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EE 3CL4, L 1 1 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use?

Administrative details Parting shot

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 1 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 1 2 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot


1 Why are you here? 2 What is a control system? 3 What tools will we use? 4 Administrative details 5 Parting shot

EE 3CL4, L 1 4 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Why are you here?

You might be interested in:
Designing guidance systems for: the next Mars Rover, a space craft or a UAV

EE 3CL4, L 1 5 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Why are you here?

You might be interested in:

Designing industrial or biomedical robots

EE 3CL4, L 1 6 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Why are you here?

You might be interested in:
Designing humanoid robots

EE 3CL4, L 1 7 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Why are you here?

You might be interested in: Designing control systems for hybrid or electric cars

Designing disk drives

Developing technologies for enhanced power

distribution (Smart Grid)

EE 3CL4, L 1 8 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Why are you here?

You might be interested in:
Designing an automated insulin delivery system

EE 3CL4, L 1 9 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Why are you here?

You might be interested in:
Designing and analyzing nancial systems

EE 3CL4, L 1 11 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

What is a feedback control system?

EE 3CL4, L 1 12 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

What is a feedback control system?

Example: You driving a car

EE 3CL4, L 1 14 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

What tools will we use?

Newtonian mechanics, linear and rotational

(Phys 1D03)
Basic electromagnetism (Phys 1E03, EE 2CJ4) Electric circuit analysis (EE 2CI5, EE 2CJ4, EE 2EI5) Step response of rst and second order systems

(Math 2P04/2Z03, EE 2CI5, EE 2CJ4)

Laplace transforms

(Math 2P04/2Z03, EE 2CJ4, EE 3TP4)

Transfer functions (EE 2CJ4, EE 3TP4) Bode diagrams (EE 2CJ4) Structured problem solving methods

(EE 2CI5, EE 2CJ4, EE 3TP4, . . . )

EE 3CL4, L 1 16 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Contact details

Tim Davidson

ITBA310 Ext. 27352, EE3CL4 in subject line

Course web site (soon to be fully updated for 2011)
A formal course outline appears on the web site.

Here we will focus on some key points

EE 3CL4, L 1 17 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Class details
Lectures Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 12:30pm, TSH/B128 Tentative topic schedule will appear on web site Tutorials (starting next week) T01: Tuesday, 8:30am, T13/125 T02: Monday, 11:30am, BSB/106 Labs (tentatively starting 24 January) Four labs One every other week, ITB/154 Signicant pre-lab work will be required

EE 3CL4, L 1 18 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Marking scheme
Laboratory reports: 20% Midterm test: 25%

Tentatively scheduled for week starting Monday 28 Feb (rst week after midterm break), 7:00pm 8:30pm
Final examination: 55% Students must personally complete all laboratories and

all laboratory reports in order to be eligible for a nal grade

Formally deferred tests & exams may be conducted

Remarking requests will require documentation On tests & exams, expect to see problems that you

have not seen before

EE 3CL4, L 1 19 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Some suggestions

Be active in lectures Participate in tutorials Take advantage of the labs Do half of the assigned problems under examination

In exams, explain your methodology

EE 3CL4, L 1 21 / 21 Tim Davidson Why are you here? What is a control system? What tools will we use? Administrative details Parting shot

Parting shot

EE 3CL4, L 2 1 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 2 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 2 2 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example


1 What is control engineering

2 Examples

3 Design process

4 Disk drive example

EE 3CL4, L 2 4 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

What is control engineering

First we have a system that we want to understand Typically, that means a mathematical model Then we use that understanding to design a secondary

system that controls the behaviour of the rst

Must obtain appropriate control, even if model

inaccurate, or subject to noise/disturbances

Mathematical model Must balance accuracy against insight generated This course: models will be linear Hence, tools available for insight: superposition, transfer function, Laplace

EE 3CL4, L 2 5 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

Model, open-loop, closed-loop

EE 3CL4, L 2 6 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

Model, open-loop, closed-loop

What about disturbances? Mismatch (temperature, age)

EE 3CL4, L 2 7 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

Model, open-loop, closed-loop

EE 3CL4, L 2 8 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

Multivariable control

Something for fourth year!

EE 3CL4, L 2 10 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

Watts yball governor

EE 3CL4, L 2 11 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

CD player speed control: Open-Loop

EE 3CL4, L 2 12 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

CD player speed control: Closed-Loop

EE 3CL4, L 2 13 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example


John MacGregor (Chem Eng): Visual feedback control of avours

EE 3CL4, L 2 15 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

Structured approach to design

EE 3CL4, L 2 17 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

Disk drive: Intro

Spins at between 1800 and 7200 rpm,

perhaps even 10,000

Head height: 100nm A key issue: Seek time

EE 3CL4, L 2 18 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

Disk drive: Establish goals

Move from track a to track b

with accuracy of at least1m within 50ms

EE 3CL4, L 2 19 / 19 Tim Davidson What is control engineering Examples Design process Disk drive example

Disk drive: Control architecture

EE 3CL4, L 3 1 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 3 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Linearization Laplace transforms

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 3 2 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics


1 Modelling physical systems

Linearization Laplace transforms

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

2 Linearization

3 Laplace transforms

EE 3CL4, L 3 4 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Differential equation models

Most of the systems that we will deal with are dynamic Differential equations provide a powerful way to

Linearization Laplace transforms

describe dynamic systems

Will form the basis of our models We saw differential equations for inductors and

capacitors in 2CI, 2CJ

What about mechanical systems?

both translational and rotational

EE 3CL4, L 3 5 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Translational Spring

F (t ): resultant force in direction x Recall free body diagrams and action and reaction
Spring. k : spring constant, xr : relaxed length of spring

Linearization Laplace transforms

F (t ) = k [x2 (t ) x1 (t )] xr

EE 3CL4, L 3 6 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Translational Damper
F (t ): resultant force in direction x

Linearization Laplace transforms

Viscous damper. b : viscous friction coefcient

F (t ) = b

dx2 (t ) dx1 (t ) = b v2 (t ) v1 (t ) dt dt

EE 3CL4, L 3 7 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

F (t ): resultant force in direction x

Linearization Laplace transforms

Mass: M

F (t ) = M

d 2 xm (t ) dvm (t ) =M = Mam (t ) dt dt 2

EE 3CL4, L 3 8 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Rotational spring
T (t ): resultant torque in direction

Linearization Laplace transforms

Rotational spring. k : rotational spring constant,

r : rotation of relaxed spring

T (t ) = k [2 (t ) 1 (t )] r

EE 3CL4, L 3 9 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Rotational damper
T (t ): resultant torque in direction

Linearization Laplace transforms

Rotational viscous damper.

b: rotational viscous friction coefcient

T (t ) = b

d 2 (t ) d 1 (t ) = b 2 (t ) 1 (t ) dt dt

EE 3CL4, L 3 10 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Rotational inertia
T (t ): resultant torque in direction

Linearization Laplace transforms

Rotational inertia: J

T (t ) = J

d 2 m ( t ) d m ( t ) =J = J m (t ) 2 dt dt

EE 3CL4, L 3 11 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Example system (translational)

Horizontal. Origin for y : y = 0 when spring relaxed

Linearization Laplace transforms

(t ) F = M dv dt (t ) v (t ) = dy dt (t ) F (t ) = r (t ) b dy dt ky (t )

d 2 y (t ) dy (t ) +b + ky (t ) = r (t ) dt dt

EE 3CL4, L 3 12 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Example, continued

Linearization Laplace transforms

d 2 y (t ) dy (t ) +b + ky (t ) = r (t ) dt dt

Resembles equation for parallel RLC circuit.

EE 3CL4, L 3 13 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Example, continued

Linearization Laplace transforms

Stretch the spring a little and hold. Assume an under-damped system. What happens when we let it go?

EE 3CL4, L 3 15 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Taylors series

Linearization Laplace transforms

Nature does not have many linear systems However, many systems behave approximately linearly

in the neighbourhood of a given point

Apply rst-order Taylors Series at a given point Obtain a locally linear model

EE 3CL4, L 3 16 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Pendulum example

Linearization Laplace transforms

Torque due to gravity: T = MgL sin Linearize around = 0. At that point, T = 0 Linearized model


d sin d


= MgL

EE 3CL4, L 3 18 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Laplace transform
Once we have a linearized differential equation we can

take Laplace Transforms to obtain the transfer function

We will consider the one-sided Laplace transform, for

signals that are zero to the left of the origin.

Linearization Laplace transforms

F (s) =

f (t )est dt

What does

mean? limT

Does this limit exist? If |f (t )| < Met , then exists for all Re(s ) > .

Includes all physically realizable signals

Note: When multiplying transfer function by Laplace of input, output
is only valid for values of s in intersection of regions of convergence

EE 3CL4, L 3 19 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Laplace transform pairs

Linearization Laplace transforms

can be tabulated

EE 3CL4, L 3 20 / 20 Tim Davidson Modelling physical systems

Translational Newtonian Mechanics Rotational Newtonian Mechanics

Laplace transform pairs

Linearization Laplace transforms

Recall that complex poles come in conjugate pairs.

EE 3CL4, L 4 1 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 4 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 4 2 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action


1 Laplace transforms

2 Laplace transforms in action

EE 3CL4, L 4 4 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Laplace transform
We will consider the one-sided Laplace transform, for

signals that are zero to the left of the origin.

F (s) =

f (t )est dt

Key properties

df (t ) sF (s) f (0 ) dt F (s ) 1 f (x ) dx + s s
t 0

f (x ) dx

EE 3CL4, L 4 5 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Final value theorem

If F (s ) has all its poles in the left half plane, except,

perhaps, for a single pole at the origin,

then we can compute the nal value of f (t ), namely

limt f (t ) without inverting the Laplace Transform.

In particular,

lim f (t ) = lim sF (s)


Common application: Steady state value of step


EE 3CL4, L 4 7 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Mass-spring-damper system

Horizontal (no gravity) Set origin of y where spring is relaxed

(t ) F = M dv dt (t ) v (t ) = dy dt (t ) F (t ) = r (t ) b dy dt ky (t )

d 2 y (t ) dy (t ) +b + ky (t ) = r (t ) dt dt

EE 3CL4, L 4 8 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

MSD system
M d 2 y (t ) dy (t ) +b + ky (t ) = r (t ) dt dt

Consider t 0 and take Laplace transform M s2 Y (s)sy (0 ) dy (t ) dt +b sY (s)y (0 ) +kY (s) = R (s)
t =0

Hence Y (s ) = 1/M R (s) s2 + (b/M )s + k /M (s + b/M ) + 2 y (0 ) s + (b/M )s + k /M 1 dy (t ) + 2 s + (b/M )s + k /M dt

t =0

EE 3CL4, L 4 9 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Response to static init. cond.

Spring stretched to a point y0 , held, then let go at time t = 0 Hence, r (t ) = 0 and Hence, Y (s ) = s2 (s + b/M ) y0 + (b/M )s + k /M
dy (t ) dt t =0


What can we learn about this response without having to invert Y (s)

EE 3CL4, L 4 10 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Standard form
(s + b/M ) y0 + (b/M )s + k /M (s + 2n ) y 2 0 + 2n s + n
b 2 kM

Y (s ) =


= where n =


k /M and =

Poles: s1 , s2 = n n

2 1

> 1 (equiv. b > 2 kM ): distinct real roots, overdamped = 1 (equiv. b = 2 kM ): equal real roots, critically damped < 1 (equiv. b < 2 kM ): complex conj. roots, underdamped

EE 3CL4, L 4 11 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Overdamped case
s1 , s2 = n n y (t ) = c1 es1 t + c2 es2 t y (0) = y0 = c1 + c2 = y0
(t ) dy dt t =0

2 1

Overdamped response: > 1 (equiv. b > 2 kM )

= 0 = s1 c1 + s2 c2 = 0

What does this look like when strongly overdamped s2 is large and negative, s1 is small and negative Hence es2 t decays much faster than es1 t Also, c2 = c1 s1 /s2 . Hence, small Hence y (t ) c1 es1 t Looks like a rst order system!

EE 3CL4, L 4 12 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Critically damped case

s1 = s2 = n y (t ) = c1 en t + c2 ten t y (0) = y0 = c1 = y0
(t ) dy dt t =0

= 0 = c1 n + c2 = 0

EE 3CL4, L 4 13 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Underdamped case

s1 , s2 = n j n 1 2 Therefore, |si | = n : poles lies on a circle Angle to negative real axis is cos1 ( ).

EE 3CL4, L 4 14 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Underdamped case

Dene = n , d = n

1 2 . Response is:

y (t ) = c1 et cos(d t ) + c2 et sin(d t ) = Aet cos(d t + ) Homework: Relate A and to c1 and c2 . Homework: Write the initial conditions y (0) = y0 and
dy (t ) dt t =0

= 0 in terms of c1 and c2 , and in terms of A and

EE 3CL4, L 4 15 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Numerical examples

Y (s) =

(s+2n ) 2 s2 +2n s+n

y0 , where n = 2 1

k /M , =

b 2 kM

Poles: s1 , s2 = n n

> 1: overdamped; < 1: underdamped Consider the case of M = 1, k = 1. Hence, n = 1, b = 3 0. Hence, = 1.5 0 Initial conds: y0 = 1,
dy (t ) dt t =0


EE 3CL4, L 4 16 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b=3

EE 3CL4, L 4 17 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b = 2.75

EE 3CL4, L 4 18 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b = 2.5

EE 3CL4, L 4 19 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b = 2.25

EE 3CL4, L 4 20 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b=2

EE 3CL4, L 4 21 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b = 1.95

EE 3CL4, L 4 22 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b = 1.75

EE 3CL4, L 4 23 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b = 1.5

EE 3CL4, L 4 24 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b = 1.25

EE 3CL4, L 4 25 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b=1

EE 3CL4, L 4 26 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b = 0.75

EE 3CL4, L 4 27 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b = 0.5

EE 3CL4, L 4 28 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b = 0.25

EE 3CL4, L 4 29 / 29 Tim Davidson Laplace transforms Laplace transforms in action

Poles and transient response, b=0

EE 3CL4, L 5 1 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 5 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 5 2 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor


1 Transfer function

2 Step response

3 Transfer function of DC motor

EE 3CL4, L 5 4 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Transfer function
Denition: Laplace transform of output over Laplace transform of input when initial conditions are zero

Recall the mass-spring-damper system,

EE 3CL4, L 5 5 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Transfer function, MSD system

For the mass-spring-damper system, Y (s ) = 1/M R (s) s2 + (b/M )s + k /M (s + b/M ) + 2 y (0 ) s + (b/M )s + k /M 1 dy (t ) + 2 s + (b/M )s + k /M dt

t =0

Therefore, transfer function is: s2 1 1/M = 2 + (b/M )s + k /M Ms + bs + k

EE 3CL4, L 5 7 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Step response
Recall that u (t ) 1 s Therefore, for transfer function G(s ), the step response

is: L 1

G(s) s

For the mass-spring-damper system, step response is

L 1

1 s(Ms2 + bs + k )

What is the nal position for a step input?

