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Class: ANP 300
Lecture/Exam: Exam 1
School: SBU
Semester: Spring 2012
Professor: Baab

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3 types of exocrine (ducted) glands
o Unicellular
Goblet Cells main purpose is excretion of stuff.
o Multicellular
Merocrine (eccrine) secretion via exocytosis
Aprocrine secretion by crap breaking off the cell.
Ex. mammary glands
Holocrine secretion by cell rupturing Ex. oil glands
Connective tissue cells dispersed in ECM. Highly vascularized.
o Tendons, etc. are general connective tissue.
o Cartilage is not vascularized!

3 types of cartilage
o Hyaline weakest. Found in joints
o Fibrocartilage strongest. Found in intervertebral discs.
o Elastic lots of cartilage. Found in ears, nose, etc.
4 types of membrane
o Mucous anything that touches outside world. Ex. uterus, lungs
o Serous used in organ cavities. Ex. thorax.
o Synovial joints
o Cutaneous skin.
Layers of epidermis skin Superficial Stratum
o Stratum Corneum
o Stratum Lucidum
o Stratum Granulosum
Stratum germitivum
o Stratum Spinosum
o Stratum Basale
o Pappilary layer
o Reticular layer
o Accrine gland salt & BO (merocrine type exocrine gland)
o Eccrine gland plain water. (merocrine type exocrine gland)
o Arrector pilli muscle that causes goosebumps.
o Meissners corpuscles spermy things that detect touch
o Pacinian Corpuscles pressure detectors.
Cartilage Avascular
o Perichondrium surrounds outside of cartilage. Has the blood
o Chondroblasts make the ECM of the cartilage.
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o Chondrocytes old chondroblasts trapped in the cartilage. They
get trapped in bubbles called lacunae.
o Osteoblasts and osteocytes just like in cartilage
o Osteoclasts break down bone. (not in cartilage)
o Red blood marrow in epiphysis, yellow arrow in diaphysis.
o Periosteum outside of bone. Has all of the osteoblasts.
o Endosteum outer border of meduallary canal (marrow space)
Compact (Cortical) bone.
o Osteon log like things with a haversion canal in the middle
Canal has blood vessels and all.
o Perforation canal connects one osteon to another.
o Lamella calcified matrix
o Canaliculi connections between between lacunae.
Spongy (cancellous) bone.
o No haversian canals
o Layers of lamellae form trabeculae.
Trabeculae protect the bone marrow.
Bones and fetal development.
o Mesenchyme of the fetus can either develop into bone or hyaline
cartilage precursor
Intramembranous ossification: direct mesenchyme to bone
o Mainly for the flat bones of the skull
o Mesenchyme opens up into an ossification center and makes the
bone from inside out.
Endochondral ossification bones via cartilage
o You start out with cartilage in the shape of the bone
o Once the blood vessel penetrates, osteoclasts come in and
destroy the cartilage
o Then the osteoblasts start building up the bone
o Cartilage is left in between the epiphysis and the metaphysis
This makes the growth plate.
Bone diseases
o Osteoporosis bone resorbption goes faster than building.
o Osteopetrosis Resoption is disrupted/doesnt work
o Osteitis Deformans (paget disease) excessive resorption
followed by excessive building leads to shitty bones.
Axial skeleton stuff
Must know all bones of the skull as well as sutures.

