window should appear, displaying CPU, Power Grid, and a list of actions available. Click on the bottom left icon Upgrade, and click on the fifth green bar. The sixth green bar is locked out by your Command Center Upgrades skill. Note that this upgrade will cost you around 4.2 million ISK. Now, place six BIF around your CC to make a hexagon pattern, with an LP and SF tucked in on the left and right, as shown:

This is the optimal positioning of facilities to give your ECU maximum reach; keeping them close together reduces the PG/ CPU consumption of the links, allowing you to stretch your ECU link that much further. And remember, the area you can access squares with the length of your ECU link. You will need to create links between the structures as shown above by the faint blue line. Hold the Ctrl key and click on one structure and then another to link them. This is much quicker than navigating each structures info window and clicking Create Link . Note that the command center does not need to be linked to any other structure that CCP tutorial was terrible for practical purposes. Submit your changes when you are happy with them. If not, a structure can be removed by clicking the Decommission button. Now you are going to place your ECU. From what Ive been able to tell, an ECU will have an extraction area that is proportional to the planets size, meaning the percentag e of total planet area its extractor heads can reach is the same regardless of planet size. Find the juiciest hot spot you can reach, and place your ECU such that it is as close to your CC as possible while still covering a majority of the orange-to-white heat map. Once it is placed, link it to the SF as shown above. Check the link; if it is above 1000MW, you may have exceeded your reach!

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If all is well, submit your changes. Now click on the ECU icon that you placed earlier. In the info window, click the bottom left button Survey for Deposits which will bring up this window:

Well, it doesnt look like that yet. Your heat map will be shut off by opening this window. See the resources listed in the top right corner? Click on the Felsic Magma icon and your heat map will be overlaid on the planet again. This is how you choose what you want the ECU to extract. Now, rather than having numbers on the left hand size you will have dashes. Clicking on those dashes will spawn a new extractor head. Each ECU can have 10 at most, and thats just what were going to do. Once you have 10 heads spawned, set the Extraction area size slider to 3 days exactly. Youll notice that the extraction area has increased in size. Increasing the duration of extraction will, as the tutorial said, will result in decreasing returns. Fortunately, I have been able to make do with 3 days in every case that I have encountered. As you move the individual extractor heads over to the resource hotspot you will notice that the Quality Index changes to a larger number. You want to maximize these numbers in almost every instance. These numbers need to average to a minimum of at least 160, or else extraction will not be sufficient to supply our BIFs. Our BIFs are going to require a supply rate of 36000 base resources per hour, or 2 sets of 6x3000 half-hour production cycles. Note how in the above picture that by hovering my cursor over one of the last few bars it will tell me what the expected yield for that hour will be. If that number is below 28000, your supply chain probably wont last. 28000 is ok, and yes that is less than 36000, but we will get to why this is later. For now, I would say that 28000 is the red line for any last-hour harvesting cycle. Once you are happy with the arrangement of extractor heads, click the Install Program button. If you realize something has gone wrong (you retard), you can stop the program at any time just the same way you started it; the resources will initially remain untouched until a cycle has completed.

