Hitlers Allies and Their Children

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Hans Frank

Hans Frank was born in Karlsrule, Germany on May 23, 1900. His parents were Karl Frank, a lawyer, and Magdelena. Frank had an older brother, Karl Jr. and a younger sister, Elizabeth. He joined the German Army when he was 17. Later, Frank joined the NSDAP as one of its youngest members. Afterwards, Hans trained as a lawyer and became a legal advisor to Adolf Hitler. In 1933, when Hitler appointed Frank the Minister of Justice in Bavaria, Frank complained about illegal murders occurring in the concentration camps in Dachau. Hans Frank had stated that he wasnt a part of the mass murdering until February 7, 1944. In May 1945 Frank was captured and accused of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial. Hans Frank was truly ashamed of what happened during the Holocaust, and he admitted his guilt. Hans was found guilty and executed on October 1, 1946.

Amon Goeth
Amon Goeth was born in Vienna, Austria on February 11, 1908. His family came from a well-established book publishing industry. Goeth was described as tall and handsome by a few Jewish survivors. Goeth joined the Nazi youth group at the age of 17. He was a member of the antisemitic nationalist paramilitary, Home Guard from 1927 to 1930. He dropped the membership to join the Austrian branch of the the Nazi party. Amon Goeth fled to Germany when he illegally stole explosives from the Nazi Party, therefore becoming a wanted man. Goeth later smuggled radios and weapons into Austria from Munich. He was arrested in October 1933 by the Austrians. He escaped custody and fled to Dachau. He quit Nazi and SS activities until 1937 to help his parents printing business. He was married to Olga Janauschek, but divorced her only after a few months. Goeth returned to Vienna in 1938, and married Anny Geiger in October. The couple had three children, one of them dying at seven months. In September 1944, Amon Goeth was charged with theft of Jewish jewelry. On September 13, 1945, Goeth was hung unashamed by the Polish at Plaszow.

Rudolf Hoess
Rudolf Hoess was born on November 25, 1900 in Baden-Baden, Germany. In high school, Hoess was going to train for priesthood, but after his fathers death and World War I, he changed his plans. In early 1922, Hoess was first introduced to Adolf Hitler. Rudolf immediately joined the Nazi party. In 1923, Hoess was confined to prison for ten years for taking part in an assassination, but was released in 1928 for general pardon. In 1934, he

joined the SS in Dachau. He participated in the mass murder of Jews through gas chambers and crematoria. Rudolf Hoess designed a stronger chemical to gas in the gas chambers, which was cyanide gas. In 1943, Hoess was appointed to chief inspector of the concentration camps, and worked hard to improve the efficiency of the the exterminations. In 1945 when the Red Army approached, Hoess went into to hiding with the name Franz Lang. He was captured by a German Jew and arrested by the Allied military police in 1946. In April 16, 1947, he was tried and sentenced to death. He was taken back to Auschwitz and hanged just outside the gas chambers.

Hermann Goering
Goering was born on January 12, 1893. Goering came from an aristocratic background and was a war hero. He married Baroness Karin von Fock-Kantzow in 1922. In 1923, he took part in the Munich Beer-Hall Putsch, in which he was severely wounded and was forced to flee Germany for four years. He escaped to Austria, Italy, and then Sweden. He was later admitted to a mental hospital and became a morphine addict. In 1927, he joined the NSDAP and became the successor of HItler. On March 1, 1935, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force. When Britain came into war, Goering promised hed make them surrender, but lost at the Battle of Britain. From there on, Hitler began to despise Goering. Hitler confined him to the Berlin bunker, but Goering fled to Bavaria. He was therefore dismissed of all his posts and expelled from the Nazi Party. On May 9, 1945, Goering was captured by the American Seventh Army, and put on trial at Nuremberg. On October 15, 1946, a few hours before his execution, Goering was found dead in his cell. He committed suicide by drinking poison we took before being captured.

Heinrich Himmler
Heinrich Himmler was born October 7, 1900 in Munich, Germany to a Catholic family. As a child, Himmler had always wanted to be a soldier in war. In August 1923, Himmler joined the Nazi Party. Himmler was a part of the Beer-Hall Putsch, to go against the government. In 1928, he got married to Margarete Boden, and had a daughter in 1929. On January 6, 1929, Hitler appointed Himmler as a SS soldier to body guard him and other Nazi leaders. During the summer of 1931, Himmler created the Security Service. Himmler made several appearances during war, battle, or invasion throughout his following years. His dream of becoming associated with war finally came true. On May 20, 1945, Himmler was captured by Russian soldiers and turned over to the British. On May 23, 1945, Himmler committed suicide by eating a cyanide capsule he kept hidden.