Recall nal value theorem. Final position is 1/k .

Consider again the case of M = k = 1, b = 3 0.

n = 1, = 1.5 0.

EE 3CL4, L 5 8 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step response, b = 3

EE 3CL4, L 5 9 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 2.75

EE 3CL4, L 5 10 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 2.5

EE 3CL4, L 5 11 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 2.25

EE 3CL4, L 5 12 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 2

EE 3CL4, L 5 13 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 1.95

EE 3CL4, L 5 14 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 1.75

EE 3CL4, L 5 15 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 1.5

EE 3CL4, L 5 16 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 1.25

EE 3CL4, L 5 17 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 1

EE 3CL4, L 5 18 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 0.75

EE 3CL4, L 5 19 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 0.5

EE 3CL4, L 5 20 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 0.25

EE 3CL4, L 5 21 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Poles and step resp., b = 0

EE 3CL4, L 5 23 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

A DC motor

We will consider linearized model for each component Flux in the air gap: (t ) = Kf if (t ) (Magnetic cct, 2CJ4) Torque: Tm (t ) = K1 (t )ia (t ) = K1 Kf if (t )ia (t ). Is that linear? Only if one of if (t ) or ia (t ) is constant We will consider armature control: if (t ) constant

EE 3CL4, L 5 24 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Armature controlled DC motor

if (t ) will be constant (to set up magnetic eld), if (t ) = If Torque: Tm (t ) = K1 Kf If ia (t ) = Km ia (t ) Will control motor using armature voltage Va (t ) What is the transfer function from Va (s ) to angular

position (s)?

EE 3CL4, L 5 25 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Towards transfer function

Tm (t ) = Km ia (t ) Tm (s ) = Km Ia (s ) KVL: Va (s ) = (Ra + sLa )Ia (s ) + Vb (s ) Vb (s ) is back-emf voltage, due to Faradays Law Vb (s ) = Kb (s ), where (s ) = s (s ) is rot. velocity Remember: transfer function implies zero init. conds

EE 3CL4, L 5 26 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Towards transfer function

Torque on load: TL (s ) = Tm (s ) Td (s ) Td (s ): disturbance. Often small, unknown (e.g., wind) Load torque to angle (Newton plus friction):

TL (s) = Js2 (s) + bs(s)

Now put it all together

EE 3CL4, L 5 27 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Towards transfer function

(s)Vb (s) Tm (s ) = Km Ia (s ) = Km Va R a +sLa Vb (s ) = Kb (s )

TL (s ) = Tm (s ) Td (s ) TL (s ) = Js 2 (s ) + bs (s ) = Js (s ) + b (s )
L (s ) Hence (s ) = T Js+b (s ) = (s )/s

EE 3CL4, L 5 28 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Block diagram

(s)Vb (s) Tm (s ) = Km Ia (s ) = Km Va R a +sLa

Vb (s ) = Kb (s ) TL (s ) = Tm (s ) Td (s ) TL (s ) = Js 2 (s ) + bs (s ) = Js (s ) + b (s )
L (s ) Hence (s ) = T Js+b (s ) = (s )/s

EE 3CL4, L 5 29 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Transfer function

Set Td (s ) = 0 and solve (you MUST do this yourself)

G(s) =

(s) Km = Va (s) s (Ra + sLa )(Js + b) + Kb Km Km = 2) 2 s(s + 2n s + n

Third order :(

EE 3CL4, L 5 30 / 30 Tim Davidson Transfer function Step response Transfer function of DC motor

Second-order approximation

G (s ) =

(s) Km = Va (s) s (Ra + sLa )(Js + b) + Kb Km

Often armature time constant, a = La /Ra , is negligible Hence (you MUST derive this yourself)


Km Km /(Ra b + Kb Km ) = s(1 s + 1) s Ra (Js + b) + Kb Km

where 1 = Ra J /(Ra b + Kb Km ) Using a power balance can show that Kb = Km

EE 3CL4, L 6 1 / 10 Tim Davidson Block diagram models

Example: Loop transfer function

Block diagram transformations

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 6 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 6 2 / 10 Tim Davidson Block diagram models

Example: Loop transfer function


Block diagram transformations

1 Block diagram models

Example: Loop transfer function

2 Block diagram transformations

EE 3CL4, L 6 4 / 10 Tim Davidson Block diagram models

Example: Loop transfer function

Bock diagram models

A convenient way to represent a transfer function is via

Block diagram transformations

a block diagram

In this case, U (s ) = Gc (s )R (s ) and Y (s ) = G(s )U (s ) Hence, Y (s ) = G(s )Gc (s )R (s ) Consistent with the engineering procedure of breaking

things up into little bits, studying the little bits, and then put them together

EE 3CL4, L 6 5 / 10 Tim Davidson Block diagram models

Example: Loop transfer function

Simple example

Block diagram transformations

Y1 (s ) = G11 (s )R1 (s ) + G12 (s )R2 (s ) Y2 (s ) = G21 (s )R1 (s ) + G22 (s )R2 (s )

EE 3CL4, L 6 6 / 10 Tim Davidson Block diagram models

Example: Loop transfer function

Example: Loop transfer function

Block diagram transformations

Ea (s ) = R (s ) B (s ) = R (s ) H (s )Y (s ) Y (s ) = G(s )U (s ) = G(s )Ga (s )Z (s ) Y (s ) = G(s )Ga (s )Gc (s )Ea (s ) Y (s ) = G(s )Ga (s )Gc (s ) R (s ) H (s )Y (s )

Y (s) G(s)Ga (s)Gc (s) = R (s) 1 + G(s)Ga (s)Gc (s)H (s)

Each transfer function is a ratio of polynomials in s What is Ea (s )/R (s )?

EE 3CL4, L 6 8 / 10 Tim Davidson Block diagram models

Example: Loop transfer function

Block diagram transformations

Block diagram transformations

EE 3CL4, L 6 9 / 10 Tim Davidson Block diagram models

Example: Loop transfer function

Using block diagram transformations

Block diagram transformations

EE 3CL4, L 6 10 / 10 Tim Davidson Block diagram models

Example: Loop transfer function

Using block diagram transformations

Block diagram transformations

EE 3CL4, L 7 1 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 7 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 7 2 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback


1 Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor

2 Application to disk drive read system

3 Our rst control system design

4 Characteristics of feedback control systems, Ch 4

EE 3CL4, L 7 4 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

Last week

We constructed a block diagram for armature-controlled

DC motor
if (t ) constant; motor controlled using va (t )
(s) Determined the transfer function V a (s )

EE 3CL4, L 7 5 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

Transfer function

G (s ) =

Km (s) = Va (s) s (Ra + sLa )(Js + b) + Kb Km Km = 2) s(s2 + 2n s + n

EE 3CL4, L 7 7 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

Model for a disk drive read system

Uses a permanent magnet DC motor Can be modelled using arm. contr. model with Kb = 0 Hence, motor transfer function:

G (s ) =

(s) Km = Va (s) s(Ra + sLa )(Js + b)

Assume for now that the arm is stiff

EE 3CL4, L 7 8 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

Typical values
G (s ) = (s) Km = Va (s) s(Ra + sLa )(Js + b)

G(s) =

5000 s(s + 20)(s + 1000)

EE 3CL4, L 7 9 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

Time constants

Initial model

G(s) =

5000 s(s + 20)(s + 1000)

Motor time constant = 1/20 = 50ms Armature time constant = 1/1000 = 1ms Hence


5 s(s + 20)

EE 3CL4, L 7 11 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

A simple feedback controller

Now that we have a model, how to control?

Here, Y (s) = (s).

EE 3CL4, L 7 12 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

Simplied block diagram

What is the transfer function from command to

position? Derive this yourself Y (s) K a G (s ) = R (s) 1 + Ka G(s)

For second-order G(s), and a gain of Ka = 40,

Y (s ) =


200 R (s ) + 20s + 200

What is the response for R (s ) = 0.1/s ? Does it meet our design criteria?

Within 1m within 50ms?

EE 3CL4, L 7 13 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

Step response
Response to r (t ) = 0.1u (t )

EE 3CL4, L 7 15 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

Closed and open loop

EE 3CL4, L 7 16 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

The error signal

Error signal E (s) = R (s) Y (s) For the case where H (s) = 1 (derive this for yourself): E (s) = 1 R (s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) G(s) Td (s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) Gc (s)G(s) + N (s ) 1 + Gc (s)G(s)

EE 3CL4, L 7 17 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback

Loop gain

Again, set H (s) = 1 Dene loop gain: L(s) = Gc (s)G(s) E (s ) = 1 G(s) L(s) R (s) Td (s ) + N (s) 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s)

EE 3CL4, L 7 18 / 18 Tim Davidson Transfer function of armature controlled DC motor Application to disk drive read system Our rst control system design Characteristics of feedback


Again, set H (s) = 1 Dene sensitivity: S (s) = L(s) 1 + L(s) 1 1 + L(s)

Dene complementary sensitivity: C (s) =

E (s) = S (s)R (s) S (s)G(s)Td (s) + C (s)N (s) Note that S (s) + C (s) = 1. Trading S (s) against C (s): a key to the art of control design

EE 3CL4, L 8 1 / 11 Tim Davidson Characteristics of feedback

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 8 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 8 2 / 11 Tim Davidson Characteristics of feedback


1 Characteristics of feedback control systems

EE 3CL4, L 8 4 / 11 Tim Davidson Characteristics of feedback

The closed loop

For the whole of this lecture we will consider unity feedback: H (s) = 1

EE 3CL4, L 8 5 / 11 Tim Davidson Characteristics of feedback

The output signal

Under standing assumption of H (s) = 1, what is Y (s)? Y (s ) = Gc (s)G(s) R (s ) 1 + G c (s )G (s ) G(s) + Td (s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) Gc (s)G(s) N (s ) 1 + Gc (s)G(s)

EE 3CL4, L 8 6 / 11 Tim Davidson Characteristics of feedback

The error signal

Dene the error signal: E (s) = R (s) Y (s) For H (s) = 1, what is E (s)? E (s ) = 1 R (s ) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) G (s ) Td (s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) + Gc (s)G(s) N (s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s)

Note: For H (s) = 1, contr. input Ea (s) = R (s) Y (s) + N (s)

EE 3CL4, L 8 7 / 11 Tim Davidson Characteristics of feedback

Loop gain

Dene loop gain: L(s) = Gc (s)G(s) 1 G(s) L(s) R (s) Td (s ) + N (s) 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s)

E (s ) =

What do we want?

EE 3CL4, L 8 8 / 11 Tim Davidson Characteristics of feedback

A taste of loop shaping

E (s ) =

1 G(s) L(s) R (s) Td (s ) + N (s) 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s)

What do we want? Good tracking: E (s ) does depend only weakly on R (s ) = L(s) large where R (s) large
Good disturbance rejection:

= L(s) large where Td (s) large

Good noise suppression:

= L(s) small where N (s) large

EE 3CL4, L 8 9 / 11 Tim Davidson Characteristics of feedback

A taste of loop shaping

Possibly easier to understand in pure freq. domain, s = j Recall that L(s) = Gc (s)G(s), G(s): xed; Gc (s): controller to be designed Good tracking: = L(s) large where R (s) large |L(j )| large in the important frequency bands of r (t ) Good dist. rejection: = L(s) large where Td (s) large |L(j )| large in the important frequency bands of td (t ) Good noise suppr.: = L(s) small where N (s) large |L(j )| small in the important frequency bands of n(t ) Typically, L(j ) is a low-pass function How big should |L(j )| be? Any other constraints? Stability!

EE 3CL4, L 8 10 / 11 Tim Davidson Characteristics of feedback


Dene sensitivity: S (s) =

1 1 + L(s) L(s) 1 + L(s)

Dene complementary sensitivity: C (s) =

E (s) = S (s)R (s) S (s)G(s)Td (s) + C (s)N (s) Note that S (s) + C (s) = 1. Trading S (s) against C (s), with stability is the essence of the art of control design

EE 3CL4, L 8 11 / 11 Tim Davidson Characteristics of feedback

Model sensitivities

In practice we rarely model G(s ) exactly, and it may age

(s) How does T (s ) = Y R (s) change as G(s ) changes? G(s ) + G(s ). T (s)/T (s) ln T (s) limG(s)0 = G(s)/G(s) ln G(s) For an open loop system this sensitivity =1

For the closed loop system, with H (s ) = 1,

S (s) =

1 1+Gc (s)G(s) ,

as earlier

EE 3CL4, L 9 1 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 9 (Given as the 10th lecture in Winter 2011)

Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 9 2 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system


1 More advantages of feedback

2 Price of feedback

3 Example: English Channel boring machines

4 Example: Disk drive read system

EE 3CL4, L 9 4 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

Advantages of feedback so far

reduced sensitivity to disturbances reduced sensitivity to model variation can also manipulate the transient response,

to some degree (next week)

can also control steady-state response to certain

inputs, without tight calibration

EE 3CL4, L 9 5 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

Steady-state error

Recall standing assumption of H (s) = 1 Consider R (s) only; set Td (s) and N (s) to zero E (s) = R (s) Y (s) = 1 R (s ) 1 + Gc (s)G(s)

So what is the steady state error? If E (s) = 1+Gc (1 s)G(s) R (s ) has no poles in the close right half plane, except, perhaps for a simple pole at the origin,

lim e(t ) = lim sE (s)


EE 3CL4, L 9 6 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

Steady-state error for step

Consider the case where r (t ) = u (t ). = R (s ) = 1/s . E (s ) =

1 1 1 + Gc (s)G(s) s

1 1 + Gc (s)G(s) 1 Hence, steady-state error is 1 + Gc (0)G(0) How to make this small? Large loop gain at DC
lims0 sE (s ) = lims0

EE 3CL4, L 9 7 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

Steady-state error for ramp

Consider r (t ) = tu (t ). = R (s ) = 1/s 2 .
1 1 E (s ) = 1+G ( c s )G(s ) s 2 1 1 lims0 sE (s ) = lims0 1+G ( c s )G(s ) s How to make this nite? n(s) c (s ) Let Gc (s ) = n dc (s) , G(s ) = d (s) dc (s)d (s) 1 sE (s ) = d (s)d (s)+nc (s)n(s) s c For nite SS error, dc (s )d (s ) must contain a factor s

i.e., either Gc (s ) or G(s ) must have pole at origin


EE 3CL4, L 9 9 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

Price of feedback

more components than open loop less gain than open loop
Gc (s)G(s) 1+Gc (s)G(s)

instead of Gc (s)G(s)

potential for instability

EE 3CL4, L 9 11 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

English Channel boring machines

Y (s) =

1 K + 11s R (s ) + 2 Td (s) s2 + 12s + K s + 12s + K

Lets consider step and step disturbance responses for two values of K , 100 and 20.

