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Student Teaching Weekly Log Name: Lexie Kurovski 1/31


Week 1-1/27-

How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have? This week has been a little different. My mentor teacher was ill for the first two days, leaving me in charge of lessons while the substitute teacher supervised. Mrs. Titus planned lessons for each day and I implemented them. Because I teach the same class three times throughout the day, I was able to make changes from class to class in order to help students comprehend the new material. For example, on Tuesday I taught an introductory lesson on poetry. I realized after the first class that students needed more examples of the rhyme schemes, meters and imagery. So, I provided examples of these on the board and used them for the second and third classes. What were your most satisfying AND your most challenging experiences? I have one or two students in each class who have behavior issues. They like to shout out abruptly in class. I feel that I handle these students well, but where I dont know them as well, yet, I am unsure of whether they need extra attention or need to be ignored. I felt that I addressed them as necessary, but actually look forward to getting to know them a little bit better in the future in order to truly offer them the attention they need. My most satisfying experience was my class management skills throughout the week. Whenever I did teach, I felt that the students responded to me in positive ways. However, I know that will change as we move forward. Students may challenge my authority or try to befriend me in order to get more freedom in class. We will see as time goes on!

What are the plans for the upcoming week? This next week, I plan on taking over teaching entirely. I will start a poetry unit on Haiku, Concrete and Lyric poetry. Day 1 will be an introduction day; students will learn about drawing conclusions in order to prepare them for the poetry they will read throughout the week. Advanced students will read an advanced poetry collection, while general students will read a basic poetry collection. Students will work in these two groups throughout the week, with Mrs. Titus working with the advanced students while I work with the basic group. Students will have a chance to read each poem, listen to me read each poem as well as listen to the poems online in order to hear each poem multiple times. Students will finish the week with a poetry writing assignment. This assignment will be their assessment of the weeks activities.

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