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ROMANTICISM I. Answer the Questions 1. What are the elements of Romanticism?

The elements of the Romanticism are: Frontier: vast expanse, freedom, no geographic limitations. Optimism: greater than in Europe because of the presence of frontier. Experimentation: in science, in institutions. Mingling of races: immigrants in large numbers arrive to the US. Growth of industrialization: polarization of north and south; north becomes industrialized, south remains agricultural. 2. What is the subject matter in this period? According to the information from the book Romantics ideas centered around art as inspiration, the spiritual and aesthetic dimension of nature, also it stressed strong emotion, imagination, freedom from classical correctness in art forms, and rebellion against social conventions; I think theres more information on the internet about this point and I write down it: The subject matters in this period are: 1. The quest for beauty: non-didactic, "pure beauty." 2. The use of the far-away and non-normal - antique and fanciful: a. In historical perspective: antiquarianism; antiquing or artificially aging; interest in the past. b. Characterization and mood: grotesque, gothicism, sense of terror, fear; use of the odd and queer. 3. Escapism - from American problems.

4. Interest in external nature - for itself, for beauty:

a. Nature as source for the knowledge of the primitive. b. Nature as refuge. c. Nature as revelation of God to the individual. 3. Can you list the Romantic attitudes shown in the work of this period? The appeal of the common man, who was respected and idealized as never before

A new awareness for childhood,

the new admiration for simplicity and

naturalness turned the Romanticism attention in sympathy and love toward children. A new feeling for nature, the romanticist foundwild beauty in lofty mountains and deep forest, and a freedom and majesty in the power of ocean. The development of the self-became a major theme; self-awareness a primary method, the romanticist was likely to be highly subjective. All of these attitudes are summarize as three attitudes: Appeals to imagination; use of the "willing suspension of disbelief." Stress on emotion rather than reason; optimism, geniality. Subjectivity: in form and meaning. 4. Identify and explain the techniques used in the Romantic period. Remoteness of settings in time and space. Improbable plots. Inadequate or unlikely characterization. Authorial subjectivity. Socially "harmful morality;" a world of "lies." Organic principle in writing: form rises out of content, nonformal. Experimentation in new forms: picking up and using obsolete patterns. Cultivation of the individualized, subjective form of writing. 5. Describe the philosophical patterns from the writing of this period. Nineteenth century marked by the influence of French revolution of 1789 and its concepts of liberty, fraternity, equality: a. Jacksonian democracy of the frontier. (Andrew Jackson on the Web) b. Intellectual and spiritual revolution - rise of Unitarianism. c. Middle colonies - utopian experiments like New Harmony, Nashoba, Fourierism, and the Icarian community. 2. America basically middle-class and English - practicing laissez-faire (live and let live), modified because of geographical expansion and the need for subsidies for setting up industries, building of railroads, and others. 3. Institution of slavery in the South - myth of the master and slave William Gilmore Simms' modified references to Greek democracy (Pericles' Athens which was based on a slave proletariat, but provided order, welfare and security for all) as a way of maintaing slavery.

6. Consider literary portraits of women engaged in heroic struggle or of escaping slaves portrayed as heroic fugitives. Compare and contrast portraits by Stowe, Fuller, Jacobs, and Douglass with Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter or Thoreau's autobiographical narrator in Walden. Compare and contrast Hester Prynne 1. Hawthorne states through other peoples thoughts that she is beautiful, tall, thin, and dignified. She is also said to be good with a needle considering she helps the poor by donating clothes to them. 2. Hester's treatment for adultery is representative of the male dominated society that exists. 3. She represents the hypocrisy of men and their views of women. The female, even today, is judged harshly for sinful behavior and simultaneously pursued by men to satisfy their physical desire. 4. She stays in her town, not running back to England. She is an early feminist, demanding her rights as a woman and member of society. 5. She proves the true power of the woman alone; she raises her daughter working hard to support her. 6. She stands up for all women, as she becomes an icon, celebrated for her courage. She continues to wear the A long after her punishment is fulfilled, with indignant pride and accomplishment.




Margaret Fuller believed in providing education to women. She advocated that women seek any employment and advocated reform at all levels of society. She considered Native Americans an important part of American heritage. She supported the rights of African-Americans, and she agreed with the transcendental concern for the psychological well-being of the individual. Harriet Beecher Stowe She depicted life for African-Americans under slavery; she took part in the fight of anti-slavery forces in the American North, and created an integrated school in Mandarin for children and adults.She also spoke against slavery both in America and Europe. She published the Uncle Tom's Cabin where reflected the idea that slavery in the United States, the nation that purportedly embodied democracy and equality for all, was an injustice of colossal proportions Harriet Ann Jacobs She wrote (Linda Brent) an autobiographical narrative about the struggle for freedom by female slaves and an account of the sexual harassment and abuse they endured, The narrative was designed to appeal to middle class white Christian women in the North, focusing on the impact of slavery on women's chastity and sexual virtues, finally Jacobs criticized the religion of the Southern United States as being un-Christian and as emphasizing the value of money. Frederick Douglass He suggested that the world would be a better place if women were involved in the political sphere. Douglass merged the North Star with Gerrit Smith's Liberty Party Paper to form Frederick Douglass' Paper, which was published until 1860. And he delivered an address to the Ladies of the Rochester Anti Slavery Sewing Society, in other hand He was an early advocate for desegregation of schools, finally Douglass was acquainted with the radical abolitionist John Brown but disapproved of Brown's plan to start an armed slave rebellion in the South.


7. Discuss changes in the concept of the American self in the early nineteenth century. Locate your discussion within specific works by Emerson, Thoreau, and Hawthorne. Ralph Waldo Emerson, through his literature and speeches that were groundbreaking in both style and matter, played the most vital role of any writer of his time in defining what was to become the American spirit. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau lived in Concord and joined together forming the Transcendental Club in 1836. Emerson's philosophy is typically liberal;

power the values of individual and self, so, vitality and optimism. For Emerson and Thoreau the human being when in contact with nature, using intuition and observation, is capable of coming into contact with the cosmic energy, the creative source of life, identified as God. Emerson uses Transcendentalist and romantic views to get his points across by explaining a true American scholar's relationship to natureThat was benefit scholars and all men of thought for decades to come. Thoreau also transcendentalists because of his ecological consciousness, do-ityourself independence, ethical commitment to abolitionism and political theory of civil disobedience and peaceful resistance. He neither rejected civilization nor fully embraced wilderness. Instead he sought a middle ground, the pastoral realm that integrates both nature and culture. Thoreau with its publication Civil Disobedience he influence in the life of large men such as Mahatma Gandhi, President John F. Kennedy, and civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. In the other hand, latest review has paid special attention to the narrative voice of Hawthorne, considered within a self-conscious rhetoric, not to be confused with the true writer's voice, which contradicts the old concept of moral leaden Hawthorne charged complex. He was the main figure of the Anti-transcendentalist movement, which objected to the claim of Transcendentalists like Henry David Thoreau that man, is inherently good. Hawthorne's work often deals with the idea that sin is inherent in man and unavoidable Whether comparing the Transcendentalist writings of Emerson and Hawthorne or relating such examples to society today, this movement clearly emphasizes the importance of this life in the present. In addition, it shows the significance of living a spiritual life and not necessarily relying on concrete religion or church to have faith. Most importantly, it portrays the value of self-realization and of the individual in the universe. From these tenets and more, you'll find that Transcendentalism was one of the most significant literary movements of our time.

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