EE 3CL4, L 9 12 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

English Channel boring machine

K = 100

EE 3CL4, L 9 13 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

English Channel boring machine

K = 20

EE 3CL4, L 9 14 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

English Channel boring machine

EE 3CL4, L 9 16 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

Disk drive read system

Y (s ) =



5000Ka R (s) + 20000s + 5000Ka s + 1000 + 3 Td (s ) 2 s + 1020s + 20000s + 5000Ka

with Td (s) = 0, compare step resps with Ka = 10 and 80.

EE 3CL4, L 9 17 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

Step responses for Ka = 10, 80

EE 3CL4, L 9 18 / 18 Tim Davidson More advantages of feedback Price of feedback Example: English Channel boring machines Example: Disk drive read system

Disturb. step resp. for Ka = 80

To reduce this response need larger Ka but larger Ka will result in more oscilliatory response

EE 3CL4, L 10 1 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 10 (Given as the 9th lecture in Winter 2011)

Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 10 2 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems


1 Performance of feedback control systems

2 Performance of second-order systems

EE 3CL4, L 10 4 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Basic performance criteria

Stability (next week) Steady-state response to chosen inputs Transient response to chosen inputs Compromises: the art of design

EE 3CL4, L 10 5 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Typical test signals

Step, ramp, parabolic

EE 3CL4, L 10 7 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

A second-order system
Now examine, in detail, a particular class of second order systems

Y (s ) =

2 n G(s) R (s ) R (s ) = 2 2 1 + G (s ) s + 2n s + n

EE 3CL4, L 10 8 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Step response
What is the step response? Set R (s) = 1/s; take inverse Laplace transform of Y (s) Y (s) =
2 n 2 s s2 +2n s+n

For the case of 0 < < 1, y (t ) = 1 where = 1 n t e sin(n t + )

1 2 and = cos1 .
G(s) 1+G(s)

Recall pole positions of

(ignore the zero):

EE 3CL4, L 10 9 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Typical step responses, xed n

EE 3CL4, L 10 10 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Typical step responses, xed

EE 3CL4, L 10 11 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Key parameters of (under-damped) step response

With = 1 2 and = cos1 , y (t ) = 1 1 n t e sin(n t + )

EE 3CL4, L 10 12 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Peak time and peak value

y (t ) = 1

1 n t e sin(n t + )

Peak time: rst time dy (t )/dt = 0 Can show that this corresponds to n Tp = Hence, Tp =

1 2

2 Hence, peak value, Mpt = 1 + e / 1

EE 3CL4, L 10 13 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Percentage overshoot
Let fv denote the nal value of the step response. Percentage overshoot dened as: P.O. = 100 Mpt fv fv

In our example, fv = 1, and hence P.O. = 100 e


1 2

EE 3CL4, L 10 14 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Overshoot vs Peak Time

This is one of the classic trade-offs in control

EE 3CL4, L 10 15 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Steady-state error, ess

In general this is not zero. However, for our second-order system, y (t ) = 1 1 n t e sin(n t + )

Hence ess = 0

EE 3CL4, L 10 16 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Settling time

y (t ) = 1

1 n t e sin(n t + )

How long does it take to get within x % of nal value? Approx. when en t < x /100 When x = 2, that corresponds to n Ts 4;

that is, 4 time constants 4 In that case, Ts = n

EE 3CL4, L 10 17 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

Rise time (under-damped)

y (t ) = 1

1 n t e sin(n t + )

How long to get to the target (for rst time)? Tr , the smallest t such that y (t ) = 1

EE 3CL4, L 10 18 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

10%90% Rise time

What is Tr in over-damped case? Hence, typically use Tr 1 , the 10%90% rise time

EE 3CL4, L 10 19 / 19 Tim Davidson Performance of feedback control systems Performance of second-order systems

10%90% Rise time

Difcult to get an accurate formula Linear approx. for 0.3 0.8 (under-damped),

EE 3CL4, L 11 1 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 11 (Given as the 12th lecture in 2011)

Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 11 2 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan


1 Step response of a class of second-order systems

2 A taste of pole-placement design

3 Transient performance, poles and zeros

4 Summary and plan

EE 3CL4, L 11 4 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

Class of systems
We considered the step response of an (under-damped) second order system

Y (s) = T (s)R (s) =

2 n R (s ) 2 s2 + 2n s + n

EE 3CL4, L 11 5 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

2 n T (s) = 2 2 s + 2n s + n

Poles of T (s)

Where are the poles? s1 , s2 = n j n 1 2 = n cos() j n sin()

EE 3CL4, L 11 6 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

Step response

Y (s ) = T (s )

2 1 1 n = 2 2 s s + 2n s + n s

= y (t ) = 1 where =

1 n t e sin(n t + )

1 2 and = cos1 .

EE 3CL4, L 11 7 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

Properties of step response

Settling time, Ts ,: 2% settling time

4 n

2 Percentage overshoot: P.O. = 100 e / 1

EE 3CL4, L 11 9 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

Design problem

For what values of K and p is

the settling time 4 secs, and the percentage overshoot 4.3%?

2 K n G(s) = 2 = 2 , 2 1 + G (s ) s + ps + K s + 2n s + n where n = K and = p/(2 K )

T (s ) =

EE 3CL4, L 11 10 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

Pole positions


4 n

P.O. = 100 e

1 2

For Ts 4, n 1 For P.O. 4.3%, 1/ 2

Where should we put the poles of T (s)?

EE 3CL4, L 11 11 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

Pole positions
n 1 s1 , s2 = n j n where = cos1 ( ). 1/ 2 1 2 = n cos() j n sin()

EE 3CL4, L 11 12 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

Final design constraints

n 1 p2 1/ 2 2K

EE 3CL4, L 11 13 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan


Our work on transient response has been for systems

with T (s) =

2 n 2 s2 + 2n s + n

What about other systems?

EE 3CL4, L 11 15 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

Poles, zeros and transient response

(s) Consider a general transfer function T (s ) = Y R (s )

Step response: Y (s ) = T (s ) 1 s Consider case with DC gain = 1; no repeated poles Partial fraction expansion

Y (s) =

1 + s

Ai + s + i


Bk s + Ck 2 + 2) + 2k s + (k k

Step response

y (t ) = 1 +

Ai ei t +

Dk ek t sin(k t + k )

EE 3CL4, L 11 16 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

EE 3CL4, L 11 18 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

Summary: Desirable properties

With H (s) = 1, E (s) = R (s) Y (s), L(s) = Gc (s)G(s), E (s) = G (s ) L(s) 1 R (s ) Td (s) + N (s) 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s)

Stability Good tracking in the steady state Good tracking in the transient Good disturbance rejection (good regulation) Good noise suppression Robustness to model mismatch

EE 3CL4, L 11 19 / 19 Tim Davidson Step response of a class of second-order systems (review) A taste of poleplacement design Transient performance, poles and zeros Summary and plan

Plan: Analysis and design techniques

Rest of course: about developing analysis and design techniques to address these goals
Routh-Hurwitz: Enables us to determine stability without having to nd the poles of the denominator of a transfer function Root locus Enables us to show how the poles move as a single design parameter (such as an amplier gain) changes Bode diagrams There is often enough information in the Bode diagram of the plant/process to construct a highly effective design technique Nyquist diagram More advanced analysis of the frequency response that enables stability to be assessed even for complicated systems

EE 3CL4, L 12 1 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 12 (Given as the 11th lecture in 2011)

Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 12 2 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error


1 Steady-state error

EE 3CL4, L 12 4 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Steady-state error

E (s) = R (s) Y (s) =

1 R (s ) 1 + Gc (s)G(s)

If the the conditions are satised, the nal value theorem gives steady-state tracking error: ess = lim e(t ) = lim s
t s 0

1 R (s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s)

One of the fundamental reasons for using feedback, despite the cost of the extra components, is to reduce this error. We will examine this error for the step, ramp and parabolic inputs

EE 3CL4, L 12 5 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Step input
ess = lim e(t ) = lim s
t s 0

1 R (s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s)

Step input: R (s ) = A s sA/s ess = lims0 1+G (s)G(s) = 1+lim A c s0 Gc (s )G(s ) Now lets examine Gc (s )G(s ). Factorize num., den.

Gc (s)G(s) = where zi = 0 and pk = 0.

K sN

M i =1 (s + zi ) Q k =1 (s + pk )

Limit as s 0 depends strongly on N . If N > 0, lims0 Gc (s )G(s ) and ess = 0 If N = 0,

ess =

A 1 + Gc (0)G(0)

EE 3CL4, L 12 6 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

System types

Since N plays such a key role,

it has been given a name

It is called the type number Hence, for systems of type N > 1,

ess for a step input is zero

A For systems of type 0, ess = 1+G ( c 0)G(0)

EE 3CL4, L 12 7 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Position error constant

A For type-0 systems, ess = 1+G ( c 0)G(0) A Sometimes written as ess = 1+ Kp

where Kp is the position error constant

Recall Gc (s )G(s ) =
Q K M i =1 (s +zi ) Q sN Q k =1 (s +pk )

Therefore, for a type-0 system

Kp = lim Gc (s)G(s) =
s 0

M i =1 (zi ) Q k =1 (pk )

Note that this can be computed from positions of the

non-zero poles and zeros

EE 3CL4, L 12 8 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Ramp input
The ramp input, which represents a step change in

velocity is r (t ) = At .
A Therefore R (s ) = s 2 Assuming conditions of nal value theorem are

satised, ess = lim A s(A/s2 ) = lim s0 s + sGc (s )G(s ) s0 1 + Gc (s )G(s ) A = lim s0 sGc (s )G(s )

Again, type number will play a key role.

EE 3CL4, L 12 9 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Velocity error constant

For a ramp input ess = lims0 Recall Gc (s)G(s) =
A sGc (s)G(s)

Q K M i =1 (s +zi ) Q sN Q k =1 (s +pk )

For type-0 systems, Gc (s)G(s) has no poles at origin. Hence, ess For type-1 systems, Gc (s)G(s) has one pole at the origin. Q K i zi A Q Hence, ess = K , where K = v pk v

Note Kv can be computed from non-zero poles and zeros Suggests formal denition of velocity error constant Kv = lim sGc (s)G(s)

For type-N systems with N 2, for a ramp input ess = 0

EE 3CL4, L 12 10 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Parabolic input

The parabolic input, which represents a step change in

acceleration is r (t ) = At 2 /2.
A Therefore R (s ) = s 3 Assuming conditions of nal value theorem are

satised, ess = lim A s(A/s3 ) = lim 2 s0 s Gc (s )G(s ) s0 1 + Gc (s )G(s )

Again, type number will play a key role.

EE 3CL4, L 12 11 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Acceleration error constant

For a parabolic input ess = lims0 Recall Gc (s)G(s) =
Q K M i =1 (s +zi ) Q sN Q k =1 (s +pk ) A s 2 Gc (s )G (s )

For type-0 and type-1 systems, Gc (s)G(s) has at most one pole at origin. Hence, ess For type-2 systems, Gc (s)G(s) has two poles at the origin. Q K i zi A Q Hence, ess = K , where K = a pk a

Again, Ka can be computed from non-zero poles and zeros Suggests formal denition of acceleration error constant Ka = lim s2 Gc (s)G(s)

For type-N systems with N 3, for a parabolic input ess = 0

EE 3CL4, L 12 12 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Summary of steady-state errors

EE 3CL4, L 12 13 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Robot steering system

Lets examine a proportional controller: Gc (s) = K1

Gc (s )G(s ) = K1 K /( s + 1) Hence, type-0 system. Hence, for a step input,

ess = where Kp = K1 K .

A 1 + Kp

EE 3CL4, L 12 14 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Robot steering system

Lets examine a proportional-plus-integral controller: Gc (s) = K1 + K2 K1 s + K2 = s s

(K1 s+K2 ) When K2 = 0, Gs (s )G(s ) = K s ( s+1) Hence, type-1 system.

Hence, for a step input, ess = 0 For ramp input,

ess =

A , Kv

where Kv = lims0 sGc (s)G(s) = KK2

EE 3CL4, L 12 15 / 15 Tim Davidson Steady-state error

Typical response

to a sawtooth input

EE 3CL4, L 13 1 / 12 Tim Davidson Stability

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 13 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 13 2 / 12 Tim Davidson Stability

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients


1 Stability

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients

EE 3CL4, L 13 4 / 12 Tim Davidson Stability

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients


A systems is said to be stable if all bounded inputs r (t ) give rise to bounded outputs y (t ) Counterexamples
Albert Collins, Jeff Beck (Yardbirds),

Pete Townshend (The Who), Jimi Hendrix, Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine), Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)
Tacoma Narrows

EE 3CL4, L 13 5 / 12 Tim Davidson Stability

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients

Conditions for stability

y (t ) =

g ( )r (t ) d

Let r (t ) be such that |r (t )| r

|y (t )| =

g ( )r (t ) d g ( )r (t ) d

g ( ) d

Using this: system G(s) is stable iff

g ( ) d is nite

EE 3CL4, L 13 6 / 12 Tim Davidson Stability

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients

Condition in terms of poles?