Niklas Frank

Niklas Frank was born on March 9, 1939 in Munich, Germany. His father was Hans Frank, a lawyer and politician who served for the Nazi Party. Frank is also the godson of Adolf Hitler. Niklas is an author and journalist, who is most famous for his criticizing book against his father, In the Shadow of the Reich. He caused a controversy over the German tradition of never speaking against your parents .Some of his other books include Der Vater (the father), Meine Deutsche Mutter (My German mother), and Raubritter: Das Erschrckliche Und Geheime Leben Der Heckenreiter Und Wegelagerer (Raubritter: The terrifying And Secret Life The rear rider and highwaymen). He had four other siblings (five children in all). From oldest to youngest the childrens names were Singrid, born in 1927 and died in south Africa (date is unknown); Norman born in 1928-2010; Brigette, 1935- 1981; Michael born in 1937-1990; Niklas, born in 1939. Three children stood loyal to their father until death.Niklas is the only one alive today.

Monika Herthwig
Monika Herthwig was born on October 23, 1945 in Bad Toelz, Germany into the Goeth family. Her father was Amon Goeth, a military officer for the Nazi Party. Monikas mother was named Ruth Kalder Goeth. She did not grow up with a father who was hanged in 1946, when she was only one year old. Although, people always told her good things about him and never told her about how he murdered thousands of Jews. Monika didnt even know how her father died. Herthwig believed he died for their country. She got along with her grandma, but had a horrible relationship with her mother. Once she came to watch Schindler's List,by Steven Spielberg , to find out more about her father,and thats when she finally got the real truth about her father. She later bore a child with a Nigerian named Jennifer Teege. Jennifer wrote a book about accepting her origins called Amon. My Grandfather Would Have Killed Me.

Rainer Hoess
Rainer Hoess was only twelve years old when he found out that his grandfather was a Nazi and one of the worst mass murderer in history. Hoess was beat up by an Auschwitz survivor after someone learned that he was the grandson of Rudolf Hoess. Like other family members of Nazis, Rainer Hoess decided to accept his grandfather and his dreadful actions. Also, Rainer wished to dig around his familys past, but a consecutively stopped by his family members. Hoess says that it tears him apart every single time he thinks about his grandfather. As a adolescent, Hoess attempted suicide twice. He has suffered from three heart attacks and has asthma. Hoess does not contact his family anymore, who call him a traitor. People avoid and distrust Hoess as if he was carrying around his grandfathers evil. Currently, Rainer Hoess lectures about the Holocaust era to schoolchildren. Recently, he met with students in Auschwitz to talk about the Nazis. Hoess decided to donate all of his grandfathers belongings. He acknowledges the fact that his grandfathers actions will always haunt him.

Katrin Himmler
Katrin Himmler was born in 1967 in Dislaken, Germany. She is the great-niece of Heinrich Himmler, Hitlers personal bodyguard and head of the SS. She first studied at Berlins Free University as a physiotherapist. She had her son in 1999. Katrin is currently a freelance writer and wrote a book called the Himmler Brothers, which was translated in English in 2007. Himmler holds lectures in Germany, Oxford, Edinburgh, Stockholm, Mexico City, and many more cities around the world. She has also taken part in many documentary films. Himmler wrote Himmler Brothers to be able to tell her six-year-old son about his ancestors. When Katrin was very young when got a sister and they were happy that the Himmler name would die out. According to Himmler, she wishes to break free. She says living with a criminal in the family burdens her and her family sometimes. However, she has kept her name because she doesnt want to forget where she came from or her identity. Katrin does not want to deny her heritage and the fact that her family member committed this horrible crime. Katrin also claims that she has no home when people ask her from her hometown.

Bettina Goering
Bettina Goering is the grandniece of Adolf Hitlers second-in-command, Hermann Goering. When Goering was thirty years old, she voluntarily had herself sterilised so she would not give birth to anyone somehow related to Hermann Goering. Bettina Goering, currently a 56-year-old woman, she resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico where she practices herbal medicine. Goering left her home in Germany at the age of thirteen when she got into a fight with her father and lived on as a communist in Pune, India. Goerings teenage years are marked by drug abuse, and her twenties included several nervous breakdowns. In India, she became a disciple of Osho, a guru who promoted free love. She later moved to New Mexico and got married. Fettine has lived in India, England, and Thailand. Even though Hermann Goering in reality was a part of the Holocaust and a mass murderer, Bettina always saw him as a kind, charming, and caring man. Bettina claims that her grandmother adored Hermann. When the Holocaust was mentioned on the television, Bettinas grandmother would yell and denies the fact that it never happened.

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