My Q&A with "Heimlich Heroes" program manager Terri Huntington, ending with her refusal to answer factual questions about the program and requesting that I "refrain from contacting us further" (March 12-24, 2014)

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March 12, 2014 Terri Huntington Program Director Heimlich Heroes 330 Straight Street, Suite 330 Cincinnati,

OH 45219 Dear Ms Huntington! "#$ a%%reciate &our ans'ers to some (uic) (uestions " ha*e +or an item "#m re%orting on m& ,log a,out this %ress release issue$ &ester$a&, Heimlich Heroes Education Program Expands to Teach Heimlich Maneuver Nationwide! Heimlich Heroes, the e$ucational %rogram that teaches stu$ents ho' to ,e su%er heroes ,& %er+orming the Heimlich Maneu*er to sa*e a li+e, is e-%an$ing nation'i$e to inclu$e stu$ents in gra$es t'o through eight an$ &outh organi.ations Heimlich Heroes %rogram manager Terri Huntington sai$ the %rogram, 'hich 'as $e*elo%e$ in Cincinnati in 2012, has +orme$ %artnershi%s 'ith the /merican Heritage 0irls, 1MC/ an$ 2o&s an$ 0irls Clu,s The Heimlich Maneu*er is use$ to sa*e a %erson +rom cho)ing on +oo$ or a small o,3ect The Heimlich Heroes %rogram has taught more than 1,000 chil$ren since 2012 /lmost 500 chil$ren are signe$ u% +or the %rogram +or March an$ /%ril 45e ho%e that 'ithin a cou%le o+ &ears e*er&one 'ill )no' e-actl& 'hat the Heimlich Heroes %rogram is,6 sai$ Huntington 17 /ccor$ing to the *i$eo em,e$$e$ on m& /%ril 21, 2012 ,log item, m& un$erstan$ing is that the %rogram 'as $e*elo%e$ ,& Michelle Mellea, a si-th8gra$e science teacher at Cincinnati#s 2ethan& School "+ m& un$erstan$ing is incorrect, 'oul$ &ou %lease clari+&9 27 Ha*e an& license$ me$ical %ro+essionals re*ie'e$ an$ a%%ro*e$ the %rogram9 "+ so, 'hat are their names9 37 Ha*e an& +irst ai$ organi.ations re*ie'e$ an$ a%%ro*e$ the %rogram9 "+ so, 'hich ones9 47 5hat are the names o+ the re%resentati*es at /merican Heritage 0irls, 1MC/ an$ 2o&s an$ 0irls Clu,s 'ho a%%ro*e$ the %rogram9 57 5hat are the names o+ the schools at 'hich the :almost 500 chil$ren are signe$ u% +or the %rogram +or March an$ /%ril:9 Than)s +or &our attention an$ " loo) +or'ar$ to recei*ing ans'ers to m& (uestions, %re+era,l& ,& this ;ri$a&, March 14 "+ &ou re(uire more time, %lease a$*ise ,e+ore then an$ "#ll $o m& ,est to accommo$ate Sincerel&,

Peter M Heimlich Duluth, 0/ 3009< %h! =20>74?48?2>3 e8mail! Peter Heimlich@gmail com 'e,site! htt%!AAme$+rau$ in+o ,log! htt%!AAthe8si$e,ar com T'itter! htt%s!AAt'itter comAme$+rau$B%mh cc! The Hon Cohn D Easich, 0o*ernor o+ Ohio =F Do, Gichols7 Hance D Himes, "nterim Director, Ohio De%artment o+ Health Mar& / Donan, Su%erinten$ent, Cincinnati Pu,lic Schools

Subject: RE: media inquiry -- attn: Terri Huntington From: "HEIMLICH HEROES" HEIMLICHHEROES!deacone""-cinti#com$ %ate: &'(&')*(+ +:&, -M To: "-eter Heim.ic/" 0eter#/eim.ic/!gmai.#com$

Dear Mr. Heimlich, Thank you for your inquiry. I want you to know that the nature of the relationship with the organizations you mention was overstated and the language has een revised! please go ack to the master copy on "#$e . Heimlich Heroes has %&T formed a formal partnership with any of the organizations listed. In regard to your other questions listed elow' (1 2ccording to t/e 3ideo embedded on my 20ri. )(4 )*() b.og item4 my under"tanding i" t/at t/e 0rogram 5a" de3e.o0ed by Mic/e..e Me..ea4 a "i6t/-grade "cience teac/er at Cincinnati7" 8et/any Sc/oo.# I9 my under"tanding i" incorrect4 5ou.d you 0.ea"e c.ari9y: The development of this program was a colla orative process. Dr. Mellea was one of many contri utors. )1 Ha3e any .icen"ed medica. 0ro9e""iona." re3ie5ed and a00ro3ed t/e 0rogram: I9 "o4 5/at are t/eir name": (es. &1 Ha3e any 9ir"t aid organi;ation" re3ie5ed and a00ro3ed t/e 0rogram: I9 "o4 5/ic/ one": "lease clarify. +1 </at are t/e name" o9 t/e re0re"entati3e" at 2merican Heritage =ir."4 >MC2 and 8oy" and =ir." C.ub" 5/o a00ro3ed t/e 0rogram: These are private usiness contacts. &ut of professional courtesy I will not give out this information. ?1 </at are t/e name" o9 t/e "c/oo." at 5/ic/ t/e ""t ?** c/i.dren are "igned u0 9or t/e 0rogram 9or Marc/ and 20ri.": )gain, out of professional courtesy I do not intend to give out this information. Thank you for your interest,