We want

g ( ) d to be nite

Can we determine this from G(s)? We can write a general rational transfer function in the form G (s ) = K sN
k (s i (s + zi ) 2 m (s + 2m s 2 + 2 )) + ( m m

+ k )

Poles: 0, k , m j m Assuming N = 0 and no repeated roots, the impulse response is g (t ) =


Ak ek t +

Bm em t sin(m t + m )

Stability requires |g (t )| dt to be bounded; that requires k > 0, m > 0 In fact, system is stable iff poles have negative real parts

EE 3CL4, L 13 7 / 12 Tim Davidson Stability

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients

Marginal stability
Consider G(s ) = 1/s , simple pole at origin y (t ) = r (t ) dt if r (t ) = cos (t ), which is bounded, then y (t ) = sin(t ). Bounded If r (t ) = u (t ), which is bounded, then y (t ) = t . Not bounded Consider G(s ) = 1/(s 2 + 1), simple poles at s = j 1 Unit step response: u (t ) cos(t ). Bounded What if r (t ) is a sinusoid of frequency 1/(2 ) rad/sec? Not bounded

If G(s) has a pole with positive real part, or a repeated pole on j -axis output is always unbounded

EE 3CL4, L 13 8 / 12 Tim Davidson Stability

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients

Routh-Hurwitz condition

We have seen how to determine stability from the poles. Much easier than having to determine impulse response Can we determine stability without having to determine the poles? Yes! Routh-Hurwitz condition

EE 3CL4, L 13 9 / 12 Tim Davidson Stability

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients

Routh-Hurwitz condition
Let G(s) =
p (s ) q (s) ,


q (s) = an sn + an1 sn1 + . . . a1 s + a0 = an (s r1 )(s r2 ) . . . (s rn ) where ri are the roots of q (s) = 0. By multiplying out, q (s) = 0 can be written as q (s) = an sn an (r1 + r2 + + rn )sn1 + an (r1 r2 + r2 r3 + . . . )sn2 an (r1 r2 r3 + r1 r2 r4 + . . . )sn3 + + (1)n an (r1 r2 r3 . . . rn ) = 0 If all ri are real and in left half plane, what is sign of coeffs of sk ? the same!

EE 3CL4, L 13 10 / 12 Tim Davidson Stability

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients

Routh-Hurwitz condition

That observation leads to a necessary condition. Hence, not that useful for design A more sophisticated analysis leads to the Routh-Hurwitz condition, which is necessary and sufcient Hence, can be quite useful for design

EE 3CL4, L 13 11 / 12 Tim Davidson

R-H cond: A rst look

Consider an sn + an1 sn1 + an2 sn1 + + a1 s + a0 = 0

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients

Construct a table of the form sn sn1 sn2 sn3 . . . s0 where bn1 = b n 3 = 1 an1 an1 an2 an an3 1 = a n 1 a n 1 an an1 a n 4 a n 5 cn1 = an a n 1 1 bn1 an2 an3 an1 bn1 an3 bn3 an an1 bn1 cn1 . . . hn1 an2 an3 bn3 cn3 . . . an4 an5 bn5 cn5 . . . ... ... ... ... ...

EE 3CL4, L 13 12 / 12 Tim Davidson

R-H cond: A rst look

Consider an sn + an1 sn1 + an2 sn1 + + a1 s + a0 = 0 Construct a table of the form sn sn1 sn2 sn3 . . . s0 Loosely speaking: Number of roots in the right half plane is equal to the number of sign changes in the rst column of the table Stability iff no sign changes in the rst column More sophisticated statement in next lecture an an1 bn1 cn1 . . . hn1 an2 an3 bn3 cn3 . . . an4 an5 bn5 cn5 . . . ... ... ... ... ...

Condition in terms of poles Condition in terms of denominator coefcients

EE 3CL4, L 14 1 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 14 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 14 2 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control


1 Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

EE 3CL4, L 14 4 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control


Let G(s) =

p (s ) q (s) ,


q (s) = an sn + an1 sn1 + . . . a1 s + a0 System is stable iff all poles of G(s) have negative real parts Recall, poles are solutions to q (s) = 0 Can we nd a necessary and sufcient condition that depends only on ak so that we dont have to solve q (s) = 0?

EE 3CL4, L 14 5 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

Routh-Hurwitz condition

Consider, with an > 0 an sn + an1 sn1 + an2 sn2 + . . . a1 s + a0 = 0 Construct a table of the form Row n Row n 1 Row n 2 Row n 3 . . . Row 0 an an1 bn1 cn1 . . . hn1 an2 an3 bn3 cn3 . . . an4 an5 bn5 cn5 . . . ... ... ... ... ...

Procedure provided on the following slides

3 4

Count the sign changes in the rst column That is the number of roots in the right half plane

Stability (poles in LHP) iff ak > 0 and all terms in rst col. > 0

EE 3CL4, L 14 6 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

Constructing RH table

an sn + an1 sn1 + an2 sn2 + . . . a1 s + a0 = 0

Step 2.1: Arrange coefcients of q (s) in rst two rows

Row n Row n 1 an an1 an2 an3 an4 an5 ... ...

EE 3CL4, L 14 7 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control


Determinant of a 2 2 matrix: a b c d = ad cb

EE 3CL4, L 14 8 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

Constructing RH table

Step 2.2: Construct 3rd row using determinants of 2 2 matrices constructed from rows above
Row n Row n 1 Row n 2 an an1 bn1 1 a n 1 an2 an3 an4 an5 ... ...

bn1 =

an a n 1

an2 an3

EE 3CL4, L 14 9 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

Constructing RH table

Step 2.2, cont: Construct 3rd row using determinants of 2 2 matrices constructed from rows above
Row n Row n 1 Row n 2 an an1 bn1 1 a n 1 an2 an3 bn3 an4 an5 ... ... ...

bn3 =

an a n 1

an4 an5

EE 3CL4, L 14 10 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

Constructing RH table
Step 2.3: Construct 4th row using determinants of 2 2 matrices constructed from rows above
Row n Row n 1 Row n 2 Row n 3 an an1 bn1 cn1 1 bn1 an2 an3 bn3 ... an4 an5 ... ... ...

cn1 =

a n 1 b n 1

an3 bn3

Step 2.4: Continue in this pattern. Caveat: If all elements of rst column are non-zero Will come back to that. Lets see some examples, rst

EE 3CL4, L 14 11 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

RH table, second-order system

q (s) = a2 s2 + a1 s + a0

Row 2 Row 1 Row 0 b1 = 1 a1 a2 a1

a2 a1 b1 a0 0

a0 0

= a0

Therefore, second order system is stable iff all three denominator coefcients have the same sign

EE 3CL4, L 14 12 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

RH table, third order system

q (s) = a3 s3 + a2 s2 + a1 s + a0

Row 3 Row 2 Row 1 Row 0

a3 a2 b1 c1

a1 a0 0 0

b1 =

1 a2

a3 a2

a1 a0

c1 =

1 b1

a2 b1

a0 0

= a0

Therefore, if a3 > 0, necessary and sufcient condition for third-order system to be stable is that a2 > 0, b1 > 0 and a0 > 0. b1 > 0 is equiv. to a2 a1 > a0 a3 , and this implies a1 > 0.

EE 3CL4, L 14 13 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

RH table, higher order systems

Consider a general case:
n sn + an1 sn1 + an2 sn2 + + a1 s + n =0

= s/n Normalize to natural frequency by dening s

2 n 2 n1 n +(an1 /n )s n1 +(an2 /n s )s + +(a1 /n )s +1 = 0

EE 3CL4, L 14 14 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

RH table, dealing with zeros

The Routh-Hurwitz table encounters trouble when there

is a zero in the rst column

The next row involves (1/0) times a determinant When some other elements in that row are not zero, we

can proceed by replacing the zero by a small positive number , and then taking the limit as 0 after the table has been constructed.
When a whole row is zero, we need to be a bit more

sophisticated (see next lecture)

EE 3CL4, L 14 15 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

RH table, zero rst element in non-zero row

As an example, consider q (s) = s5 + 2s4 + 2s3 + 4s2 + 11s + 10 Routh table
Row 5 Row 4 Row 3 Row 2 Row 1 Row 0 c1 = 4 12 = 1 2 0 c1 d1 10 2 4 6 10 0 0 d1 = 11 10 0 0 0 0 6c1 10 6 c1


Two sign changes, hence unstable with two RHP poles

EE 3CL4, L 14 16 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

Disk drive read control

Add velocity feedback (switch closed)

Using block diagram manipulation

G1 (s) =

5000 s + 1000

Gs (s) =

1 s(s + 20)

EE 3CL4, L 14 17 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

Closed loop

T (s ) =

Y (s) Ka G1 (s)G2 (s) = R (s) 1 + Ka G1 (s)G2 (s)(1 + K1 s)

Hence, char. eqn: s3 + 1020s2 + (20000 + 5000Ka K1 )s + 5000Ka = 0

EE 3CL4, L 14 18 / 19 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz condition

Disk drive read control

Stabilizing values of K1 and Ka

s3 + 1020s2 + (20000 + 5000Ka K1 )s + 5000Ka = 0 Routh table
Row 3 Row 2 Row 1 Row 0 b1 = 1 1020 b1 5000Ka 20000 + 5000Ka K1 5000Ka

1020(20000 + 5000Ka K1 ) 5000Ka 1020

For stability we require b1 > 0 and Ka > 0 For example, Ka = 100 and K1 = 0.05. That pair gives a 2% settling time of 260ms

EE 3CL4, L 15 1 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 15 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 15 2 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows


Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

1 Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

2 Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

EE 3CL4, L 15 4 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Recall Routh Hurwitz condition


Determine the characteristic polynomial (denominator of transfer function), with an > 0 q (s) = an sn + an1 sn1 + an2 sn2 + . . . a1 s + a0

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

Construct the Routh Table Row n Row n 1 Row n 2 Row n 3 . . . Row 0 an an1 bn1 cn1 . . . hn1 an2 an3 bn3 cn3 . . . an4 an5 bn5 cn5 . . . ... ... ... ... ...

Construction procedure reviewed on next slide


System is stable iff ak > 0 and all terms in rst col. > 0

EE 3CL4, L 15 5 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Construction procedure
Row k + 2 Row k + 1 Row k To compute r3 , multiply
1 1 rst element of previous row = q1 by determinant of 2 2 matrix formed in the following way: The rst column contains the rst elements of the two rows above the element to be calculated The second column contains the elements of the two rows above that lie one column to the right of the element to be calculated

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

p1 q1 r1

a3 q3 r3

p5 q5 r5

... ... ...


r3 =

1 q1

p1 p5 q1 q5

1 p1 q5 q1 p5 q1

EE 3CL4, L 15 6 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Zero in the rst column

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

When there is a zero in the rst column, but other

elements in the row are not zero

Replace the zero by a small positive number, say , and

once the table has been constructed, take the limit as 0. (See previous lecture)

EE 3CL4, L 15 7 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Zero row
It is possible that the Routh Hurwitz procedure can

produce a zero row

While this complicates the procedure, it yields useful

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

information for design

Zero rows occur when polynomial has either equal and

opposite roots on the real axis, or a pair of complex conjugate roots on the imaginary axis. The latter is more common, and more useful in design
So how can we deal with this? Routh Hurwitz procedure provides an auxiliary polynomial that contains the roots of interest as factors The coefcients of this polynomial appear in the row above the zero row We replace the zero row by the coefcients of the derivative of the auxiliary polynomial

EE 3CL4, L 15 8 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Zero row example

q (s ) = s 5 + 2s 4 + 24s 3 + 48s 2 25s 50 = 0 Construct table

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

Row 5 Row 4 Row 3

1 2 0

24 48 0

25 50

(s) = 2s4 + 48s2 50 Auxiliary polynomial: q This is actually a factor of q (s). (s) are s2 = 1, 25 Using quadratic formula, roots of q (s) are s = 1, j 5 Hence roots of q
(s) 3 dq ds = 8s + 96s .

Replace zero row by these coefcients Row 5 1 24 25 Row 4 2 48 50 Row 3 8 96

EE 3CL4, L 15 9 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Zero row example, cont

Now complete the table in the usual way

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

Row 5 Row 4 Row 3 Row 2 Row 1 Row 0

1 2 8 24 112.7 50

24 48 96 50 0

25 50

One sign change in rst column.

Indicates one root in right half plane. (s) is a factor of q (s). Recall q (s) Indeed, by polyn division q (s) = (s + 2)q (s) are 1 and j 5. We have seen that roots of q
Hence q (s ) does indeed have one root with a positive

real part.

EE 3CL4, L 15 11 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

Select K and a so that the closed-loop is stable, and the steady-state error due to a ramp is at most 24% of the magnitude of the command

EE 3CL4, L 15 12 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Deal with stability rst

Transfer function: T (s) =
Gc (s)G(s) 1+Gc (s)G(s)

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

Char. equation: s4 + 8s3 + 17s2 + (K + 10)s + Ka = 0 Routh table

Row 4 Row 3 Row 2 Row 1 Row 0 b3 = 126 K 8 1 8 b3 c3 Ka 17 K+10 Ka Ka

c3 =

b3 (K + 10) 8Ka b3

For stability we require b3 > 0, c3 > 0 and Ka > 0

EE 3CL4, L 15 13 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Stability region
These constraints can be rewritten as K < 126 Ka > 0 (K + 10)(126 K ) 64Ka > 0 For positive K ,
)(126K ) last constraint becomes a < (K +10 64K Region of stable parameters

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

EE 3CL4, L 15 14 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Steady-state error to ramp

For a ramp input r (t ) = At , we have ess = A/Kv , where

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

Kv = lim sGc (s)G(s) = Ka/10


Therefore, ess = 10A/(Ka) To obtain ess < 0.24A, we need Ka > 10/0.24 41.67, Any (K , a) pair in stable region with Ka > 41.67 will

satisfy design constraints

EE 3CL4, L 15 15 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Set of parameters with desired performance

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

For positive K , stability region is below the blue solid curve desired steady-state error region is above the red dashed curve and below the blue solid curve Design example: (70,0.6)

EE 3CL4, L 15 16 / 16 Tim Davidson Routh Hurwitz revision

Dealing with zero rows

Ramp response
Ramp response for case of K = 70 and a = 0.6

Applications of Routh Hurwitz condition

Turning control of a tracked vehicle

EE 3CL4, L 16 1 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 16 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 16 2 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure


1 The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

EE 3CL4, L 16 4 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

Simple example

Transfer function T (s) =

KG(s) 1+KG(s)

Char. eqn: s2 + 2s + K = 0 Closed-loop poles: s1 , s2 = 1 1K

What does this look like as K goes from 0 to +?

EE 3CL4, L 16 5 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

Simple example

EE 3CL4, L 16 6 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

Another example

Transfer function T (s) = Consider K to be xed

KG(s) 1+KG(s)

Char. eqn: s2 + as + K = 0 Closed-loop poles: s1 , s2 = (a

a2 4K )/2

What does this look like as a goes from 0 to +?

EE 3CL4, L 16 7 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

Another example

EE 3CL4, L 16 8 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

What to do in the general case?