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Clicking Install Program will have closed the survey window. Our resources are being pulled, but they arent going anywhere. Click on the ECU icon again and click the second button Products. This will expand the info window to list the resource you are extracting. Click on the Felsic Magma so that it is highlighted, and click Create Route. Now locate your SF and click on its icon. The info window should indicate that the facility has been selected. Click Create Route again, and your resources are now routed. Now, theres a bit of a catch here. If the initial pull from the resource bed is above 125000 units, the basic link cant handle that much material and will require an upgrade, which doubles its power consumption! On the smaller planets, this usually isnt an issue, but on the larger ones with radiuses in excess of 8000km, it starts to become a problem. If you are overloading the link and dont have the power left to upgrade it, try canceling the extraction and backing a few heads off the hotspot. 110000 units initial pull is all we really need to maintain BIF activity. Why did we route them to the SF instead of the BIFs you might ask? Because the SF is going to act as our buffer; look at the image on page 13, and note that the first few hours are pulling near 100000 units of Felsic Magma per hour. Thats way more than our factories need! We are going to let the Felsic Magma stack up in the SF, and let the BIFs pull it as required so that if around the third day were redlining at around 28000 units/ hour, the factories still have a buffered resource supply. 100000 units is 1k m3 in storage space, and the SF has 12k m3. The SF will likely get close to being full before extraction falls below the 36000 unit per hour mark. While the first cycle is running, it is now time to prime our BIFs. Select one and click on the bottom left Schematics button. Each material has a corresponding schematic to go with it. Why schematics arent set automatically, I dont know. Maybe CCP has bigger plans in the future for BIFs. Scroll down to the Silicone schematic and highlight it, then click the Install button that expanded out below. This factory is now primed to receive Felsic Magma. Now on the same factory, go to the second button on the bottom left, Products. Just like the ECU to the SF, were going to route this product to the LP. After the product is routed, repeat the process of setting schematics and routing product with the other 5 remaining BIFs. Submit these changes, and then select the SF. Now we have to wait for one hour for the extractor to place its first batch of Felsic Magma into the SF. You can start building the harvesting colonies on the remaining planets you have chosen. Once an hour has passed, go back to Yekh I and select the SF, and then route the Felsic Magma to each BIF. Click the Submit button, and your planet is now producing. As long as there are resources for them to move and a space / factory requiring them, routes will always move stuff for you. This means that once a route is set it will remember what it is supposed to do, even if the supplying structure is empty / not producing. Harvesting maintenance only requires starting and/ or repositioning a new extractor cycle and launching product to customs offices.

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4.4 Rollercoaster Tycoon

Sub-chapter 4.3 was long as fuck, but it dealt with about 80% of everything you need to be taught about PI. Once you have practiced setting up enough harvesting planets you should be well prepared to install your Mid and Tech planets. Based on the Korai chart, we have three level 3 products to produce, and we need to designate which one will be produced on the same planet as the HTP by the Tech character, and which two lines will need to be imported to and from the Mid. I chose Nuclear Power Cores and Hermetic Membranes Hermetic Membranes to be produced by the Mid, and Camera Drones by the Tech. Here is my layout for the Mid character:

Here the green lines are designating production sectors, and the purple line represents the mirrored division in production as one side need not link to the other. Blue lines are still representing the structure links. I have chosen to produce Nuclear Power Cores on the left and Hermetic Membranes on the right. There are no ECUs in this build; the only thing supplying your AIFs will be your LPs. The LPs connected to each sector (A to 1, B to 2, etc), will need to be stocked with 5000m3 of each of the two types of basic resources. There is a magic item stack number for this volume: 13157. Sectors 1, 2, 3, and 4 will produce the two products required by the AIFs on their side of sector 5, which then route their products into LPs B and C.

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Input Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Left Sector 5 Right

5000m3 Toxic Metals 5000m3 Precious Metals 5000m3 Industrial Fibers Microfiber 5000m3 Silicone Shielding 5000m3 Oxidizing Compound Polyamides 5000m3 Industrial Fibers 5000m3 Proteins Genetically 5000m3 Biomass Enhanced Livestock Enriched Uranium and Microfiber Nuclear Power Shielding Core Polyamides and Genetically Hermetic Enhanced Livestock Membranes

Schematic / Output Enriched Uranium

Routed to Sector 5 Left 2 top, 2 bottom Sector 5 Left 2 top, 2 bottom Sector 5 Right 2 top, 2 bottom Sector 5 Right 2 top, 2 bottom LP B LP C

You can choose any planet you want to be your Mid planet, but youre gonna have a bad time if you choose any others than Yekh II, III, and IV. This is the reason that they were given a maximum of 4 harvesting characters on the resource plotting chart. These planets are the smallest in Yekh with the exception of Yekh I, which is already heavily used for Felsic Magma. How important is it they be put on small planets? Let me show you my setup on Yekh IV:

Fig. 4-E: Holy fucking shitballs Berial you are good.