Terri Huntington
Heimlich Heroes *+,-**.-/012 - office *+,-03*-*4*3 - fa5 ,,4 6traight 6treet, 6uite ,,4 7incinnati, &H 0*/+. 8isit us at' 9ike us on :ace ook

Subject: Re: media inquiry -- attn: Terri Huntington From: -eter Heim.ic/ 0eter#/eim.ic/!gmai.#com$ %ate: &')&')*(+ ():(@ -M To: HEIMLICH HEROES HEIMLICHHEROES!deacone""-cinti#com$ Terri Huntington -rogram %irector "Heim.ic/ Heroe"" &&* Straig/t Street4 Suite &&* Cincinnati4 OH +?)(A %ear M"# Huntington: T/anB" 9or your Marc/ (& e-mai. 5it/ an"5er" to t/e que"tion" I e-mai.ed you t/e 0re3iou" day -- I a00reciated your 0rom0t and /e.09u. re0.y# I /a3e "ome quicB 9o..o5-u0"4 0.ea"e# (1 >ou 5rote: The development of the (Heimlich Heroes) program was a collaborative process. Dr. (Michelle) Mellea was one of many contributors. <ou.d you 0.ea"e 0ro3ide me a .i"t 5it/ t/e name" o9 t/e 0rinci0a. contributor" re"0on"ib.e 9or de3e.o0ing t/e 0rogram: )1 In my 0re3iou" inquiry4 I a"Bed4 "Ha3e any .icen"ed medica. 0ro9e""iona." re3ie5ed and a00ro3ed t/e 0rogram: I9 "o4 5/at are t/eir name":" >ou "im0.y re0.ied4 ">e"#" <ou.d you 0.ea"e 0ro3ide me 5it/ t/e name" o9 t/o"e .icen"ed medica. 0ro9e""iona.": &1 In my 0re3iou" inquiry4 I a"Bed4 "</at are t/e name" o9 t/e "c/oo." at 5/ic/ t/e"t ?** c/i.dren are "igned u0 9or t/e 0rogram 9or Marc/ and 20ri.#7": >ou re0.ied4 "COut1 o9 0ro9e""iona. courte"y I do not intend to gi3e out t/i" in9ormation#" Since t/e in9ormation 5a" di"tributed 3ia a -R<eb 0re"" re.ea"e -0re"umab.y to ad3erti"e your 0rogram -- I don7t under"tand your an"5er# <ou.d you 0.ea"e c.ari9y 5/y you re9u"ed to 0ro3ide me 5it/ t/e name" o9 t/e "c/oo.": +1 T/e re3i"ed -R<eb 0re"" re.ea"e to 5/ic/ you directed me i" /ead.ined4 Heimlich Heroes Education Program E pands to Teach Heimlich Maneuver !ationwide : >ou in9ormed me t/at t/e t/ree nationa. organi;ation" named in t/e origina. 3er"ion o9 t/e 0re"" re.ea"e -- t/e >MC24 t/e 8oy" and =ir." C.ub" o9 2merica4 and t/e 2merican Heritage =ir." -- are not 0artnering 5it/ your 0rogram# T/ere9ore4 /o5 i" t/e 0rogram e60anding nation5ide: ?1 2ccording to t/e training 3ideo" on your 5eb"ite4 your 0rogram teac/e" "tudent" to 0er9orm t/e Heim.ic/ maneu3er on uncon"ciou" c/oBing 3ictim"# <ou.d you 0.ea"e direct me to any 0ub.i"/ed re"earc/ "tudie"4 to any medica. organi;ation"4 and'or to any .icen"ed medica. 0ro9e""iona." t/at recommend t/i" treatment: ,1 >our 0rogram7" /ome 0age 9eature" a 0/oto and quote 9rom Cincinnati Red" ba"eba.. 0.ayer Todd Fra;ier# On 5/at date did Mr# Fra;ier or /i" re0re"entati3e endor"e your 0rogram: T/anB" 9or your continued attention and I .ooB 9or5ard to recei3ing your an"5er"4 0re9erab.y by t/i" <edne"day4 Marc/ ),# I9 you require more time4 0.ea"e ad3i"e be9ore t/en and I7.. do my be"t to accommodate# Sincere.y4 -eter M# Heim.ic/ %u.ut/4 =2 &**A, 0/: C)*@1+D+-D)@& 5eb"ite: /tt0:''med9raud#in9o b.og: /tt0:''t/e-"idebar#com T5itter: /tt0":''t5itter#com'med9raudE0m/ e-mai.: 0eter#/eim.ic/!gmai.#com

Subject: Re: media inquiry -- attn: Terri Huntington From: "HEIMLICH HEROES" HEIMLICHHEROES!deacone""-cinti#com$ Date: &')+')*(+ ((:)) 2M To: "-eter Heim.ic/" 0eter#/eim.ic/!gmai.#com$

Dear Mr. Heimlich, )lthough we appreciate your interest in our organization, we are not comforta le with the focus of your questions. )s such, neither Deaconess nor any of its affiliates, including Heimlich Heroes, will respond to any additional inquiries from you and politely request that you refrain from contacting us further. 6incerely,

Terri Huntington
Heimlich Heroes *+,-**.-/012 - office *+,-03*-*4*3 - fa5 ,,4 6traight 6treet, 6uite ,,4 7incinnati, &H 0*/+. 8isit us at' 9ike us on :ace ook

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