In the previous examples we exploited the simple factorization of second order polynomials To be truly useful, we need a more general procedure

EE 3CL4, L 16 9 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

Principles of general procedure

Transfer function T (s) =

KG(s) 1+KG(s)

p (s ) q (s )

Closed loop poles are solutions to q (s) = 0 These are also solutions to 1 + KG(s) = 0 In polar form, |KG(s)|KG(s) = 1 + j 0 = 1(180 + k 360 ) Therefore, for s0 to be a closed-loop pole, we must have |KG(s0 )| = 1 where k is any integer We will also keep in mind that R (s) and Y (s) correspond to real signals. Hence, closed-loop poles are either real or occur in complex-conjugate pairs and KG(s0 ) = (180 + k 360 )

EE 3CL4, L 16 10 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

In terms of poles and zeros

For s0 to be a closed-loop pole, we must have |KG(s0 )| = 1 and KG(s0 ) = (180 + k 360 )

Write G(s) =

Q KG M (s+zi ) Qn i = 1 , ( s j =1 +pj )

which means that the

open loop zeros are zi s; open loop poles are pi s For s0 to be a closed-loop pole |KKG |
M n n j =1 |s0 M i =1 |s0

+ zi | =1 + pj |

K + K G +
i =1

(s0 + zi )
j =1

(s0 + pi ) = 180 + k 360

Can we interpret these expressions in a geometric way?

EE 3CL4, L 16 11 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

Vector difference
Let u and v be complex numbers. Can you describe v u in geometric terms? Use the fact that v = u + (v u ). That means that v u is the vector from u to v

v u = ej . That is,
|v u | is the length of the vector from u to v . (v u ) is the angle of the vector from u to v

In our expressions we have terms of the form s0 + zi = s0 (zi ) and s0 + pj = s0 (pj )

EE 3CL4, L 16 12 / 18 Tim Davidson

Geometric interpretation
Magnitude criterion: |KKG |
n j =1 M i =1

The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

|s0 + zi | =1 |s0 + pj |

|KKG |

M i =1 distances n j =1 distances

from zeros of G(s) to s0 =1 from poles of G(s) to s0

Phase criterion:
M n

K + KG +
i =1 M

(s0 + zi )
j =1

(s0 + pi ) = 180 + k 360

K + KG +
i =1 n

angles from zeros of G(s) to s0 angles from poles of G(s) to s0 = 180 + k 360
j =1

EE 3CL4, L 16 13 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

Formal Procedure
We will rst consider the case of K going from 0 to +

EE 3CL4, L 16 14 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

Step 1
Write the characteristic equation as 1 + F (s ) = 0 Rearrange so that the parameter of interest is

contained in the multiplier K in an exprn of the form 1 + KP (s) = 0, where the numerator and denominator of P (s) are monic polynomials (the coefcient of the highest power of s is 1).
i =1 (s +zi ) Factorize P (s ) into poles and zeros, P (s ) = Qn (s+p ) j =1 j


Hence characteristic equation is equiv. to

n j =1 (s

+ pj ) + K

M i =1 (s

+ zi ) = 0

Where does the locus start? Where are poles for K = 0? They are the poles of P (s ). Mark each with an

EE 3CL4, L 16 15 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

Step 1
n M

(s + pj ) + K
j =1 i =1

(s + zi ) = 0

Where do the poles end up? Where are poles for K ? Rewrite as (1/K )
n j =1 (s

+ pj ) +

M i =1 (s

+ zi ) = 0

The zeros of P (s ). Mark each with a Since M n there will often be zeros at , too

Summary: Root locus starts at poles of P (s) and ends at zeros of P (s) Note: Often P (s) = Gc (s)G(s) and K is an amplier gain. In that case, root locus (of the closed loop) starts at the open loop poles and ends at the open loop zeros.

EE 3CL4, L 16 16 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

Step 2
Phase condition:
M n

K +
i =1

(s0 + zi )
j =1

(s0 + pj ) = 180 + k 360

Recall that for K > 0, K = 0. What does this tell us when s0 is on the real axis?

Any complex conjugate pairs have no impact

EE 3CL4, L 16 17 / 18 Tim Davidson

Step 2, cont.
Phase condition for K > 0:
M i =1

The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

(s0 + zi )

n j =1

(s0 + pj ) = 180 + k 360

Lets examine effects of poles on the real axis

For s0,1 , all angles from poles to s0,1 are zero For s0,2 , right pole generates an angle of 180 , others zero For s0,3 , For s0,4 ,
n j =1 n j =1

(s0 + pj ) = 360 (s0 + pj ) = 540

Something similar for zeros. Therefore: sections of real axis on the locus must lie to left of odd number of (real-valued) poles and (real-valued) zeros of P (s)

EE 3CL4, L 16 18 / 18 Tim Davidson The Root Locus Procedure

Preliminary examples Formal Procedure

P (s ) =
2(s+2) s(s+4)

Step 1: Poles s = 0, 4; Zeros s = 2 Step 2: Determine segments on real axis In this case, this is enough to generate the complete root locus

EE 3CL4, L 17 1 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 17 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 17 2 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4


1 Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

EE 3CL4, L 17 4 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4


We would like to know where the closed-loop poles go

as a parameter of the loop (typically a controller design parameter) is changed.

We would like to gain insight from how the closed-loop

poles move in order to guide our design of the controller

EE 3CL4, L 17 5 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

Sketching the Root Locus

EE 3CL4, L 17 6 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 1
Write the denominator of the closed-loop transfer

function in the form 1 + KP (s) = 0, where P (s) =

QM i =1 (s +zi ) Qn j =1 (s +pj )

K contains the parameter of interest

We will focus on the case in which K 0 We will discuss the negative root locus case later Root loci start at poles of P (s ) and end at zeros of P (s ),

including the zeros of P (s) at innity

Mark the poles of P (s ) with an Mark the (nite) zeros of P (s ) with a

EE 3CL4, L 17 7 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 2

Using the phase condition, we showed that for K > 0,

any part of the root locus on the real axis lies to the left

of an odd number of (real-valued) poles and (real-valued) zeros of P (s)

EE 3CL4, L 17 8 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 3
P (s ) =
QM i =1 (s +zi ) Qn j =1 (s +pj )

closed-loop characteristic equation

n M

(1/K )
j =1

(s + pj ) +
i =1

(s + zi ) = 0

As K +, there are M nite values of s that satisfy

the equation
+... How many zeros at innity? Recall that P (s ) = s sn +...

Therefore, n M zeros at innity

How do the loci approach the zeros at innity? Along equi-angular rays that intersect somewhere on

the real axis

EE 3CL4, L 17 9 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 3, Angles
Consider a point s0 on the root locus far from the poles of P (s) and the nite zeros of P (s) Phase condition (for positive K ):
M i =1

(s0 + zi )

n j =1

(s0 + pj ) = 180 + k 360

Since the point s0 is far away from all zi and pj , all angles are approximately the same, say

Hence, phase cond. is approx: (M n) = 180 + k 360 Re-arranging, and using multiples of 360 , =
2k +1 nM 180

for k = 0, 1, . . . , (n M 1)

EE 3CL4, L 17 10 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 3, Centroid
From where do these rays eminate?
i =1 (s +zi ) Recall P (s ) = Qn (s+p ) j =1 j


For large s , effects of nite zeros almost cancelled out

by that of M of the nite poles

Therefore, as s gets large, the roots follow a similar

(s) = 1/(s A )nM . path to those of P

By equating rst couple of terms of Taylors expansion,

A =

poles of P (s) zeros of P (s) nM

n j =1 (pj )

M i =1 (zi )


EE 3CL4, L 17 11 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4


+1 =0 Sketch the root locus of the char. eqn: 1 + K s(s+s 2)(s+4)2

Step 1: Poles of P (s): s = 0, 2, 4, 4; Zeros of P (s): s = 1 Step 2: Intervals on real axis:

Order poles and zeros of P (s ): -4, -4, -2, -1, 0 Examine from the right for intervals that are to the left of

an odd number of poles and zeros

[1, 0], [4, 2],[, 4]

EE 3CL4, L 17 12 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

Partial root locus after Step 2

EE 3CL4, L 17 13 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4


Step 3: Asymptotes:
Angles: n M = 4 1 = 3.

Hence, angles are 60, 180, 300 Note that we already knew 180!
Centroid: A = 3

EE 3CL4, L 17 14 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

Hence the complete root locus

What is the largest gain for which system is stable?

EE 3CL4, L 17 15 / 15 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

Review of Principles Outline of steps Review of Steps 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 4
Find values of K for which closed-loop poles lie on

imaginary axis.
Also nd the positions of these closed-loop poles How can we do this? Routh-Hurwitz table (as in tutorial) Gains of interest correspond to zero rows,

but remember not all zero rows correspond to closed-loop poles on j -axis
Find the closed-loop pole positions by factorizing the

auxiliary polynomial (polynomial with coeffs in row above zero row)

EE 3CL4, L 18 1/8 Tim Davidson Sketching the root locus Compensator design for VTOL aircraft

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 18 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 18 2/8 Tim Davidson Sketching the root locus Compensator design for VTOL aircraft


1 Sketching the root locus

2 Compensator design for VTOL aircraft

EE 3CL4, L 18 4/8 Tim Davidson Sketching the root locus Compensator design for VTOL aircraft


EE 3CL4, L 18 5/8 Tim Davidson Sketching the root locus Compensator design for VTOL aircraft

Steps 1 to 4
i i =1 1 + KP (s), with P (s) = Qn j =1 (s +pj ) Put an at the pj s; put a at the zi s Loci start at the s and end at the s or at innity

Write the denominator of the closed loop as Q


(s+z )

Parts of loci on real axis: to the left of an odd number of (real-valued) poles and (real-valued) zeros of P (s) n M asymptotes as K gets large: Angles = Centroid: A = 2k + 1 180 nM for k = 0, 1, . . . , (n M 1)
n j =1 (pj ) M i =1 (zi )


Roots on j -axis and corresponding K s from zero rows and auxiliary polynomial of Routh-Hurwitz procedure

EE 3CL4, L 18 6/8 Tim Davidson Sketching the root locus Compensator design for VTOL aircraft

Using root locus for design

For this loop, P (s ) in root locus procedure is G(s ) What can we do if the root locus is not to our liking. Can we use the insight that we have developed to Q
(s+zi ) design a compensator Gc (s) = Q( j ) that we insert s+p between the amplier and G(s) so that the root locus with P (s) = Gc (s)G(s) is more to our liking?

Note that in the compensated system the zeros of P (s ) are the zi s from G(s ) i s from Gc (s) and the z the zeros of P (s ) are the pj s from G(s ) j s from Gc (s) and the p Lets attempt this for a VTOL aircraft

EE 3CL4, L 18 8/8 Tim Davidson Sketching the root locus Compensator design for VTOL aircraft

Compensator design for VTOL aircraft

In this experiment we will work with a model for the

vertical control system for a VTOL aircraft, such as the Harrier jump jet
The transfer function of the process/plant can be

approximated by G(s) =

1 s(s1)

Do you notice anything interesting about this model? Tasks: Sketch the root locus of a proportional controller Highlight some features of that root locus If the proportional root locus is not satisfactory, use insight from the root locus sketching procedure to choose a compensator so that the closed-loop has a satisfactory root locus

EE 3CL4, L 19 1 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7


EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 19 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 19 2 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7


1 Sketching the Root Locus


General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

2 Example

EE 3CL4, L 19 4 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

General Procedure


EE 3CL4, L 19 5 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Steps 1 to 4
i i =1 1 + KP (s), with P (s) = Qn j =1 (s +pj ) Put an at the pj s; put a at the zi s Loci start at the s and end at the s or at innity

Write the denominator of the closed loop as Q


(s+z )


Parts of loci on real axis: to the left of an odd number of (real-valued) poles and (real-valued) zeros of P (s) n M asymptotes as K gets large: Angles = Centroid: A = 2k + 1 180 nM for k = 0, 1, . . . , (n M 1)
n j =1 (pj ) M i =1 (zi )


Roots on j -axis and corresponding K s from zero rows and auxiliary polynomial of Routh-Hurwitz procedure

EE 3CL4, L 19 6 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Step 5
Since complex poles appear in conjugate pairs,

the root locus can leave the real axis only in even multiplicities; often just a pair
Due to phase criterion, angles of break away are evenly


spaced; when a pair, they depart at 90 ; Examples:

What is the point of departure?

EE 3CL4, L 19 7 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Step 5

Recall that the characteristic equation is 1 + KP (s ) = 0 Rewrite as K = p (s ), i.e., p (s ) = 1/P (s ) We want to nd the largest K such that there real


solutions to K = p(s) in the neighbourhood of interest

(s ) This will occur at the solutions of dp ds = 0 that are real

EE 3CL4, L 19 8 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Step 5, Example
(s+1) Root locus of 1 + KP (s ), with P (s ) = s(s+ 2)(s+3) . Outcome of Steps 1-3 of root locus sketching procedure

(Step 4 is not relevant in this case)


Step 5: Dene p (s ) = 1/P (s ).

(s) dp ds = 0

2s3 + 8s2 + 10s + 6 = 0

The only real root in the interval [3, 2] is 2.46.

This is the breakaway point

EE 3CL4, L 19 9 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Step 6
Determine angle of departure from (complex) poles

and angle of arrival to (complex) zeros

Lets consider a particular pole, p1 ; e.g.,


In which direction does the locus leave p1 ? Use the fact that the phase condition must hold at any

point on the root locus.

Apply that to test points close to p1 ; e.g., s1

EE 3CL4, L 19 10 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Step 6, cont


Phase condition at test point s1 :

sum of angles from zeros to s1 sum of angles from other poles to s1 angle from (p1 ) to s1 = 180 + k 360
When s1 is close to p1 the angles from zeros and

angles from other poles are essentially the same as the angles to p1

EE 3CL4, L 19 11 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Step 6, cont


Phase condition at test point s1 : 2 3 1 = 180 2 90

3 from triangle with corners p3 , p1 and Re(p1 ) + j 0. Hence, 1 = 90 3 .