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Granted Yekh IV is the largest of the 3 aforementioned planets, this setup could not be pulled off on literally anything with an extra kilometer in radius at least, not with LPs B and C looking so swank. Once you have the structures placed, you will need to seed the AIFs with the proper schematics and get the products routed. A pro tip for routing products is rather than clicking Create Route a second time is to just double click the destination structure. Its only a bit quicker, but since youre doing this action over a hundred times it can add up. Remember, the magic number of basic product for half an LPs storage space (10000m3) is 13157.

4.5 Creative Licence

Last leg of the journey here folks. Its time to set up the Tech Planets. These g uys will produce our final product, as well as the last level 3 component required to build it. We have a bit more room to play with the shape of this final colony, so go ahead and be (somewhat) creative:

Fig. 4-F: They said I could become anything. So I became a rocket ship.

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Nothing really new to teach! Get your Tech planet set up much like you did your Mid: Input Sector 6 Sector 7 Sector 8 Sector 9 5000m3 Electrolytes 5000m3 Suspended Plasma 5000m3 Oxidizing Compound 5000m3 Silicone Rocket Fuel Silicate Glass Camera Drones Hermetic Membranes Nuclear Power Cores Hermetic Membranes Nuclear Power Cores Schematic / Output Rocket Fuel Silicate Glass Camera Drones Self-Harmonizing Power Cores None Routed to Sector 8 1 Left, 1 Right Sector 8 1 Left, 1 Right Storage Facility, then to Sector 9 LP G


Sector 9

The storage facility in Sector 8 exists to ensure that in the event of a lack of Hermetic Membranes and/ or Nuclear Power Cores, the Camera Drones will not simply be discarded as they pile up on top of the factory. Your Hermetic Membranes and Nuclear Power Cores need to be imported and stocked in LP G, the magic number to stock here being 492 of each. This will exactly supply the colony until the point where LPs E and F are depleted.

5 End Game
5.1 I Sell Propane and Propane Accessories
Getting stuff on market shouldnt be too particularly difficult, however I strongly recommend that if you cant have your final product jump-freighted out from Yekh its self, you should have multiple scouts watch each gate between there and Yiratal before you go crashing gates to the station with a hauler full of cores or whatever. We have multiple jump-freighter pilots in Yiratal, and many of them do weekly runs to Amarr and Jita, but this means that accessing the Rens and Dodixie markets is entirely your own gamble. Dont be that guy who gets ganked in an untanked hauler with 2 billion in PI product inside. Use a market aggregator such as EVE Central to make informed decisions on whether or not it is worth making the journey in the first place: http://eve-central.com

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As for selling the product its self, the disparity between buy and sell orders is almost negligible. I prefer to sell immediately and let the station scrubs earn their puny margin; the small (read 1-2% gain) in exchange for waiting for weeks and having to maintain your order is not worth it in my opinion. However, this is not a guide on how to station trade; Ill leave the finer points of your station-bearing up to you. So congrats Batman, youve put the time and effort to learn in and you now have a method of putting a healthy pad in your wallet; be it that youre locked out from incursions or the area you live in is hell to run missions in, PI can be done in any quiet corner system with a variety of planets. Allow me to throw some numbers around: 750 Million ISK per week per member is: - 3 whelpable battleships per week - One whelpable LRK ship per day - One dreadnaught hull per month.

5.2 T2 Thanking Skills

Well, thats the guide. I want to thank the leader of Toxic Waste Industries, Asteroid Veldspar, for giving me the towers I need to call home, and the Sadistica Alliance leader Islador for giving us the customs offices necessary to farm the planets of Yekh, and everyone who diligently defends our home here in Ombil. I plan on maintaining this guide and producing updated versions every few months, assuming I get enough feedback to warrant a change. If you have any questions or recommendations, please send an evemail to myself, Berial Inglebard, and if theres enough to discuss we can set up a date for a private convo.

Be focused, and be consistent, and above all, fly dangerous.

- Berial Inglebard

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