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Essay Competition


The British Council is holding an essay competition for UK Erasmus Students. Prizes will be awarded to regional winners from England !orthern "reland Scotland and #ales $ from which an o%erall nationwide winner will be selected. There will also be four regional runners$up. The nation i!e "i#$t %#i&e i'' (e )*00+ the #e,iona' "i#$t %#i&e$ i'' (e )2*0 an! the "o-# #e,iona' #-nne#$.-% i'' ea/h #e/ei0e ,i"t 0o-/he#$ to the 0a'-e o" )1*2 To be eligible applicants must ha%e been an outgoing UK Erasmus student in the academic year &''($ &'') i.e. they must ha%e gone from the UK on an Erasmus study or wor* period during that academic year. The essay competition is in two parts+ Part 1 ,pplicants must submit an essay -ma.imum length / ''' words0 entitled 1ome or ,way23 #e belie%e that there are many benefits to studying or wor*ing abroad as part of a degree and that Erasmus students trump their stay$at$home peers both personally and academically. 4o you agree2 Use your e.periences from your time abroad to act as your proof. #e are particularly loo*ing for students5 ideas on the things they learned and e.perienced and the new s*ills they ac6uired that they would not ha%e gained if they had stayed in the UK. , guide to the sorts of issues that 7udges will e.pect to be co%ered is set out below. "t is important to stress that both the personal and academic areas must be addressed. Pa#t 2 ,pplicants must answer an Erasmus competition 6uestionnaire. Each 6uestion must be answered in no more than 8' words and this information will be used if needed for a tie$brea*er.

Erasmus UK National Agency British Council 28 Park Place Cardiff C$%0 3&'

Telephone +44 (0)2920 397405 Email erasmus !ritishcouncil"or# Website ((("!ritishcouncil"or#)erasmus

Essay Competition
Re,iona' Winne#$3 P#e$entation This part of the competition will consist of the four regional finalists who will be as*ed to gi%e a fi%e$ minute presentation again co%ering both the personal and academic aspects of their e.perience to an in%ited audience at the Erasmus Prize E%ent to be held in 9ondon in early 4ecember &'') -date to be confirmed0. This presentation will count towards the 7udges5 decision in choosing the nationwide winner. The fi%e$minute presentation will be strictly time limited and a PC with the PowerPoint programme will be a%ailable. ,n o%erall nationwide winner will then be announced following these presentations. :egional winners must attend this e%ent and ma*e a presentation in order to be eligible to be 7udged in the competition for o%erall nationwide winner. :unners$up will be in%ited to attend the award ceremony although attendance will not be mandatory. :easonable tra%el costs for the finalists and runners$up will be reimbursed by the British Council. S-(4i$$ion$ Entries including the essay the 6uestionnaire and the application form must be submitted electronically to the British Council -erasmusprize;britishcouncil.org0 by <onday &' =ctober. The student should also send an electronic copy to the Erasmus =fficer at their "nstitution by >riday /(th =ctober &''(. In$tit-tion$ #e as* the Erasmus =fficer on behalf of the Uni%ersity to email erasmusprize; and confirm that the entrants were Erasmus students during &''($&'') and that they are in good academic standing.

Erasmus UK National Agency British Council 28 Park Place Cardiff C$%0 3&'

Telephone +44 (0)2920 397405 Email erasmus !ritishcouncil"or# Website ((("!ritishcouncil"or#)erasmus

Essay Competition
Essay Competition ?uidelines
Some things we suggest that you consider when preparing your essay+

#hat were you studying at home and abroad2 1ow did the Erasmus study period relate to your o%erall academic studies2 #hat new s*ills did you de%elop2 #ould you ha%e ac6uired them if you had stayed in the UK2 #hat did you e.perience abroad that you might not ha%e e.perienced in the UK2 #hat do you thin* were the main ad%antages of your study@wor* period2 "f you had an industrial placement what did your employer gain2 4id you learn things about the country to which you went -social@political@cultural@ economic@ academic0 that you might not ha%e learnt if you had stayed in the UK 2 #hat did it teach you about yourself A has it changed you2 1ow2 1as the Erasmus e.perience affected your future academic@career choices2 1ow has Erasmus affected your personal de%elopment2 1as Erasmus made a difference to your life2 #hy should others do it2

The assessors will e.pect to see reference to some or all of the abo%e in your essay. The important thing is to what your Erasmus e.perience has meant to you your perspecti%e on Europe and address the 6uestion of the ad%antage of going abroad for part of your degree rather than staying in the UK for the full course. Budges will be loo*ing for contributions that use clear concise English that will interest the reader and ma*e them want to find out more about Erasmus. Cou are e.pected to reflect on the academic as well as the personal and wider outcomes. Budges ha%e commented that essays and presentations tend to be wea*er in their reflection on the academic e.perience so you might want to bear this in mind in writing your essay and drafting your presentation. Budges will want to understand how this has affected@changed you as much as they will be interested in the more general social and cultural aspects of your e.perience. Cour essay should be no more than / ''' words. Cou should bear in mind that if you are a regional winner you will need to ma*e a fi%e$minute presentation before an in%ited audience using the information in your essay. Cou will need to submit an electronic %ersion -#ord format0 of your essay your 6uestionnaire and the application form to your "nstitutional Erasmus Coordinator by 5#i!a6 71 O/to(e# 2008 and the British Council -erasmusprize;britishcouncil.org0 by Mon!a6 20th O/to(e# 2008. 8ate ent#ie$ i'' not (e /on$i!e#e!2

Erasmus UK National Agency British Council 28 Park Place Cardiff C$%0 3&'

Telephone +44 (0)2920 397405 Email erasmus !ritishcouncil"or# Website ((("!ritishcouncil"or#)erasmus

Essay Competition

The essay competition is open to any outgoing UK Erasmus Student who completed their Erasmus e.perience in the academic year &''(@&''). Cour Erasmus e.perience may refer to a study period wor* placement or both. Cour entry must be supported by the Erasmus Co$ordinator at your home institution who will need to %erify by email that you are eligible to enter. The content should not infringe any law. Cou must submit all re6uired material to the British Council by &'th =ctober &''). Cou must be prepared to attend the Prize ceremony if you are a regional winner to gi%e a 8 minute presentation. :egional winners who do not attend can not be selected as the o%erall nationwide winner. By entering your essay and your 6uestionnaire you agree to grant the British Council the rights to publish and otherwise use the material in any way that they want and in any media in order to promote the programme and the British Council.

Erasmus UK National Agency British Council 28 Park Place Cardiff C$%0 3&'

Telephone +44 (0)2920 397405 Email erasmus !ritishcouncil"or# Website ((("!ritishcouncil"or#)erasmus

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