EE 3CL4, L 19 12 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Step 6, cont


Note that conjugate pole moves in a direction that preserves conjugate symmetry

EE 3CL4, L 19 13 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Step 6, Summary
Using the phase condition,

angle of departure from pole at pj0 is j 0 = angles from zeros to (pj0 ) angles from other poles to (pj0 ) 180 + k 360


Conjugate pairs move in complementary directions Angle of arrival at zeros is calculated in the same way

EE 3CL4, L 19 14 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Step 7


Join the segments that have been drawn with a smooth curve Curve should be as simple as possible Curve must respect conjugate symmetry of poles and

zeros of a system with real inputs and real outputs

EE 3CL4, L 19 15 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

General Procedure


EE 3CL4, L 19 17 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Sketch root locus of 1 + KP (s) = 0 for K 0, where P (s) = 1 s4 + 12s3 + 64s2 + 128s


poles: 0, 4, 4 j 4; zeros: no nite zeros; n M = 4 0 = 4 asymptotes Segments of real axis: [4, 0] Angles of asymptotes: 45 , 135 , 225 , 315 Centroid: (4 4 4)/4 = 3

2 3

EE 3CL4, L 19 18 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Example, cont
Partial sketch from Steps 13


EE 3CL4, L 19 19 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Example, cont


Closed loop denom: s4 + 12s3 + 64s2 + 128s + K = 0 Routh table implies stability for K < 568.89. Poles on j axis at j 3.266 To nd breakaway point, p(s) = (s4 + 12s3 + 64s2 + 128s). Set deriv. to zero: 4s3 + 36s2 + 128s + 128 = 0 Breakaway point 1.577

EE 3CL4, L 19 20 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Example, cont
Partial sketch from Steps 15


EE 3CL4, L 19 21 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Example, cont


Angle of departure from 4 + j 4: Angle from pole at 4: 90 Angle from pole at 4 j 4: 90 Angle from pole at origin: 3 = 135 Hence angle of departure: 1 = 90 90 135 180 225

EE 3CL4, L 19 22 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Example, cont
Partial sketch from Steps 16


EE 3CL4, L 19 23 / 23 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus

General Procedure Review of Steps 14 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Actual Root Locus


EE 3CL4, L 20 1 / 13 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus Parameter Design Negative Root Locus

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 20 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2011

EE 3CL4, L 20 2 / 13 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus Parameter Design Negative Root Locus


1 Sketching the Root Locus

2 Parameter Design

3 Negative Root Locus

EE 3CL4, L 20 4 / 13 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus Parameter Design Negative Root Locus

General Procedure (K 0)

EE 3CL4, L 20 6 / 13 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus Parameter Design Negative Root Locus

Parameter Design
In the examples so far, 1 + KP (s ) has been the

denominator of a closed loop with

negative feedback proportional control, with positive gain, possibly, some compensation; i.e., P (s ) = Gc (s )G(s ).

However, same principles can also be applied to some

other design parameters

The key step is to rewrite the characteristic polynomial

of the closed loop in the form 1 + P (s), where is the (non-negative) parameter to be designed
This is not always possible, but when it is possible it

can be very useful

EE 3CL4, L 20 7 / 13 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus Parameter Design Negative Root Locus

Parameter Design: Example 1

Suppose that the characteristic equation of the closed

loop is: s 3 + ( 3 + )s 2 + 3s + 6 = 0
Suppose we are interested in root locus for > 0 Rewrite as s 3 + 3s 2 + 3s + 6 + s 2 = 0. Hence,


s2 =0 s3 + 3s2 + 3s + 6

Now sketch the root locus of 1 + P (s ), where

P (s) =

s2 (s + 1)3

EE 3CL4, L 20 8 / 13 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus Parameter Design Negative Root Locus

Parameter Design: Example 2

We can adapt this to designs with two parameters, too. Consider a characteristic equation of the form

s3 + s2 + s + = 0.
The effect of varying from zero to innity for a given

value of corresponds to the root locus for s 1 + P (s) = 0, where P (s) = s3 +s 2 +

Note that, among other things, determines the

starting point of the root locus for ; i.e., the roots for = 0
With = 0, the root locus for is the roots of

(s), where P (s ) = 1 + P

1 s2 (s+1)

EE 3CL4, L 20 9 / 13 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus Parameter Design Negative Root Locus

Locus for with = 0 1 i.e., roots of 1 + s2 (s +1) as : 0 + Locus for with = 1 i.e., roots of 1 + s3 +ss 2 + 1 as : 0 +

EE 3CL4, L 20 11 / 13 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus Parameter Design Negative Root Locus

Negative Root Locus

Our root locus procedure has been for parameters that

change from 0 to +
What if our parameter of interest goes from 0 to ? The underlying principles remain the same For s0 to be on the root locus, 1 + KP (s0 ) = 0. This implies Magnitude condition: |KP (s0 )| = 1 Phase condition KP (s0 ) = 180 + k 360 However, since K is now negative, its phase is 180 .

Therefore, some of the interpretations change.

That said, interpretations can be derived in the same

way as they were for the case of positive K , and they are quite familiar

EE 3CL4, L 20 12 / 13 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus Parameter Design Negative Root Locus

Sketching Negative Root Locus

From the 12th edition of the textbook

EE 3CL4, L 20 13 / 13 Tim Davidson Sketching the Root Locus Parameter Design Negative Root Locus

Sketching Negative Root Locus

EE 3CL4, L 22 1 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Lead compensators

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 22 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2010

EE 3CL4, L 22 2 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system


Lead compensators

1 Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

2 Compensators

Lead compensators

EE 3CL4, L 22 4 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Frequency response

For a stable LTI system with transfer function G(s ),

Lead compensators

the frequency response is G(s)|s=j .

Bode magnitude plot

20 log10 |G(j )| against log10

Bode phase plot

G(j ) against log10

EE 3CL4, L 22 5 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Poles, zeros and frequency response

Consider a transfer function

Lead compensators

G (s ) = K

+ zi ) j (s + pj )

i (s

Zeros: zi ; Poles: pj Recall that if system is stable,

frequency response is G(s)|s=j . Hence,


|G(j )| = |K |

prod. distances from zeros to j prod. distances from poles to j

G(j ) = K + sum angles from zeros to j sum angles from poles to j

EE 3CL4, L 22 6 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Sketching Bode Diagrams

Convert G(s) = K sN
i (s j (s

Lead compensators

+ zi )

+ pj )

2 2 k (s + 2k n,k s + n,k ) 2 2 r (s + 2d ,k nd ,r s + nd ,r )

where zi and pj are real, to G(j ) = K i (1 + j /zi ) N (j ) j (1 + j /pj )

r k

1 + 2k (j /n,k ) + (j /n,k )2 1 + 2d ,k (j /nd ,r ) + (j /nd ,r )2

Then apply rules learnt in EE2CJ4.

EE 3CL4, L 22 7 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Disk drive read system

Lead compensators

Sketch the Bode diagram of the open loop transfer function

EE 3CL4, L 22 8 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Disk drive read system

Lead compensators

EE 3CL4, L 22 10 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system


Lead compensators

We have seen how the performance of a closed loop

can be adjusted by varying a parameter What happens if we are unable to obtain that performance that we want by doing this?
Ask ourselves whether this is really the performance

that we want
Ask whether we can change the system,

say by buying different components

seek to compensate for the undesirable aspects of the


EE 3CL4, L 22 11 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Cascade compensation

Lead compensators

Usually, the plant is a physical process If commands and measurements are made electrically,

compensator is often an electric circuit

General form of the compensator is

Gc (s) =

n j =1 (s

M i =1 (s

+ zi ) + pj )

Therefore, the cascade compensator adds open loop

poles and open loop zeros These will change the shape of the root locus

EE 3CL4, L 22 12 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Compensator design

Lead compensators

Where should we put new poles and zeros to achieve desired performance? That is the art of compensator design We will consider rst order compensators of the form Gc (s) = K (s + z ) (s + p)

with the pole p in the left half plane and the zero, z in the left half plane, too

For reasons that will soon become clear when |z | < |p |: phase lead network when |z | > |p |: phase lag network

EE 3CL4, L 22 13 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Lead compensation

Lead compensators

Gc (s) =

K (s + z ) (s + p )

with |z | < |p|. That is, zero closer to origin than pole

EE 3CL4, L 22 14 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Lead compensation

Lead compensators

Gc (s) =
If |p |

K (s + z ) (s + p )

|z | then pole can be neglected, Gc (s) K (s + z )/p If z close to origin, compared to plant dynamics, Gs (s) K ps What is this? Differentiator, Gdiff = KD s Note that Gdiff (j ) = KD j . Hence, Gdiff (j ) = +90 Hence the name phase lead

EE 3CL4, L 22 15 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Frequency response

Lead compensators

Gc (j ) = where

(Kz /p) 1 + j /z K (j + z ) K1 (1 + j ) = = (j + p) 1 + j /p 1 + j

= 1/p : time constant = p /z : ratio of magnitudes of pole and zero K1 = K /: For phase lead, > 1

EE 3CL4, L 22 16 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

Bode diagram
Gc (j ) = Magnitude
Low frequency gain: K1 Corner frequency in numerator at z = z = 1/( ) Corner frequency in denominator at p = p = 1/ z < p High frequency gain: K1

K1 (1 + j ) 1 + j

Lead compensators

( ) = atan( ) atan( ) At low frequency: ( ) = 0 At high frequency: ( ) = 0 In between: positive, with peak at =


EE 3CL4, L 22 17 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system


Lead compensators

EE 3CL4, L 22 18 / 18 Tim Davidson Bode Diagrams

Quick overview Example: Disk drive read system

A passive phase lead network

Lead compensators

Homework: Show that characteristic

V2 (s) V1 (s)

has the phase lead

EE 3CL4, L 23 1 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 23 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2010

EE 3CL4, L 23 2 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example


1 Lead Compensation, a revision

2 Lag Compensation

3 Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using

Root Locus Lead Compensator example

EE 3CL4, L 23 3 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Cascade compensation

If commands and measurements are made electrically, compensator is often an electric circuit We will consider rst order compensators of the form Gc (s) = K (s + z ) (s + p)

with the pole, p, and the zero, z , both in the left half plane when |z | < |p|: phase lead network when |z | > |p|: phase lag network

EE 3CL4, L 23 5 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Lead compensation

Gc (s) =

K (s + z ) (s + p )

with |z | < |p|. That is, zero closer to origin than pole

EE 3CL4, L 23 6 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Bode Diagram

EE 3CL4, L 23 7 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

A passive phase lead network

Homework: Show that characteristic

V2 (s) V1 (s)

has the phase lead

EE 3CL4, L 23 9 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Lag Compensators

Gc (s) =

1 + s 1 (s + z ) = 1 + s (s + p)

with z = 1/ , p = 1/( ) and = z /p > 1. Hence, pole closer to origin than zero

EE 3CL4, L 23 10 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Frequency response
Gc (j ) = Magnitude
Low frequency gain: 1 Corner frequency in denominator at p = p = 1/( ) Corner frequency in numerator at z = z = 1/ p < z High frequency gain: 1/

1 + j 1 + j

( ) = atan( ) atan( ) At low frequency: ( ) = 0 At high frequency: ( ) = 0 In between: negative, with max. lag at =


EE 3CL4, L 23 11 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Bode Diagram

EE 3CL4, L 23 12 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

A passive phase lag network

EE 3CL4, L 23 13 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Active lead and lag networks

Heres an example of an active network architecture.

EE 3CL4, L 23 15 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

RL design: Basic procedure


Translate design specications into desired positions of dominant poles Sketch root locus of uncompensated system to see if desired positions can be achieved If not, choose the positions of the pole and zero of the compensator so that the desired positions lie on the root locus (angle criterion), if that is possible Evaluate the gain required to put the poles there (magnitude criterion) Evaluate the total system gain so that the steady-state error constants can be determined If the steady state error constants are not satisfactory, repeat

This procedure enables relatively straightforward design of systems with specications in terms of rise time, settling time, and overshoot; i.e., the transient response. For systems with steady-state error specications, Bode (and Nyquist) methods may be more straightforward (later)

EE 3CL4, L 23 16 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Lead Comp. example

Consider a case with G(s) = s(s1 +2) . Design a lead compensator to achieve damping coefcient = 0.45 and velocity error constant Kv > 20 What to do?
Lets draw something. Plot poles of G(s ). Where should desired roots be? Note that the settling time is not specied. We are free

to choose it. Lets start with Ts = 1, so n = 4. cos1 (0.45) 64 ; desired roots 4 j 8

EE 3CL4, L 23 17 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Lead Comp. example

Now where to put the zero and pole? Rule of thumb: put zero under desired root, or just to the left Determine position of the pole using angle criterion sum angles from open-loop zeros sum angles from open-loop poles = 180 90 (116 + 104 + p ) = 180 = p = 50 Hence pole at 10.6 Gain of compensated system: 9(8.25)(10.4) Prod. dist. from open-loop poles = 96.5 Prod. dist. from open-loop zeros 8 Hence compensated open loop: Gc (s)G(s) =
96.5(s+4) s(s+2)(s+10.6)

Velocity constant: Kv = lims0 sGc (s)G(s) = 18.2 :(

EE 3CL4, L 23 18 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Compensated root locus

Root locus and the step response with the dominant roots at their desired locations

EE 3CL4, L 23 19 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

What to do now?
We tried hard, but did not achieve the design specs Lets go back and re-examine our choices Zero position of compensator was chosen via rule of

Can we do better? We need the gain required to put dominant poles in

desired position to increase.

Most effective if we can move the compensator pole to

the left
That requires moving the zero to the left By how much? Show that for n = 10, z = 4.5, p = 11.6 and Kv = 22.7

EE 3CL4, L 23 20 / 20 Tim Davidson Lead Compensation, a revision Lag Compensation Design of Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag Compensators using Root Locus
Lead Compensator example

Root locus approach to phase lead design was

reasonably successful in terms of putting dominant poles in desired positions; e.g., in terms of and n
However, root locus approach does not provide

independent control over steady-state error constants

That said, since lead compensators reduce the DC

gain, they are not normally used to control steady-state error.

The goal of our lag compensator design will be to

increase the steady-state error constants, without moving the dominant poles too far

EE 3CL4, L 25 1 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 25 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2010

EE 3CL4, L 25 2 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example


1 Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example

EE 3CL4, L 25 3 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example

Cascade compensation

We will consider rst order compensators of the form Gc (s) = K (s + z ) (s + p)

with the pole, p, and the zero, z , both in the left half plane when |z | < |p|: phase lead network when |z | > |p|: phase lag network

EE 3CL4, L 25 5 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example

Steady-state errors

Consider the uncompensated loop (i.e., Gc (s) = KP ). If closed loop stable, steady state error for input R (s): ess = lim e(t ) = lim s
t s 0

R (s ) 1 + KP G(s)

For a type 1 uncompensated process, ess for r (t ) = At is A/Kv ,unc , where the velocity constant is Kv ,unc = lim sKP G(s)
s 0

For such a system, G(s) =

Q KG i (s+zi ) Q s j (s+pj ) .

