Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd. Open Cloze

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Simple Man

A song by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Lynyrd Skynyrd is an American rock band singing in the genre of southern hard rock. Originally the band was formed in 1964 and quickly got a worldwide recognition. After an airplane crash in 1977 in which three members of the band died the band ended its e!istence. "n 19#7 the sur$i$ing members re%formed the band with a new lead singer and ha$e been successfully singing their songs e$er since. &he song '(imple )an* was written in 197+ by the original band.

1. Read the first line of the text. What do you think its going to be about? 2. What advice do you expect to hear from a mum? Take a glance at the text and see hether the pieces of advice you mentioned are the same ith the ones in the text.

!. Read the text and fill in the gaps ith "#$ suitable ord.

+ama told me hen , as young- ./ome sit 0112222222222 me3 my only son3 and listen closely to 021222222222222 , say3 and if you do this3 it4ll help you some sunny day. "h3 0!1 22222222222 your time3 don4t live too fast. Troubles ill come and they ill 0%1 2222222222. 5o find a oman3 you4ll find love and don4t forget3 son3 0'1 22222222 is someone up above. 6nd be a simple kind of man3 be something you love and understand3 baby3 be a simple kind of man. "h3 on4t you do this for me3 son3 0*1 222222222 you can? 7orget your lust 08122222222 the rich man4s gold. 091 2222222222 that you need is in your soul and you can do this3 oh3 baby3 if you try. 6ll that , ant for you3 my son3 0:1 222222222 to be satisfied. ;oy3 don4t you orry3 you4ll find yourself3 follo your heart and 01<122222222222 else and you can do this3 oh baby3 if you try.

%. &isten to the song and check your ans ers.

'. (o you think its a good piece of advice? )o

far do you agree ith it?

*. What advice ould you give to yourself young?

Simple Man
A song by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Lynyrd Skynyrd is an American rock band singing in the genre of southern hard rock. Originally the band was formed in 1964 and quickly got a worldwide recognition. After an airplane crash in 1977 in which three members of the band died the band ended its e!istence. "n 19#7 the sur$i$ing members re%formed the band with a new lead singer and ha$e been successfully singing their songs e$er since. &he song '(imple )an* was written in 197+ by the original band.

1. Read the first line of the text. What do you think its going to be about? 2. What advice do you expect to hear from a mum? Take a glance at the text and see hether the pieces of advice you mentioned are the same ith the ones in the text.

!. Read the text and fill in the gaps ith "#$ suitable ord.

+ama told me hen , as young- ./ome sit 011 beside me3 my only son3 and listen closely to 021 what , say3 and if you do this3 it4ll help you some sunny day. "h3 0!1 take your time3 don4t live too fast. Troubles ill come and they ill 0%1 pass. 5o find a oman3 you4ll find love and don4t forget3 son3 0'1 there is someone up above. 6nd be a simple kind of man3 be something you love and understand3 baby3 be a simple kind of man. "h3 on4t you do this for me3 son3 0*1 if you can? 7orget your lust 081 for the rich man4s gold. 091 All that you need is in your soul and you can do this3 oh3 baby3 if you try. 6ll that , ant for you3 my son3 0:1 is to be satisfied. ;oy3 don4t you orry3 you4ll find yourself3 follo your heart and 01<1 nothing else and you can do this3 oh baby3 if you try.

%. &isten to the song and check your ans ers. '. (o you think its a good piece of advice? )o far do you agree ith it?

*. What advice ould you give to yourself young?

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