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o Foramen magnum ( Bigass one for spinal cord)
o Foramen ovale nerves and crap
o Carotid canal, Jugular foramen veins and crap
Know vertebrae and the difference
between the 3 types Cervical,
thoracic, and lumbar.
o Cervical has transverse
o Thoracic- has - - superior
articular process
o Lumbar- Has I I superior
articular process (pic)
Know the curvature of the back
o Cervical lordosis
o Thoracic kyphosis
o Lumbar lordosis
o Sacral kyphosis
Intervertebral discs
o Nucleus pulposus jelly like
o Annulus fibrosus fibers
Ribs 1-7 are real ribs, join the
vertebrae and loop around to the
Ribs 8-10 attach to rib 7
Ribs 11-12 are floating ribs.
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Fetal Development
Ligaments that support the vertebral column:
o Supraspinous ligament connects all of the spinous processes
o Interspinous ligaments connect inferior articular process to
the articular process of next vert.
o Ligamentum flavum connects all of the laminas together.
o Posterior longitudinal ligament skull to sacrum on the
posterior part of each verts body
o Anterior longitudinal ligament same as post.. but on ant side
Surrounding the neural tube, you have somites
All somites have 3 regions
o Sclerotomes - Make vertebrae and ribs
o Dematomes Connective tissue.. including skin
o Myotomes Muscles.
Will split into ventral and dorsal compartments.
Spinal cord ends in the conus medullaris at the bottom
o Dura mater is outer most
Space between vert and dura mater is epidural space.
Space b/w dura and arachnoid is subdural space.
o Arachnoid mater is next
Space between arachnoid mater and pia mater is the
Subarachnoid space It contains CSF
o Pia Mater is last it becomes the filium terminal and anchors
to the coccyx.
o At conus medullaris you get cauda equine lots of nerve fibers.
8 Cervical nerves, 12 Thoracic, 5 Lumber, 5 Sacral, and 1 coccygeal
o Because you have 1 extra nerve, C1 nerve exits before C1 vert
o C2 exits before C2 vert
o C8 Exits after C7 vert and before T1
o After that, all nerves exist after vert. Ex. T1 nerve exists
after T1 vert.
Know the nerve
Superficial Back
o Trapezius
o Lattismus
o Levator
o Rhomboids
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o Quadratus lumborus
Splenius consists of s. cervicus and s. capitis
o Head/neck rotation and support
Erector spinae- full back. Has 3 parts
o Spinalis runs down the spine
o Longissius in between the other 2.
o Illiocostalis furthest out muscle. From the iliac crest
Apendicular skeleton stuff
Shoulder girdle is made up of scapula and clavicle
o Clavicle and acromion of the scapula meet at the
acromiclavicular joint
Seperation of this leads to separated shoulder
o The other end of the clavicle meets the sternu at the
sternoclavicular joint.
Flexor retinaculum goes over the wrist to keep all of the muscles
Know all of the carpals + Tarsals
o Fibrous- very strong and immobile
Gomphosis between teeth and maxilla/mandible
Syndesmosis in between radius/ulna and tib/fib.
Cranial sutures
o Cartilaginous
Symphysis pubic symphaysis for ex. intervertebral discs.
Synchondrosis hyaline cartilage. Ex. between epiphysis
and metaphysis.
o Synovial all other joints.
Synovial joints-
o Has joint capsule with synovial membrane
o Inside you have synovial fluid and articular cartilage on the
bone ends
o Theres also bursae.. which are little sacs for cushioning.
Knee joint
o ACL & PCL are inside capsule in between the 2 bones.
ACL starts from the front and goes to the back
Injuries to ACL & PCL are due to rotation.
o MCL AND LCL are the on the sides, outside of the capsule
Injury is due to side blows.
Rotator cuff muslces
o Superspinatus
o Infrsspinatus
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o Teres minor
o Subscapularis.
Muscle (Striated)
o The belly of the muscle is composed of fascicles. In between
fascicles, you have arteries and veins.
o Inside each fascicle is a bundle of muscle fibers.
Each muscle fiber is a single multi-nucleated cell.
o Inside the muscle fibers are
These are contractile
organelles made out of
Each myofilbrile is broken
down into sarcomeres
o Myofilaments
You have actin thin
filaments and
You have myosin thick
Titen is a spring like
protein that attaches the
myosin to the z disc.
o When muscles contract, the actin
filaments slide inwards.
o A motor unit is a single motor
neuron and all of the fibers it
controls each fiber only has 1 neuron that controls it.
o Calcium release by neuron causes exposed actin sites. Myosin
binds to actin sites and moves it. Atp is needed to detach.
o Cardiac muscle is interconnected (Y shape), so a single cell can
propogate the signal.
Smooth muscle doesnt have sarcomeres. It is unstriated.
o Actin and myosin filaments exist in loose bundles and
contractions are weak, slow, and involuntary.
Belly of muscle has origin (where it pulls from) and a insertion
(what it pulls). It attachs to bone through tendons.
Muscles must cross atleast 1 joint.
Muscles have max strength when there are the most cross bridges
between actin and myosin (resting)
Muscle action what the muscle can do in isolation
Muscle function what it really does with everything else around it.
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Muscle terminology
o Agonist Main muscle that does the movement
o Antagonist muscle that does the opposite movement
o Synergist helps with the movement
o Fixator muscle that keeps the bone from moving.
For ex. fixator muscles like trapezius and rhomboids help
fixate the scapula so that rotator cuff muscles can work.
Example of different positions
o Agonist Finger flexors (they also flex wrist)
o Profundus is deep and flexes tip of fingers
Superficialis is on top and flexes knuckles.
o Antagonist finger extensors
o Synergist wrist extensors help to cancel out wrist flexing.
Leg Dorsal compartment is thigh and shin.. ventral is backs.
Muscle Action Function while
Gluteus Maximus Abducts/extends/lat rot.
Prevents jackknifing
Gluteus Medius Abducts/med rot. thigh Keeps pelvis
Quadriceps Femoris Extends knee & flexes hip Prevents knee from
Hamstrings Flex knee and Extend hip Flexes knee for
swing. No jackknife.
Illiopsoas Flexes thigh Pulls thigh - swing
Gastrocnemuis/soleus Plantarflex & knee flex Prevents ankle
collapse and power
toe off
Dorsiflexors of foot Dorsiflex ankle,
Prevents slapdown
during heel
heel. Prevents toe

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