Hence, Kv ,unc =


Q pj


Aside: What about ess for ramp of Type 0 and Type 2 processes

EE 3CL4, L 25 6 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example

Steady-state errors

Now, for a Type 1 G(s), what about Kv of a compensated closed loop, for a compensator that does not have a zero at s = 0. Kv ,comp = lim sGc (s)G(s) =

Kv ,unc lim Gc (s) KP s0

EE 3CL4, L 25 7 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example

Lag compensator design

Consider a lag compensator of the form, Gc (s) = Kc Since it is a lag compensator, |z | > |p|. Design Principles We dont try to reshape the uncompensated root locus. We just try to increase the value of the desired error constant, without moving the poles (well not much) Reshaping was the goal of lead compensator design As a result, compensator pole and zero are usually close together (so that angle criterion nearly satised desired poles of uncompensated closed loop) Kc = KP (so that uncompensated closed loop poles are not moved on their root locus)
z In that case, Kv ,comp = (Kv ,unc /KP ) lims0 Gc (s) = p Kv ,unc s+z s +p .

EE 3CL4, L 25 8 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example

Lag compensator design

1 2

4 5

Obtain the root locus of uncompensated system From transient performance specs, locate suitable dominant pole positions on that locus Obtain the loop gain for these points, K = KP KG ; hence the (closed-loop) steady-state error constant Calculate the necessary increase. Hence = z /p Place pole and zero close to the origin (with respect to desired pole positions), with z = p. Typically, choose z and p so that their angles to desired poles differ by less than 1 . Set Kc = KP

What if there is nothing suitable at step 2? Perhaps do lead compensation rst, then lag compensation on lead compensated plant. i.e., design a lead-lag compensator

EE 3CL4, L 25 9 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example


Lets consider, again, the case with G(s) = s(s1 +2) . Design a lag compensator to achieve damping coefcient = 0.45 and velocity error constant Kv > 20 Note: we will get a different closed loop from our lead design. First step, obtain uncompensated root locus, and locate desired dominant pole locations

EE 3CL4, L 25 10 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example


Gain required to put closed loop poles in desired position = prod. distances from open loop poles That is, K = 2.242 = 5. Therefore KP = K /KG = 5 Velocity error const: Kv ,unc = lims0 sKP G(s) = K /2 = 2.5 The increase required is 20/2.5 = 8 That implies must choose p = z /8, where z is chosen to be close to the origin with respect to dominant closed-loop poles

EE 3CL4, L 25 11 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example


Lets choose z = 0.1. Hence, p = 1/80

EE 3CL4, L 25 12 / 12 Tim Davidson Design of Lag Compensators using Root Locus

Steady-state errors Lag compensator design Lag compensator example


Compensated open loop transfer function is now Gc (s)G(s) = 5(s + 0.1) s(s + 2)(s + 1/80)

Closed-loop poles: 0.95 j 1.98, 0.10

EE 3CL4, L 30 1 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 30 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2010

EE 3CL4, L 30 2 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours


1 Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

EE 3CL4, L 30 4 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

We have seen techniques that determine stability of a

Routh-Hurwitz root locus

However, both of them require a model for the plant Today: frequency response techniques Although they work best with a model For an open-loop stable plant, they also work with measurements Key result: Nyquists stability criterion Design implications: Bode techniques based on gain

margin and phase margin

EE 3CL4, L 30 5 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

Characteristic equation

To determine the stability of the system we need to

examine the characteristic equation: F (s) = 1 + L(s) = 0 where L(s) = Gc (s)G(s)H (s).
The key result involves mapping a closed contour of

values of s to a closed contour of values of F (s).

We will investigate the idea of mappings rst

EE 3CL4, L 30 6 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

Simple example

Set F (s ) = 2s + 1 Map the square in the "s-plane" to the contour in the

"F (s)-plane"

EE 3CL4, L 30 7 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

Area enclosed

How might we dene area enclosed by a closed

We will be perfectly rigorous, but will go against

mathematical convention
Dene area enclosed to be that to the right when the

contour is traversed clockwise

What you see when moving clockwise with eyes right Sometimes we say that this area is encircled by the

clockwise contour

EE 3CL4, L 30 8 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

Example with rational F (s)

s A mapping for F (s ) = s+ 2 Note that s -plane contour encircles the zero of F (s )

How many times does the F (s )-plane contour encircle

the origin?

EE 3CL4, L 30 9 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

Cauchys Theorem

Nyquists Criterion is based on Cauchys Theorem: Consider a rational function F (s )

If the clockwise traversal of a contour s in the s-plane

encircles Z zeros and P poles of F (s)

and does not go through any poles or zeros then the corresponding contour in the F (s )-plane, F

encircles the origin N = Z P times in the clockwise direction A sketch of the proof next week. First, some examples

EE 3CL4, L 30 10 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

Example 1

A mapping for F (s ) = s+s 1/2 s -plane contour encircles a zero and a pole Theorem suggests no clockwise encirclements of origin

of F (s)-plane
This is what we have!

EE 3CL4, L 30 11 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

Example 2

s -plane contour encircles 3 zeros and a pole Theorem suggests 2 clockwise encirclements of the

origin of the F (s)-plane

EE 3CL4, L 30 12 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

Example 3

s -plane contour encircles one pole Theorem suggests -1 clockwise encirclements of the

origin of the F (s)-plane

That is, one anti-clockwise encirclement

EE 3CL4, L 30 13 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

Nyquists criterion

Nyquist was concerned about testing for stability How might one use Cauchy Theorem to examine this? Perhaps choose F (s ) = 1 + L(s ), as this determines

Which contour should we use?

EE 3CL4, L 30 14 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency response techniques

Mapping contours

Nyquists contour

EE 3CL4, L 31 1 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 31 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2010

EE 3CL4, L 31 2 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion


1 Nyquists Stability Criterion

EE 3CL4, L 31 4 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Conformal Mappings

For a linear system with transfer function F (s ) Consider a clockwise closed contour in s -plane Map each point s on the contour to F (s ) Plot real and imaginary parts of F (s ) Forms a contour in the F (s ) plane Region encircled: to the right as contour traversed

EE 3CL4, L 31 5 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Cauchys Theorem

Consider a rational function F (s ) If the clockwise traversal of a contour s in the s-plane

encircles Z zeros and P poles of F (s)

and does not go through any poles or zeros then the corresponding contour in the F (s )-plane, F

encircles the origin N = Z P times in the clockwise direction

EE 3CL4, L 31 6 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Informal Justication

(s+z1 )(s+z2 ) Consider the case of F (s ) = ( s+p1 )(s+p2 ) F (s1 ) = z1 + z2 p1 p2

As the contour is traversed the nett contribution from

z1 is 360 degrees
As contour is traversed, the nett contribution from other

angles is 0 degrees
Hence, as contour is traversed, F (s ) changes by 360

degrees. One encirclement!

EE 3CL4, L 31 7 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Informal Justication

Extending this to any number of poles and zeros inside

the contour
For a closed contour, the change in F (s ) is

360Z 360P
Hence F (s ) encircles origin Z P times

EE 3CL4, L 31 8 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Towards Nyquists Criterion

Typically we are interested in stability of the closed loop In particular, the zeros of F (s ) = 1 + L(s ),

where L(s) is the open loop transfer function, are the closed loop poles
What should the contour be if we want to relate system

stability to the number of encirclements of the origin made by F (s)?

EE 3CL4, L 31 9 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Nyquists contour

EE 3CL4, L 31 10 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Coarse Applic. of Cauchy

Recall that the zeros of F (s ) = 1 + L(s ) are the poles of

the closed loop

Let P denote the number of right half plane poles of

F (s )
The number of right half plane zeros of F (s ) is the

N + P , where N is the number of clockwise encirclements of the origin made by the image of Nyquists contour in the F (s) plane.
A little difcult to parse. Perhaps we can apply Cauchys Theorem in a more

sophisticated way.

EE 3CL4, L 31 11 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Towards Nyquists Criterion

F (s ) = 1 + L(s ), where L(s ) is the open loop transfer

Encirclement of the origin in F (s )-plane is the same as

encirclement of 1 in the L(s)-plane

This is more convenient, because L(s ) is often

factorized, and hence we can easily determine P

Now that we are dealing with L(s ), P is the number of

right-half plane poles of the open loop transfer function

EE 3CL4, L 31 12 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Nyquists Criterion: Stable open loop

For a stable open-loop transfer function L(s ), the closed-loop system is stable if and only if the image

of Nyquists Contour in the L(s)-plane does not encircle the point (1, 0).

EE 3CL4, L 31 13 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Nyquists Criterion: General case

For a general open-loop transfer function L(s ), the closed-loop system is stable if and only if the

number of counter-clockwise encirclements of the point (1, 0) made by the image of Nyquists Contour in the L(s)-plane is equal to the number of right half plane poles of L(s) Proof:
Based on the fact that the number of right half plane

zeros of F (s) is Z = N + P , where N is the number of clockwise encirclements of (1, 0) by the image of Nyquists Contour in the L(s)-plane, and P is the number of right half plane poles of L(s).
For the closed-loop to be stable, Z must be zero.

EE 3CL4, L 31 14 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Example: Stable L(s)

L(s) =

100 (s + 1)(s/10 + 1)

For 0 < , think about the Bode mag. & phase sketches Recall that L(j ) = L(j ) Remember to examine the r part of the curve Note: No encirclements of (1, 0) = closed loop is stable

EE 3CL4, L 32 1 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 32 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2010

EE 3CL4, L 32 2 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion


1 Nyquists Stability Criterion

EE 3CL4, L 32 4 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Nyquists Criterion

Consider a unity feedback system with an open loop transfer function L(s) = Gc (s)G(s)H (s),with no zs or ps on j -axis Let PL denote the number of poles of L(s) in RHP Consider the Nyquist Contour in the s-plane Let L denote image of Nyquist Contour under L(s) Let NL denote the number of clockwise encirclements that L makes of the point (1, 0) Nyquists Stability Criterion: Number of closed-loop poles in RHP = NL + PL This statement is equivalent to those in previous lecture, but often more convenient

EE 3CL4, L 32 5 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Example: Pole of L(s) at origin


L(s) =
Like in servomotor

K s( s + 1)

Problem with Nyquists Contour It goes through a pole! Cauchys Theorem does not apply Must modify Nyquist Contour to go around pole Then Nyquist Criterion can be applied

EE 3CL4, L 32 6 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Example: Pole of L(s) at origin

Now three aspects of the curve

Around the origin Positive frequency axis;

remember negative freq. axis yields conjugate


EE 3CL4, L 32 7 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Around the origin

L(s ) = s( K s+1) Around the origin, s = ej ,

where goes from 90 to 90

In the L(s ) plane: lim 0 L( ej ) K K j This is: lim 0 e e j = lim 0

EE 3CL4, L 32 8 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Up positive j -axis

For 0 < < , L(j ) = K

1+ 2 2

ej (90

atan( ))

For small , L(j ) is large with phase 90 For large , L(j ) is small with phase 180 For = 1/ , L(j ) = K / 2 ej 135

EE 3CL4, L 32 9 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

For s = rej for large r

For s = rej with large r , and from +90 to 90 , limr L(rej ) = K e j 2 r2 How many encirclements? None Implies that closed loop is stable for all positive K Consistent with what we know from root locus (Lab. 2)

EE 3CL4, L 32 10 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Example with open loop RHP pole


L(s) =
PL = 1

K1 s(s 1)

For 0 < < , L(j ) = K1 2

+ 4

90 atan( )

For = 0+ , L(j ) is large with angle +90 . For , L(j ) is small with angle +180 Conjugate for < < 0 What about when s = ej for 90 90 ? L(s ) = K1 (180 )

EE 3CL4, L 32 11 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Example with open loop RHP pole

Recall PL = 1 Number clockwise encirclements of (1, 0) is 1 Hence there are two closed loop poles in the RHP Consistent with root locus analysis (sketch)

EE 3CL4, L 32 12 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Example with open loop RHP pole

We showed at the time that the closed-loop can be

stabilized by a PD controller
Can we see that in the Nyquist diagram? Plot the Nyquist diagram of Gc (s )G(s ), where

G(s) =

K1 s(s1)

and Gc (s) = 1 + K2 s

EE 3CL4, L 32 13 / 13 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion

Example with open loop RHP pole

Recall that PL = 1 If K1 K2 > 1, there is one anti-clockwise encirc. of 1 In that case, number closed-loop poles in RHP is

1 + 1 = 0 and the closed loop is stable Again, consistent with root locus analysis (sketch)

EE 3CL4, L 33 1 / 11 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 33 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2010

EE 3CL4, L 33 2 / 11 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response


1 Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response

EE 3CL4, L 33 4 / 11 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response

Nyquists Criterion

Consider a unity feedback system with an open loop transfer function L(s) = Gc (s)G(s)H (s), Let PL denote the number of poles of L(s) in (open) RHP Consider the (modied) Nyquist Contour in the s-plane (looping to the right of any poles or zeros on the j -axis) Let L denote image of (mod.) Nyquist Contour under L(s) Let NL denote the number of clockwise encirclements that L makes of the point (1, 0) Nyquists Stability Criterion: Number of closed-loop poles in (open) RHP = NL + PL

EE 3CL4, L 33 5 / 11 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response

One more example

L(s) = K (s 2) (s + 1)2

Open loop is stable, but has non-minimum phase (RHP) zero K 2 + 4 L(j ) = 180 atan(/2) 2 atan( ) 2 + 1 For small positive , L(j ) 2K 180 For large positive , L(j )


In between, phase decreases monotonically, 180 90 . magnitude decreases monotonically (Bode mag dia.) L(j ) =
2K 2 2 1+j (5 2 ) (1+ 2 )2

; When =

5, L(j ) = K /2

When s = rej with r and : 90 90 , L(s) (K /r )ej

EE 3CL4, L 33 6 / 11 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response

Nyquist plot of L(s)/K

Number of open loop RHP poles: 0 Number of clockwise encirclements of 1: if K < 1/2: 0; if K > 1/2: 1 Hence closed loop is stable for K < 1/2; unstable for K > 1/2

This is what we would expect from root locus (sketch)

EE 3CL4, L 33 7 / 11 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response

Relative Stability: Introductory Example

Consider L(s) = Nyquist Diagram: K s(1 s + 1)(2 s + 1)

