Grandpa's Book

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Great Grandpa



His brother and sister werent there to welcome their baby brother because they were at the movies
David was born March 17, 1928. He loved to point out how he was born on Saint Patricks Day. He always wore a green pin with a Jewish star. He grew up on Log Cabin Avenue. That Saturday his brother and sister werent there to welcome their baby brother home because they were at the movies. But, when they came home that afternoon there he was. He was the third child of four and all his siblings were important to him.

David started his education at Custer Elementary School. He attended this school throgh eigth grade and graduated in January of 1942. He then went on to Durfree Intermediate for the eighth grade only and then he went to Central High where he graduated in January of 1946. David was a well rounded kid, he had many interests in and out of school. They included sports, reading, arithmatic, and girls. He also enjoyed all kinds of sports, especially baseball and football. He was the sports editor of his school newspaper

called the Central Student. Not only was he a great writer, but he also read quite a bit. Did you know that David read four books a week every summer? In math David was amazing; he was quick on his feet when it came to solving problems.

And of course there were girls.

David was also in the army. During his army service he had quite the interesting experence.
in July of 1947 he was stationed in Minila in the Philippians. Their his army platoon received orders to go to Tokyo, Japan in the middle of the night. When they got there the Japanese had built an island fortification in the bay. When the alarm sounded his comrades thought they were under attack. Everyone went to their post. However, the alarm rang again again so they thought it was just a test so they went back to their bunks. The morning after the men woke up to a great surprise. They found that the ship had landed on a sand bar and it was leaning at an angle in the middle of the bay. Tug boats were called to tow them away, but the ship would not move. The ship began to run out of food. Finally they were saved and taken back to base.

He was the only member of his family to graduate college

When David was discharged from the army he re-enrolled at Wayne State. He graduated in June 1950. David was the only member of his family to graduate from college. He studied accounting at Wayne and eventually becamea a C.P.A. While he was at Wayne he became president of his fraternity

and was elected member of the MacKenzie Board of Governors.While in his presidency, David helped to get the approval of the beautiful mall on Waynes Campus.

David met Evelyn Prinstein at a funeral. They dated for a short period of time. But when they got married Evies mom was happy that they got married because

she would not have to wait for Evilyn to get home from late night dates. Evilys mom was finally able to get some rest. They were married for 53 happy years.

Davide married Evilyn before he graduated Wayne

David and Evie had a happy family

David also LOVED to travel!

and to Sydney

to the Carobean

To Paradise

To Paris


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