EE 3CL4, L 33 8 / 11 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response

Zooming in
Since L(s) is minimum phase (no RHP zeros), we can zoom in

For a given K , how much extra gain would result in instability? we will call this the gain margin how much extra phase lag would result in instability? we will call this the phase margin

EE 3CL4, L 33 9 / 11 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response

Formal denitions
Gain margin:

where x is the frequency at which L(j ) reaches 180 amplifying the open-loop transfer function by this amount would result in a marginally stable closed loop
Phase margin:

1 |L(j x )| ,

180 + L(j c ), where c is the frequency at which |L(j )| equals 1 adding this much phase lag would result in a marginally stable closed loop
These margins can be read from the Bode diagram

EE 3CL4, L 33 10 / 11 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response

Bode diagram

L(j ) =

1 j (1 + j )(1 + j /5)

Gain margin 15 dB Phase margin 43

EE 3CL4, L 33 11 / 11 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response

Phase margin and damping

Consider a second-order open loop of the form 2 n L(s) = s(s+2 , with < 1 n s) Closed-loop poles s1 , s2 = n j n
4 2 2 4 Can show that c + 4 2 n c n = 0;

1 2

Let c be the frequency at which |L(j )| = 1 Equivalently,

2 c 2 n

4 4 + 1 2 2

By denition, pm = 180 + L(j c ) Hence pm = atan 2 (4 + 1/ 4 )1/2 2

Phase margin is an explicit function of damping ratio! Approximation: for < 0.7, 0.01pm , where pm is measured in degrees

EE 3CL4, L 34 1 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 34 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2010

EE 3CL4, L 34 2 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth


1 Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

EE 3CL4, L 34 4 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

Nyquists Criterion

Consider a unity feedback system with an open loop transfer function L(s) = Gc (s)G(s)H (s), Let PL denote the number of poles of L(s) in (open) RHP Consider the (modied) Nyquist Contour in the s-plane (looping to the right of any poles or zeros on the j -axis) Let L denote image of (mod.) Nyquist Contour under L(s) Let NL denote the number of clockwise encirclements that L makes of the point (1, 0) Nyquists Stability Criterion: Number of closed-loop poles in (open) RHP = NL + PL

EE 3CL4, L 34 5 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

Relative Stability: Introductory Example

Consider L(s) = Nyquist Diagram: K s(1 s + 1)(2 s + 1)

EE 3CL4, L 34 6 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

Since L(s) is minimum phase (no RHP zeros), we can zoom in

For a given K , how much extra gain would result in instability? we will call this the gain margin how much extra phase lag would result in instability? we will call this the phase margin

EE 3CL4, L 34 7 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

Formal denitions
Gain margin:

where x is the frequency at which L(j ) reaches 180 amplifying the open-loop transfer function by this amount would result in a marginally stable closed loop
Phase margin:

1 |L(j x )| ,

180 + L(j c ), where c is the frequency at which |L(j )| equals 1 adding this much phase lag would result in a marginally stable closed loop
These margins can be read from the Bode diagram

EE 3CL4, L 34 8 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

Bode diagram

L(j ) =

1 j (1 + j )(1 + j /5)

Gain margin 15 dB Phase margin 43

EE 3CL4, L 34 9 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

Phase margin and damping

Consider a second-order open loop of the form 2 n L(s) = s(s+2 , with < 1 n s) Closed-loop poles s1 , s2 = n j n 1 2

Let c be the frequency at which |L(j )| = 1

4 2 2 4 Square and rearrange: c + 4 2 n c n = 0;


2 c 2 n

4 4 + 1 2 2

By denition, pm = 180 + L(j c ) Hence pm = atan 2 (4 + 1/ 4 )1/2 2

Phase margin is an explicit function of damping ratio! Approximation: for < 0.7, 0.01pm , where pm is measured in degrees

EE 3CL4, L 34 10 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

Previous example

L(j ) =
Phase margin 43

1 j (1 + j )(1 + j /5)

Damping ratio 0.43

EE 3CL4, L 34 11 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

Frequency response: open and closed loops

Nyquist diagram is a plot of the frequency response of

the open loop transfer function, L(s) = Gc (s)G(s) (for the case where H (s) = 1).
However, the transient response of the closed loop is

related to the frequency response of the closed loop.

Can we relate them?
Gc (j )G(j ) T (j ) = 1+ Gc (j )G(j ) Let Gc (j )G(j ) = u + jv ,

where variation of u and v with is implicit.


M ( ) =

Gc (j )G(j ) u + jv = 1 + Gc (j )G(j ) 1 + u + jv

EE 3CL4, L 34 12 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

M -circles
From previous slide,


u + jv 1 + u + jv

Algebraic manipulation leads to

M2 u 1 M2

+ v2 =

M 1 M2

What kind of object is this in the (u , v )-plane?

M M A circle, with center 1 , 0 and radius 1 M2 M2

EE 3CL4, L 34 13 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

M -circles

The M -circle that is tangent to the Nyquist plot

corresponds to the peak magnitude of the closed loop The corresponding frequency is the peak frequency M -circle crossing points also provide points on the magnitude response of closed loop

EE 3CL4, L 34 14 / 14 Tim Davidson Nyquists Stability Criterion as a Design Tool

Relative Stability Gain margin and Phase margin Relationship to transient response Peak frequency response and bandwidth

M -circles and Nyquist diagram

Left Nyquist plot (open loop) of a given L(j ),

for two values of the open loop gain

L(j ) Right: Bode Magnitude plot of the closed loops, 1+ L(j ) Roughly speaking, speed of response of closed loop

increases with increasing bandwidth

EE 3CL4, L 35 1 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 35 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2010

EE 3CL4, L 35 2 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design


1 Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

EE 3CL4, L 35 4 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Frequency domain analysis

Analyze closed loop using open loop transfer function

L(s) = Gc (s)G(s)H (s).

Nyquists stability criterion Gain margin: |L(j1 x )| , where x is

the frequency at which L(j ) reaches 180 the frequency at which |L(j )| equals 1

Phase margin, pm : 180 + L(j c ), where c is Damping ratio: pm = f ( ), Settling time related to the bandwidth of the loop

EE 3CL4, L 35 5 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Bode diagram

L(j ) =

1 j (1 + j )(1 + j /5)

Gain margin 15 dB Phase margin 43

EE 3CL4, L 35 6 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Compensators and Bode diagram

We have seen the importance of phase margin If G(s ) does not have the desired margin,

how should we choose Gc (s) so that L(s) = Gc (s)G(s) does?

To begin, how does Gc (s ) affect the Bode diagram Magnitude:

20 log10 |Gc (j )G(j )| = 20 log10 (|Gc (j )| + 20 log10 |G(j )|


Gc (j )G(j ) = Gc (j ) + G(j )

EE 3CL4, L 35 7 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lead Compensators
(s+z ) Gc (s ) = Kcs +p , with |z | < |p |, alternatively,
c 1+s Gc (s ) = K 1+s , where p = 1/ and = p /z > 1 Bode diagram:

EE 3CL4, L 35 8 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lead Compensation
What will lead compensation, do? Phase is positive: might be able to increase phase

margin pm
Slope is positive: might be able to increase the

cross-over frequency, c , (and the bandwidth)

EE 3CL4, L 35 9 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lead Compensation

c 1+s Gc (s ) = K 1+s By making the denom. real, can show that

Gc (j ) = atan

(1) 1+( )2

1 Max. occurs when = m = = Max. phase angle satises tan(m ) =

1 2

1 Equivalently, sin(m ) = +1 At = m , we have |Gc (j m )| = Kc /

EE 3CL4, L 35 10 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Bode Design Principles

Set the loop gain so that desired steady-state error

constants are obtained Insert the compensator to modify the transient properties:
Damping: through phase margin Response time: through bandwidth

Compensate for the attenuation of the lead network, if

appropriate To maximize impact of phase lead, want peak of phase near c of the compensated open loop

EE 3CL4, L 35 11 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Design Guidelines

3 4 5

7 8 9

For uncompensated (i.e., proportionally controlled) closed loop, set gain Kp so that steady-state error constants of the closed loop meet specications Evaluate the phase margin, and the amount of phase lead required. Add a little safety margin to the amount of phase lead 1 From this, determine using sin(m ) = +1 Determine the frequency at which open-loop frequency response has magnitude 10 log10 () If we set m to be this frequency, then m will be the cut-off frequency of the compensated loop, and hence we will have maximum phase contribution to the compensated closed loop at the appropriate frequency Choose = 1/(m ) and hence p = m . Choose z = p/. Set Kc = Kp . Compensator: Gc (s) =
Kc (s+z ) s +p .

EE 3CL4, L 35 12 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Type 1 plant of order 2: G(s ) = s(s5 +2) Design goals: Steady-state error due to a ramp input less than 5% of velocity of ramp Phase margin at least 45 (implies a damping ratio) Steady state error requirement implies Kv = 20. For prop. controlled Type 1 plant: Kv = lims0 sKp G(s ).

Hence Kp = 8.
To nd phase margin of prop. controlled loop we need

to nd c , where |Kp G(j c )| =


40 j c (j c +2)


Kp G(j c ) = 90 atan(/2) Hence pm, prop = 18

EE 3CL4, L 35 13 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

pm, prop = 18 . Hence, need 27 of phase lead Lets go for a little more, say 30 So, want peak phase of lead comp. to be 30
1 Solving +1 = sin(30 ) yields = 3 Since 10 log10 (3) = 4.8 dB we should choose m to be

where 20 log10

40 j m (j m +2)

= 4.8 dB

Solving this equations yields m = 8.4rad/s Therefore z = m / = 4.8, p = z = 14.4,

Kc = 3 8
(s+4.8) Gc (s ) = 24 s+14.4 (s+4.8) Gc (s )G(s ) = s(s24 +2)(s+14.4) , actual pm = 43.6 Goal can be achieved by using a larger target for

additional phase, e.g., = 3.5

EE 3CL4, L 35 14 / 14 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Bode Diagram

EE 3CL4, L 37 1 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems

Lecture 37 Tim Davidson
McMaster University

Winter 2010

EE 3CL4, L 37 2 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators


1 Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

EE 3CL4, L 37 4 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Frequency domain analysis

Analyze closed loop using open loop transfer function

L(s) = Gc (s)G(s)H (s).

Nyquists stability criterion Gain margin: |L(j1 x )| , where x is

the frequency at which L(j ) reaches 180 the frequency at which |L(j )| equals 1

Phase margin, pm : 180 + L(j c ), where c is Damping ratio: pm = f ( ), Settling time related to the bandwidth of the loop

EE 3CL4, L 37 5 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Bode diagram

L(j ) =

1 j (1 + j )(1 + j /5)

Gain margin 15 dB Phase margin 43

EE 3CL4, L 37 6 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Compensators and Bode diagram

How does Gc (s ) affect the Bode diagram Magnitude:

20 log10 |Gc (j )G(j )| = 20 log10 (|Gc (j )| + 20 log10 |G(j )|


Gc (j )G(j ) = Gc (j ) + G(j )

EE 3CL4, L 37 7 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Lag Compensators
Gc (s ) = Gc (s ) = >1 We will consider case where Kc = Bode diagrams of lag compensators for two different s
Kc (s+z ) s+p , with |p | < |z |, alternatively, Kc 1+s 1+s , where z = 1/ and = z /p

EE 3CL4, L 37 8 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

What will lag compensation do?

Since zero and pole are typically close to the origin,

phase lag is not really used. What is useful is the attenuation above = 1/ : gain is 20 log10 (), with little phase lag Can reduce cross-over frequency, c , without adding much phase lag Tends to reduce bandwidth

EE 3CL4, L 37 9 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Qualitative example

Uncompensated system has small phase margin Phase lag of compensator does not play a large role Attenuation of compensator does:

c reduced by about a factor of a bit more than 3 Increased phase margin is due to the natural phase characteristic of the plant

EE 3CL4, L 37 10 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Lag Compensation

+s Gc (s ) = 11 +s Attenuation above = 1/ is 20 log10 ();

i.e., gain is 20 log10 ()

Phase lag above = 1/ is small

EE 3CL4, L 37 11 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Bode Design Principles

For lag compensators:

Set the loop gain so that desired steady-state error

constants are obtained Insert the compensator to modify the phase margin:
Do this by reducing the cross-over frequency Observe the impact on response time

Basic principle: Set attenuation to reduce c far enough so that uncompensated open loop has desired phase margin compensated open loop

EE 3CL4, L 37 12 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Design Guidelines

For uncompensated (i.e., proportionally controlled) closed loop, set gain Kp so that steady-state error constants of the closed loop meet specications Obtain the Bode diagram, evaluate the phase margin. If that is insufcient. . . Determine c , the frequency at which the uncompensated open loop has a phase margin equal to the desired phase margin plus 5 . Now design a lag compensator so that the gain of the compensated open loop at this frequency is 0 dB
Place the zero of the compensator around c /10 to

ensure we get almost full attenuation by the compensator at c Choose so that 20 log10 () is the attenuation needed to reduce the gain of the uncompensated closed loop at c to 0 dB Place the pole at p = z /

EE 3CL4, L 37 13 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Example, same set up as lead design

Type 1 plant of order 2: G(s ) = s(s5 +2) Design goals: Steady-state error due to a ramp input less than 5% of velocity of ramp Phase margin at least 45 (implies a damping ratio) Steady state error requirement implies Kv = 20. For prop. controlled Type 1 plant: Kv = lims0 sKp G(s ).

Hence Kp = 8.
To nd phase margin of prop. controlled loop we need

to nd c , where |Kp G(j c )| =


40 j c (j c +2)


Kp G(j c ) = 90 atan(/2) Hence pm, prop = 18

EE 3CL4, L 37 14 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators


Since want phase margin to be 45 , we set c such that G(j c ) = 180 + 45 + 5 = 130 . = c 1.5 Required attenuation is 20 dB. Actual curves are around 2 dB lower than the straight line approximation shown Hence = 10. Zero set to be one decade below c ; Pole is z / = 0.015 z = 0.15

EE 3CL4, L 37 15 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Example: Compd open loop

4(s+0.15) Compensated open loop: Gc (s )G(s ) = s(s+ 2)(s+0.015) Numerical evaluation: new c = 1.58 new phase margin = 46.8 By design, Kv remains 20

EE 3CL4, L 37 16 / 16 Tim Davidson Frequency Domain Approach to Compensator Design

Lag Compensators

Step response

Observe impact of reduction in bandwidth on response time

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